Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2
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Chapter Seven

Akila woke to the sight of a school of orange-and-black clownfish darting among colorful corals. The water in the huge tank bubbled soothingly and the opalescent walls of her room curved around her like a shell. She was the pearl nestled on a soft bed at the heart of it. Smiling at her fancy, she yawned and stretched on her luxurious, big bed. Her body ached in all the right places. Her pussy was sore from being pounded, her nipples tender after being sucked so hard, and her mouth bruised from crushing kisses. Her cheeks and chin were a little raw from razor burn. All these minor discomforts added up to a great pleasure. Her body had been well used. Just thinking of last night made her crave more.

But the bed beside her was empty. Jacob was gone. He’d left in the night to return to his own room, pressing a kiss to her lips while he thought she slept. Akila had been awake and aware of his leaving. She understood. It wasn’t as if they had a relationship. It would be awkward to spend the night together and wake up curled around each other like lovers. Even so, she’d felt a pang of regret as she’d listened to the door close behind him.

Now she rolled over and looked at the window. Bright light shone behind the blinds. A glance at the bedside clock told her she’d slept away most of the morning. How decadent to be able to sleep in without the nagging feeling she should be out searching for another job.

Losing her position as a sales clerk at a department store hadn’t seemed like much of a loss at first. The job was supposed to be temporary. She had a college degree, goals, and a portfolio of her writing to demonstrate her talent. Surely she’d begin a career in her field soon enough. She’d sent dozens of resumes to newspapers, magazines, e-zines, websites looking for content providers, and companies needing copywriters. In the meantime, Akila thought she’d take another temp job, but the market was so cutthroat even finding a waitress gig proved impossible.

Dozens of interviews and “almosts” later, Akila was nearly broke and afraid she’d lose her apartment. The thought of returning home to her parents was humiliating. That was the position she’d been in when she’d been approached by Jacob with Valarian’s mysterious offer.

She tossed back the covers and rose, walking over to the window to admire the gorgeous view. She couldn’t imagine living in a place where nearly every window overlooked the ocean. The scene of tropical plants, white beach and breaking surf was postcard perfect, but anxiety dimmed her joy. This wasn’t simply a great vacation at a seaside retreat. The prophecy about apocalyptic doom and a savior, which she’d managed to keep at bay, flooded back into her consciousness. The idea seemed preposterous, but if the prediction were true, she didn’t want to be the selfish woman who let the world go to hell because she refused to fulfill her destiny. What she needed was more proof. Maybe she could meet one of those nuns who tended the eternal flame or whatever.

Akila didn’t want to leave the protective shell of her room, but couldn’t hide there forever. She steeled her backbone to face the potent combined force of Valarian and Jacob. The pair of them made her feel as inconsequential as a feather. They’d lived lives, difficult, complex, long lives full of violence, passion and drama, while she’d done what? Lived in her parents’ house, a college dorm room and a ratty apartment, held down a few mundane jobs, and had a half dozen boyfriends. She might be descended from the pharaohs through some long-diluted bloodline, but she was no Egyptian goddess meant to bear the savior of the world. Valarian would expect a decision from her today, and she had no idea what she was going to say.

Akila showered and dressed in another pair of capris and tank top, then went downstairs to the dining room. She met no one on the way. The quiet was unnerving, but a breakfast buffet awaited her on the table and she immediately felt better as she filled a plate with a muffin, fruit and yogurt cup.

“I can make you bacon and eggs or an omelet if you’d like.” She nearly dropped the plate on the floor when a voice came from behind her. She turned to face her host.

Valarian’s darkly handsome features stole her breath. It was criminal for someone to look that hot so early in a morning, before a girl had gotten her bearings or even had her first cup of coffee. His glossy black hair shone like a raven’s wing and beneath dark brows, his eyes glittered. His cheekbones made her heart clatter, and all she could think of was him kissing her last night on the veranda. He must be thinking of it too.

Akila ordered her rising lust to stand down.
Nothing to see here, citizens, move along.
“No, thank you. This is enough.” She indicated the food on her plate.

“Come.” Valarian led the way to a sitting area different from the one in which he’d greeted her yesterday. This room faced another direction and offered a different seascape, one which included a rocky outcropping of land and distant islands. It also featured a wall of encaged birds and an environment for them. A sapling grew toward a skylight above, giving the birds sunlight and branches to perch upon.

Akila watched the parakeets and finches flutter and peck at their cuttlebone. “You like birds.” She stated the obvious.

He stood beside her and she felt his presence as if he was pulsing in electro-magnetic waves. “It might seem cruel to keep them captive, but I think they’re happy enough, and I do enjoy caring for them.”

“No worse than keeping a cat indoors when they’re meant to roam and hunt,” Akila observed and immediately wished she hadn’t as she realized who she was talking to—a preternatural creature who was made to hunt and kill. For all she knew, these birds were one of his sources of blood.

“See the one with the scarlet breast? That’s Beebo.”

He’d named them? Probably not food, then. Akila listened with delight as Valarian chatted about different birds’ personalities. He seemed less formidable, more approachable when he reached into the cage and brought out Beebo on his finger.

Akila held out her hand and the bird shuffled from Valarian’s finger onto hers. Sharp little claws curled around her finger as the bird clung to her and let out a desultory chirp.

“He’s so cute. They all are.” She never would’ve imagined the dashing, worldly, mysterious Valarian Kaspan as a bird lover. His finger brushed hers as he took the bird back and returned it to its cage and a frisson of energy shot through her at the contact.

“I like them. Their lives are fleeting, but just the sight of birds brings joy. That’s more than a lot of people can say about their existence.”

“I suppose so.” She moved to a chair and sat to eat her breakfast.

Her host sat across from her, making her a little self-conscious about devouring her crumbly muffin. But she ate it anyway. Between bites, she quizzed him.

“If it’s not rude to ask, do you, um, hunt animals or drink from blood bags from human donors?”

“Some of each. I couldn’t live strictly on re-heated blood. Sometimes I need it live and pumping straight from the source.”

She swallowed, nearly choking on her muffin. The glance he gave her neck illustrated his point. She could see the predatory gleam in his eyes as if he’d like to snack on her right now. It made her nervous but also strangely aroused. The stories about the erotic magnetism of a vampire weren’t exaggerated at all.

She concentrated on picking apart her muffin. “I’ve thought about your proposal. Is it possible to meet one of these Sisters who told you about the prophecy? I can’t understand why my DNA is so crucial. There’s never been anyone in my family with any special abilities that I know of. I’m sure you can understand how hard it is for me to surrender my future and have a kid at my age based on some prophecy that may not even be true.”

“I’ll see what I can do about contacting them and I’ll show you the copy of the prophecy. Meanwhile, will you stay and enjoy the island? You’ve nothing to hurry back to, have you?”

From his tone, he knew she was unemployed. He probably also knew she was skating on the edge of poverty, which was why he’d believed offering a payoff would sway her decision.

As if hearing her thoughts, Valarian added, “I’m sorry to have sprung all this on you so abruptly, and to suggest you’d take money in exchange was unforgiveable.”

“Yes, it was. Although I don’t know any easy way you could’ve broken news like this. As for the money, it would be a lie to say I didn’t consider it briefly. I
broke. I can’t get a writing job to save my life and the idea of working in a fast food restaurant, hoping for a big break that never comes, is depressing.”

She thought about last night with Jacob and for a second allowed herself to imagine her future with a child in it. It was harder to accept than the idea of vampires. “But if I’m convinced the existence of this child is crucial to the future of the world, I’d do it, and I wouldn’t take payment for it.”

“Although it might be nice to pretend it doesn’t matter, the financial aspect
important. You would have my protection and support in every way.” As Valarian reiterated his promise from the previous evening, he leaned forward in his chair and reached out to clasp her hand.

That woke her up faster than the cup of coffee she’d been sipping. Every nerve ending shot lightning through her from the mere touch of his skin against hers. Her body ached in all her erogenous zones as if she’d been starved of stimulation for months rather than just having had a satisfying encounter with Jacob the previous night. Was this part of the vampire package, an erotic charge to draw his victims to him? Or was this connection particular to her and Valarian?

Whatever the answer, she was certain he felt it too. The dark wings of his eyebrows knitted together and he stared at their joined hands. Then he brought hers to his mouth and kissed her palm, a soft, nibbling sensation that sent more fireworks rocketing through her.

He looked at her as he nuzzled her palm, then murmured, “I heard you last night. With Jacob. I wanted to join you, but it seemed your day had been enough of a roller coaster already.”

Join you.
Just the words gave her stomach a roller-coaster drop. All the erotic images she’d conjured of the two men touching her, holding her, kissing her flared up again. She pictured a head at each of her breasts, two mouths nursing from her nipples, hands—everywhere, exploring her intimate places, and hard male bodies surrounding her.

“Well…” She cleared her throat. “Maybe that’s something we could consider for later today.”

He pressed his lips to her wrist and looked up at her with a smile. “I’d like that. But first, I’d like to have you all to myself for a little while.”

Before Akila had a chance to respond, he rose and pulled her to her feet. The plate of food, still resting on her lap, tumbled to the floor, scattering muffin crumbs and sending strawberries rolling. But she was scarcely aware of it as Valarian hauled her up against his body and kissed her. She felt like she was caught in a windstorm, sensations and thoughts swirling in her mind like bits of flotsam.

Valarian took possession of her mouth, mining it in an entirely different way from Jacob. The masterful thrust of his tongue soon had her moaning and clinging to him as if she had no strength to stand upright. Her will was scattered to the winds and the fleeting thought that he might become so aroused he’d turn her into a snack didn’t even seem to matter.

He supported her neck with one hand and the other roamed freely down her back to cup her ass and pull her even more tightly against him. There was a lot of him to be pulled against. She felt the length of his cock grinding into her pubic bone and nudging at her stomach. Her clitoris peaked in response, swelling and aching.

Abruptly Valarian released her lips, leaving her gasping for breath. He removed his hand from her nape and caressed her cheek as he gazed into her eyes.

Akila held perfectly still, frozen like a small animal before a predator. Valarian smiled, revealing white teeth, and the illusion of a powerful animal that could devour her was complete. Good thing his fangs hadn’t descended, because right now she didn’t think she’d protest if he slid them into her skin and sucked a drop or two of her blood.

Valarian turned her around in the circle of his arms so she faced the window, then walked her closer to the panoramic view. He pointed to the gardens below. Akila’s heart bumped at the sight of Jacob moving through a series of
tae kwon do
exercises beneath the shade of a large tree. He was shirtless and shoeless, wearing only a pair of loose-fitting pants that hung low around his hips. His bare chest gleamed and the muscles in his shoulders and arms rippled as he went through his routine. Her skin tingled at the memory of how good his flesh had felt gliding over hers.

But now other hands were touching her, sliding the straps of her top down her shoulders. Other lips caressed her shoulders and nibbled at the junction of her shoulder and neck. Valarian slid his hands over her breasts then tugged the neckline of her shirt down to expose them to his seeking fingers. Akila caught her breath as he plucked at her erect nipples, pulling and twisting them.

If Jacob glanced up, he would see them framed in the window. He would see Valarian pulling down her pants and exposing her pussy too. The idea of him watching them was incredibly arousing.

“Did you like fucking him?” Valarian whispered as he ran the tip of his finger over the ridge of her pubis then teased it between her folds. “So hot and wet. Just what poor Jacob needed. I’m glad you let him bury his cock in you.”

The coarse words were a whip to her flank, spurring her to greater excitement.

Akila groaned and squirmed beneath his exploring fingers. When he suddenly took his hand away and she was left thrusting against the air, she whimpered.

In several swift movements Valarian peeled off her shirt and dragged her capri pants and underwear down her legs. He tossed her sandals and clothes aside. She stood naked in front of him, still facing the window—the ocean spread out before her and Jacob in the garden, concentrating on his exercises, oblivious to the show taking place in the window above him.

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