Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2
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Akila glanced over her shoulder at Valarian, her body burning at the fire in his gaze. She felt no embarrassment at being naked and exposed in front of this fully clothed stranger. In fact, the dichotomy only added to her incredible lust. Her breasts seemed heavier than normal, swollen with desire, and her nipples were so tender the slight graze of his thumbnail over one sent a spasm through her.

He moved in behind her and ran his hands down her body, leaving phantom trails of heat on her skin. His clothing tickled where it brushed against her and his hard body beneath the clothes was like a solid wall behind her. She leaned into him, eyes half closed, and melted beneath his molding hands.

Again he caressed her pussy, slipped his fingers in her cleft and this time sank them deep into her body.

“You smell so good.” That delicious, deep voice vibrated against her back and made her pussy clench around his fingers. “Did Jacob taste this? Did he lick you here or plunge his tongue inside you?” Valarian matched actions to his words, teasing her clitoris with his thumb and moving his fingers inside her.

Akila rocked against his hand and thrust her breast into his other hand, which was plucking at her nipple. She leaned her head back against his chest, baring her neck, not worrying about whether that was wise.

Valarian moved his lips from her shoulder up to her neck, his tongue leaving a damp trail behind. She felt the slight scrape of his teeth—or were they fangs nicking her flesh, drawing blood? His mouth settled on her neck and he sucked. His low groan coupled with the insistent teasing of his fingers incited a new wave of pleasure to wash through her.

She reached over her shoulder and touched the glossy softness of his hair. Glancing down, she watched his hands play her body like some fine musical instrument, beautiful long-fingered hands that knew exactly what she needed. And then her gaze cut away to Jacob finishing his exercises in an attitude of prayer, hands folded together. Would he come inside now, perhaps go upstairs looking for her and find them like this?

Valarian’s hands left her pussy, her breast, and he stopped sucking her neck as he unfastened his fly and pulled out his cock. She wanted to see it, but stayed facing the window, waiting for him to enter her throbbing pussy.

Seconds later, she felt the nudge of the tip of his cock at her entrance, and then he speared her in one hard push. She cried out and rocked forward, bracing her hands against the window glass. She was sopping wet and ready for him, but even so the girth of his cock stretched her. He wrapped his arm around her middle, holding her steady, and he remained inside her while she adjusted to him. His lips brushed her temple, kissing her tenderly, a sweet contrast to his uncompromising initial thrust.

“Beautiful girl,” he murmured as he pulled slowly out and pushed again.

Wrapped in his arms, impaled on his shaft, Akila felt as if she had become an extension of this strange and mysterious creature—so human yet so utterly foreign. She felt his chest moving against her back, and even their breathing was in unison.

“And now you’re mine.” He thrust again, pushing her up against the window, her nude body splayed against the glass, her breasts mashed flat. Her cheek pressed against the cool pane. He filled her hard and deep and Akila closed her eyes from the sheer pleasure of being possessed.

When she opened them again and peered down, she saw Jacob, finished with his prayers, at last looking up. He stared at her and at Valarian thrusting into her. Jacob’s expression was unreadable. Jealous, angry, hurt, aroused, wanting to join them? It was impossible to tell what he might be feeling. As for herself, she was caught on a tightrope between concern she may have hurt him and out-of-control lust. She
to be on display, was totally turned on by Jacob watching them.

And Akila knew Valarian had intended for Jacob to see. He wanted to stir him into some sort of response. What drove him to provoke and prod the other man? She still didn’t quite understand the dynamic between them and knew only a fraction of the complex history that tied them together.

Valarian slid a hand over her hip between the glass and her pussy. He located her clit and gave her the extra stimulation she needed. She whined in sheer pleasure and pressed her palms against the glass, searching for something to hold on to while Valarian drove into her. He pierced her to the core and just as his thrusting became nearly painful, a rush of pleasure exploded through her. She wailed and bucked, trapped between his clever finger and his pounding cock.

As the waves of her climax receded, Valarian’s orgasm reached its peak. His body slapped against hers. He called out words in a foreign tongue and grasped the back of her neck as he came. His hard grip was almost punishing. His groans were hungry. She wondered if it was a struggle for him not to tear into her at the moment of his release. When she glanced over her shoulder, his eyes were squeezed shut and he grimaced as though in pain, but no fangs were evident.

Valarian murmured something else in his native language as he rocked his hips against her rear and then he recovered from his moment of bliss, letting her body slip down and settle on her own two feet.

Akila could barely stand, her leg muscles as limp as wet paper. She stared at the window, the damp, smudged marks left behind on the glass from her body, and then she looked down at the garden. Empty. Jacob must have gone inside. A sense of loss flooded her. With the excitement of the moment over, worry that she’d hurt his feelings dominated her thoughts.

He’d confided in her last night and that meant something. Some sort of connection had been forged between them. Seeing her fucking Valarian only hours later might, in Jacob’s mind, reduce what they’d done to meaningless sex. But it had been more than that. She needed him to know.

“You like him.” Valarian spoke suddenly, as if he could read her thoughts. “He likes you too. It wasn’t only sex, although God knows he needed that. I’ve never seen him so interested in a woman.”

Akila frowned. “He told you this?”

“He didn’t have to. I haven’t seen Jacob look so relaxed in a very long time. You’re good for him.”

Valarian had already tucked his cock away, zipped up, and looked as impeccable and unruffled as if nothing had happened. In contrast, she felt like a sweaty, disheveled mess. She bent, scooped up her pants and began to dress.

She didn’t like the removed way Valarian discussed their relationship, so she turned the conversation to him. “What about you? Don’t you make him relaxed? I know you’re lovers at least some of the time.”

“Recently it seems I only wind Jacob tighter no matter what I say or do. After almost sixty years, I think the honeymoon’s finally over.” Valarian spoke lightly, but a tightening of his jaw and a slight bitter tang in his tone told her this was no joke. He was upset by the growing rift between him and Jacob.

“You care for him.”

“Of course I do.” He frowned. “A thrall is more than some glorified servant. Jacob’s not some bug-eating Renfield. He’s my partner, my friend, and, yes, sometimes my lover.”

“If he’s so important to you, why do you seem intent on hurting him?” she demanded. “You had to know he wouldn’t like seeing us like this. It’s as if you wanted to rub his face in it.”
And I went along with you like a mindless sexbot.

He waved a hand, dismissing the discussion. “Enough of such heavy talk so early in the morning. It’s a beautiful day. You must have Jacob take you out on the boat. You can sightsee, fish, or snorkel if you’re feeling adventurous.”

Akila weighed the option of pushing him further and decided to follow Valarian’s cue. Whatever went on between these two men wasn’t her business. Best to keep it light.

“Me, underwater? I don’t think so. I’m more of a lying on the beach, soaking in the rays kind of a girl. But I’d love to take a sightseeing trip. You won’t be coming along?”

He shook his head and smiled. “I prefer moonlight boat rides.”

“Oh, right.” She’d actually forgotten what he was for a moment. She imagined what it would be like for him never enjoying the sunshine—for eternity. Who would want eternal life? To go on year after year while everything changed around them?

“May I ask you something?” She paused. Despite the act they’d just shared, her question seemed too personal—but when had that ever stopped her from talking? “What’s it really like to be a…what you are? Did it hurt when you were turned? Did you feel like a completely different person afterward?”

Valarian regarded her with those eyes that seemed to look inside her rather than merely at her. “Unfortunately, I only became an enhanced version of the killer I already was. I was starving when I awoke and slaked my thirst fully and often. It took many decades and the influence of a special person before I desired change enough to learn to control my urges. But they’re always there, humming just under the surface.”

Like an alcoholic
, she thought. Vampirism sounded miserable.

She put on her top, adjusting the built-in cups beneath her breasts. “Can I ask an even more personal question? You’re not entirely immortal, so what can kill you?”

“A stake through the heart and beheading, just as legend claims. Also, full sunlight will incinerate my kind.”

She was sorry she’d asked, but she needed to know everything. “If I were to actually have a baby with your DNA, would the kid be human?”

“I have no idea. As far as I know, nothing like this has ever happened before. I don’t know if the child would have any special abilities”—a smile played over his lips—“but I’m sure he or she would be beautiful. Are those all your questions for now? Let’s go find Jacob.”

He offered her a hand.

Akila took it, and even though he held her hand lightly, she felt the power in his grip. She wasn’t quite certain what to make of Valarian, who sometimes seemed wise and elevated above the mundane struggles of life, and other times—like just now—proved to be as ensnared in lusts and appetites as any living creature. She found Jacob easier to understand. More human. But she couldn’t deny she was attracted by the sheer mystery of the vampire.

Would Jacob understand her attraction and why she’d so quickly succumbed to Valarian’s erotic magnetism or would he exhibit some jealousy when they met again?

To avoid thinking too hard about it, Akila concentrated on the décor of the house as she walked alongside her host. Plenty of windows and a muted color scheme allowed nature and the outdoors to be the focal point at all times. She supposed it was as close as Valarian could come to being outside during daylight hours. Whatever treatment he had on the windows protected him while affording panoramic vistas.

They met Jacob in the hallway leading from the veranda. He wore a sleeveless T-shirt and shorts. His body was glistening with perspiration and the scent of him teased her nostrils, arousing her all over again.

Akila had rarely felt so uncomfortable in her life, trapped between the two men she’d passionately fucked within a half dozen hours of each other. What the hell did one say in such a situation?

“Good morning.” Her voice was as gritty as sandpaper. She cleared her throat.

He regarded her with that same unreadable expression. “Good morning.” Only he pronounced it with that charming German accent so it came out “goot”.

“Jacob, why don’t you take Miss Massri out on the boat?” Valarian spoke with the distant, cool tone of an employer posing a question that was really an order. “I’ll leave you two alone. I’ve some work to catch up on.”

He vanished in that catlike way of his, leaving Akila and Jacob staring at one another.

“Last night was good. Really good.” She finally broke the silence. “I liked talking with you and learning more about you.” She inhaled. “What you saw just now, me with Valarian, was… I don’t know what it was. I don’t just do things like that. It took me by surprise.”

“Mr. Kaspan has a way of doing that,” he said dryly. “It’s all right. You don’t have to explain anything to me. He’s a very sexual creature. So are you. It was inevitable.” He began to walk down the hallway. “I’m going to clean up and get changed; then I can take you out on the boat.”

“I thought you couldn’t take much direct sunlight,” Akila said, happy for the change in subject. “It can’t be easy for you living on a tropical island.”

“I keep to the shadows when I go outside, and there’s an awning on the boat so I’m out of the sun. Mostly we go out at night. The water’s never too cold for a swim this far south.”

Akila smiled, imagining Jacob and Valarian diving through the waves like dolphins, perhaps playing together a little. A picture of the two men naked and embracing while waves crashed around them dashed through her mind. She shook it off. “Great. I’ll be in my room getting my sunscreen.”

As she retreated into the solitude of her oyster shell, she considered that her fantasy life was getting far too rich. But on the other hand, her real life was starting to feel far too much like a fantasy.



Taking a boat ride turned out to be a wonderful way to clear her head of all her tangled thoughts. The breeze blew through her hair as the motorboat bounced over the waves. It was exhilarating, especially when salt spray bathed her face as she leaned too far over the edge.

Jacob steered the boat around atolls and over the shadowy shapes of coral reefs beneath the startling turquoise water. At last, he cut the motor and dropped anchor in the shallow lagoon of what appeared to be an uninhabited island.

Almost immediately Akila’s erotic tension began to build. There was nothing to distract her from thoughts about Jacob and how hot he looked in a loose, long-sleeved shirt over a strappy white undershirt. Even though she’d been satisfied by Valarian only a little while earlier, her body felt warm and buttery, melting in all the right places at the sight of Jacob. But did she want a repeat of last night? If they had sex again, it would begin to feel less like a vacation fling and more like a commitment of some kind.

Jacob rose from the captain’s chair and came toward her. “Would you like to snorkel? It’s pretty amazing down there.”

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