Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2
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He stepped away, leaving her shaken and breathless. She drew a deep breath of salty sea air. Her brain was in knots. Between jetlag, all the craziness and her libido revving into overdrive, she couldn’t take it. She turned away from Valarian and his seductive voice.

“I’m going to my room now. I need some rest.” She hurried away, dodging past Jacob without meeting his eyes.

Closing the house door behind her, she shut both men outside if not out of her consciousness. She retreated to her beautiful aquarium of a room and locked the door.

Valarian’s kiss lingered on her lips, the impression of his hands on her back, his erection pressed against her. Desire throbbed through her. She’d never been so horny in her life, and the thought of Valarian and Jacob so close, so accessible and both wanting her, drove her crazy. If she wanted sex tonight, she could have it with a mere crook of a finger. Simply knowing that made her crave it desperately.

While she ran a bath in the spa tub, Akila stripped off her clothes. Her body humming, her nipples so sensitive a light flick on one made her gasp. A hot bath to relax her—that was what she needed.

Akila plunged into the tub, turning on the air jets so water bubbled around her. She added some salts, stirred them around, then sank in, chin-deep, closing her eyes with a sigh. The heat soothed her tense muscles and the fragrant steam calmed her mind. She felt more relaxed, but the warmth did nothing to relieve her sexual frustration. She’d have to take care of that herself.

One hand dove deep into the water and found the pearl of her clit. She circled the erect nub. Behind her closed eyelids, images of Valarian with his potent stare and Jacob with his angst-filled eyes revolved. She squirmed beneath the pressure of her finger until water threatened to slosh over the rim of the tub.

She imagined Valarian with a Transylvanian accent, mesmerizing her into submission, demanding she lie back on her bed naked with her arms and legs spread wide and then ordering Jacob to crawl between her legs. The thrill of being under his spell, molded to his will, made her moan. In her fantasy, Jacob’s mouth replaced her rubbing finger as his tongue slid over her clit. All the while, Kaspan orchestrated every move of their lovemaking like a puppet-master, telling Jacob where and how to touch her and ordering Akila to spread even wider for him.

Rope came into play as her fantasy progressed, tying her, binding her, while the two very different men brought her body to the edge of climax. Valarian moved into place beside her and Jacob, whispering hot, dirty words. He bared his fangs and scored her skin with them. They sank into the spot where neck met shoulder as easily as a warm knife sliced through butter.

Akila groaned deeply. She splashed and gripped the edge of the tub with her free hand as her orgasm flooded her with erotic images. But when pleasure passed, she was alone in her mind and in her bath once more.



“That is one beautiful woman. I’m going to enjoy fucking her.”

Valarian’s drawl set the hair on Jacob’s neck prickling and his jaw clenched involuntarily. He knew Valarian wanted to get a rise out of him. Which meant Valarian knew Jacob had begun to think of Akila as his alone and would be jealous of that long, lingering kiss and the crude talk of fucking.

Jacob sighed. “Aren’t you ever tired of playing games?” More often than not these days, no matter what his master said or did it rubbed him the wrong way—except when Valarian was rubbing him the right way, which he did so well.

“With you? Never.” A hard hand gripped the back of his neck, holding it with just enough pressure to hurt.

Jacob’s eyes closed as his cock grew harder, an automatic response to his master’s touch. It had been a long while since that hand had pushed his head down to tend Valarian’s cock. Although they shared a house, they’d been estranged from each other sexually for months. Now Jacob almost longed for Valarian to force him to his knees, to draw out that thick-veined shaft and demand he suck it. How easily his body betrayed him while his mind rebelled against Valarian’s control over him.

“You want to fuck her too. What’s keeping you?” Valarian demanded, squeezing a little harder. “Why do you deny yourself? Do I need to kick you in the ass to get you moving?”

Jacob grunted and jerked away from the punishing grip. He rose and moved about the veranda, collecting abandoned glasses.

“Akila is much more than I’d anticipated,” Valarian continued. “I was so caught up in finding and getting her here I hadn’t thought much about what she might be like.”

“You should have.” Jacob picked up the glass from the stone wall and touched the trace of Akila’s lipstick on the rim. “You’ve always said a man should know everything about his quarry. If you’d done that, you’d know Akila would never voluntarily agree to this plan.”

“Oh, but she will.” Valarian moved behind him, and the invisible fibers that connected them vibrated through Jacob’s very cells. “Sooner than you think. In fact, I believe she’s expecting you—or me—right now.”

The thought that Akila might be yearning for him as he was for her pulled on Jacob with the inexorability of a riptide. He could walk down the hall, knock on her door and check to see if she needed anything. She would stand in the doorway, looking at him with suspicion and lust warring in her eyes. Perhaps she’d say there was nothing she needed, but just before she closed the door, she’d hesitate, step back and hold it open.

Jacob saw this vision as clearly as if it was a memory. He saw how they would come together hard and fast, hands running over each other’s bodies, mouths fused together. His arms tensed, feeling the warmth of her body between them. Akila’s scent filled his nostrils. He tasted her on his tongue. He drew a deep breath and blinked, clearing his mind of the onslaught of sensations and glared at Valarian.


“What?” The vampire looked up from emptying the wine bottle into his glass.

“Get out of my head.”

“I’m not in it. What happened?”

Jacob heard the truth in his voice. Whatever he was experiencing, Valarian hadn’t put the vision there. “Forget it.”

He strode into the house, set the glasses and dessert plates in the kitchen sink, then headed for his suite of rooms—which was right next to Akila’s. He paused with his hand on his doorknob for the length of five heartbeats. Ten. Twenty. And then he went to her door and knocked.

In the eons of seconds before she answered, he considered running away like some child playing a prank, but it was too late for that. He’d committed to a course of action with that knock and now he would see it through.

The door opened. Akila stood framed in it, dressed in another tank top and a pair of boxer shorts. She smelled sweet and spicy. Her brown skin was still moist from her bath. Her black hair curled tightly to her head, emphasizing the shape of her skull beneath.

One elegant eyebrow arched. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry. I thought…” Christ, he was as tongue-tied as a boy with his first crush. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

If Valarian had said that line, the sexual invitation would’ve been crystal clear, but Jacob heard himself asking and he sounded like a waiter.

A slow smile spread over Akila’s full lips and, just as in his vision, she stepped aside and let him into her room.

Chapter Six

This was part of the fantasy she’d had in the tub, Jacob showing up at her door and her inviting him in. It made her wonder if Valarian needed an invitation in order to enter a person’s house or if that was another bit of myth.

“I don’t really need anything,” she admitted. “But I kind of hoped you’d stop by and ask.”

Jacob stood in the center of the carpet, his hands at his sides, large and awkward. With his blocky frame and hewn features, she imagined him as a peasant laborer, twisting his cap in his hands as he dared to talk to the landlord’s daughter. “I just wanted to make sure you’re all right. You left in such a hurry. Valarian can be overbearing.”

“Yes, I see that. But it wasn’t the kiss. All of it was just too much to handle all of a sudden. I needed to be alone to think things through.”

He took a small step toward the door. “I should leave you to think, then.”

“I wouldn’t have invited you in if I didn’t want you here.” The suggestion tripped off her tongue unbidden, the flare of lust burned hotter, and she saw her need reflected in his eyes. She wanted Jacob right now like a fish craved water. His kiss earlier…and Valarian’s…and her body’s raging desires all intermingled until she was shrouded in a haze of lust.

Jacob’s eyes devoured her. She wanted his mouth to do the same. Akila stepped toward him at the same moment he lunged at her and drew her into his arms.

The ferocity of this kiss made the one on the beach seem tame in comparison. Their mouths clashed together, blending and battling to get closer, deeper. His hand supported the back of her neck as he swept his tongue around hers. Akila clutched his shoulders, gripping hard as she accepted the onslaught of his passion. Her head was dizzy, floating on a wave of lust, and her body molded to his as though trying to engulf him.

She’d been aroused before. She’d had flings with near-strangers before. But Akila had never experienced anything like this ache to have Jacob inside her—right now. She wasn’t merely hungry for sex. It had to be him.
, her mind whispered.
Both of them.
She shushed the thought and concentrated on Jacob.

Akila slid her hands down his chest and tugged on his shirt, pulling it up to reveal solid stomach muscles that twitched when she stroked her palms over them.

Jacob tore off the shirt and threw it on the floor, then reached for the straps of her tank top. He slowed his pace, sliding them teasingly down her skin and caressing her bare shoulders until she shivered. He kissed one shoulder, his lips stroking like velvet across her chest, along the line of her collarbones to the other shoulder.

Akila’s nipples were sharp points drilling through the fabric of her shirt to get to his mouth. Jacob sucked on one tip. Heat bathed her nipple as the thin fabric molded around it. Jacob cupped her other breast in his hand, kneading lightly. She moaned and thrust her chest toward him, combing her fingers through the fine strands of his hair and holding his head to her. More. She had to have even more. And now.

After a few moments, he peeled off her shirt, pausing to gaze at her uptilted breasts before descending once more. The heat of his mouth was even greater as he sucked hard, sending twinges from her breast down to her pussy, which clenched tight then released. If she’d been wearing panties, they’d have been soaked. As it was, a trickle of moisture dampened the inside of one thigh and the soft cotton of her shorts brushing her sensitive skin felt like sandpaper

As Jacob shifted from one tit to the other, the swirling fog of lust cleared long enough for her to catch a glimpse of reason. “Condoms? Just ’cause we’re having sex doesn’t mean I’m committing to Mr. Kaspan’s proposal, and I need to consider STDs. I’m not careless.”

He released her nipple from his mouth and his breath tickled it as he spoke. “There are advantages to being not quite human. My body isn’t prone to the same illnesses and diseases as a regular human. You can trust that I’m clean.”

He crouched lower, trailing his lips over her belly and smoothing his hands over her hips, bringing the waistband of her shorts down with them.

Easy for him to promise in the heat of the moment, but Akila believed him. She knew instinctively that Jacob was not a liar. And since she was on the Pill, she couldn’t get pregnant. Not unless she chose to.

He sank onto his knees and pulled her shorts down, baring her pussy. His breath stirred the dark thatch of curls and blew warmth over her folds. She loved the way he looked kneeling before her, as if she truly was the descendant of a god and he her worshiping supplicant.

Jacob bracketed her hips with his hands, holding her steady as he leaned in and placed his lips to her cunt. Just one light, fleeting kiss, but placed so strategically Akila cried out and jerked. She was a woman who loved sex. Her body was responsive and easily given to pleasure, but tonight was beyond normal sensitivity. His slightest touches sent sparkles like cartoon-magic glitter shimmering through her system, transforming her into something new.

Jacob licked the length of her seam, then swirled his tongue around her clitoris before nipping it lightly. She gasped and rocked her hips, reaching for more. He slipped his fingers inside her and glided them in and out while continuing to lap over her erect bud. When he’d brought her nearly to the edge, he backed off and started all over again. He kissed her stomach, the hollow below her hipbone, the insides of her thighs. He nudged his face between her legs and licked again, this time plunging his tongue into her channel and feasting on her juices.

“Oh, come on. Please,” she begged, grasping his hair and trying to force him back to where she needed him to be. She was trembling on the brink of coming. Only a few more strokes would bring her over the edge.

Jacob smiled as he moved back to her clit and resumed the broad strokes of his tongue that drove her wild. This time he brought her up to the peak, then pushed her over. She cried out and cart wheeled down the slope, her body shuddering and her brain exploding. Only the hard grip of his hands kept her upright.

She was still shaking when he rose, scooped her up and deposited her on the bed. He kicked off his shoes and stripped off his jeans. His body was very fit for a man who’d been alive since…well, she had no idea how old Jacob actually was. Anyway, his muscles sure as hell felt firm and his flesh youthfully smooth as he climbed onto the bed and crawled over her. And his cock stuck out straight and thick from his body, arrowing toward her pussy.

His biceps corded as he held his weight off her and gazed down into her face. She felt she could get lost in his mysterious indigo eyes that seemed to hold such sorrow in their depths. She wanted to know what had given him so much pain and then do something to relieve it. She’d like to see Jacob smiling and happy. The brief smiles he’d flashed since she’d known him were too rare.

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