Vampires Never Cry Wolf (25 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Vampires Never Cry Wolf
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He snagged it from the charger, and the number glaring up at him from the screen was not the one he expected. It wasn't Olivia or Xavier; it was David. Not only that, but he had about twenty missed calls and voice mails from his mother, his sister, and General Wolcott. Killian's brow furrowed and a knot of dread formed in his gut. It had begun. Damn it all to hell. His father had probably told the others about what was going on with Sadie, and if he hadn't, it was a surefire bet that Christina had. Damn that woman.

Killian punched the button and reluctantly answered the call.

“What's up, David?” Killian asked while turning his gaze to Sadie who still stood by the window. “I'm kind of in the middle of something, but it looks like I have a hundred missed calls from back home.”

“We have a problem.” David's voice was edged with anger.

“Aren't you bouncing at the club?” Killian glanced at the clock on the stove. It was after three in the morning and they were probably still cleaning up. “What the hell is going on?”

“It's your father.” David was keeping his voice low, and based on the background noise, he was probably standing outside the club. “I just got a call from your mother. The king and the others never came home. The pilot isn't answering his phone either. I called JFK and the king's jet is in the charter hangar, but the damn pilot is nowhere to be found.”

“What about Christina?” Killian asked as Sadie turned to face him with a concerned expression. “Did she check out of the hotel?”

“Yes.” David's voice was edged with fury. “They checked out yesterday, not long after your father was at the Loup Garou. They should have been long gone and home by now. The general is ready to bring all-out war to the city. He's convinced that the vamps have done something to them.”

“No one has been able to telepath with them?” Killian's jaw clenched and tension fired through him. “None of them?”

“Nope.” David sounded as freaked out as Killian felt. “Total radio silence. General Wolcott is ready to declare fucking war. The only reason he hasn't hauled his ass here is because the king placed him in charge of the territory before he left. But I don't know how long the son of a bitch is going to follow protocol. If he doesn't hear from Christina soon…Killian…he's ready to send his soldiers here to confront the czars.”

“That's ridiculous,” Killian barked. “The czars would never—”

Sadie closed the distance between them in a blur.
czars, Killian?

father, Christina, the girls, and Ivan are missing.
His mouth set in a tight line and Sadie immediately wrapped her arms around his waist to comfort him. He rubbed her back and felt some of his tension ease but that nagging knot of dread lingered.
father's private jet.

the czars wouldn't do anything,” David interrupted. “But what about the vamps who were threatening you for opening the club? Those cowardly fuckers who left all the anonymous notes? Come on, Killian. I realize you and Sadie have your
going, but you can't put blinders on. You and I both know that plenty of vampires are pissed off as all hell that we're setting up shop in this city.”

“Understood.” Killian kept his voice even and controlled as he stared into Sadie's concerned face. “Tell Olivia and Doug what's happened. I know they're not involved, but they might have a good idea who is.”

. Sadie nodded and touched his mind with hers.
I'd put my money on Darius. He's got to be involved in it.

“Get in touch with the general and my mother, and let them know we're working with the Presidium to find my father and the others. Tell them we'll have the full cooperation of the czars and the sentries. Sadie and I will meet you at the Presidium offices.”

“Uh—are you sure that's a good idea? I mean do we know we'll have their cooperation?” David asked hesitantly.


“Fine, but you aren't going anywhere without me.” David's voice took on a familiar stubborn tone. “I don't know what's going on with you, Killian, but I couldn't telepath to you tonight. It's like you were gone.”

“I'm not gone.” He let out a slow breath as he made the decision to acknowledge what he and Sadie already knew. “Sadie and I are mates. It's a long story and I'll explain more later.” Sadie's eyes widened when he admitted to a member of his pack that not only was he fooling around with a vampire—but he'd chosen to mate with one. “We have more pressing matters to deal with.”

“Shit,” David said in a rush of air. “If the bloodsuckers that have your father find out about
, they'll fucking kill him. This gets worse by the second. We're going to have an all-out war on our hands if anything happens to the king. To say nothing of the general's only daughter.”

“Other than Sadie's coven, you're the only one who knows about our
pairing.” Killian clung a bit tighter to his lover and said, “At least, for now. Let's deal with what's in front of us. Finding my father and the others is first and foremost. Sadie and I will meet you all at the Presidium in a half hour.”

The line went dead. Killian swore under his breath as he wrapped both arms around Sadie. He stroked her long, silky hair and breathed her in, needing the comfort and serenity her touch always brought him. That unsettled part of him, the one that constantly fought to be free of duty and restraints, completely calmed within her embrace.

“You think vampires abducted your father and the others, don't you?” Sadie asked quietly. She tilted her head back and met his serious stare with her own. “Whoever wrote those notes did this, didn't they?”

“Probably.” Killian cradled her face with both hands and brushed his thumb over the curve of her cheek. “Our best bet is to try and find my father and the others as quickly as possible. David's right. General Wolcott won't wait long for answers.”

Sadie nodded and gave him a quick kiss before heading for the stairs.

“Where are you going?”

“To get dressed.” A hard, dangerous glint flickered in her dark, almost ebony eyes. “Then I'm going to call Olivia and have everyone meet us at Xavier's lab. Time is of the essence and we're going to need weapons. I may be a breathing vampire with a heartbeat, but you can bet your ass I still know how to fire a gun.”

“Sadie, I don't know if adding firepower to this is a good idea,” Killian said hesitantly.

“See?” Sadie shook her head as she backed toward the steps. “Now I
that you're not a city boy. Trust me, baby, it's better to be safe than sorry. Listen, I know that in the Werewolf Society, you guys settle your differences with battles in your wolf pelts, but here in New York, things work a little differently. Don't worry. I've got your back.”

Without another word, she whisked up the stairs in a blur and disappeared around the corner to the bedroom. Killian scrolled through the series of missed calls on his phone and cringed when he saw the multiple calls from the general and his mother. Among the voice mails, an unfamiliar number captured his attention.

It was a Manhattan area code.

He punched the screen and put the phone to his ear. A voice he didn't recognize, one that sounded like it was being distorted, came through in a static-laden message. As it played out, rage surged through Killian and his eyes shifted harshly to the eyes of his wolf.

club. Just you and Sadie. If you bring anyone else, your father and the others will die. You have until sunrise, and if you're not here by then…King Heinrich is a dead man.

Chapter 16

Sadie tightened the weapon harness and adjusted the throwing knives, making sure they were secure. Xavier's lab, normally quiet and sterile, had become a hotbed of activity with everyone getting fitted for weaponry while they hashed out a plan. When Killian told her about the message, Sadie was prepared to do what the kidnappers said and go right to the Loup Garou to retrieve his father, but Killian wouldn't hear of it. Her nerves were on edge, along with everyone else's, but at least the heartbeat and breathing had gone away and she was back to her regular vampy self. She couldn't imagine going into this situation feeling off her game.

“You're taking one hell of a chance, Killian.” Olivia's voice, laced with concern, bounced around Xavier's cavernous laboratory. Her curly red hair was tied back in a tight braid, and she had dressed in the leather uniform of a sentry. The czar looked a lot less like a politician and more like a lethal weapon. She slapped an ammunition clip into her gun before slipping it into a holster with the ease of familiarity. “I know you didn't have to come here first. To be honest, if I had been in your position, I don't know if I would have.”

“Like I said before, I want you to trust me and it's even more important now.” Killian checked the ammo clip in the gun he was given and secured it before leveling a deadly serious gaze at Olivia and Doug. “But that's not the only reason I asked you to be involved in retrieving my father and the others.”

“Okay,” Doug said tightly. “We're listening.”

David, Sadie, Xavier, Trixie, and Dakota went completely still. Even Bella stopped fluttering around and settled in behind Xavier like a ghostly guardian. All eyes were on Killian. Sadie moved in next to Killian and linked her hand with his.
I've got your back.
He smiled as her mind touched his and gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze before turning his attention back to the group.

“If my father were here, he would insist on your involvement. Olivia, he admires you and believes you have a bright and unique vision of the future.” Killian's commanding voice, strong and steady, filled the space with ease. “We've had peace between our races, but we all know that it's been a strained peace at best. My father has always had a vision of bridging the gap between our people, and that's one of the reasons he gave me his blessing to move here. I won't allow a small group of fanatics to destroy what my father is trying so hard to build. If he were here, he would be enlisting your help, exactly as I am.”

“Y'know this could cost your old man his life,” Dakota said in his typically blunt manner. “If they get wind that we're with y'all, the king is as good as dead.”

“I know, but it's a chance we have to take.” Killian nodded slowly and Sadie's heart ached at the pained expression that flickered over her lover's face. “My father would tell you this isn't just about him. It's about what's best for our people.”

“The prince is right.” David, who'd been standing by the doors and doing his best to stay out of the way, finally chimed in. “If the Presidium works with us to bring King Heinrich and the others to safety, that will help squash the idea that this attack was sanctioned by your government. We have to do this together.”

“Together,” Doug said with a deadly grin. “And quietly.” He grabbed Olivia around the waist and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Let's do this. We have a little girl who's going to want her Cheerios when the sun comes up.”

“Emily's with Maya and Shane?” Sadie asked, her heart breaking to even think of that little girl losing her parents. “I don't know about this. Maybe you guys should stay here.”

“Things like this are part of the gig,” Olivia said with a wink. “And I don't plan on getting dusted any time soon. Besides, I think it's best that Maya steers clear of anything that involves the wolves. There's no safer place in the world for Emily than with Maya, because
is right there with her. Damien's with Suzie and Justine at the Presidium offices, so I think we have all of our bases covered.”

“Let's go over this one more time,” Doug said firmly. “Trixie and I will enter from the roof and listen from our vantage point in the stairwell. Olivia, David, and Dakota will enter through the emergency exit in the alley. It's too bad we don't have that underground entrance to use.”

“I'm sorry,” Killian said with a sidelong glance at Sadie. “I should've told you guys about that.”

“Live and learn, brother. Olivia and I can telepath to each other, which will allow us to keep the two teams connected. Killian and Sadie will go in through the front door of the club, and we'll all keep our distance until we hear the code word from either of you—
. When the king is out of harm's way or you see an opening, then you say it and we bring it.”

“Remember, we don't know how many vamps may be involved.” Olivia's stance was rigid and the woman looked ready to explode into action at any moment. “Darius is nowhere to be found, and neither are his two partners in crime. Chances are it's just the three of them behind this fucking mess, but the truth is, we just don't know.”

“Whoever did this had to subdue not only my father, but Ivan.” Killian's body tensed when he mentioned his former bodyguard. “I'm betting on more than three.”

“Like I said, we keep our senses alert and take it slow. Everyone watch your ass and each other's. You all have solid silver bullets. No liquid silver ammo, because we can't risk the king getting hit with it. There's no cure for that shit.” Olivia nodded and shot a look at Doug. “Let's go.”

“Thank you,” Killian said quietly, bringing the activity in the room to a standstill. He leveled a serious look at each of them. “I know that you're all putting yourself in harm's way and—”

“You would do the same for us,” Sadie interrupted. Leaning into his embrace, she gave him a reassuring squeeze. “Besides, you're my bloodmate and that makes you part of the family.”

“This is one weird fuckin' family, y'all,” Dakota drawled before popping a lollipop in his mouth.

“You're one to talk.” Trixie cracked her knuckles and gave Dakota's lollipop a doubtful look. “Dude. You've got balls.”

“Darlin'?” He removed the lollipop and pointed it at her as a sly grin covered his face. “Your hair looks like an Easter egg.”

“Suck it, cowboy.” Trixie flipped him the bird, which elicited a wide grin from Dakota.

“Like I said, y'all.” He sighed. “Weird fuckin' family.”

“Enough chitchat,” Olivia said with a pointed look at Trixie and Dakota. “Or whatever that is.” She made a circular motion with one hand toward the odd couple on the other side of the room. “Save all that energy because we're gonna need it. We've got under an hour until sunrise. Time to move.”

The massive stainless-steel doors opened and the heavily armed group began to file out. Killian took Sadie's hand in his, but before they could leave, Xavier flew over to them and blocked their exit. A concerned expression covered his face and he glanced over his shoulder, ensuring no one else was within earshot.

“I didn't want to say anything in front of the others, but there's something you should know before you leave.” Hovering in midair, he wrung his pudgy hands together before pushing his glasses on top of his head. “I ran the tests three times, hoping that the results were wrong, but I don't believe they were.”

“It's okay, Xavier,” Sadie said, steeling her resolve. “Just spit it out.”

“Your DNA…it's…well…it's changed.”

“What do you mean?” Dread curled in Sadie's belly as Killian tightened his grip on her hand. “I—I'm still me. I mean, I'm still a vampire, Xavier.”

“Yes,” he said reluctantly. “But you're not only a vampire. I tested your most recent blood sample against Killian's blood
your original blood sample from when you were registered in the Presidium's data banks. They don't match.”

“I don't understand.” Sadie's brow furrowed and she heard Olivia call for them from the hallway. “Doesn't match what?”

“Any of it.” Xavier's expression shifted to one of awe. “Your DNA is neither vampire nor werewolf, Sadie. My point is…it seems that you are both.”

“Has this ever happened before?” Killian asked in an almost reverent tone.

“No.” Xavier shook his head adamantly. “I didn't think—I mean—no one thought this was even possible. Sadie, your DNA was altered when you were bitten by that wolf, and when Olivia turned you, it must have left your werewolf traits in a dormant state. I think that feeding on Killian triggered something inside you that precipitated the change.” He let out a sigh and held up both hands. “At least, that's my theory. Your body chemistry has completely changed. You, Sadie girl, are a hybrid.”

“Holy shit,” Sadie said in a rush. “So—so I could shift again.”

“Yes.” Xavier's mouth pressed in a tight line as he looked from Sadie to Killian. “It's not a matter of if you will, but when.”

“Let's go,” Olivia said from the doorway. Her brow furrowed when she saw the look on Sadie's face. “Sunrise is less than an hour away. We have to move.”

“Okay,” Sadie said absently. She nodded and slipped her hand from Killian's as she brushed past Xavier. Her entire body felt numb, and she was pretty sure she'd slipped into some weird stage of denial. “We'll talk more about it when I get back.”

“Sadie, wait.” Killian grabbed her by both shoulders and spun her to face him. “You can't go. When someone is first turned, they have little to no control over the shift, and usually it's triggered by intense emotion. There's no way I'm letting you do this. It's too dangerous.”

“I'm not one of your subjects, Killian, and commanding me to do or not do something is never going to be okay.” Sadie squared her shoulders and stepped out of his grasp, meeting his angry gaze with her own. “I may be turning into some kind of freak hybrid, but I refuse to allow it to control me.”

“This isn't about controlling you.” Anger edged his words and his eyes burned. “You're being unreasonable.”

“I make my own choices, Killian,” Sadie said quietly. “I always have.”

“What's the holdup?” Doug shouted. “Let's go.”

Turning on her heels and without waiting for Killian to respond, Sadie marched out to meet the others. Hearing what Xavier had to say was nothing compared to seeing Killian's furious, glowing eyes as she walked away.

“We're coming.” Sadie glanced over her shoulder at Killian, who looked no less furious. “Both of us.”

* * *

Killian was unaccustomed to being afraid, and he decided that he didn't like how it felt. Nope, not one damn bit. The stubborn woman refused to listen to reason and insisted on heading into what was sure to be a volatile situation with absolutely no idea how to control her wolf.


He and Sadie got out of the car and strode down the block to the Loup Garou. The sidewalks were quiet and void of most humans, and the streets were empty except for a few delivery trucks and a taxicab or two. The city was relatively silent, and yet no silence was heavier than the one lingering between him and Sadie. He couldn't stand it one more second, and even though he risked pissing her off further, he stopped her before they reached the entrance of the club.

“Sadie, wait.” Killian curled his arm around her bicep and pulled her around to face him. Her dark eyes glittered up at him with familiar determination, and in spite of their situation, a smile bloomed on his face. “I have one more thing to say before we go in there.”

“I'm not going to change my mind.”

“I know that.” He released her arm and settled his hands on his hips as he cast a quick glance to the unlit entrance of the club. “If you do shift, you'll still be fiercely strong, and instead of two fangs, you'll have a mouthful of teeth.”

“Got it.” Sadie studied him carefully, her defensive posture softening, and she nodded. “Thanks.”

“If you want to shift back, just picture yourself as you always are.” Killian ran a finger along her jawline and her stony expression wavered. “Imagine this beautiful face. It's really as simple as that, but most new wolves panic and can't see the forest through the trees.”

“Okay.” Sadie nodded. She removed the gun from her holster, clearly not wanting to linger on the topic, and as much as he hated to admit it, she was right. “Got it. Power of the mind and all that jazz.” She flicked her gaze to the sky. “Your father and the others don't have much time.”

Killian looked around, ensuring there were no humans in sight, and took out the gun they'd given him. He knew how to handle a weapon and was actually a good shot, but it still wasn't the way he preferred to fight. In all likelihood he wouldn't even use it. If it came to a battle, he'd shift to his wolf and rip these motherfuckers in half. That would be far more satisfying.

With Sadie right behind him, Killian slowly opened the door of the Loup Garou and the two of them slipped inside. Back to back and with guns drawn, they slowly spun around. It didn't take long before they found the first victims.

“Holy shit,” Killian said under his breath.

To the right of the club, dangling from the balcony level, were Christina's two friends. Linda's and Diana's naked bodies were hanging by their ankles from silver chains. Their flesh looked singed in some spots; their long hair hung in messy tendrils and drifted against their lifeless, blood-covered arms. The two women had been totally drained, and their open eyes stared vacantly out at the world, making them look like macabre dolls.

God, Killian.
Sadie's quivering voice touched his mind.
Killian was about to go over to them when Sadie grabbed his arm and whispered into his mind.

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