Vampires Never Cry Wolf (27 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

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Emperor Zhao was seated at the head of the long table, with King Heinrich and General Wolcott on the right. Olivia and Doug were on his left, and the emperor gestured for Sadie and Killian to take the empty seats. Sadie made eye contact with the powerful ancient vampire only briefly before sitting down. She'd only met him once, the last time they had trouble in the city, and he'd unnerved her just as much back then. He was thousands of years old and possessed more power than any other creature she'd ever encountered. His energy was thick and pulsed through the room in palpable waves.

“Hello, Sadie.” Emperor Zhao's deep baritone resonated through the room and Sadie's entire body stilled. Even with that quiet, almost imperceptible tone, he was commanding. “Xavier was enlightening us about your…evolution. According to his tests, this is a permanent condition. Isn't that correct, Xavier?”

“Yes.” Xavier pushed his glasses back onto his nose and pointed at the chart on the screen. “As I mentioned earlier, her DNA has been completely altered and, well, Sadie girl is basically a new race all by herself. Not vampire. Not werewolf.” Pushing his glasses onto his forehead, he looked back at the table. “She's both. An entirely new breed—a hybrid. In addition to the shifting, she is also a daywalker in both forms.”

“Do you understand what this means?” Emperor Zhao asked. “Not just for you, Sadie, but for our people?”

“Yes, sir,” Sadie said in a surprisingly confident voice. “My DNA was permanently altered the night Olivia found me, but it was dormant until—”

“Until we found each other,” Killian said firmly.

“I know what it means.” She forced herself to look each of them in the eye before saying what she knew they were all thinking. “I'm a threat—an abomination.”

“Yes.” Zhao flicked his serious ebony eyes to Sadie and her heart sank.

She could feel Killian's anger and touched his mind with hers.
Please, don't do anything. Let them say whatever they want and then we'll get the hell out of here.

Zhao folded his hands on the table in front of him. He raised one dark eyebrow when a growl rumbled in Killian's chest. His enormous muscular frame was dressed in a five-thousand-dollar suit, but it couldn't hide his size or strength. Killian wasn't stupid; he wasn't going to attack the Emperor of the Presidium, but he also wasn't going to hide his outrage.

“In years past, that is probably what we all would have thought. Between your new genetic makeup and the unique mating between you and the prince, well, none of it would even be
an acceptable event—not by either race.” Killian opened his mouth to respond, but the emperor gave him a small smile and held up one hand. “Allow me to finish, Your Highness.”

“Apologies.” Killian tilted his head in deference. He glanced at his father, who seemed visibly annoyed with his son's impatience. “Please continue, Emperor Zhao.”

“As I was saying, even a year ago, this mating would be seen by all of us as undesirable. However, given recent developments, we all feel that it comes at a most opportune moment in history. King Heinrich has always been eager to improve the relations between our people, and what better way to bridge the gap than with a royal pairing?”

“Royal pairing?” Killian looked at his father with confusion. “You mean you still want me to assume the throne in five years?”

“No.” General Wolcott straightened the front of his jacket, which was laden with various medals on the lapels. Sadie felt Killian stiffen next to her, but to his credit, he held his tongue. “Not just you. Both of you.” An uncomfortable look flickered across the general's face as he said, “My daughter's actions were inexcusable, and we cannot allow dissent like that to spread within the society.”

“The two races must stand together if we are to not only survive but thrive in an increasingly changing world.” Emperor Zhao gestured toward King Heinrich and the general. “If everything goes as we hope, you and Killian will help educate both races.”

“We still have five years until you are to assume the throne,” King Heinrich interjected. “She may be a vampire, but as Xavier has pointed out, she is one of us as well. In preparation for your impending positions on the throne, however, both of you will also serve as senators for the Presidium. Our hope is that by the time of your coronation, both of our races will have had time to adjust to the…changes. It will make for a smoother transition for you and build the relations between our people. And if they need more time to accept your pairing, then we'll take it. I am, after all, the king. Perhaps I'll linger on the throne a bit longer than is traditional.”

Sadie and Killian looked at each other with total surprise and then back at the table full of power players.

“Is this for real?” Sadie asked, with a pointed look at her maker. “You want us to be politicians?”

“Think of it as goodwill ambassadors or liaisons between our races.” Olivia smiled as though she had just thought of something great. “Just like Pete. Right? He's a vampire sentry but he's mated to an Amoveo shifter, so he's our liaison with them. See? No big deal.”

“This is so you can keep an eye on me, isn't it?” Sadie leveled a serious look at the general and King Heinrich, and then at the emperor. “And on Killian.”

“In part, yes,” Emperor Zhao said, lifting one shoulder. “As we've seen with the other two bloodmate couples, this bond is unshakable. Therefore, we must use it to our advantage.” He looked around the room and tilted his head in deference to King Heinrich. “All of us.”

“You will live here in New York but make frequent visits to Alaska in an effort to familiarize Sadie with our people.” King Heinrich turned his serious eyes to Sadie. “Then, when the time comes, both of you will come back to Alaska permanently. By that time, Sadie, you should have full control over your wolf.” A sly smile curved his lips. “I wouldn't be surprised to find out that you already do.”

“I have been practicing.” Sadie nodded and looked away, holding Killian's hand tighter. The king was irritatingly perceptive. In the past couple of days, she'd been able to stop and start the shift with ease. In fact, instead of panicking at the idea of shifting, she'd found it an exhilarating challenge. “It's kind of like riding a bike…or breathing.” She couldn't suppress the grin that emerged. “Once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.”

“There is only one restriction for Ms. Pemberton,” General Wolcott said in a deadly serious tone. “It is nonnegotiable.”

“Okay,” Sadie said slowly.

“You will not be permitted to turn anyone.” His eyes flickered briefly and glowed before returning to their human state. “Ever.”

“Fine.” Sadie nodded and gave them a thumbs-up. “No new hybrid race. Got it.”

“What if we have children?” Killian asked in a remarkably casual tone. “It is possible, isn't it, Xavier? They would be hybrids or something along those lines.”

All eyes turned to the scientist. He looked a bit nervous and wrung his hands together while he seemed to be contemplating how to answer the question. No one was more interested in that answer than Sadie. Xavier pushed his glasses onto his head and locked gazes with her. Based on the tender gleam in his eyes, she knew what the answer was before he even said it.

“Yes, I suspect that it's possible,” he said quietly before looking at the others. “Although we'll just have to wait and see.”

Sadie looked at Killian who was smiling at her with nothing less than love. The others at the table responded, but Sadie didn't even hear them because she couldn't stop staring at Killian.
him, didn't you?
Killian's seductive voice touched her mind as the others continued talking about next steps.
children. I, for one, would like to start trying as soon as possible.

Dude, take a chill pill
. Sadie's eyes widened.
We've been together for like five minutes and I don't even—

Killian rolled his eyes and looked back at the group, pretending to listen to them while he touched her mind.
babies. That's the fun part.

After a bit more conversation about what was expected of Sadie and Killian, and confirming that they would be staying in New York for now, the czars escorted Zhao, Heinrich, and Wolcott out before bidding them farewell. Xavier flew over and placed a quick kiss on Sadie's cheek, which was immediately followed by a fluttering noise from above.

“She's like a daughter to me,” he shouted without looking up. Bella materialized behind him and drifted over to the door, waiting not-so-patiently. “You see, Sadie girl. I told you it would all be just fine.”

“Thank you, my friend,” Sadie whispered. Gathering him in her arms, she hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. “You are a true gentleman and one of the most trustworthy men I've ever known. I can always count on you.”

Bella's fluttering grew louder.

“Yes, dear.” Xavier winked at Sadie before flying out the door with his ghostly gal pal. “I'm coming.”

The door shut quietly behind them, leaving Sadie and Killian alone in the conference room. Nibbling on her lower lip, she faced the screen and stared at the color-coded chart that compared her DNA to that of vampires and werewolves. That nervousness, the swirling ball of uncertainty, was gone and had been replaced by confidence. She knew what she was, and in a few hours, so would the rest of the community. And it was all okay, because not only did she have her family behind her…she had Killian.

At the same instant that thought whisked through her mind, Killian's arms linked around her waist and he nuzzled her neck with butterfly kisses. Sadie let out a contented sigh and settled her hands over his. Their linked hands rested on her belly while he gently rocked her in his embrace.

“Tell me what you're thinking,” Killian murmured in her ear. “We can refuse, you know. If you don't want to do this, then I can call them all back in here and put a stop to it right now. We can leave and go start a life someplace on our own. No Presidium. No Werewolf Society. Just us.”

“What about you?” Sadie turned in his arms to face him and leveled a serious look at her lover. “You never really wanted to be king,” she said quietly. “Why would
agree to all of this?”

“Because of you.” His caramel eyes crinkled at the corners and he settled his hands on her hips, pulling her close. “Assuming the throne, taking on all of that responsibility, it never made sense to me until I found you. Being king and mating only out of obligation or duty felt like a death sentence. But now, with you as my mate, my future is wide open. I know that having you by my side as my partner will make me a better leader for the society.”

“But not yet,” Sadie said with a wicked grin. Popping up on her toes, she flicked his lower lip with her tongue. “We've got the next five years here in New York.”

“Yes, we do.” Killian's eyes glowed amber as he captured her lips, kissing her deeply. Suckling her lower lip, he broke the kiss and murmured, “And I realize we have paperwork to fill out, but do you think the czars would mind if we…”

“I'm way ahead of you.” Sadie's grin widened. Slipping out of his embrace, she went to the door and flipped the lock. “I think our first duty as senators should be to test out the sturdiness of that table.”

That wicked grin she so adored covered his face as she stalked toward him. In a blur, she leaped into his arms, curling her body around his like a baby chimpanzee. He grabbed her ass with both hands and carried her over to the table while capturing her mouth with his.

you, Sadie.
Killian's mind whispered along the edges of hers as he settled her on the edge of the table. Breaking the kiss, he pulled back and cradled her face with one hand. “Always. I can't promise there won't be surprises or challenges. I know that your life as a vampire was stable and steady, and your life with me will be…uncertain.”

“No.” Sadie shook her head and pressed her finger to his lips. “You couldn't be more wrong. I was wrong about something too. The future isn't promised to anyone, Killian, and all these years I fooled myself into thinking that it was. But you know what? There is something I'm sure about.”

“What's that?” He brushed a lock of hair off her forehead and she shivered at the feel of his flesh rushing over hers. His intelligent, loving gaze met hers and he murmured, “Tell me.”

“You,” she said in a quivering voice. Staring into his handsome face, her heart swelled with love, and as the emotion surged, her heart began to beat. She took his hand and placed it over the now familiar, if not sporadic beat of her heart. “I love you, Killian, and my heart literally beats only for you.”

If you enjoy Sara Humphreys's Dead in the City series, be sure to check out the Amoveo Legend series for paranormal romance of a
breed. Read on for an excerpt from

“Okay, pal,” Tatiana said evenly as she stroked the puppy's coat and carried him to the exam room. “I know you're not going to like this, but you need some stitches.”

Bumping the door open with her backside, she placed the puppy on the table. He lay quietly and timidly, watching her with those soulful brown eyes as she gathered the supplies she needed.

Tatiana found the poor thing on the side of the road, but she'd felt his energy signature—red with pain and anguish—before she ever saw him. The only good thing about being half Amoveo was her ability to connect with animals on a psychic level. It made her an extremely effective veterinarian and had her patients' owners calling her an animal whisperer.

It wasn't that she actually spoke to them or that she could hear them speak with words—it was more like the ability to feel what the animals were feeling. Tatiana was able to sense their emotions and in turn could send the animal soothing energy waves. It allowed her to connect with them on a deeper level, which made the animals more willing to let her treat them.

Tatiana made quick work of cleaning up the little beagle as he responded to her calming energy, lying perfectly still while she sutured and dressed his wound. He licked her hand as she finished, and though she sensed gratitude in his energy waves, she also saw it in those gorgeous eyes.

She could connect with all animals but had an affinity for dogs, which was probably from being part of the Timber Wolf Clan. Sometimes she wondered if the animals knew she could shapeshift into a wolf.

“You're just a big flirt, aren't you?” she asked as she scooped him up and placed a kiss on his head. “Made me fall in love with you with one look from that sweet face. So you know what? I'm going to keep you.”

Tatiana leaned back to get a better look at him and smiled.

“Yup,” Tatiana said through a smile. “You're a heartbreaker, alright. So what do you think about the name Casanova?”

The puppy answered with a face full of warm licks and a nibble on her ear.

“Alright.” Tatiana giggled. “Casanova it is, but I think we'll go with Cass for short.”

Satisfied with his new moniker, he snuggled against her chest and lay still as her sister's voice floated into Tatiana's head.
Hey, sis.
Layla's familiar sound filled her mind.
alone, or is Matt with you? I need to see you right away.

I'm alone, Layla.

Tatiana grinned. Matt was her assistant and only friend outside of her siblings. Like her, he never knew his parents, but instead of being raised on a farm by a loving aunt like she had been, he grew up in foster homes and had no family to speak of.

Tatiana and her twin brother, Raife, may not have known their parents, but at least they had each other and their aunt Rosie. They were adopted and moved in when they were twelve, but they couldn't have been closer to Rosie than if they were actual blood relatives.

Matt always said he and Tatiana were like two peas in a pod. Tatiana felt a bit sorry for him because he really didn't have anyone other than her. He showed up looking for a job about a year ago, and they'd been thick as thieves ever since. However, as close as they were, he was still unaware of her unique heritage.

I'm in the exam room, but meet me in the waiting room, okay?

Tatiana held Cass a bit tighter as she made her way to the front office. Within seconds, the air-conditioned space filled with static electricity, and the air shimmered. Layla materialized in the center of the room. Her unruly red curls flowed wildly around her, and her brilliant green eyes sparkled brightly as she made quick work of kissing her sister on the cheek.

“I'll never get used to that,” Tatiana said quietly as she hugged Cass for some much-needed reassurance, and to her surprise, the puppy snuggled closer and licked her neck. “Can all of them do that?”

“You mean all of
?” Layla said playfully as she let the puppy sniff her hand. “Yeah. The pure-blood Amoveo can do it, and the hybrids like us can do it.” She lifted one shoulder and scratched Cass behind the ears. “At least, the few that I've met so far. Once you find your mate, you'll be able to do it too.”

“No thanks, sis. I'll stick to regular forms of human travel
human dating, for that matter. So what's up?” Tatiana asked, changing the subject. She sat on the edge of the reception desk and watched her sister carefully. “You don't usually
like this.”

“Hardee har har,” Layla said with a roll of her eyes.

“Sorry,” Tatiana said. “I couldn't help myself.”

The smile faded from Layla's eyes, and Tatiana sensed the tension in her energy waves as they swirled faster through the room. It was something akin to a breeze that only another Amoveo could feel.

“We need your help.”

“We?” Dread crawled up Tatiana's back.

“Richard, the Prince of the Amoveo, asked me to come here to see if you'd be willing to help him. He has about a dozen Arabian horses that have all come down with something. And before you ask,
. Richard doesn't want to use the vet he usually hires because he's concerned the animals might have been poisoned, and if that were the case, then the vet would want to get the police involved. He suspects it was either a Purist, or possibly, part of the recent Caedo activity. Either way, we obviously can't involve the human community.”

“No way.”

“Hear me out.” Layla put her hand up to stop the inevitable protest, and Tatiana snapped her mouth closed.

Tatiana made no secret about her feelings regarding the Amoveo. Purist Amoveo killed her father for mating with her human mother. After their mother died, none of
came looking for her or her twin brother, Raife. The two felt as though they'd been completely abandoned. Therefore, she had no love for the Amoveo or their world.

Tatiana's mouth set in a tight line as she waited for her sister to continue.

“Thank you.” Layla let out a slow breath. “Now, listen. I know you aren't jazzed about getting involved with the Amoveo. Believe me. I get it. You know that until I met William, I was on the same train as you. I thought they
hated hybrids—hated
—but it's simply not true. Yes. There are
Amoveo—the Purists—who would sooner see us dead than sullying their bloodlines with human blood, but most Amoveo aren't like that.” Her jaw tilted determinedly. “William isn't,” she said, referring to her new husband. “He's a Loyalist, just like the prince.”

“I know,” Tatiana said in a gentler tone. “I met William only a couple of times, but it's obvious he's crazy about you. I mean, he hovers around you and is more protective of you than Raife has ever been of either of us. I'm happy that you found someone who makes you so happy.” Tatiana's face twisted with confusion, and she paused for a minute. “Wait a minute. Back up. Who or what is a Caedo?”

“The Caedo are a human family who know about us and hate us,” Layla said with a casual shrug as she sat on the sofa. “Apparently, they were the big bad enemy until the Purists got their panties in a bunch about us hybrids.”

“That's a lovely little tidbit—hard to believe you've been keeping that to yourself,” Tatiana said sarcastically. “So there are two different groups that want to kill us. Awesome.”

“Richard and the others thought the Caedo were a nonissue, but it seems they started acting up again. They got wind of the little civil war we had with the Purists and decided to exploit the rift. Anyway, you wouldn't have to worry about that. All you have to do is come to the ranch and check out the horses. When you're done, you can split.”

“You're killing me, you know that? Today was supposed to be my first day of vacation in the three years since I opened this place.”

“Perfect.” Layla smiled brightly. “You can vacation in Montana at the ranch. It's gorgeous in the summer. Actually, it reminds me of the farm where we grew up.”

Tatiana glanced down at the sleeping puppy in her arms.

“You can bring the dog.”

“Thanks.” Tatiana chuckled. “Actually, he seems to be an empathetic little soul. I have a hunch he'd be a great therapy dog.” She locked eyes with her sister as an idea bloomed. “I'm bringing more than the dog. I'm bringing Matt too.”

“Shit.” Layla laid her head back on the sofa and tapped her jean-clad legs with her trimmed fingernails. “Bringing a human to the ranch is not going to go over well with anyone, especially not with the Guardians. Dominic in particular—he's a big one for rules and tradition.”

“Sorry, sis,” Tatiana said all too sweetly. “That is a deal-breaker. No Matt, no doc. Whoever this Dominic guy is, well, he'll just have to like it or lump it.”

Tatiana meant it. She wanted to help her sister, but she needed a security blanket, a way to be sure she wasn't going to get schooled by the Amoveo twenty-four-seven—a bunch of shifters trying to talk her into this mate nonsense. If she brought a human with her, then the Amoveo would have to be on their best behavior. Otherwise, they would risk letting the proverbial cat out of the bag.

“Fine. I'll run it by Richard and Salinda. If that's the only way we can get you to help, then I'm sure they'll be okay with it.” Layla stood up. “So you'll come to the ranch and help us find out what's making the horses sick. Right?”

“Yes.” Tatiana rose from her spot on the desk and met her sister at the center of the room. “I'll book Matt and me a flight and be there in a couple of days.”

“Right.” Layla nodded. “I'll pick you up at the airport.”

“No,” Tatiana added quickly. “I'll rent a car and drive there myself. Really, it's fine.”

Layla let out sigh of frustration as she hugged her sister vigorously, which elicited a whine from Cass.

“It's okay, little buddy.” Layla rubbed his ears and looked fondly at Tatiana. “I'm sorry as hell that the horses are sick, but I can't say I'm disappointed to have you visit.” Her smile brightened. “Hey, you never know, maybe you'll find your mate, or at least get a visit from him in the dream realm.”

“No thanks.” Tatiana laughed and shook her head vehemently. “When love finds me, it will be the old-fashioned way. No dreams. No weird shit. Just good, old-fashioned, true love and romance. We
half human, in case you've forgotten.”

“I guess that means that you and Matt aren't…”

“Nah.” She made a face. “I think he'd like more, but we're better as friends. No sparks. Y'know? I want a guy who will knock me out and have my head spinning.”

“Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about.” Layla's face turned as red as her hair, and she stuffed her hands in her pockets. “Actually, until I met William, I didn't really know what sparks were, and
, when you find your mate, you'll know what
talking about.”

“When I find the love of my life, there will be plenty of sparks.” Tatiana winked. “See you in a couple of days.”

Tatiana watched as Layla's image wavered as though she were underwater, and as static crackled in the air, she vanished in a blink. As quiet settled, guilt swamped her.

She lied to her sister.

Tatiana already found her mate, or more to the point, her mate found her. She watched him time and again from the shadows of the dream realm as he hunted and stalked her in his tiger form. She had no idea what his name was or what he looked like as a human, but she
know he was dangerous. A predator. Yet for all his searching, she managed to stay hidden, and if she had anything to say about it, she would keep it that way.

* * *

“I'd have killed him twice if I could've,” Dominic growled, his voice bouncing through the sterile medical facility.

“Easy there, tiger,” Steven teased as he inspected the injury on his face. “You may be a badass from the Tiger Clan, but you're still my patient, so sit still or you won't get a lollipop.”

Steven's teasing did nothing to improve Dominic's mood. He was itching to get back outside and patrol the property, but the doctor was taking his sweet time. Steven, a member of the Coyote Clan and an excellent healer, was known for his use of humor to put his patients at ease, but right now, the last thing Dominic wanted to do was laugh. He was surprised Steven even had a sense of humor left given the suffering he had endured over the past year.

Dominic's sense of humor, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found. There was nothing funny about what had transpired in the past week. Two Caedo assassins, members of the one human family who knew of the Amoveo's existence, snuck onto the ranch and attempted to murder the prince. Dominic killed one, but another shot Eric, the other Guardian, and escaped into the surrounding mountains.

Dominic sat unmoving on the hospital bed as Steven inspected the almost-healed injury, which ran down the left side of his face. Hands balled into fists in his lap, he stared past the healer to the blank wall behind him and concentrated on keeping his fury in check. Getting pissed at Steven wouldn't help anything.

“The stitches have dissolved, and the wound is beginning to fade. You'll have a scar, but from what I hear, chicks dig scars.” Steven removed the latex gloves and tossed them in the trash. “I have to be honest. I'm surprised you healed this quickly, especially considering you haven't found your mate yet. Most fully mated Amoveo take longer to heal from a laceration as severe as this one.”

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