When Cithians Attack (18 page)

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“Sit down, Skyrid and Chaser.”Shais

We both sat down among the crowd as Shais,
Drakia, and Natasha stood in front of us.

“Chaser has demonstrated true sacrifice. So,
Adagar has informed us that he is nominating him to be the next
Gator Sayis.”Drakia said

We all clapped our hands and I stood

“What about the other three Nominees?”I

“They’ll be chosen at the ceremony later on
this evening.” Shais said

“Where’ll that be?”

“The Hall of Sayis Dragons.” Natasha

Everybody in the group went into instant

“Are the Sayis’ really coming?” Parser

“These Sayis’ are legendary! I can’t believe
they’re coming!” Nick said.

“Neither can I!” I said.

“Maybe one of us will become a Sayis.” Chaser

“It’s possible.” Nester said.

“Silence!”Shais said

The conversations stopped.

“When the Sayis’ get here, I expect you all to
be on your best behavior.”

“What happens if we’re not?”Nester

“You’re powers will be suspended for a week.
The Sayis’ don’t like to be disrespected. ”Shais said

Nester went silent.

Two hours later, Shais touched the pedestal on
top of the fireplace and we all turned into gray orbs. Flying up
through a white portal with blue specks mixed in, we appeared in
the Hall of Sayis Dragons and materialized onto our seats. The
double doors opened as 17 people walked in. They were the seven
Sayis’and the Sayis Council and they walked to front of everyone.
Adagar walked in front of them.

“Chaser Jerricus, please come forward.”Adagar

Chaser got out of his seat and walked down
towards Adagar.

“You have been nominated by me to become Gator
Sayis, because of your selflessness with Skyrid. Now Vogler, you
may choose your nominee.”

I saw that Vogler was a white man in denim-blue
jeans and a yellow shirt that had brownish orange eyes and flaming
red hair as he stood beside Adagar.

“My nominee was a very hard pick. But, I
decided to go with the person who has helped everyone in this war.
Annathea Fox, please come up here.”

We all cheered for Anna and Chaser as Vogler
silenced us and Kiraces came forward. He was wearing a red leather
vest and light blue shirt. His ashy brown hair was scattered all
over his face along with a small white beard and baby-blue

“My choice will reflect the person who has lead
everyone in this war since it began. Mr.Riker, will you come

Jared got up from his seat and stood beside
Chaser and Anna as we all cheered him on. Tovar IV came forward and
silenced us. He was wearing a white gown, had gray hair and deep
vivid green eyes.

“The final choice of the night is someone who
defended Chaser in a verbal confrontation. Parser Jerricus, get
over here!”
Parser got out of his seat and joined the group of nominees.
Richard came forward and looked at all of us.

“Now, round 1 will happen. Representatives, you
can’t pick your own nominations, but please cast your votes in
front of everyone now. Kiraces, you’re first.”Richard

Kiraces stepped forward.

“I choose Anna. Tovar, you’re next.”

“I have chosen Chaser Jerricus as my
vote.Vogler, you’re up.”

“Chaser is my vote. So Adagar, please cast the
last vote.”

“Jared Riker.”

Richard raised his eyebrows.

“Since Parser has gotten no votes, he has been
eliminated. And now, the other elimination will be chosen by having
a second round of voting between just Anna and Jared. Vogler,
you’re first.”

“I’m voting for Jared.”Vogler said

“Alright. I’ll vote for Anna again
then.”Kiraces said.

“Mine is Anna.”Tovar said

“Annathea’s my vote.”Adagar said

Richard stepped in front of them.

“Jared, you’ve been eliminated. So, the last
round is between Chaser Jerricus and Annathea Fox. Casting the
first vote is Tovar.”

“Chaser.” Tovar said

“Anna.”Kiraces said.

“Anna.”Adagar said

“Chaser.”Vogler said.

Richard shook his head.

“My vote is for Chaser. Congratulations, you’re
the next Gator Sayis.” He said.

“If all of the nominees will sit down, I have a
very good announcement to tell everyone.”Adagar said.

Adagar looked at all of us as the nominees all
sat down.

“As you all know, Furliceo Woolsley was put in
prison recently. So, we have chosen a new person to fill his spot.
Nester, come on up here!”

Nester came up to the front of everyone with no
words. Richard opened a green portal.

“Skyrid and Chaser, please come with

Chaser and I got up and walked into the portal
along with Nester, all the Sayis’ and their Council Members. The
portal closed.
















Chapter 22 the Sacrifice

We appeared back in the Sayis Courtroom.
Richard stepped in front of us all.

“Skyrid, assemble your army.”

“We’re gonna go save Jaren.”

“What about the Hall of Sayis Dragons? Who will
keep watch over it?”

“Nester and the rest of the council members
will keep watch on the Sayis Orb.”

“What’s that?”

“It helps us govern Cithians by being able to
see any part of Gailems and every crime that happens, but now how
they happened.”

“Alright then. Nester, is anything happening

“Not much. They just seem to be eating. But if
you look at the grounds, you can see that the wind is blowing
pretty hard, which means a portal is about to appear.”

A portal? Can you see where its
coming from?”

Nester pressed on the wind on the Sayis orb,
but a black screen came up.

“That’s too bad. But, we need to get going.
Call us on our communicators if you see anything

Nester nodded.

The doors opened. Two officers were holding
Kevin’s arms.

“What you here for?”Richard said

I came here to give you
information about where they’re keeping Jaren and Sade.” Kevin

“What’s in it for you?”

“My powers coming back.”

“Alright. If you’re information is right and
you promise to help us in this war, I'll give you back your powers
If you promise to be good too. Now, do you promise?”

“Yes. I need to get my revenge on Furliceo and
Drayer! They lied to me! They’re keeping them hostage in the
Cemetarian Forest.”

“We’ll see if your right.”

A man came up to us. His brown hair tickled his
brownish-yellow eyes in the front, just touching the tops of his
ears. A green cloak draped itself about his shoulders, enhancing
the wrinkles that lined his aged face.

“Bradley, where’ve you been?”

“I’ve been watching over Siraka. I’ve been
trying to to prevent bad things from happening expect for your
Father’s kidnapping because it had to happen.”

“What about my mom? She’d be crushed if he

“She tried to help me defeat him. But, Furliceo
won in the end.”

Richard came over to the man and looked at

“Come on, Bradley. You’re the sacrifice for

“Richard, what’ll happen to

“As the prophecy says, he will die as a martyr
for every person who is trapped in the darkness that binds them,

“Huh? What’d you mean?”

“He means: I will die for the cause of freeing
people from their confusion and the darkness that has trapped them
in their own transgressions.” Bradley said.

“Die?! But, isn’t there another

“I’m sorry, Skyrid. But no, there

I stood in front of Bradley.

“You’re Kursta’s son, Right?”I said

“Yes. Kursta is my Father.”Bradley

“Then, can’t you stop all of this?!”

“No. Not without letting Rakif win.”

“Who’s Rakif?”

“He’s my brother. But, he betrayed us in the
war in heaven. As a result, he was exiled and became a contentious
spirit or the great Tempter as some people say.”

“Wait a second, you’re Kursta’s...”Chaser

“As I told Skyrid, yes.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Why not?”Bradley said

“Kursta’s never done anything for

“He has. He gave you a true friend.”

Chaser folded his arms and rolled his

“You think that’s a coincidence, don’t

“Yes. Everything is.”

“Not true. Nothing is sheer coincidence.
Everything happens for a reason.”Bradley said.

Richard looked at all of us.

“Who’ll stay here and look after the
Everyone stood there silent.

“Fine. Nester, you’ll stay and protect this
place along with the council members and the Kazakian Warriors

A army in emerald green samurai armor came into
the room that Zeddark was leading.

“Zeddark, change of plans. You’re all staying
behind. We’ll call you if we need you.”

“Why?”Zeddark said

“It’ll be better this way. If we come with an
army, it’ll start a fight and we can’t handle that right

Chaser, Kevin, Richard, Bradley and I went into
the portal. We appeared in front of the Cemetarian Forest. Walking
into it, we all followed behind Kevin. As walked through the
Forest, we came up to five different pedestals. Kevin turned around
and looked at all of us.

“Before you are five different pedestals. Each
one has a different colored orb on it and a different carving
carved into it.”

“What’re the carvings for?”I said

“They are part of a spell that has been cast on
this forest. The spell made the pedestals change their directions
and only go to one place. This was to protect the people in these

“Alright. Just get it over with already, Kevin.
Which one is it?” Richard said

“It’s the one with a red orb and a symbol of a
knife draped in blood.”

Richard walked up to the wooden pedestal with a
red orb on top it. He closed his eyes and touched the orb.
Breathing in and out, he turned us into clear white orbs as we flew
up into a black portal. We appeared in a room full of villains.
Each one had a spear beside them, expect Drayer and Nancy. Drayer
had a crimson red staff with a black orb on the top and Nancy held
a sword at me. Drayer came forward.

“Kill them!”
Chaser stood in front of us.

“Wait! We have the sacrifice for

“Who is it then?”

Bradley stepped forward.

“He’s come! The stupid carpenter’s son has
come!Changing the portal’s direction was good for something!”Drayer

The other Villains came up to

“Don’t just stand there! Bind him to the the
surgical table, you fools!”Nancy said.

They wrapped him in chains as he got on the
platform. Nancy and Drayer stood in front of him. Nancy was holding
a little surgical knife in between her fingers and surgical gloves
covered her soft hands. Nancy looked at Bradley.

“You’ve lost, Carpenter's son.”

Nancy silt Bradley’s wrists and took out the
power rings. Bradley’s wrists bled. Drayer lifted Jaren into the
air as the power rings popped out of his wrists in little orbs.
Jaren fell to the ground, unconscious. He handed the rings to
Nancy. She made the switch.

“It is fulfilled.” Bradley said.

He closed his eyes and drew his last

“No!”I said

Tears came down my face. Nancy held us back.
Drayer looked at the other Villains.

“It’s time to destroy the rising generation of
Cithians. To Gailems.”

Drayer opened a half-yellow, half-back portal.
He looked at a certain man. This man had a black vest on with a red
shirt that had short sleeves that poked out of his vest. A grey hat
was on his head and blue jeans were on his legs. His eyes were
white, he had no hair, his nose was slanted and crinkled at the
end.Wrinkles covered his face.

“Kaen Harkin, make sure they don’t follow

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