When It Rains... (18 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: When It Rains...
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Honey took a seat on the couch and removed her boots. Her corns were screaming for relief.
“I know the two of you are only friends, but I think he wants to get with you,” Mercedes said.
Honey concealed her smile behind a frown. “What makes you say that?”
“It's just the way he looks at you. It's like he wants to fuck the shit outta you.” Curling her legs beneath her, she sucked her gold tooth. “Girlfriend, you better hop on his fine ass.”
Drawing her legs up before her, Honey hugged them with her arms and looked over at her friend.
Love hurts too much
, she thought. Mercedes's face was proof of that.
he construction crew was in and out of the salon on a regular basis. Between the noise and the traffic, everything was fuckin' chaos. In addition, business had suddenly picked up. Honey had a strong suspicion that word had traveled, and their clients wanted to catch a glimpse of the fine-ass crew working next door, especiallywhen they shuffled through the salon periodicallyto use the vending machines. Honey was certain she'd seen some of the same damn clients twice in one week. Candy was especially intrigued by Rashad, and if he walked through the waiting area while she was on a call, she was bound to lose her train of thought. Even the stylists were found flirting in one corner or another.
Although Honey had to agree that several of the men did look good enough to eat, things were beginningto get a little out of hand. She expressed her concernsto Rashad, who found the entire situation funny; however, one stern look from his sister and he immediatelyunderstood it was no laughing matter.
To top it off, having Jay's ass around left her unglued. Every time she looked, he was standing somewhere watching, his eyes devouring her. She could feel when he was near because the hairs on her neck stood up. While she tried to stay busy, she was constantly aware of his presence. She tried to spend as much time in her office as she could manage, away from his watchful eyes, avoided lingering glances, and didn't engage even in small talk. To stay in control of her beating heart, Honey had decided to maintain a businesslike relationship with him and only interact when it was necessary. After all, it would all be over soon. How long could it possibly take to install a damn security system?
By Friday, she was so busy that it was easy to ignorehis presence. She was just putting a client under the dryer when Jay strolled through the work area carryinga white sack.
Mercedes met his twinkling eyes and couldn't resistasking, “Whatcha got in the bag?”
“Lunch.” His eyes traveled to the right just in time to catch Honey casting a disapproving glance his way. He winked. “Come on, boss lady, let's eat.” He motionedwith his head for her to follow him. Refusing to take no for an answer, he moved toward her office.
Mercedes and two other stylists, Aisha and Sonya, exchanged a sly look full of amusement.
Feeling unnerved, Honey shook her head. “I don't have time,” she called after him. “I have a customer waiting.”
Mercedes intervened. “Go ahead and get your grub on. My one o'clock ain't even here yet. I can wash Deirdre's hair for you.”
Honey gave her a dead stare that Mercedes dismissedwith a wave of her hand. She knew what was good for Honey even if she didn't. She hadn't forgotten the joy on her friend's face at seeing Jay, and the disappointmentwhen he no longer came around. Now that his sexy ass was back in town, she was going to do everything she could to make Honey realize Jay was the man for her.
At first Honey looked as if she would refuse. Then with a shrug, she followed Jay to her office and dropped into her chair. Ignoring him, she swiveled in front of the computer and pulled her keyboard drawer out. From out of the corner of her eye, she saw him standing in front of her desk waiting in silence.
Jay could tell she was stalling for some plausible excuse to kick him out of her office.
She was wasting her time.
She had withdrawn since that night at the steak house; he knew it had to have something to do with him following her. Shit, he didn't have time to care. He'd been trying all week to get her to have lunch with him, and she had refused each time. However, today he'd completed his work and no longer had an excuse to see her every day.
“I'm not hungry,” she said, her voice cutting the silence.
Jay yanked the wool cap from his head and said, “That's too bad. I brought one of your favorites.”
Honey shot him a sideways look. “What?”
He shrugged. “It doesn't matter, remember? You said you weren't hungry.” He then deliberately stepped forward and waved the sack in front of her face.
Her eyes grew large. “Ah, damn! Egg fu yong.”
Ignoring her outburst, Jay tucked the sack under his arm and headed for the door.
“Wait!” Honey sprang from her chair. “Where the hell you going with my lunch?”
He smiled before turning around and forcing a straight face. “I thought you weren't hungry.”
She shrugged. “Can't a girl change her mind? Bring that bag back.” Honey cleared a spot on her desk for them to eat while Jay reached for a chair and pulled it near. Sliding out of his bomber jacket, he draped it over the back, then removed two Styrofoam containers and placed one in front of her.
“Thanks,” she managed to say as she flopped back down into her seat. Reaching for a plastic fork, she discoveredthat she was hungry after all. She'd been so busy scraping ice off her car this morning she hadn't had enough time to scramble herself a couple of eggs. She shoveled a forkful into her mouth, savoring every bite. “Mmm, this is good.”
Jay's eyes had been glued to her since he heard the soft moan escape her lips. Those incredibly sensual-ass lips. He took several bites, taking the time to pull himselftogether before he spoke. “I'm done with your system.”
“Already?” she asked, not realizing she sounded disappointed.
Jay nodded. Actually, he'd finished yesterday. Honey just didn't know enough about systems to have figured that shit out. “All I need now is for the phone lines to be installed and then I can connect the unit.”
Honey momentarily stopped chewing when she realizedthat he wouldn't be hanging around any longer. A wave of sadness overcame her. She'd been looking forward to this day, but now that it had come, she wasn't so sure. “Thanks for all your help,” she managed, lookingup at him.
“No problem. You know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you.” His eyes met hers, and when she read the emotions dancing in them, she felt her heartbeataccelerate and her coochie clench. She had to do everything in her power not to groan. Her gaze shifted to a drop of sauce that clung to the corner of his mouth. As if he knew she was watching, his tongue darted out to capture it. Quickly, she dropped her eyes back to her food.
Jay was quiet while he finished his meal. Then curiositygot the better of him. He had to ask. “How was your date?”
She gazed at him but didn't reply right away, trying to suppress a smirk. She hated throwing her personal life in his face, but if that was what it took for his chocolate ass to believe she wasn't interested in him, so be it.
“Very nice. How was your date?”
“Interesting.” No need to mention that Dr. Price was a client.
“I just bet,” she mumbled. That night, she'd been unable to sleep a wink as she lay awake tossing and turning, thinking about Jay and Jocelyn Price. She'd been increasingly agitated lately, and only she knew why. She was jealous and hated to admit it. After all, she was the one who had decided she was only interested in being friends. But it did nothing to curb the thoughts she'd been having of him being with someone else.
In an attempt to shift her rising emotions, she spat, “I didn't appreciate you snooping on me.”
“Who was snooping? I was having dinner.”
His cocky grin only fueled her anger. “Mercedes told me all about your call.”
He shrugged, appearing unbothered that he'd been caught in a lie. “So ... when are you gonna see Darriusagain?”
“Soon,” she said simply.
Boy, he has a way of turningthe tables.
“How soon?” His question was more of a growl.
“That's really none of your damn business,” she said, this time in a tone that left little room for further discussion. Or at least so she thought. However, before Jay could explore the depth of her relationship, he found Honey looking past his shoulder.
“Tequila ... what's wrong?” she said.
Jay swung around in his seat to find a lovely lady standing behind him holding a little boy's hand.
Tequila stepped into the room. “My grandmotha was just rushed into the emergency room.” She paused, as if trying to pull herself together. It was apparent she was panic-stricken. “I can't reach my b-babysitter, and Shaquil is in a s-seminar,” she stuttered, nervous.
Honey rose from her seat, moved to Tequila's side, and placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. Tequila's mother had died when she was a child. Being that her father was a truck driver, she'd grown up with her grandmother. “Don't worry about a thing. Leave Marcuswith me,” Honey said, then looked down at his adorable face and winked.
Tequila sighed, her relief evident. “Thanks. I'll be back as soon as I can.” She leaned down to kiss Marcus on top of his head, then whispered near his ear, “Baby, I'll see you later.”
“No rush, take your time. Marcus is in good hands.” Honey smoothed his curly hair with her hand. “In fact, I'll keep him tonight, and you can get him in the morning.” She hugged her sister-in-law and then pushed her out the door.
When Honey dropped her hand to her nephew's shoulder, he sagged against her and latched on to her leg. “Marcus,” she said, her voice a coo, “this is my friend
Jay's eyes shifted to her smug expression.
Oh boy, she's back to her old tricks.
Honey knew he hated his given name. However, he pretended not to be swayed.
Jay moved from the chair and came over to them, where he stooped so his eyes were at the same level as the little boy's. “Hello, Marcus. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Jay extended his hand. “Why don't you call me
? All of my friends do.” He raised his eyes to meet Honey's frown, then back down again.
Marcus liked the idea of being considered one of Jay's friends, and his shyness vanished as he looked up at him with a big grin while he shook his hand.
Mercedes appeared at the door with her lips pursed. “Deirdre doesn't want nobody touching her weave but you.” She rolled her eyes.
“All right,” Honey said, and threw her hands in the air. “Come on, Marcus, let's see if we can get Candy to entertain you for a while.”
Jay grasped her hand. “Marcus can hang out with me.”
Honey glared at him. “Don't you have things to do?” The job was done. There wasn't any reason for him to stick around.
“I'm free for the rest of the day.” Rising from his squatting position, he moved toward the door. “Marcus can help me load up my tools.”
“Can I, Auntie?” Marcus's face beamed, and his dark round eyes pleaded for permission.
How could she resist? “All right.” She sighed and then gave Jay a hard look to make sure he understood she was doing this for Marcus, not him.
Grinning like a kid with a new toy, Jay motioned for her nephew to follow. “Ready to have some fun?”
Marcus nodded and bounced up and down with anticipation.
Honey arrived at Chuck E. Cheese to find children of all sizes running everywhere. The hostesses were trying to keep up with the crowd as they came into the noisy restaurant.
After scanning the room, she found Jay and Marcus in the corner playing video games. Jay looked like a kid himself, laughing along with Marcus as he appearedto be beating Jay at a game. When Jay saw her, his face lit up. He whispered something to Marcus and then moved toward her. Honey felt a heat ripple beneath her skin as she watched him approach her with the grace of a lion, unconscious of the admiring glances he was receiving from the other females. Honey was tempted to stake claim to his fine ass and cuss them bitches out.
“I see you made it.”
As the seductive sound of his voice vibrated through her, she stared up at his lean, dark-skinned face nervously,her hands clasped together. “Yeah, I finally made it.”
“Our table is over here.” Placing a hand on her waist, he guided her to a booth on the other side of the wall. Honey took a seat, which appeared to have been occupied earlier by Marcus. A cheese pizza lover, he had picked off the pepperoni and stacked the pieces on his plate.
“You've already eaten.” It was more of a statement than a question as she reached for the last cold slice and took a bite.
Jay slid onto the bench across from her. “Marcus was pretty hungry. You want me to order another?”
She shook her head. “Maybe in a few minutes.” She looked to her right to make sure Marcus was playing where she could see him.
“This is the first time I've ever been here,” Jay said softly, bringing her attention back to him.
“I knew the second you offered to take Marcus to get somethin' to eat, he was gonna suggest this place.” She couldn't help the smile that crept to her lips. “Thanks for your help today.”

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