Where There's a Will (20 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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“Now tell us what the fuck your message meant,” Troy ground out, sounding so in control Carlos knew how Will would react. Sure enough, Will whimpered and melted against Troy.

“I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to freak you out.” Will whispered something Carlos didn’t hear, but judging by the way Troy’s eyes widened then narrowed, and the way his big hands clenched on Will’s ass then opened, as if measuring the fit of Will’s cheeks in his hands, Carlos had a good idea what was said.

Will and his spanking fetish. Good thing it meshes perfectly with ours.

Troy looked at Carlos, his excitement and need unmistakable. It was going to be a very long night, Carlos thought. But first…

“Sit down and tell us what’s going on.” Carlos sat on one end of the couch. Will sat right beside him, with Troy on the other side of Will. They’d barely got seated when Will started talking about his financial straits and going to Xavier and Chase for a job. Carlos really wished he’d beaten the shit out of Will’s dad, and he could tell by the way Troy was all but vibrating with anger that he felt the same way.

“So Xavier said they wouldn’t hire me unless it was okay with Troy since he works there,” Will said, “and yeah, they also gave me a speech about pride being man’s downfall and not letting my ego get in the way of what the three of us have.” Will looked up from his lap. He swallowed as he glanced at Troy. “I didn’t want you,” he turned to Carlos, “or you, to think I’m a loser who can’t take care of himself. My dad always says I’m a pathetic loser, and if it wasn’t for him giving me a job I’d be fucked.” Will’s cheeks darkened and his eyes glistened. “Guess he was right, huh?”




Bailey Bradford



I am going to go back to Montana and beat Chester Leaks into a pile of shit!
“No, he wasn’t right,” Carlos spat out, trying to keep his anger reined in so Will wouldn’t mistake its target.

“You’re gonna prove to him, and more importantly, yourself, just how wrong he is.”

“I am?” Will asked, hope chasing away the shame from his expression. Troy was nodding even as Carlos continued. “Yep. You’re looking for a job, already got an offer now that you’ve cleared it with Troy, right?”

Troy frowned. “I’ll support you working wherever you want to.”

“Why the frown then?” Will asked, voicing Carlos’ unspoken question.

Troy sighed and glared up at the ceiling. “Because. I apparently have jealousy issues, as I discovered tonight when Martine was dry humping Carlos.”

Will stilled for a second then he looked at Carlos, and for once Carlos couldn’t read him. “Martine was dry humping you?”

“No, I think I might have noticed if he had been.” Maybe. He really hadn’t paid any attention to the waiter. “If he was touchy or whatever, I didn’t notice. I don’t notice anyone in a sexual way except for you and Troy.”

Will’s smile was bright enough to blind him, and Troy’s wasn’t much duller. Will crawled up onto Carlos’ lap and licked him from chin to cheek. “Well then, tough guy, why don’t we get naked and you can notice me and Troy all night long.”

Troy groaned, either at the cheesy line or the idea of fucking all night long. Either way, he didn’t sound unhappy. Carlos slapped Will’s ass cheek and cupped his chin, holding Will’s head still and his gaze level with Carlos’. “I’ll do it, but you’ve got some licks coming first, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah,” Will purred, grinding against Carlos. “Like I was gonna let either of you forget.”

Carlos snorted softly. As if he had ever thought
was the one in control…





Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Two

Will scooted off Carlos’ lap and gave his lovers his best come-fuck-me look. Not like he meant it just yet, but it was good to keep them wound up, especially when Will wanted—

needed—a hard pounding of the non-penetrative sort.
Funny how I hadn’t really craved getting
my ass slapped before.
But something about the way Carlos and Troy did it, the way they watched him so carefully and smoothed their big, rough hands over his skin—it reached into a part of Will he hadn’t known existed.

From there the need grew, and Will had never been much of a fighter. He accepted his needs and didn’t worry about it. Although, if Carlos and Troy didn’t get a move on, Will might just have to take drastic measures.

Will ran a hand down his chest, teasing over his nipples. Troy stopped getting up and dropped back onto the couch. Will smirked and swivelled his hips, a slow, sensual move. It made both his lovers’ eyes spark with arousal. He slid one hand up under his shirt—he wanted to tease, yeah, but he also really, really wanted his spanking before being fucked unconscious. His other hand he shoved into his jeans, popping the waistband button open first.

“You guys ready for this?” he asked, delighted to find his voice sounded husky instead of high-pitched. Sometimes when he was so horny he ended up squeaking like a teen, or more like someone who got his nuts caught in a vice.

Carlos grunted and Troy panted out, “Fuck yeah.”

“Well, all right then,” Will said as he began pulling his shirt off. He tossed it aside and moaned softly as he pinched his nipples. How much was he going to have to goad them, for shit’s sake?

“Enough,” Carlos growled, and Will laughed almost hysterically as he was grabbed and pulled over Carlos’ knees. “Get his pants down.”

“Ohhhh.” Will’s dick was as hard as a steel rod as soon as the order was out. He liked more than a little rough play, he was discovering. Before—with past lovers—he’d been afraid to prod them, to ask with words or actions for more force. He hadn’t trusted anyone else to www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



not actually hurt him, but he knew Troy and Carlos could be trusted to give him what he needed.

Which was why he began to struggle just enough to make it difficult for Troy to get his clothes off. He grinned as Troy cursed and placed a hand on the small of his back. “Keep still.”

Will opened his mouth to ask
or what
only to yelp when Carlos landed a swat on his ass.

Will blinked up at him in shock. “What?” Carlos asked. “You forgot I was watching you?”

“Well yeah,” Will snorted, thinking he’d been pretty lust-blinded for a few seconds.

“My bad.”

“Yup.” Carlos smacked his ass again, catching both cheeks and sending a stinging burst of fire out over his bottom. “You gonna forget I’m here again?”

Will closed his eyes and dropped his head down as he grabbed onto Carlos’ leg. “I didn’t exactly forget, I was just thinking about getting Troy riled up.”

Carlos shifted and Will shivered when he felt Carlos pressing against him, his warm breath gusting over Will’s ear. “You get the man any more riled up, and he’s gonna fuck you before you get the spanking you’re wanting. You had him about worried outta his mind earlier.”

And Will felt bad about those texts, he really did, which was part of why he wanted the spanking, but only part. He really did like it, and he trusted Carlos and Troy.

Carlos licked Will’s ear then bit at the lobe before sitting up. “You ready?” Will nodded and tipped his butt up. Troy’s hand—Will could tell the difference, Troy’s hand was broader, not as rough—caught him on the bottom of his right cheek. A series of fast, hard slaps followed, warming up Will’s cheeks and the tops of his thighs.

When Carlos took over, delivering slower but more powerful spanks, Will was panting, struggling to hold back his orgasm. Carlos had Will’s cock pinned between his thighs, the rough denim of Carlos’ jeans scraping his delicate skin and driving Will out of his mind.

“Do it,” Carlos commanded, sinking his fingers into Will’s crack so the tips pressed against his needy hole. “Now.”

Will bucked and whined as Carlos squeezed his thighs together, pleasure-pain tearing the cum right out of Will’s dick. Before the last spurt had left his slit, his cheeks were prised apart and Troy was right there, licking and spearing into his ass hole. Will’s head spun and his heart beat like a panicked caged thing trying to break out of his chest. Carlos murmured www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



soothing words and swept his hands over Will’s back, over his heated butt, bringing every nerve ending to life.

Eventually, Will scooted around, with some help from Troy. He wedged himself between Carlos’ legs and looked up at the cowboy questioningly as he reached for Carlos’


“Go ahead,” Carlos said, easing back a little. “Get my dick out and suck on the head until I tell you to take more.”

Will whimpered, his cock already hard again. How could it not be, with Troy still going at his ass like it was the finest dessert ever created? Will spread his own legs a little more to open his ass up, and Troy gripped him by the top of each thigh as he seemed to bury his face in Will’s butt.

Carlos hooked a hand behind Will’s nape and looked at him with such controlled desire Will’s groin warmed with another rapidly building climax. Carlos held his dick with his other hand, and he pulled Will’s head down then rubbed his wet cockhead over Will’s cheek, then his mouth, pulling back when Will parted his lips.

“I’ll tell you when to suck it.” Carlos waited until Will nodded what little he could, then resumed rubbing his dick over Will’s face.

Will could feel the pre-cum slicking his skin. Sticky, warm-ish, and such a turn on he had to moan. Then Carlos tapped his lips with his leaking crown. “Open up and suck the tip.”

Will opened eagerly then squealed as his mouth and ass were penetrated at the same time. What had to be at least two fingers speared into his hole as Carlos’ thick crown stretched Will’s lips. When Will made his noise Carlos grunted and thrust in, sinking half his dick into Will’s mouth before jerking back out until only the glans remained inside. Will made a mental note to remember, squealing with Carlos’ dick in his mouth equaled a not as in control Carlos.
Awesome to know!

Then another finger stretched his ring, and Carlos gripped Will’s chin and started moving, tiny little movements. “Suck it harder.”

Will did, clamping around Carlos’ dick so tight it made his jaws ache, a delicious match to the burn in his ass as Troy finger fucked him faster and faster. Every time Troy’s knuckles hit his hole, spreading it open, Will moaned and shook. He longed to take more of Carlos’




Bailey Bradford



cock in, but the cowboy hadn’t yet told him to. Will didn’t know who Carlos was torturing, himself or Will, but he sure wished Carlos would give in and fuck his face already.

Will tilted his butt up, meeting the shove of Troy’s fingers. Another slap landed on his ass and Will keened—and Carlos finally,
shoved in deep, pressing into Will’s throat.

Carlos slid his hand down from Will’s chin to his neck, holding there as he pumped in another inch. He rubbed Will’s throat inside and out as Will swallowed, eager and needy.

“Fuck, yeah, honey,” Carlos muttered, “no one’s ever taken me as deep as you do.”

Those words of praise alone would have almost been enough to make Will come again.

But when Troy exchanged his fingers for thick, hard cock, slamming in to the root just as the first spurt of cum shot into Will’s throat? The combination made Will come so hard he didn’t even see sparks behind his lids.

Everything went dark and hot, an explosion of pleasure in his body as his men fucked him. Will savoured the taste of Carlos’ cum and wished he could feel Troy’s warming his insides, too. Maybe they’d get to the point where they had nothing between them, just skin on skin.

Will whimpered when his lovers gently pulled free of his body. He didn’t want to let either of them go. But he didn’t have to, he realised, then he smiled contentedly as he was cuddled between the two bigger men. Eventually he became aware of a strange sort of tension, and he opened his eyes to find himself looking at Troy… Who was looking past him, an expression of raw desire and lingering fear in his eyes.

Will’s breath skittered out. He knew that look, or thought he did. He sure as hell knew the two hard dicks poking against him on either side. Will glanced at Carlos, saw the power in his eyes, the care and hunger burning there, and he knew even before Carlos spoke what was going on.

Carlos’ voice was a deep, smoky rumble when he spoke. “You’re gonna have to say it, Troy. I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding.”

Will turned his head and looked at Troy, who jerked beside him.
Say it, oh my God, say
it. You want it so bad and he’ll make it so fucking good.
Will thought it as hard as he could, because he was pretty damn sure Troy needed what Carlos was offering.

Carlos reached over Will and cupped Troy’s cheek. “You tell us what happened to make you so afraid of asking for, or even demanding, what you need. Who took the right to get what you need from you?”




Bailey Bradford



Troy was quiet for so long Will thought he wouldn’t answer.





Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Three

Troy closed his eyes and wished he could think of a way to not have this conversation.

He just knew Carlos was going to think he was an idiot. After all, Carlos didn’t have a problem taking what he needed, although it was freely given. But Carlos was able to make his needs known, whereas Troy wasn’t, and more of that was because of his own fears and doubts.

Plus, he was pretty sure there was no way to say the truth of what he thought without insulting both Will and Carlos. Troy didn’t think either were any less a man for bottoming.

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