Whipped) (3 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

BOOK: Whipped)
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I stare at the wad of money sitting on my dresser. What the hell did I just do? I wanted a nice, respectful, quiet roommate. Someone who wouldn't intrude on my life too much. Not the womanizing ass who frequents my sex shop.

I count the money again, just to make sure it's real. It is. And this pile of cash is the answer to my question. At least it's temporary. He'll only be here a few months, just long enough for Zoe and me to get our shop in the green and to recover from our initial investment. How bad can it be?

Famous last words, right?

But I ignore my own trepidation and grab the cash before it disappears. He paid more than twice what I asked, and all up front. My landlord will be happy.

I shove rent money into an envelope and pen a quick note, then sneak out of my condo to stick it into the mail slot next door. At least now I can start entering and exiting my house without fear of confrontation.

I check the time on my cell and grab my purse. I'll have just long enough to get to the bank and keep my utilities on, if I hurry. With a last glance at my unusually clean condo I lock up and head out.

On the drive to the bank I consider what it will mean to have a roommate. I haven't lived with anyone since I moved out of my parents’ house—aside from a very brief stint with Chad, which obviously didn't end well. Even in college I scored a private dorm room. As an only child, it suited me. I guess I was going to have to learn to share my toys.

This ought to be interesting.

I make the bank just in time to get cashier's checks drawn up and taken in person to three different buildings to keep my life from being shut off.

And I still have money left. I feel like splurging but resist the urge. Instead, I set my course for home, ready to curl up with a good book and glass of wine, when my phone rings.

"Vi, hey, I need a huge favor."

"What's up, Zoe?"

"The vendor delivering our new shipment of dildos just got to the store, and I know it's my night to do receiving but Henry and I are in the middle of another… discussion, and I can't leave now. Can you cover for me? I'll close for you for a week if you do. Pretty please with cherries and extra rich whipped cream?"

I can't help but laugh, even though I feel bad for her right now and have to bite my tongue to keep from telling her to leave the ass she's with. He so does not deserve her. "Sure, I got you covered, no problem."

I hear Henry in the background… crying.

She sighs. "I gotta go. …Wait, oh shit, how did things go with the roomie? You all set?"

"Girlfriend, you are not going to believe what went down tonight."

Henry calls out to Zoe, a sound of desperation through tears and snot. She sighs again. "You've got me intrigued. I can't wait to hear every detail," she says, adding, "tomorrow?"

"Sure, tomorrow. I hope things settle down for you. If you need me, I'm here." I hang up, turn my car around and drive to Whipped.

The delivery guy is waiting there, stacks of boxes by his feet, when I arrive. I smile big and thank him for his patience.

"No worries. Where do you want them?" The guy is actually pretty sexy. A cross between a younger Brad Pitt and a current Channing Tatum.

I unlock the store and direct him toward the back, where we keep our inventory. "Could you stack them here?"

I can't help but put an extra sway to my hips as I walk, and I see him noticing my ass, which pleases me.

And I know he sees me noticing his bulging muscles under his FedEx uniform. Suddenly, I feel like I'm in a porn, and I can't help but laugh as I concoct a reason to keep him here longer.

"Can I get you something to drink before you go? We have some bottled water in back."

He grins and his chipped front tooth makes him even sexier. The tousled dark hair and bedroom eyes don't hurt either. Am I seriously thinking of seducing the FedEx guy in my own fucking store? I've clearly lost my mind.

"Thank you, that would be nice."

I get the water for him and he drinks the bottle quickly.

As we stand there, the silence stretches awkwardly as the sexual tension builds. But neither of us makes a move. Normally, this would be my time to come in as Dom and manage the situation, but… I don't. It just doesn't feel right. Instead, I thank him again for waiting and he leaves, a slight frown of disappointment on his lips.

I do a quick check of the shipment, confirming we do indeed have ten boxes of a variety of dildos and sex toys and, in a moment of abandon, I grab a dildo from the top of the box, drop $40 in the cash register and head home.

What? It's product testing.


When I arrive home, it's late, and I'm ready for bed. I have to get to the store extra early tomorrow to set up the new dildos before we open, and I need a solid eight hours of sleep to function adequately. Always have. I consider it a DNA flaw inherited from my mother.

I've all but forgotten about my new roommate as I turn off my light and lay down, my bed embracing me in luxury. I'm falling into sleep when something knocks against my bedroom wall and someone moans.

And for the next several hours I endure a cacophony of "oh my God" and "you're so huge" and "fuck me harder" and "deeper, oh yes, God!" as Lachlan's bed bangs against my wall.

So much for easing in to a having a roommate.

I rummage through my bedside dresser for my earplugs and shove them in my ears, but it doesn't completely block out the sound. I toss and turn all night, with dreams too strange to speak of, and wake with one need. Coffee, with lots of sugar and milk.

In sweats and a robe, I shuffle to the kitchen before my eyes have fully opened. Which is probably for the best. Because there's a nearly naked woman in a g-string standing in front of my open refrigerator. Drinking out of my milk jug.

She smiles when she sees me, her platinum hair artfully styled in the 'just fucked but still sexy' look. "Morning. Hope we didn't keep you up."

I don't even know what to say. I just stand there, looking like one of those cartoon characters with my jaw dropped. She holds out the milk, then frowns into it. "Oops, sorry, I think I drank the last of it. I'm Jessie, by the way. Sorry if we were too loud last night, but God, you know how Lach is."
. The one from the store.

I push past her and reach for the coffee pot, until I realize there's no milk and I nearly cry. "Um, no, I don't know what he's like. We're not sleeping together."

"Seriously? Wow. I just assumed. I mean, you two live together. How could you not? He's like a god in bed… I mean, I've been with lots of guys and he's… oh wow. You're missing out."

She shoves the empty milk jug back into the fridge and closes the door, then turns, her perky breasts now staring at me. "If you ever want in, maybe the three of us could…"

"Thank you, but no." Please God, save me from this morning.

As if in answer, Lachlan walks out in jeans and no shirt and for a moment I can see why Jesse assumes all women who glance upon this man's flesh end up fucking him. Because a little part of me…

No. Just stop it, Vi. Not going there.

Lachlan smiles lazily. "Good morning, ladies." His accent is stronger in the morning it seems. "I see you've met. Jessie, why don't you go get dressed and pack up. It's time to go."

She practically skips out of the room. "Sure thing, baby."

I open the fridge, pull out the milk and dump it in the trash, my desperation for coffee and lack of sleep making me unusually angry.

"Sorry about her." He rubs his head and fills a glass of water, downing it in one gulp.

I spin on him and try not to look at his tanned abs of steel, his chiseled chest, his sculpted biceps… but looking at his face doesn't help as much as I'd hoped. He's so
goddamned gorgeous
. "Look, I know you live here and this is your home too, for the time being, so obviously you are free to have houseguests. But please make sure your…
… stay out of my stuff and respect proper social rules, like not walking around my condo naked. Okay?"

He grins, his blue eyes mischievous. "That seems reasonable. It won't happen again."

"Great." I slam the refrigerator closed, unable to find anything that contains enough sugar, caffeine and dairy to assuage me. "I have to get coffee and go to work. Make sure your friend is gone before you leave. And lock up."

I dress quickly and head out without running into either of them again, but as I acquire my morning nectar and start to settle down, I can't help but wonder… just what is it about Lachlan Pierce that makes him a god in bed?




Kill me now. Just do it, before this hangover does.

Or before Vi does. I know she's pissed about Jessie being here. I don't blame her, honestly. I'm not used to worrying about a roommate when I'm fucking.

Jessie is in my room when I go in. She's naked. Not even the g-string left. I think we've made negative progress with the get-her-out-of-the-house plan.

When I sink back into bed, my head still pounding from the rum and my stomach a bit topsy-turvy, she climbs onto my lap, letting her tits hang in my face.

"You want to fuck again?"

I don't know. Let me check with my cock… Nope. Not happening.

She feels my limp dick through the denim and pouts. "Aww, baby. Want me to suck on it?"

I don't say no to blow jobs. It's a core belief of mine.

She kneels before me and pulls off my jeans, taking my none-too-eager cock into her mouth.

It doesn't feel bad… but I'm just… not into it. And it's not because of the booze. I once chugged a whole bottle of vodka and still fucked two girls in an elevator. This is… hmm. Strange.

Jessie pauses her efforts. "Come on, baby. What's wrong?"

I don't know. It's not like Jessie isn't smoking hot. Her tits are worth a grand, literally. And her ass is the result of months at the gym. She isn't too bright, but that's usually a good thing. She'll do anything in bed.

Then why am I not into this?

, baby." She straddles me again, rubbing her wet cunt rubbing against me and nibbling on my neck, whispering in my ear. "I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me, Lachlan."

I try. I really do. But the dick won't stick.

Jessie frowns and pouts some more, but I don't care. She's not girlfriend material, at least not for me. I know she's fooled around with my buddy, Duke. She's probably fucked Darrel, too. I don't judge.

She and I fuck for the same reason. We like it. Simple as that.

"I have to get dressed for work," I say. It's bullshit, but it's not her fault I'm limp. I don't want her to blame herself.

"But baby, I want to feel you." This is what I like about Jessie. Well, what I
. I could always count on her for a good fuck. But now… suddenly now that doesn't seem enough.


"I have to go."

She bites her lip, considering. "You can fuck me without a condom."

Fuck no. I use condoms. It's another core belief.

I slide her off my lap, zip up my jeans, and throw on a Michael Jackson t-shirt. "It's time for you to go."

"Fine." She pulls on her dress. It doesn't cover much. "I'll see if Duke has time."

"Go ahead." I don't care. I don't get jealous.

She walks out, slamming the door shut behind her, and I collapse on the bed. I'm going to need to make things up to Vi. I try to think of a peace offering, but fuck it, my head hurts too much, so I just think of Vi. Her full lips, her thighs. The curve of her ass. And now my cock comes to life.

An unfamiliar feeling enters me. I can't quite name it. Whatever it is, I know one thing.

I really hope Vi is single.




Zoe is still giggling about Lachlan as we close up the store. "Think he'll still shop here?" she asks, her big anime eyes glistening from mirthful tears.

"I have no idea," I say, unable to suppress my own laughter, because the whole thing is just ludicrous. "Hopefully he does. I think he's single-handedly kept our little venture afloat the last few months."

While not specifically true, he's definitely contributed to the profit margin.

We reach our cars and hug. Her smile fades as she gets in and I know why. "Henry still?"

She nods and now those tears in her eyes aren't from laughter. "He wants to marry me so we're not living in sin, but I want to wait until we've resolved our issues."

"Marriage won't make things better."

She starts her engine and sighs. "I know. That’s what I told him."

"What did he say?"

"That I'm too much of a temptation and he has to put his faith first. I told him if he really feels that way then maybe we shouldn't live together. But he doesn't want to move out, either. And since we live in my house, that I own, I'm not leaving. We're at an impasse."

Asshole. "You could always kick him out."

She shrugs and gets into her car. "I'm not there yet."

I frown, and she flashes a small rueful smile as she pulls out of the spot next to mine. Waving, I climb into my cherry apple red '97 Camaro. My car purrs to life and I sigh happily as I press the gas.

Leaving behind my worry for Zoe, my mood shifts as I drive out of town to my best friend Kacie's house. There's much squealing, hugging, and pecking of cheeks as I lug a bag of gifts into her spacious and beautiful home.

"You look so good," I tell her as we hug one more time. "I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other."

She tosses a lock of blond hair off her shoulder and smiles, her blue eyes so happy. "I know. Babies and work. That's my life in a nutshell." But she's grinning madly when she says it, and I know she loves every minute.

"I hope there's time for Dr. Sexy in there somewhere?"

As if on cue, the man walks into the living room. "Oh, I make sure of it," Sebastian says as he kisses his wife's head. She grins and wraps an arm around him.

"You two are to-die-for cute, you know that?"

They both nod as Sebastian kisses her one more time, this time full on the lips. "Work called. I've got to check on a patient, but I'll be back in a few hours. I trust you ladies will survive without me?"

Kacie laughs. "We'll manage somehow. But hurry home. I have plans for you later."

I mock groan and leave them in a liplock as I go in search of my godbabies. I find them upstairs in their nursery, just waking from a nap. Adele and Daniel. The two cutest twins in the entire planet both smile up at me from their shared crib—they refused to sleep apart— and I reach for them both, dropping a kiss on each fuzzy head before picking up Adele to change her diaper. Switch, repeat, and it's go time.

With one baby in each arm I make my way down the stairs. "I have presents for you both!" I tell them, smiling. "Do you want to open presents?" The babies coo excitedly at my tone.

Once Sebastian leaves and the babies settle into our laps enjoying the discovery of their fingers more than any gifts I could bring, Kacie and I juggle cups of coffee and catch each other up on everything we've missed in the last few weeks.

"Hitched is taking off faster than we can keep up," she says. She and her twin brother, Tate, run a premiere bachelor and bachelorette party planning company here in Las Vegas, which got major exposure when they snagged a party for a prominent magician in town and he told all of his celebrity friends. This was right before Kacie and Dr. Sexy, the prominent pediatric surgeon Sebastian Donovan, got engaged after a crazy summer following a drunken night that led to marriage.

You know, because Vegas.

"I'm thrilled for you! And the babies are getting so big. I have to come over more or I'll show up one day and they'll be in college." We switch babies so I can hold Adele for a while.

"Stop it. Don't give them ideas. I swear they conspire with each other behind my back on how to take over the world."

I laugh. "I'm sure your mother felt the same way about you and Tate."

"Ha! That's probably true. And look at us now. Guess she was right." She sips her decaf coffee and my heart goes out to her. Nursing is a sacrifice. "Now, enough about me. Tell me about you! How's Whipped, how's life, how's Zoe, how's everything? Details, woman!"

I tell her all, saving the best for last. Lachlan.

Her mouth forms an O as I talk about last night.

"Can you believe his fucking kept me up all night?"

I expect her to be outraged on my behalf, as is the job of the best friend in these situations. But instead she grins in the way I know means trouble and raises an eyebrow. "All night? With wall-banging enthusiasm? So, let me get this straight. He's got a sexy accent, he's hot as hell, washboard abs, the face of a god, all night stamina and he can go hard long enough to shake the walls? And he's willing to give you no-strings attached pleasure? Um, why aren't you hitting that?"

"Why? Did you not hear anything I said?"

She wags her eyebrows suggestively. "Oh, I did. And that's the point. Is he serious about the girl from this morning?"

"No, I don't think he knows what serious means. I'd probably have to buy him a dictionary for him to understand that word."

"Then you need to discover this man's skills for yourself." She sets her coffee mug down and reaches for my hand. "I say this with all the love of a best friend: Vi, you need to get fucked hard and good and by a man who knows how. It's been too long."

I laugh at the deadly serious expression on her face but shake my head. "Nope, not happening. Not with him."

"And not with the sexy FedEx man," she says.

"Because I'm not starring in a porn!"

"And not with anyone else, either. You said he's only living there for a few months. So what could it hurt?"

"It could make these next few months impossible."

She cocks her head and pulls out a breast to nurse Daniel. "Fine, if not with him, then with someone. Just go out and have fun. I'd drag you out myself but, well, it'll be awhile before I spend a night on the town drinking."

We spend a few more hours talking, laughing and playing with babies until Sebastian comes home and I can tell I'll soon be the third wheel. We put the babies to bed and I leave with more hugs for them both.

On the way home that night I consider my friend's advice and decide, you know what? Fuck it. She's right. I need to get laid. I head to Spanked, a fetish sex club I used to frequent to find new clients and scratch my own personal itches from time to time. I could always count on it for finding a willing sub who was ready to play. I park and walk to the door. The bouncer, Brent, recognizes me and waves. "Vi, it's been too long. Welcome back."

"Thanks, Brent. How's it going in there tonight?"

Brent, a sub with model-like good looks who often passed clients to me, shrugs his well-defined shoulders. "A bit slow, but I think you'll find what you need. You taking any new clients, or still just focused on Whipped?"

"Just the shop. I'll let you know if that changes."

He opens the door and lets me in. "I got some clients for you if it does change. You're the best out there and everyone knows it."

I kiss his cheek as I walk in. "Thanks, Brent. You're sweet."

"Anything for you, Vi. Have fun tonight."

I intend to.

The club is dark, with beams of colored light projecting through the room like lasers. On the dance floor couples sway to loud music that feels like it's inside of me, beating out its own rhythm in my blood. One couple is mostly naked, already engaged in more than just dance, but no one seems to mind.

There's an all-you-can-eat open buffet to the right of the dance floor and several people in various states of undress are pilling up their plates. Fucking and dancing takes carbs and stamina, but no way have I ever eaten here. I shudder just imagining what has made its way into that food.

While downstairs may offer newbies a peep or two, upstairs is where all the action is. As I head up, a woman dressed in a leather corset and not much else guides a man on all fours with a leash. He's muzzled and wearing a loincloth. I recognize the woman as another Dom and nod a greeting to her as we pass on the staircase.

Upstairs, you can smell the sex. It's everywhere. In one corner, a raised bed is set up off the floor, with stirrups for feet. On it, a naked, writhing woman is strapped down while one man eats her pussy and another two suck at her tits. The erotic naughtiness of it makes me wet, and I watch as the man eating her stands, slips a condom on his extra-large cock, and shoves it into her. She cries out and one of the men still sucking on her tits lets his hand fall to her clit. He rubs it while the other guy fucks her and for a moment I wish I was in her place. Just for a moment.

One of the guys nods to me when he sees me watching. He lets go of the nipple long enough to smile and ask me if I want to be next.

I hesitate. Do I? It could fix my problem fast. When I imagine myself strapped down I shudder and shake my head. "Thank you, but no. Have fun."

He grins and goes back to the breast while I walk past them and into the den of anything goes. It's a room reserved for hard core BDSM. Normally it's even too heavy for me, but tonight I'm curious. I peek in and watch as all manner of kink is acted out by willing partners. A woman whipping her sub. Another man licking her heels.

It does nothing for me.

The ache is still there. I want something. But not this. And not those guys fucking that girl. And certainly not my sexy new roommate. But

I half-consider calling Chad, but it's a thought that ends before it's fully formed. He deserves more than a booty call and I can't give him more.

If I hook up with anyone here, I know how the night will play out. A little kink, a good fuck and I'll go home alone. I could get myself off without all this effort.

I've had too much of this, and realize I'm no longer in the mood. It's why I haven't been here in a while. Why I was ready to give up my work as a Dom, even though I never got sexual with clients. Why I knew it was time for a change. For Whipped. For… something
in my personal life.

I could have had that something more with Chad. He was the perfect sub and a great guy. Gorgeous, talented, my friends liked him. We even played house for a brief moment. But… it wasn't right.

Now, I don't even know what I'm looking for.

I ditch my plans for a night of nothing and head home, ready to strip off the tight clothes and leather accessories and just relax.

But I'm surprised to find Lachlan home. For some reason, I expected him to be out partying or something. I'm even more surprised when he holds out a bag with a bow on it when I walk in the door.

"My white flag," he says by way of explanation.

I accept it and pull out the contents. It's a new jug of milk. I smile at him, genuinely grateful for this kindness. It means coffee in the morning. "Thank you. I appreciate this."

I stick it in the fridge and lean against the counter, looking more closely at him. His eyes are still a bit bloodshot and he's rubbing the back of his neck. Last night must have been rough on him. "Still hungover, huh?"

He cocks his head. "Yeah. I got a bit fucked up. Something about a bottle or two of rum… it's a bit murky after that."

I laugh as I move through the kitchen collecting ingredients for my famous hangover cure. "I bet. Rum is a sneaky bitch, no doubt."

"That she is." He eyes my assortment of foods suspiciously. "What are you making?"

"Your savior. Avert your eyes, this is a closely held family recipe that none but our kin are privy to."

He turns away as I add things to the blender and hit the button, causing him to flinch from the noise. When I'm done, I hand him a glass filled to the brim with a thick greenish brown sludge. "Drink it all. Every last drop. You'll thank me after."

"If I'm not dead," he says, his accent lingering over the words.

He chugs it all, and I give him props for keeping it down. Not everyone does. I count to ten in my mind and see the moment it starts affecting him.

His grin widens, spreading to his eyes. "That's amazing. You're a witch. A beautiful, brilliant, mad witch. I think I might be in love."

"Settle down, cowboy, it's just a drink, not a proposal. But I'm glad it helped."

"Me, too. I'm working tonight, and you just saved my ass."

Of course I have to look at said ass as he walks into the living room, and I pat myself on the back for saving something so very perfect.

"What do you do?" I ask to keep my mind off his body parts.

He grins that infuriating tease of a grin. "You should come and see. 10pm. Bring your friends. Do you still have the cards I gave you?"

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