Whiskey Rose (Fallen) (28 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jones

BOOK: Whiskey Rose (Fallen)
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He lay there catching his breath, so many things sprang to mind to say but he did
t utter any of them. He was a Ranger. He was
t supposed to have fear. His emotions were supposed to be under his control. He could tell her he loved her but she did
t like that word and it seemed too inadequate to describe the depth of his feelings anyway.


Rose watched Matt as he sat with the Sheriff. He had told her they were friends, that the Sheriff used to be a Ranger but as she watched them talking she did
t think they looked like friends. In fact she woul
ve thought the
d just met if she did
t know better. Matt was writing something. When he finished they stood up and shook hands and the sheriff left.

So are you planning to open tonight

No, I think the star has other things on her mind
” she smirked and he grinned. Jonathan had never left and so far the couple was still sequestered. The Sheriff had interrupted long enough to ask some questions but other than that they had
t been out of the room.

m glad they patched things up

Me too
” Rose sighed, she walked into the store room and returned with two bottles of sarsaparilla. She opened them both and handed him one
To finding a killer
” She held up the bottle.

To justice
” He clinked his bottle against hers.

So are you ever going to tell me how you figured out that Katrina was the key
’ He looked surprised as he lowered the bottle.

I never refused to tell you. You did
t ask

Alright, I am asking now

Alright now I am refusing to tell you
” He laughed and she pushed his shoulder
How did I figure out it was about Katrina? Well she was the common factor. Benji stayed with her until late talking. He jumped to a different conclusion and he was jealous. Then Dixie traded rooms with her. Duncan left that necklace for Katrina, it was a D. When he saw it on Dixie I think he assumed she had stolen it. I
s crazy how warped an obsessed mind can become

So you decided to make him come after you

It stood to reason that if he was jealous enough to kill Benji he would be jealous enough to try to kill me too
” She had almost been jealous enough to kill him herself but she did
t say that she just smiled.

You know funny thing about fishing, it usually does
t work out so well for the bait
” She mumbled and he laughed.

It was working out perfectly well until you fouled the whole thing up

Again if you had told me what was going on I would
t have gone out there looking for you

” He sighed
re right I should have told you. Now le
s go see what Maggi
s special is today


Rose lay awake in the grey dawn light watching Matt sleep. He was softly snoring, once again his whiskers had grown so long that they were more short beard than whiskers. He lifted his hand and scratched his chin in his sleep and she smiled. It was itching that was a sure sign it would be going soon.  She wasn’t sure what the future held for them and it was driving her mad. It had been three days since he had caught the killer and still he was here. He hadn’t mentioned when he would be leaving and she was afraid to ask. She didn’t want him to go she had never expected to find someone like him. He was strong and tender at the same time. He made her feel safe but he made her feel so much more than that. He made her feel beautiful and desirable he made her… happy. She leaned over him and softly kissed his neck, she slid her hand down over his chest knowing if she woke him he would make love to her again. She had lost track of how many times it had been in just these few short days but the intensity hadn’t lessened. He made her feel like the rest of the world didn’t exist. She was growing more addicted to that feeling with each passing day. She felt the muscles under her hand move as he reached up and put his arms around her. He just pulled her down on to him and she giggled.

Woman, you are going to kill me with exhaustion
” His voice was husky with sleep and desire.

I ca
t help it, you are irresistible
” she whispered right into his ear.

Oh sweetheart I like the sound of that
” He kissed her sliding his hands over her back.


I think Izzy is back
” Matt said hours later when they had ventured out to the kitchen. He was looking out the window and happened to see the other man ride up.

s good, h
s been gone longer than usual this time. I was starting to get worried
” Rose said absently
ll be right back I want to talk to Katrina
” She walked out without looking back at him and he frowned slightly but then he looked out the window again. Tha
s alright because he wanted to talk to Izzy.

Matt could hear the flurry of activity inside the office before he even opened the door. Izzy was taking random things and stuffing them into saddle bags.

Going somewhere
” He said coolly.

I have to get out of here, and Rose she has to go now

Is this another attempt to shut this place down? Wha
s the point she has
t reopened, I am not sure she plans to at all

Oh, yo
re so daft, I was
t trying to get her to shut down I was trying to get her to stay

You went about it a little backwards do
t you think? I mean vandalism is probably not the best way to ask someone to stay

That was you
” The heads of both men swiveled toward the door at the sound of Ros
s voice.

Rose, we have to go. We have to go right now
” Izzy rushed forward and put his hands on her shoulders.

Why were you trying to sabotage the Saloon
” she asked, Izzy sighed.

I was
t trying to sabotage it.I was just trying to get business to drop of
… a little


Because I did
t want you to go


I love you Savannah, I always have. I thought if sales dropped off a little you would push back your plans,that I would have more time
” Rose looked into his eyes for a long moment. Long enough to make Matt uncomfortable. She was
t really buying this was she?

s going on? Tell me what is happening

He knows, we have to go
” Matt saw Ros
s whole expression change. He saw alarm in her eyes. No it was more than alarm it was cold fear.

” Izzy looked at the floor and Rose crossed her arms
” she demanded.

I ran into someone in Austin, he recognized me.
ve been paying him off but it was
t enough and no
… he knows

How long


How long
” She shouted.

A day at the most

Rose turned on her heel and walked out.

A day, yo
re sure
” Matt asked.

Probably less, he is on his way
” Izzy looked at him for a long moment
Just get her out of here, make sure she is safe

I intend to
” Matt walked to the doorway and looked back
One question, if you love her why did you suggest that I pretend to be her husband

Because I thought that was the one thing she would never agree to

Matt walked out without another word.

He could hear activity upstairs a lot of activity. Obviously Rose had started an evacuation. He could
t really blame her he probably would have done the same thing.  He found her in her room. She was packing but she appeared to be packing very selectively. She was
t rushed or panicked she was moving very methodically.

s nice that yo
re not surprised
” She did
tlook at him
You know who it is

” She nodded and stuck the bible from her night table drawer into the saddle bags. She took the blond wig off her head and immediately replaced it with a short black one.

Guess that explains what yo
re hanging around here waiting for. Was he really your partner or just a convenient excuse

I came here to find Benj
s killer

And just happened to stumble upon a bigger fish

I am a Ranger

And what does that mean

It means that i
s not what I do i
s who I am

How fortunate for you
” Matt bit back a sigh at the snide remark.

You expect me to apologize for uncovering your secrets

” She flipped the leather pouch closed and walked out the door.

re leaving a lot behind

I am not sentimental

You know the
re watching, yo
re not going to get away yo
re just going to lead them where you do
t want them to be

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