Read Wicked Wonderland Online

Authors: LuAnn McLane

Wicked Wonderland (14 page)

BOOK: Wicked Wonderland
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He automatically took them, but she made sure he had no opportunity to touch her. She wasn’t taking any chances of setting off a chain of sensations that would draw them closer.
“Uh, Rachel?” But Rachel didn’t look at him. The moment he took the papers, she hurried down the corridor as fast as her feet could take her.
He learned his lesson yesterday and he wasn’t going to let her get away from him this time.
She had to get out of here. Rachel brushed a shaky hand against her hair. So what if the offices didn’t close for another hour? This was an emergency. If anyone asked, she’d come up with a good lie about why she cut out early.
Rachel hurried to the bank of elevators and pushed the down button several times. She had to put as much distance as possible between herself and Justin. Her control was slipping, and it wouldn’t take much more to throw caution to the wind and do something reckless.
She crossed her arms and looked around. There were colorful and festive decorations everywhere. Multicolor stars dangled from the ceiling, and a Christmas tree stood in the corner next to the bank of elevators. Everywhere she turned, there were wreaths and ornaments. Rachel focused all her attention on the black elevator doors, willing one of them to open.
At least she had hidden her disturbing reaction from Justin, Rachel thought as she impatiently tapped her toe. If he had an inkling of the lust coursing through her veins, of the wrenching longing, of how close she was to mounting him for a rough ride, she would be in big trouble.
But he would never know. She kept her head down these days, and she didn’t attract attention. Not anymore. The more invisible she became, the safer she was. If only she were invisible to Justin. It was like the man had radar. No matter how quiet she tried to be, or how often she tried to blend into a group, Justin O’Rourke always knew where she was and what she was doing.
Rachel went still when she heard the familiar footsteps. She lifted her head like an animal sensing danger. As much as she wanted to look over her shoulder, she remained still. She knew Justin was walking to the elevators.
Maybe if she didn’t move, he wouldn’t notice her. . . . No, he would notice her. Maybe this time he’d leave her alone.
Justin stood right behind her, although there was plenty of space in front of the elevator. Rachel pressed her lips together as her muscles quivered. She would not give in to temptation. She was stronger than this need for him.
She inhaled the faint spice of his aftershave. He smelled so good. Rachel wavered, leaning toward Justin. She just wanted one taste.
She kept her tongue cleaved to the roof of her mouth. No tasting, no licking, no laving. Hadn’t she learned her lesson the last time? Her tongue was going to remain firmly in her mouth at all times.
She closed her eyes and tried to gather the last of her self-control. Rachel tried not to inhale his scent or remember the taste of his skin. She wasn’t going to look at him and imagine him naked. She refused to think about how powerful she had felt, how his muscles had flexed under her touch.
Wow, they really needed to turn down the thermostat in this building. No, wait, it was just her. And Justin. The heat rippled between them.
She didn’t know if she should make a run for it or brave it out. If she ran, he would follow. If she stayed, he would touch her.Whatever she did, there would be only one outcome.
His gaze felt like a caress. There was something different about the way he looked at her.This time he was pursuing her. This time he wasn’t going to hold back.
She sensed Justin’s tension, and she felt him shift. Rachel knew he was going to pounce. Her skin tingled and her breath caught in her throat.
“Rachel.” His voice was raw.
She turned and grabbed him by his shirt, creasing the fine cotton. She flattened her body against his, hip to hip, chest to chest.
She tilted her head to grind her mouth against his. She paused when she saw his face. No longer was he playing the charming flirt.The severe lines in his face were uncompromising. His eyes were the darkest blue. This wasn’t just a game to him. He was serious in his pursuit, and he was determined to catch her. The unconcealed longing in his eyes matched what she felt.
The elevator bell chimed.
It took her a moment to understand the significance of the sound.
No, no, no.
Frustration pulsed through her. She wasn’t going to pull away. She couldn’t hold back anymore.
Rachel took a few quick backward steps and dragged Justin toward the Christmas tree. She heard the elevator doors open just as she felt the prickly branches against her back. She yanked Justin behind the tree and noticed he didn’t resist.
Justin didn’t question or make any remark. He held his arm up, protecting her face from the sparkly ornaments and pointy lights.
The fir branches scraped at her clothes and skin. Her hair caught on one of the ornaments. There was hardly any room between the tree and the corner, but Rachel didn’t care. They were hidden.That was all that mattered.
She leaned against the wall and pulled Justin closer.His strength excited her, but it was his unexpected gentleness that made her shiver. He sank into her, cradling her face with his big hands and kissing her with a passion and intensity that made her ache.
She opened his shirt, pulling and tugging, but her fingers couldn’t move fast enough. Tearing at the buttons, she slid her hands against his hard chest. Touching him was addictive. She sighed against his mouth and rubbed her hands along his compact muscles and warm skin.
Justin tilted his forehead against hers and looked deep into her eyes. “You don’t know what you do to me,” he said in a low, husky voice.
“Show me.” She grabbed at his belt and unbuckled it with fumbling fingers.
He grabbed her hands. “Not here.”
“Yes, here.” She had held back for so many days, and she didn’t think she could wait much longer.The desire inside her was so greedy. All-consuming. She wanted his cock filling and stretching her. She wanted Justin rutting against her until she screamed.
His chest rose and fell. His breathing was harsh and unsteady as he tried to hold back. She knew he wanted her in his bed, where they could explore each other’s bodies for as long as they wanted. But she could tell that her urgency was an aphrodisiac to him. She wanted him so much she couldn’t think straight, so much that nothing else around them mattered.
“I’ll make it worth the wait,” he promised.
“No, Justin.” She grabbed the hem of her blouse.“Take me now.” She pulled it over her head and tossed it on the ground. She arched her spine, offering herself to him. Her breasts felt full and heavy. Her nipples tightened and poked against the delicate lace. She was shamelessly aroused. She felt powerful and beautiful, knowing that Justin would not reject her offer.
He stared at her breasts, which threatened to spill from her thin lacy bra. The muscles in his cheek bunched as a ruddy color stained his high cheekbones. He slid the straps off her shoulders and peeled the bra from her curves.
Justin palmed one of her breasts. He didn’t look down but kept eye contact with her. She wanted to look away, but couldn’t. As he splayed his fingers and grazed her sensitive nipple with his palm, he watched everything she felt through her eyes.
He fondled her breasts, knowing exactly what she wanted without saying a word. He pinched her nipple just right, squeezing hard, knowing she wanted the bite of pain with the pleasure. She leaned her head back and gasped as she felt the sting go straight to her clit.
Suddenly his hands were under her skirt, his big hands skimming her bare thighs. He snagged her panties and discarded them with one simple move.Then he grabbed her waist and slid her up the wall to rest on his hips.The wall was smooth against her bare spine, but the feeling of being caught between a strong, muscular man and the unyielding corner heightened her senses. She was trapped and she didn’t want to break free. She wanted Justin to overpower her. Overwhelm her.
Shoving her skirt up past her hips, he wedged himself intimately between her legs.
Rachel wrapped her legs tight around his waist, and the Christmas tree wobbled.The colored lights behind Justin were a blur to her.The bell ornaments jingled wildly as the fir needles poked against her knee.
Her naked breasts were almost level with Justin’s mouth. He dipped his head and captured one tight nipple with his teeth. Rachel gasped as he drew her in his mouth. She bit her lip when she heard the elevator chime again. She heard footsteps nearby and knew she should stop this madness.
But she didn’t. She couldn’t. Not until she had Justin inside her and every inch of her was pulsating with satisfaction.
Justin slid his hand under her skirt again, seeking her clit. When his fingertips brushed against the swollen bud, slick with desire, he discovered she was already wet and ready for him. She should be ashamed at how willing she was, how fast she became aroused. Justin grunted his pleasure against her breast, and she almost felt proud of her body’s quick response.
He glided his hand along the folds of her sex, and Rachel bucked against his hand. The tree shook. Justin dipped his finger in, and her flesh gripped him. He began to pump, teasing her with shallow thrusts. He licked and nibbled her breasts. He whispered against her hot skin, but she only caught fragments of his words. His tone was dark and reverent as if he was under her spell.
He curled his finger, and Rachel moaned as the pleasure sparkled and fizzed. She tilted her head back just as Justin covered her mouth with his. He gave another sexy curl of his finger and silenced Rachel’s series of broken sighs and hitched gasps.The tree teetered as she climaxed against his hand.
Her body pulsed and jerked as the pleasure screamed through her. She heard the bells jingling and the rustle of denim as Justin unbuttoned his jeans and shoved them down. She gripped his shoulders and her legs clenched around his hips as he guided his cock against her moist sex. Justin surged into her with a shuddering sigh.
Rachel thought her heart stopped when he filled her to the hilt. Heat and pleasure flashed through Rachel as her body accommodated him. She struggled to breathe as Justin withdrew and plunged into her again.
The tree rocked with each deep thrust. The bells were pealing, the ornaments swaying, as Justin drove into her again and again. Rachel held on tight, burrowing her head against his neck, as he rode her relentlessly. She moved her hips to match his primitive rhythm as another climax took her by surprise. It flowed white-hot from her pelvis before flashing through her body, stealing her breath.
Her core squeezed Justin’s cock. His rhythm faltered and he slammed into her with a ferocious strength, grunting in her ear until he found his release.
Rachel felt Justin head’s loll against her shoulder, his body shaking from the vicious release. The bells slowly swayed to a standstill. She felt lethargic but satisfied. Out of breath, but vibrant.
“Has anyone seen Justin?”
She tensed when she heard the voice near the elevator bank.Who was that? How long had they been standing there?
Justin sighed against her shoulder, the warm air buffeting against her skin.“Maybe we should have gone somewhere else.”
“My place is more private,” Justin whispered as he trailed soft kisses along her neck. “And comfortable.”
“I can’t find Justin.” The female voice was right next to the tree. “I need him to sign off on this before I go on my vacation.”
Rachel’s breath caught in her throat as fear seized her chest. She couldn’t place the voice. And whom was she talking to?
Justin arched his back and his cock withdrew slightly. Rachel dug her hand in his shoulder when she heard the jingle of a bell ornament. “Ssh,” she said as softly as she could against his ear.
The elevator bell chimed, and Justin bucked against her. Rachel gasped as the pleasure sparked and fizzed just under her skin. She glared at him in silent warning, and his eyes twinkled back at her.
Rachel’s pulse thudded in her ears as she waited to hear the people walk into the elevator. She was afraid to move even after the doors closed.
Justin thrust again. She swallowed back a groan and gripped him hard with her legs. “We need to wait at least to the count of thirty before we move. Otherwise someone might hear us.”
“Sounds like you’ve been in this situation before.”
“Hush.” She had found herself in one predicament after another in the past.Though never in a compromising situation behind a Christmas tree.That was new for her.
“If we get caught, we can always tell them the Christmas lights weren’t working and we were looking for the plug,” Justin suggested before he playfully nipped her ear.
Rachel clenched her teeth but didn’t move away from his teasing touch. Every time she thought she was rebuilding her life, her reckless streak knocked it down in one fell swoop.
She had to stop doing this. And she would. Right after she climbed off Justin and got her clothes back on.
Justin thrust deeply inside her.
Rachel closed her eyes as she countered his thrust with the rock of her hips.
Any minute now . . .
Rachel hurried out of the office building. It was already dark at five o’clock, but today she didn’t care about the lack of sunlight. She just wanted to get far, far away from the office.
She ran down the salt-coated steps, hoping and praying that she didn’t bump into Justin. She couldn’t face him right now. Her breath frosted in the air and she shivered in her oversized coat while frantically looking for Nikki’s car in the poorly lit parking lot.
The bright red hatchback was on the far end. Of course it was when she needed a quick getaway. Rachel marched for it, her feet skidding on patches of ice. She saw the plumes of exhaust and knew Nikki was already in the car, waiting for her.
BOOK: Wicked Wonderland
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