Wild: Wildfire (3 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Wild: Wildfire
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When Dee had walked into her house and shut the door behind her, it had been all Jake could do not to follow her inside. Instead, he started his truck and drove away from her ranch, his hands clenched tight around the steering wheel. As his tires rattled back over the cattle guard, he thought about how her blouse had been gaping open in the barn, her breasts straining against their satin bonds, and his cock hardened in a rush.

With a hell of a lot of effort, Jake fought down the lust that had filled him since seeing her. He forced his thoughts from the beauty and fire of Dee to the chill of having to meet an old rival. Not an enemy, but almost as bad.

The Bar One bordered the Flying M, so he didn’t have far to drive. Just as he was about to pull onto the road that would take him to Grand’s home, he spotted two men and a couple of horses alongside the southern fence of the ranch. Taking care not to stir up too much dust, Jake slowly pulled off the side of the dirt road and parked.

He slapped on his Stetson, climbed out of his truck and sauntered across the road to where the men were working on the fence. A late afternoon wind picked up, stirring the grass and causing dust to swirl on the road. It was the tail end of summer and still plenty warm, and would be for at least another month yet.

The men were on the other side, facing Jake. He didn’t recognize the one guy—a large man in a khaki work shirt. The second man wore a western hat and his head was down, so Jake couldn’t make out who he was until he looked up.

“Grand,” Jake said when he recognized the owner of the Bar One.

“Reynolds.” Kev Grand stood, pulled off his leather work gloves, and stuffed them into the back pocket of his jeans, along with a pair of wire cutters.

He and Jake were the same age and had gone through high school together in Douglas, but they’d never been what anyone would call friends. Their rivalry had started when Cathy Pierson chose to go to the Freshman Winter Dance with Jake instead of Kev, and went on to their senior year when Jake had been selected captain of the Douglas Bulldogs football team. They’d damn near come to blows a few times, and it was a wonder they never had.

Grand was a good two inches shorter than Jake, slimmer in build, wiry and athletic. By the way the man was eyeing him, and by the way his handlebar mustache curved down into a serious frown, Jake had the impression that Grand was none too pleased to see him, either.

Jake extended his hand through the barbwire fence to the man he didn’t recognize. “Jake Reynolds.”

“Ryan Forrester.” The big man took Jake’s hand and shook it. “Deputy with the Sheriff’s Department.”

“I’m sure we’ll be running into one another,” Jake said. “I’m with Customs.” He turned to Grand. “How’re you doing these days?”

Grand spit into the dirt at his feet then glanced down the road toward the MacLeod ranch and back to Jake. “What the hell are you doing back in these parts?”

Jake gave a wry smile. Not that he’d expected Grand to slap him on the back and ask him to go have a beer. But he figured the man was carrying childhood grudges a little too far.

“I’m working.” Jake pulled out his card and handed it over the fence to Grand. “I’m stationed in Douglas now.”

Jake studied the lines of Grand’s frown as the man took the card, glanced at it and slid it into the pocket of his denim work shirt.

“Customs. Yeah.” Grand nodded. “So, tell me, Reynolds. What Customs work took you out to the Flyin’ M?”

Jake pushed back the brim of his Stetson and eyed Grand squarely. So that’s what it was—Grand had a thing for Dee. For all Jake knew, Dee and Kev Grand could be seeing each other.

The thought of Grand and Dee fucking one another was enough to give Jake the urge to knock the living daylights out of the man. Well damned if he was going to let the bastard have her now.

Fighting back the desire to slam his fist into Grand’s jaw, Jake said, “I’m working this area, so you have my number if you need anything.”

Grand placed his hands on the top strand of the barbwire fence, between the barbs. His shirt was soaked with sweat at the armpits and around the collar, and a dark ring stained the crown of his hat. He flexed his fingers and narrowed his hazel eyes. “You had your chance with Dean MacLeod. Don’t think you can come back and start where you left off.”

Jake glanced down at his boots. He felt a muscle on his face twitch, the only outward indication that Grand’s words had royally pissed him off.

Looking back at Grand, Jake fought to keep his tone even, his expression blank. “Like I said, I’m working the area.”

“Uh-huh.” Grand spit into the dirt again and then fixed his gaze on Jake. “Is that all you need?” The rancher gestured toward the fence. “Damn rustlers cut through and I’ve gotta fix it before my cattle get out.”

“Reckon I’ll be on my way.” Jake nodded to Ryan Forrester, pulled the brim of his Stetson down and walked back to his truck.

As Jake strode away, Grand called after him, “You just remember what I said about Dean MacLeod, you hear?”

Refusing to acknowledge Grand’s parting shot, Jake climbed into his truck and headed on out.



Slamming the apartment door behind him, Jake tossed his hat onto the coffee table and headed into the kitchen. It was a few hours after his talk with Kev Grand, but he was still pissed.

After looking in the bare cabinets and staring into the empty fridge, Jake realized he was going to have to do some grocery shopping or starve. To hell with that. He’d have a couple of pizzas delivered, along with an order of Buffalo wings and breadsticks. That ought to get him through dinner and breakfast.

Jake went to the sink and splashed cold water over his face. No clean dishtowels or paper towels, so he wiped his wet face on his sleeve.

The sparsely furnished apartment smelled like fresh paint and mothballs, and wasn’t even close to feeling like a home. He was renting until he found a place he wanted to buy, maybe a piece of land where he could build a new house. Most of his stuff was still in storage, and the apartment had about as much appeal as a jail cell.

He had to figure out some way to get close to Dee again, to get her to let him back in her life. With a frustrated sigh, he went to the sliding glass doors and peered through the blinds. The apartments had been built close to the fairgrounds where rodeo events were held several times a year. The County Fair took up four days every September, and it was that time of year again. In the darkness he could see the glittering lights of the midway and floodlights illuminating the rodeo grounds.

That time of year.
The same time of year he’d met Dee, ten years ago. And this Friday would be the rodeo dance.

He stared across his apartment at the phone and made up his mind. What was the worst that could happen? Dee could hang up, which basically put him right back where he was anyway.

Alone and fantasizing about having the woman in his bed.

Many times. Many ways.

In two determined strides, he reached the phone in the cramped living room. He shoved aside a stack of newspapers, sat on the couch, picked up the handset, and started dialing. Funny how he still remembered the MacLeod’s phone number, as though he’d called Dee yesterday. Unless she’d changed the number.

The phone rang a couple of times, and then Dee’s sensual voice said, “Hello?”

, but just hearing her made him hard. “Hey, sweetheart.”

A pause. “Jake. I—I didn’t expect it to be you.”

His gut tightened. Who
she expect?

He took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice calm. “Did you think it might be Kev Grand?”

“Kev? Why would you say that?”

“I saw him today after I stopped by your place.” Jake clenched the phone so hard his knuckles ached. “He made it clear you two are together.”

He what

Jake grinned and relaxed, a little of the tension easing from his muscles. At least Dee didn’t think of herself as Grand’s woman, even if she might be dating the man.

“He saw me coming from your place and gave me some advice. Told me in so many words to stay away.”

“Well that’s taking neighborliness a little far,” Dee muttered. “Is that what you called about?”

“I wanted to ask you something.”


Jake swallowed. How hard could it be? “Ah…I was wondering if you’d like to go to the rodeo dance with me this Friday.”

Silence. “Are you asking me on a date?”

She wasn’t going to make this easy. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

A longer silence. “Why are you asking me out?”

“It’d be a start towards being friends.”

What the hell was he saying?

“Friends,” she repeated, her tone flat, even a little hard. “That’s all you want?”

Jake rubbed his hand over his face. “It’s a beginning.”

“A beginning to what?”

“Will you go with me or not?”

Dee sighed and he imagined her fingers at her throat, the soft skin turning pink. “Tell you what,” she finally said, “I’ll be there, and I’ll save a dance for you.”

“One dance?” Jake leaned back against the couch and stared at the ceiling. If that was all she’d give him, he’d take it.
For now
. “All right.”

“See you Friday, then,” she said softly. God, but her voice was sexy. “So long, Jake.”

“Bye.” Jake punched off the phone and tossed it onto the couch.

Grinning, he got to his feet and headed to the bathroom to wash off the day’s grime and sweat.

Once he was beneath the hot spray, he couldn’t help but remember the times he and Dee had showered together. When he’d washed her hair and soaped her breasts. And while under the spray he’d knelt and licked her clit until she screamed

Moist steam clouded the bathroom as Jake soaped his own body, imaging it was Dee’s hands washing him, stroking him. As he rinsed off, he took himself in hand, wrapping his fingers around his thick cock. Warm water pelted his back and he closed his eyes as he worked his shaft from base to tip and back.

Yeah, he could feel his cock sinking into Dee’s pussy. While he fucked her mindless, her head would be thrown back, her copper hair splayed across his pillow, and she would be shouting at him to go harder. Faster.

Jake’s body corded as he came in a rush and he barely bit back a shout. He continued milking his cock, the semen squirting onto the glass shower door until he was empty.

When he had spilled every drop, he placed both hands on either side of the shower door and let the shower spray pelt his relaxed muscles. He couldn’t wait to see Dee at the dance.

She might think she was only giving him one dance, but Jake had other ideas.


Chapter Three

Weary, but thrilled with all her purchases, Dee carried in several packages and dress bags from her Range Rover. It was dark outside and she’d just spent a long day with her best friend Catie, hitting their favorite spots at the Tucson malls, and darn near closing the stores down.

It had been good not to think about real life—failed relationships, missing cattle, the ranch’s dwindling resources. Those damn rustlers were having a heyday. Thank God for nest eggs. If Dee’s mother hadn’t left her a sizable trust, the cattle thefts might have closed the Flying M already.

Enough. I’m not thinking about problems today, just a little sweet, hot revenge.

Having offered to help her put everything away, Catie trailed Dee into the house, arms loaded with packages, too.

Using her elbow, Dee flipped on the light to the backroom before going through the swinging doors to the kitchen. “Thanks for shopping with me.”

“Anytime, girlfriend,” Catie said as she followed close behind.

Dee paused by her Border collie. “Hello luv. I’d pet you but my hands are full.”

Blue just thumped his tail and gave her an adoring look. If he’d been feeling well, he would have met her at the door.

Catie blew a strand of short blond hair out of her chocolate brown eyes. “Want these in the bedroom?”

“Uh-huh.” Dee skirted Blue and led the way down the hall and laid her packages on a settee.

Catie grinned as she scattered her share of shopping bags across the huge bed. “When Jake sees you in that outfit tomorrow night, you’re gonna make that man so horny he won’t be able to walk straight.”

Laughing, Dee pulled out the ivory halter dress from one of the bags and hung it in her closet. “That’s the idea, Sweatpea.”

“How about a margarita while you put all that crap away?”

“Sounds like the perfect end to the perfect day of shopping.” Dee grinned at her friend. “You know where everything is. And make mine a triple.”

“You betcha.” Catie bounced from the room, humming a catchy tune.

It wasn’t long before Dee heard the whir of the blender and crunch of ice as Catie fixed their frozen margaritas. While Dee slipped the new garters, stockings and thong into her underwear drawer, she couldn’t help but wonder what Jake would think when he saw her in the barely-covers-anything outfit.

Catie returned and placed a frosty margarita glass into Dee’s hands as she said, “God but I could use a nice relaxing bath.”

Dee took a sip of the margarita.
“How ‘bout taking a dip in the whirlpool?”

“Wonderful idea, but I don’t have a bathing suit in my back pocket.” Catie held a hand up before Dee could reply. “And don’t bother trying to loan me one of yours. I’d be flashing my non-existent breasts in those melon holders.”

Dee rolled her eyes as she took another swallow of her drink. “Yeah, right. Your tits are fine.”

“How about skinny dipping?” A dare-you look brightened Catie’s gamin face. “First one in gets to fuck your foreman.”

Exploding with laughter, Dee said, “You’re on.”

They both set their margaritas down, but before Dee even had her jeans off, Catie was naked, margarita in hand, and streaking out the French doors to the private whirlpool in the enclosed backyard. By the time Dee made it to the tub, Catie had turned it on and was stepping down into the bubbling waters.

Brilliant stars were scattered across the inky sky, the moon just a sliver and hanging low above the mountains. The night air smelled of fall and of the honeysuckle blooming on the trellis along the back porch. Dee’s back yard was bordered with trees and bushes, giving the whirlpool plenty of privacy, the only light coming from a few artfully appointed landscape lights.

Evening air felt cool on Dee’s body, and her nipples hardened. She stepped from the redwood decking into the warm water where Catie already waited. The feel of the water rising over her skin was erotic as Dee eased onto the seat and set her drink on the decking.

Catie sighed as she reclined. The chocolate-eyed blonde had a petite, athletic figure, unlike Dee’s generous curves and willowy height. Catie’s breasts were small and pert, her nipples high and pouty.

“I won,” Catie murmured as she relaxed against the pillowed edge of the whirlpool and took a long draught of her margarita. “I get to fuck Jess.”

Dee had just taken a drink of her own margarita and almost snorted it out her nose when she giggled. “You should go for it—I bet he’d say yes and have you in bed in a hurry.”

“Ha!” Catie’s small breasts rose out of the water as she straightened in her seat and faced Dee. “The man doesn’t know I exist.”

Dee downed more of her drink. “Well, we’ll just make him notice you.”

“Where’d you find such a stud for a foreman, anyway?” Catie cocked her head.

“A friend of your brother’s referred Jess to me when my last foreman moved to Montana.” Dee positioned herself so that her legs where slightly spread and one of the jet sprays was directly on her clit. “Oh. Right there.”

“Well, Steve never told me that.” Catie raised an eyebrow as her gaze traveled Dee’s length. “What are you doing?”

“Mmmm.” Dee smiled, enjoying the feel of the stimulation. “If you catch one of the jet streams just right, it makes for one hell of a vibrator.”

“All this time and you haven’t been sharing?” Grinning, Catie shifted in her seat, until she was side-by-side with Dee, their bodies touching from their shoulders down to their thighs. “Ahhhh, yeah. That’ll do it.”

Dee felt deliciously lightheaded and oh-so-mellow. “Uh, how much tequila did you put in those margaritas?”

Catie gave a devilish grin. “Triple, like you said.”

Dee took a long draught and placed her glass on the decking behind her. “You little shit.”

“I know.” Catie set aside her own almost-empty glass. “But doesn’t it feel great?”

“Uh-huh.” Dee moved so that the spray struck her higher on her clit, a warm feeling sliding through her, as she grew hornier by the second. “Are you picturing Jess, naked?” she asked as her own thoughts turned to Jake and that cock she had once enjoyed so much.

“Oooooh, yes.” Catie squirmed and spread her legs farther apart, pressing against Dee’s. “I’ve seen Jess without his shirt, and God does he ever have a bod to make you wet.”

Dee turned her head and grinned at Catie. “He’s probably nine inches, you think?”

Catie’s eyes were dreamy as she looked at Dee. “Ten, at least.” Her gaze dropped to Dee’s chest, and for a moment she just stared.

Dee shifted, her nipples hard and aching. “You all right, Sweetpea?”

“Um…Dee…” Catie’s voice was low and hesitant as she continued to look at Dee’s chest. “Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to—to touch another woman’s breasts?”

A slow heat traveled through Dee that had nothing to do with the margarita, the warm whirlpool waters or the stimulation of the jet stream on her clit. “Well…yeah. A couple of times.”

“I mean I’ve always preferred men. God, you
I love men.” Catie almost looked as though she was in a trance as she stared at Dee’s breasts. “But I’ve been…curious.”

Dee held her breath as Catie’s hand came up, slowly, as though she wasn’t sure what she was doing. But when Catie’s palm cupped Dee’s breast, she couldn’t help but feel aroused. The sensual combination of her legs spread and the jet spray stimulating her pussy, and the soft caress of Catie’s hand, was completely erotic.

Encouraged, Catie ran her fingers over the nipple, and then moved her hand to Dee’s other breast. “Is this all right? Just touching?”

“It’s different,” Dee murmured. Catie’s hands were so soft compared to a man’s. “Feels good.”

“What do you fantasize about when you touch yourself?”

With a small groan of pleasure, Dee replied, “Jake. The way he caressed me. The way he felt inside me.”

“Are you thinking about him now?” Catie’s breath was warm as her mouth neared Dee’s nipple. “Are you imagining him between your legs?”

“His cock is so big.” Dee widened her thighs to the jet spray. Catie flicked her tongue over Dee’s nipple, and she arched her back so that she was fully in Catie’s mouth. Her lips—so soft, her tongue swirling and licking. “I used to love it when he fucked me. I couldn’t get enough of him.”

“Mmmm.” Catie sounded like she was purring. “Did he fuck you slow and easy, or hard and fast?” she asked as she rose up on her knees and moved her mouth to Dee’s other breast.

“Both.” Dee gripped the edge of the stone seat as the jet spray and Catie’s mouth on her nipple brought her closer to climax. Catie slid her fingers between Dee’s thighs, stroking her clit, and Dee gasped, her voice breathless as she continued, “But I liked it best when he was pounding into me.”

“I have something to confess,” Catie whispered, as she pressed closer, her vanilla musk scent surrounding Dee. “I, um…I saw you masturbating yesterday. And it really made me horny. I never thought seeing a woman do that would be such a turn-on.”

“Oh.” Dee’s eyes widened, but then they rolled back as Catie’s touch grew stronger. “I thought someone had been there,” she murmured. “And it was a kind of exciting to imagine being watched.”

“I’m glad.” Catie’s voice rose over the bubbling of the whirlpool. “Now about Jake. Did he ever bend you over and slide his cock in you from behind?”

“Mmmm, yeah. Even once in the barn over a saddle.” Dee’s whole body trembled at the sensations of a woman’s hands and mouth on her as she fantasized about Jake.

Catie grinned and sucked harder on Dee’s nipple as her fingers worked Dee’s clit. “I’m picturing Jake, his hands clenched on your hips and fucking your pussy until you scream.”

The orgasm slammed into Dee, so hard her body bowed, her head thrown back, and a shout tearing from her lips. Catie continued stroking her clit until the last vibrations settled in Dee’s body.

“Man that was fun.” Catie’s fingers slid across Dee’s thigh as she repositioned herself in front of the jet spray. “I’m so turned on I’ll probably come in an instant.”

Still feeling lightheaded from her orgasm, Dee carefully reached out and touched Catie’s breast.

“You don’t have to do this, just because I did.” Catie gave a small moan and squirmed beneath Dee’s palm. “I promise I’ll still respect you in the morning.”

“I want to.” Dee laughed softly, enjoying the feel of Catie’s nipple pebbling against her hand. “I’m curious, too.”

Catie moved her hips against the spray. “In the morning you’ll probably blame it on the margaritas and say it never happened.”

“I’m not ashamed.” Dee lightly cupped Catie’s breasts in both hands. “What are you picturing right now?”

“Jess thrusting into me.” An almost pained expression came over Catie’s face and she spread her thighs wider, taking more of the jet spray. “I’ll bet he has a cock worth riding.”

Catie moaned as Dee flicked her tongue over her nipple. Hard, yet soft, like a man’s erect penis. Tentatively she moved her fingers between Catie’s folds that felt like her own, yet different.

With a whimpering cry, Catie came almost at once. Her body jerked and shuddered as Dee worked Catie’s clit until her friend couldn’t take anymore.

Dee moved away, feeling flushed and tipsy.

“Experimentation is a good thing, don’t you think?” Catie asked in a breathless voice when she melted against the side of the whirlpool.

“Can there really be too much of a good thing?” Dee reached for her margarita and downed the last of it as her eyes met her friend’s.

“Nah.” Catie grinned and grabbed her own margarita. “Not when it comes to sex.”

“Even though that was fun.” Dee twirled the stem of her glass as her eyes met Catie’s. “I still wish I had a man.” She sighed. “Like Jake.”

“Or Jess.” Catie winked. “Having an orgasm is fun anytime. But there’s just something about a
, you know.”

“Uh-huh.” With a sigh of contentment, Dee looked up at the star-filled sky. “His hard, muscular body. The way he felt when I dug my nails into his skin. His weight against mine and his masculine smell.” She turned to her friend and smiled. “And how good it felt when he was deep inside me.”

Catie grinned and flicked water at Dee. “You’ve got it bad, girlfriend.”

Dee splashed water back. “I do not. I’m not going down
road again.”

Rolling her eyes, Catie replied, “Yeah. Sure.”

“Don’t even go there.” Dee turned her gaze back to the stars. She might enjoy fantasizing about Jake, but that’s all it would ever be. Fantasy.

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