Winter Interlude (17 page)

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He started out of the restroom and halted
Why was he in such a hurry
He shook his head
No way
He couldn’t be attracted to her
Never in a million years would he think he’d ever enjoy her company
and never in a gazillion years would he think she’d attract him.

“Not good, Morrison,” he muttered
hough he didn’t think James would ever commit to
, he had no business encroaching on his brother’s girlfriend
He had no business finding her attractive
emember, she’s the enemy

her words
not his

so he should avoid her

Instead of listening to his mind’s warning, he grinned as he walked toward the table when she glanced up at him
He was just having a good time, something he hadn’t had in a long while
He could handle

Still, he wasn’t a total fool
He’d keep the conversation going, but restrain from any and all sexual innuendos. No eye gazing. No charming smiles.

He sat back down and for the rest of the meal did just that
He had no idea if she was following his lead or not, but he was grateful all the same that she restricted her tongue as well.

Finally, after paying the check, he stood and helped her into her coat

Thank God the ordeal was over, he thought as they headed
his car
The snow was still coming down, but wasn’t sticking to the ground

“Can I tag along in the store
licked the keyless entry as they neared his BMW.

He glanced at her, realizing by her puzzled look she hadn’t caught his words
He repeated his question and opened her door
“I want to get some wine.”

“No problem,” she murmured, looking none too pleased
“I forgot we were going to stop.”

He waited until she was inside to shut her door, then ran around to the driver’s side, climbed in next to her
and started the engine
“We don’t have to, if you’d rather not
He pulled onto the road.

She offered a tired sigh
“Shopping tonight would be more convenient.”

Paul slowed the car w
hen the Safeway sign came into view
After parking, both emerged at the same time
He hit the keypad to lock the car and then turned toward the store’s entrance
As she rushed to catch up with him, he glanced around and noted
swirling everywhere
In the few minutes it
to drive to the store, the temperature dropped and the ground cooled enough for the snow to begin accumulating
Once inside the automatic doors, they stamped their feet and shook the flakes off their heads and clothes

“Look at it come down,” he said
with a laugh
He caught
’s excited gaze with raised eyebrows and a grin
“Powder day tomorrow

She grinned back
“Definitely compensates for being stuck here with you.”

“Be nice,” he warned, grabbing a cart
“Otherwise I’ll have to rat you out to Judith

“I am being nice
Far be it from me to ruin our truce since dinner went so well
She took control of the cart and headed for the far aisle
He hurried to keep up as she said, “We need basics
What do you need?”

I thought you were cooking.”

Because I’m the little woman

you are little and you are a woman
He grinned, letting his eyebrows rise and fall and looking her up and down suggestively.

She snorted
She grabbed something off the shelf and tossed it in the cart
“I never thought of you as a chauvinist.”

“Wishful thinking
He shrugged, studying the items she’d added to the cart with the precision of a NASCAR auto mechanic
“Just making conversation
I don’t cook
Can barely boil water
Judith isn’t much better, so I was hoping more than anything you could
ou have to admit, you look like you know what you’re doing, given all that food,” he said, indicating the basket

His comments seemed to satisfy her
She nodded
“I guess we can make it
foursome tomorrow night
She paused
holding a wedge of cheese in her hand
and turned to him
“What do you like for breakfast?”

“Surprise me,” he said, grinning
He picked up the Romano cheese along with some green stuff she’d just placed in the cart and quirked a brow

hat do you plan to make?”

“Something I mastered in my French cooking class and one of James’ favorites.”

“I guess there are worse things than being stuck with someone who actually knows how to make a
n om
He ignored the glare she sent him and
pointed to
the eggs in her hand
“I’m perfectly happy with scrambled eggs.”

“Shows you how much you know
I’m making a soufflé.”

“I stand corrected
Soufflé,” he joked, not wanting to think about how following behind her while she pushed a cart up and down the grocery aisles seemed cozy somehow, like they’d been doing it for years
He mentally groaned and tossed the silly thought from his brain

When she stopped at the coffee bean display, he watched in horror as she haphazardly mixed different beans together into the small bag
first Columbian, then dark roast
and finally Kona, then repeating the process

“What’re you doing?” he shouted
He reached out and grabbed her wrist to stop her.

“Don’t look so appalled
She threw
out an amused laugh
as she
pulled out of his grasp and continued mixing
“Trust me, you’ll enjoy it
When done, she caught his gaze with hers and winked, then added in a teasing voice, “And just to make sure there’s no misunderstanding between us, I’m talking about the coffee, not sex.”

The look and playful words caught him off guard
Out of nowhere, a quick flash of lust hit
Images of her dancing stark naked in front of him invaded his senses, as she stood so defiantly with her hair in disarray and a challenging grin plastered over her face
swallowed hard
, momentarily speechless
Though petite, she had all the right equipment in all the right places to incite anyone’s lust
Heaven help him
Get a grip
This is
Winters you’re lusting over
Your brother’s girl

pushed away
the errant thoughts
, but
they hung on with a tenacity that clearly
he’d been without sex too long
Abstinence was definitely playing tricks on his body

“I’ll grab some milk and half
He did an about
and headed
in the opposite direction, hoping time and distance would cool his overactive libido.

“Get enough for several days for everyone, okay?”

He gave a backward wave and nodded
Thankfully, his self-appointed task gave him the space necessary to bring his wacky
images under control
He dismissed the unwanted desire as circumstantial

“Face it
Morrison,” he muttered under his breath
“It’s been awhile
He sighed, thinking he’d have to rectify the situation
The thought depressed him
He hadn’t dated anyone new in over a year
, s
ince Judith started talking about relocating to the

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