Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (18 page)

BOOK: Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Adrian continued pumping his lover’s cock while corkscrewing his own shaft up his backside. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “Is it wrong that I want to watch you shoot against that mirror?”

Gabriel grinned lazily. “Not wrong at all—”

Adrian’s sharp gasp shut him up. Adrian’s cock twitched deep inside of Gabriel, and when he looked in the mirror he saw Brooke twisting some object up Adrian’s ass, her face shining with victory. What was the object? Gabriel craned his neck to see, but whatever it was had Adrian’s prick jumping and twitching, and a fine tremor went up the front of his thighs as he burrowed into Gabriel. His hand stilled around Gabriel’s cock.

“You sly…saucy…buckle bunny,” Adrian breathed.

Brooke was triumphant, nearly chortling with glee at having one-upped Adrian. “Gabriel stretched you out with that butt plug,” she reminded them, “and I could tell you liked it, so I thought you’d like
even better.”

Now Adrian rotated his hips against Gabriel’s ass, luxuriating in the feel of whatever Brooke was shoving inside him. “Perfect. Don’t stop.”

“Oh, you better know it, you terribly nasty boy.” Brooke stuck out her lower lip as she reamed Adrian with the implement.

They really are the perfect couple. I shouldn’t intervene. But if Adrian doesn’t let me fuck this saucy Cattle Annie soon, I’m going to have to leave town.
She’s driving me over the fucking edge.
“Adrian,” he gasped, “you said you wanted to see me shoot—

With no warning, Gabriel erupted in powerful, blissful spasms. Adrian was evidently taken by surprise, as he had to rotate Gabriel’s hips several degrees to obtain the display he wanted against the mirror, his fist stroking away at Gabriel’s member for dear life. Gabriel was amused to see the semen arc with such vigor and splash against the mirror. The sight must have enflamed Adrian, too, for shortly Gabriel could feel his lover’s cock spurting vigorously against his prostate. Adrian gasped raggedly as Brooke rotated the object inside his own rectum, and the twitching of his penis deep inside Gabriel propelled a few more jets of semen against the mirror.

“I knew it,” panted Brooke as the writhing threesome slowed their breathing. She withdrew the implement from Adrian’s ass, and in the mirror Gabriel saw it was his collapsible police baton. “You came like a cannon the second I tickled that certain spot.”

Was Gabriel becoming spoiled that he wanted Adrian to fuck him in that tantric way he’d fucked Brooke? He wanted to feel the rush of Adrian’s love, the energy flow Brooke must have felt as Adrian pinned her to the wall of the mineral pool. The fucking he’d just received had been brutal, obviously based in lust. From watching the other two fuck in the mineral pool, he knew that Adrian loved her as much as she loved Adrian. Adrian just couldn’t face admitting it.

The men moaned and groaned like two bears coming out of hibernation and washed at the dual sinks. “Earthly desires are enlightenment,” Adrian said happily. It cheered Gabriel to hear him spout Buddhist phrases, but it wasn’t the same as feeling his kundalini flow through him.

Gabriel dressed first and went into the kitchen to find something to put into his stomach. He’d given up sitting surveillance on Wade Rivers this morning around ten. Wade hadn’t moved, although his roommate Dave Hall had burned rubber down the street in Wade’s truck the day before. Wade obviously knew he was being watched and was lying low. Right after the arrests, Gabriel and Adrian had driven to the sites of all of the animal traps Wade would admit to and confiscated them.

None of the three was a terribly good cook, so the cabin’s refrigerator contained a good array of condiments and nothing to put them on. Men who spent most of their time out in the field relied on bananas or nuts, and Brooke probably…Well, she didn’t look as though she ate much at all. As Gabriel gazed into the empty fridge, he became aware of a strange hissing. He looked at the coffeepot. None of the lights were on. On the other side of the cabin, a toilet was flushed and Brooke giggled as Adrian apparently grabbed her. Gabriel moved into the main living room and the hissing became louder. It was coming from outside the front door.

The hissing stopped, and the door slammed on a truck that had been idling in the snowy drive. Gabriel’s hand had just touched the doorknob when simultaneously someone out front yelled, “Burn, fags, burn!” and the living room window imploded. A whooshing sound brought a fireball crashing through the glass. It landed on a leather couch and ignited into a column of flame as the truck out front sashayed down the slushy drive.

Gabriel instantly leaped for a blanket that was folded on the couch, but the gasoline reek that penetrated his nostrils told him the blanket would only make it worse.
Fire extinguisher?
Probably the kitchen.

By this time Adrian was already in the kitchen pivoting around like a quarterback, but it took Brooke to streak into the room and whisk the extinguisher from a low cabinet. She was saturating the smelly couch fire with foamy white stuff while screaming, “Go, Gabriel, go! Get those assholes!”

Adrian agreed. “You’ve got the best truck, man! Go, go!”

True, Adrian did have a crappy rental sedan and Gabriel had the state-owned four-wheel drive, so Gabriel made tracks through the front door.
Another flaming item had been placed on their front doormat. He smelled no gasoline from this one, so Gabriel’s natural reaction was to stomp on it.

“Oh, you’ve
to be kidding!

Gabriel roared like a werewolf, his hands shaped into claws at his sides.
Those fucking douche bags
, Dave Hall or Thor Heyerdahl or whoever had been in the truck. Gabriel had fallen for the ole “bag of flaming dog shit” routine.

He raced for his truck, wiping his boot off on the snow, but he knew he’d never catch those fucktards. The bag of flaming poo had been put there to slow him down. His chase was merely symbolic—they were too far ahead of him by now, and they probably had better tires than even his Wildlife Resources truck did.

As Gabriel sashayed down the cabin’s drive, he saw what the hissing sound had been. The neo-Nazis had spray painted “GO SUCK DICK” and “CRUNCY TREE HUGERS” in foot-tall letters on each side of the door. As he drove with one hand, Gabriel removed his Glock from its holster and took the safety off.

Goddamnit. They sure knew how to spell “suck dick,” but couldn’t spell “crunchy tree huggers.”
Gabriel began to fear for Brooke’s safety. Likely, they knew about Brooke’s existence if they’d been spying on them sucking dick. Or it could just have been idle gossip that led them to believe Gabriel and Adrian had been groping each other. A threesome didn’t necessarily imply that, or maybe the losers had just taken a childish stab in the dark. Folks like that always seemed to be overly interested in dick sucking. In any event, it was feasible that they might even start harassing Brooke to get Gabriel and Adrian to back off their case.

Gabriel sped down the road for ten minutes tailing them. As expected, he didn’t see a sign of Wade’s truck. After heading back to the Triple Play, he stopped to talk to several skiers who may have seen Wade’s truck. All anyone could recall was a vague blur of a brown truck—no one could even specify a model.

“Motherfuck,” Gabriel fumed as he walked toward Adrian’s cabin. But the homosexual slurs spray painted on the front turned out not to be the most heinous threat. Apparently, before they’d set the dog shit on fire, Dave Hall and whoever had taped a note to the front door.

“This is bullshit,” Adrian fumed, shoving the note at Gabriel. “
I’ve fought hand-to-hand with terrorists and black ops specialists—I’m not gonna let any half-assed, ass-munching, white power twerp scare me off! Listen, Gabriel, I know you can’t put your job in jeopardy. But who’s going to point the finger at you if White Power Wade just goes to sleep one night and never wakes up? We can make sure you’re seen by lots of people all night long, maybe at the animal psychic convention.”

Gabriel held a steady palm against Adrian’s shoulder. “Calm down. Let me read.”


Dear Gay Boys,

You think you won by charging us with shit we did not comit. We never killed no deer or big cats. But you are harasing us so we are forced to fight back to defend our honnor. You should protekt that fine beard you is always hauling around. Who knows what mite happen to her.

PS You is fooling no one with that beard.


“Did you read?” Adrian fumed, poking his forefinger at the smoke-damaged letter. “

“Yeah, that I’m a
?” Seemingly unconcerned, Brooke had taken the trash can from the kitchen and was picking pieces of a soda bottle out of the couch. The Molotov cocktail and the ensuing fire extinguisher had ruined the couch, and the smell of gasoline would take days to leave the cabin. “You
who did it. Why can’t you just get the sheriff to go arrest them?”

Gabriel sighed. “You haven’t lived around here very long. The closest police station is in Monticello. They don’t like to come up here at all since anything outside their city limits is our jurisdiction and we have the same powers as them to issue citations and make arrests.”

Brooke paused. “Well, then. Why don’t
go arrest them? Arrest Dave, anyway. You saw him leave in Wade’s truck when you were watching the house, and we all saw the truck drive away just now.”

Adrian whisked the smoky paper from Gabriel’s grip. “Not to mention this
! He’s basically
he just firebombed us
threatened Brooke!”

“Basically,” Gabriel agreed. “But basically isn’t good enough. I can express this letter back to my lab and try to get some DNA, try to see if he was stupid enough to leave any prints, say on this broken bottle. But just seeing someone driving away isn’t good enough. He could’ve been leaving the lodge, for example.”

Adrian was livid. Gabriel had never seen him that irate, and it was a sight to behold. He stepped so close to Gabriel that he could feel his angry huffing against his face. Adrian pointed a stiff finger at the floor. “
. These asshats are threatening the woman we love, and you’re just going to wait for DNA results? That’s not how we do things in Beirut.”

Now Gabriel was getting pissed. “We’re not fucking
Beirut, Adrian! Maybe you mercenaries run around whacking each other every time someone forgets to say ‘thank you’ or blows their nose on their sleeve, but out here we need to abide by the laws!”

“Yeah, and they just broke about ten more of them!”

It was a showdown, both men standing toe to toe, and practically nose to nose. Gabriel had the advantage of about four inches on the tall marine, so he snorted hot air down onto him. Gabriel knew there was no solution to this mess, other than waiting for those jackoffs to make another stupid move. But he was an officer of the law, and he couldn’t operate beyond the parameters of his power. Maybe Adrian could, in his job. Gabriel had to uphold things by the book.

Luckily the woman they both loved came between them gently. “Boys, boys. Let’s bag up this broken glass, let Gabriel dust for prints, and we can all shower back up at the lodge in my suite. I’m not afraid of any toilet-papering morons with pantyhose on their heads. These guys are amateur. Believe you me, I used to hang with professionals. Listen. Leif’s serving some corn crab soup in the restaurant. The entrée is T-bone of lamb with goat yogurt.”

The menu seemed to take the upper hand in the men’s minds suddenly. “Goat yogurt?” queried Adrian. “You mean goat cheese yogurt?”

Brooke shrugged. “The menu said ‘goat yogurt.’ With baby mint.”

Gabriel asked, “Isn’t all mint ‘baby’? I mean, it’s not very big, is it?”

Brooke waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, you know how flowery those menus get. He also has something called chimichurri, and something called kurizo. Beats me what either of those are. I’m going to call Xandra to get someone down here to paint over that graffiti on the outside.”

Brooke drifted away with her phone to her ear, and Adrian said, “I’ve heard of kurizo sausage. Maybe that’s it.”

“How do you know I’m in love with Brooke? It’s obvious

Adrian’s face softened, and he looked amused. “It’s plain to anyone with eyes in their head that you are. I just guessed. Accurately, I presume.”

Gabriel snorted. “Accurately,” he admitted. They were about to have another showdown of an entirely different kind when Gabriel remembered something. “Bring that shampoo up to Brooke’s suite. I’m completely out.”

“Will do,” said Adrian, sprinting off to the bedroom.

Chapter Fourteen


Brooke and Doug swished into the run out at the bottom of Spectacular Run, so named because, well, it was spectacular. “Hoo-wee!” she cried loudly, invigorated with the bracing air of the bluebird day.

“Hoo-wee!” Doug agreed. He’d been saying that, Xandra had told Brooke, ever since she’d signed the ranch over to him. Doug Ostrovsky was a great boon as a stepbrother. He was so happy-go-lucky he made one’s stomach hurt with laughter. And, like now, he made a good bodyguard. Adrian and Gabriel couldn’t be with her every minute until Wade and Dave reoffended and were hauled to the Monticello jail again. Her two men—
I still can’t get over that, “my men”
—were on the expert run not far behind them, but they’d trusted Doug to escort her down Spectacular Run.

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