You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (33 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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Your medium type is the doorway through which you naturally ac-

cess energy information. It is the path of least resistance. Begin with your innate medium type as it will then be easier to develop the

other types.

There are three levels of expertise for each type. I suggest that

you begin with the exercise of your primary medium type. Practice

this until you are satisfied that you have experienced the objective.

When you are ready to move to the next exercise, practice each

of the other three types one at a time. When you have completed all four exercises you can then move to the next level.

I suggest you have a journal to write in or a tape recorder to

document the sessions. Whatever you intuitively receive may seem

insignificant and minimally important at the time. However, days,

weeks or even months later you will discover patterns and be able

to gain new insights into your experiences. Later review of your

practice sessions will also help you to track your progress


I suggest that you practice these exercises in the same place

every time that you do them. As the psychic energy in this location intensifies it supports your efforts and helps you to slip into and maintain a receptive state. If you have a regular meditation area this is a good place to begin.

Choose the person whom you would like to connect with.

Again, it is best to begin with someone who has been in the spirit

realm for several years and who you are no longer mourning their

passing. You might want to choose someone different each time

226 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
you do the same exercise. This will help you to experience the subtle and at times, dramatic differences in energy from spirit to spirit.

I find it helpful to have a short ritual with which to open oneself to spirit’s influence. You might what to say a short prayer to call forth divine protection. In these mediations I ask you to imagine

white light. Seers, psychics and healers can often see the divine vibration as white light. When you visualize white light you invoke

this divine presence.

My prayer goes something like this

Divine Spirit

As I draw close to the spirit realm

I ask for the white light of your love and protection.

I also ask for my angels, guides and (speak the name of the person
who you want to connect with from spirit), to be present.

Surround us with love and

open my heart and mind for the highest good.

It is not necessary to use this prayer. Any ritual which prepares

you to open to those on the other side and relaxes you will work.

Level One: Discern Energy Vibrations

Emotional Medium

Level One Objective- Differentiate your emotions from the emo-

tional energy that you are intuitively receiving from the other side.

The biggest challenge for an emotional medium is to learn how

to differentiate their emotional energy from the emotional energy

that they are intuitively receiving from someone on the other side.

This exercise helps you to tune into the emotional energy of a loved one in spirit. It also highlights the subtle and unique emotional differences that you will experience from one spirit to another.

Write down or tape record a list of your current feelings. Write

down whatever feelings surface. Don’t analyze or drift into over

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 227

thinking. This list might include feelings you have had during the

day or the past week and feelings about doing this exercise. You do not have to understand what you feel, just write it all down.

This exercise involves developing the psychic skill of clairsen-

tience which is the ability to connect with energy information

through feeling.

• Close your eyes and begin to breathe long deep breaths. No-

tice your breath, send it through the body loosening and re-

laxing any stress and tension. Imagine that you are breathing

white light energy down through the top of the head and re-

leasing it through the exhale. Keep breathing and relaxing in

this manner a few more times.

• Breathe and imagine white light breath coming down through

the top of your head and surrounding your heart. Breathe this

white light of love into your heart. Imagine your heart opens

like the petals of a flower. Keep breathing white light down

through the top of the head and into the heart. Feel your heart

expand and open.

• Draw into your awareness a loved one who has passed over.

Repeat their name a few times. Send him or her, the message

that you would like to communicate. Ask your loved one to

send you an emotion or feeling. Gently repeat this request a

few times. Keep breathing and relaxing. Feel your heart open-


• Imagine that you are receiving into your heart the emotional

energy of your loved one. You might want to repeat their

name a few times.

• Keep inviting and receiving your loved ones emotional energy.

As you do this, name the emotions and feelings that surface.

You might want to say them aloud if you have a tape recorder.

228 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
This may take some time and practice to fully discern and

name what you are receiving.

• When you feel as if you have completed all that you can at this time, open your eyes and thank your loved one for their presence. Ask them to continue to work with you at another time

Physical Mediums

Objective Level One: Become aware of the subtle vibrations that

emanate from a photograph or personal object of someone on the

other side.

The challenge for the beginner physical medium is to become

aware of nonphysical energy. Because they tend to be grounded in-

dividuals who disregard what is outside of the confines of mate-

rial reality, they can at times have difficulty becoming consciously aware of energy vibrations.

In this exercise you will need a picture or object of the loved

one with whom you would like to connect. If you do not have these

items you can write their name and birthday on a piece of paper.

Receiving a loved one’s vibration from a personal object or pho-

tograph is called psychometry. It is a common technique used by

mediums to connect with those on the other side. This exercise will help you to develop this ability

Write down or tape record your expectations for this exercise.

Be honest about what you think may or may not happen. Write

down any reservations that you may have. Don’t analyze or judge

as right or wrong whatever thoughts or feelings surface. When

you have written down as much as is possible at this time, become

aware that you can put aside your beliefs and expectations. Begin

this exercise open to whatever occurs.

• Close your eyes and begin to breathe long deep breaths. No-

tice your breath, send it through the body loosening and re-

laxing any stress and tension. Imagine that you are breathing

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 229

white light energy down through the top of the head and re-

leasing it through the exhale. Keep breathing and relaxing in

this manner a few more times.

• Hold the picture, object or the written name of the per-

son who you wish to connect with in your hand. Continue

to breathe and imagine white light coming down through

the top of your head and moving through your body. Keep

breathing white light down through the top of the head,

through your body and exhale any stress and tension.

• Draw into your awareness the loved one whose object you

hold in your hand. Repeat their name a few times.

• Imagine that you are receiving energy from the item. Check

the sensations in your body, most notably in your hands,

head, heart, stomach and solar plexus.

• Keep receiving your loved ones energy in this way. Try to put

words to the vibrations that you are receiving from what-

ever you are holding in your hands. You may experience a

sensation of increased energy, a part of your body might feel

heavier or lighter and you may feel an ache or pain or your

hands or head may tingle. Say them aloud if you have a tape

recorder. This may take some time and practice to fully dis-

cern and name what you are receiving.

• When you feel as if you have completed all that you can at this time, open your eyes and thank your loved one for their presence. Ask them to continue to work with you at another time.

Mental Mediums

Objective Level One: Differentiate personal thoughts from the

thoughts and impressions that you are intuitively receiving from

the other side

The challenge for the mental medium is to become aware of the

difference between their personal thoughts and those thoughts and

230 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
impressions that they are intuiting from those on the other side.

Mental mediums are open receptacles for the thoughts and ideas of

others, including those who have passed over. Constant mind chat-

ter is an issue for many mental mediums. In this exercise you will

learn how to differentiate your thoughts from the impressions and

thoughts that you are receiving from those on the other side. This

exercise will help you to develop telepathy, the ability to intuit the thoughts of others both here and in the beyond.

Write down or tape record your thoughts. Observe and lis-

ten. Do not judge or regulate what you are thinking. Just let the

thoughts surface one after another. It does not matter if you think about this exercise, your loved ones in spirit, your day or what is for dinner. Just write down whatever comes to mind. Don’t analyze or

judge as right or wrong. After several minutes of writing, begin the exercise.

• Close your eyes and begin to breathe long deep breaths. No-

tice your breath, send it through the body loosening and re-

laxing any stress and tension. Imagine that you are breathing

white light energy down through the top of the head and re-

leasing any tension or stress through the exhale. Keep breath-

ing and relaxing in this manner.

• Continue to breathe and imagine white light coming down

through the top of your head and imagine that as you exhale

your mind becomes clear. Any thoughts or stress evaporates

as your mind fills with white light. Keep breathing white light

and clearing your mind in this way. Breath down through the

top of the head, send the breath through your body and ex-

hale any stress and tension.

• Speak the name of the loved one on the other side that you

would like to connect with. As you say his or her name,

breathe and allow your mind to clear. Become aware of any

thoughts and impressions that you receive as you repeat your

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 231

loved one’s name. Do not analyze or think about what you re-

ceive. Just observe, accept and say aloud whatever you become

aware of. You can speak this into the tape recorder.

• When you feel that the process is complete thank your loved

one for sharing their thoughts with you. Open your eyes and

write down whatever you have received.

Spiritual Mediums

Objective Level One: Focus on the energy that you intuitively re-

ceive from a loved one on the other side

A spiritual medium’s awareness of energy is opposite that of

the physical medium. A physical medium tends to be attuned to

the physical denser vibrations. They usually need to increase their sensitivity to the subtle vibrations of the unseen. Spiritual mediums are all too aware of the energy of the cosmos. They can feel

overwhelmed and be preoccupied with trying to understand and

discern the energy that flows into their porous energy field. They

are celestial energy sponges.

Become aware of what you would like to experience in this ex-

ercise. Who do you want to contact and why? Write down or tape

record what comes to you. During the exercise, stay focused on

communicating with a loved one on the other side. Although in-

teresting sensations and compelling visions may surface, remind

yourself to tune into a loved one on the other side.

• Close your eyes and begin to breathe long deep breaths. No-

tice your breath, send it through the body loosening and re-

laxing any stress and tension. Imagine that you are breathing

white light energy down through the top of the head and re-

leasing any tension or stress through the exhale. Keep breath-

ing and relaxing in this manner.

• Continue to breathe and imagine white light coming down

through the top of your head. As you exhale visualize a clear

232 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
and open space above your head. Thoughts and stress evaporate as you continue to breathe in white light. Imagine this

open space above your head takes the shape of an energy fun-

nel and enters the top of your head. Keep breathing white

light and clearing your mind as this funnel creates an open

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