Read You Must Change Your Life Online
Authors: Rachel Corbett
    Adoc-photos / Art Resource, NY
    Swiss National Library / NL, Swiss Literary Archives / SLA, Bern
    Photo by Jules Bonnet, Lucerne
    Rodin Museum, Bequest of Jules E. Mastbaum
    Edward Steichen, from Camera Work #34/35, 1911
    Paula Becker and Clara Westhoff in Becker's studio, c. 1899, Photo: unknown. Paula-Modersohn-Becker-Stiftung, Bremen
    Photoprint by William H. Rau
    Rilke Archiv
    Rilke Archiv
    Rilke Archiv
    Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University; Gift of Albert E. Elsen
Rodin, Rose et Rilke dans le jardin de Meudon, en compagnie de deux chiens
; Ph.16497 by Albert Harlingue, Epreuve gélatinoargentique, 12.8x17.9 cm, Musée Rodin, Paris
   George Eastman Museum, a digital positive from an original negative by Alvin Langdon Coburn
   Arnold Genthe Collection, Library of Congress
   © Ministère de la culture - Médiathèque du Patrimoine / [Henri Manuel] / dist. RMN
   Paula Modersohn-Becker, Portrait of Rainer Maria Rilke, May/June 1906 Private collection; Photo: Paula-Modersohn-Becker-Stiftung, Bremen
   Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie
   Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie
   Collier's New Photographic History of the World's War (1919)
   Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie
   Rilke Archiv
   Rilke Archiv
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device's search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Page numbers in
refer to illustrations.
abstract art, 23, 163â69
Abstraction and Empathy: A Psychology of Style
(Worringer), 23, 163â66
Aesop, 153
aesthetics, 21, 24, 100
Africa, Rilke and, 220â21
Afternoon of a Faun
(Debussy and Nijinsky), 225
Age of Bronze, The
(Rodin), 37, 210
Age of Maturity, The
(Claudel), 47
Albert-Lasard, Loulou, 251
“Alcestis” (Rilke), 210
Anarchists, 227
Andreas, Carl, 26, 28
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 24â31
Freud and, 117, 233â35
Nietzsche and, 24â25,
Rilke and, 24, 26â31, 64, 69, 114â18, 122, 123, 126, 129, 137, 156, 160â61, 165, 200â201, 204, 216, 220, 221, 237â39, 240, 247, 248
Westhoff and, 69, 123â24, 137, 160â61, 200â201
“Angel with the Sundial, The” (Rilke), 158
anti-Semitism, 53, 235
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 196
Apollo, 209â11, 243, 254
Apollonios, 40
Arabian Nights, The
, 220
“Archaic Torso of Apollo, The” (Rilke), 209â11
abstractionism and, 23, 163â69
act of looking and, 22
empathy and, ix, 21â24, 100, 102, 117, 164
Art, L'
, 37
Artistic Life, The
(Geffroy), 98
Auguste Rodin
(Rilke monograph), 74â76, 92, 95â97, 98, 104, 106, 107, 113â14, 115, 125, 154â55, 185, 210, 240, 256
Aurore, L'
, 53
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 17, 28, 248, 255
(Rodin), 35
Baedeker, Karl, 86
Bagatelle Palace, 176
Ballet Russes, 218, 225
Balthus (Balthasar Klossowski), 257â58,
, 259â60, 263
Balzac, Honoré de, 5, 45
Rodin's monument to, 51â54,
, 61, 141, 192, 201
Banat Daily
, 212
Banville, John, 102
Barye, Antoine-Louis, 13â14, 98â99, 101
Baudelaire, Charles, 4, 5, 33, 40, 45, 80, 93, 95, 96, 174, 176, 182â83, 196, 216
Beach, Sylvia, 213, 254
Beauvais, France, 3â4, 5, 55, 134, 243
Becker, Paula, 56â57,
, 62, 64â67, 111, 124â26, 176, 177â78
daughter's birth and, 187
death of, 188, 189, 193, 197â98, 206
Modersohn's engagement to, 67, 70
Paris and, 56â57, 59, 62, 105â7, 155â59, 177
Rilke's portrait by, 157â58,
Rilke's Worpswede monograph and, 118â19
Rodin and, 106â7
Westhoff's distancing from, 68â69, 71â72
Worpswede and, 56,
, 64â67, 71â72, 105, 125â26, 155, 187â88
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 192
Beethoven Frieze
(Klimt), 74
Belgium, 250
Belgrade News
, 212
Benedict XV, Pope, 250, 252
Benjamin, Walter, 60
Berlin, Germany, 28, 29, 31, 122, 124, 159, 160, 217, 259
Bernhardt, Sarah, 175
Besnard, Paul-Albert, 51
Betz, Maurice, 109
Beuret, Auguste-Eugène, 35â36, 153â54, 248, 249, 252, 253
Beuret, Rose, 37, 38, 153, 229, 230, 246
birth of son and, 35â36
Choiseul and, 227â28
death of, 252
marriage of, 252
Rilke and, 84, 85â86, 88, 132â34,
, 162
Rodin's affair with Claudel and, 44, 45â46
Rodin's first meeting with, 34â35
tomb of,
World War I and, 249, 250
Bibi (Rodin model), 32â34
Bible, 155, 203
Bibliothèque Nationale, 7, 93, 121
binaries, 23
Biskra, Tunisia, 220
Blaue Reiter, Der (Blue Rider group), 166
Bloch, Jeanne, 175
“Blue Hydrangea” (Rilke), 181
Bonheur, Rosa, 13
Bonnard, Pierre, 182, 258
Book of Hours, The
(Rilke), 30, 70, 87â88, 114, 123, 136â37, 186, 256
Book of Pictures
(Rilke), 137
Botticelli, Sandro, 24
Boucher, Alfred, 42
Bouguereau, William-Adolphe, 6, 179
Bourdelle, Antoine, 55
Brancusi, Constantin, 24, 168
Brandes, Georg, 171
Braque, Georges, 166, 180
Brigge, Malte Laurids (char.), 102, 118, 183, 201â2, 206, 211, 215â17, 220, 239
Burghers of Calais, The
(Rodin), viii, 8, 43â44, 249
Byzantine Empire, 165
Calmette, Gaston, 225, 226
Cambodian Royal Ballet, 184
“Carcass, A” (Baudelaire), 182â83
Carpeaux, Jean Baptiste, 33
Carrièr, Eugène, 113, 129, 138
Carrier-Belleuse, Albert-Ernest, 35, 38, 87
Cathedral, The
(Rodin), 167
Cathédral Saint-Pierre, 3â4
Cathedrals of France
(Rodin), 243â45
Cézanne, Paul, 33, 44â45, 53, 57, 166, 169, 179â83, 187
Baudelaire and, 182â83
Chanel, Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco,” 225
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 49â51, 116, 138
Charcot Museum, 50
Chartres cathedral, 134â35, 158, 184, 243
Château d'Issy, 127
Chat Noir cabaret, 56
Chekhov, Anton, 64
Choiseul, Charles-August, Duc de, 149, 228
Choiseul, Claire Coudert, Duchesse de, 148â50,
, 169â71, 194â95, 196, 213, 226, 227â29
Cladel, Judith, 224, 249
Claretie, Jules, 49
Claudel, Camille, 42â44, 45â48, 51, 61, 84, 148, 149, 228
Claudel, Paul, 47, 48
Clemenceau, Georges, 44
Club des Haschischins, 174
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 142
Cocteau, Jean:
drug use and, 196, 197, 218
Duncan and, 147
Hôtel Biron and, 174â75, 194, 196â97, 198, 214
Rodin's art style and, 92
Colarossi Academy, 55
Concordia literary club, 185
, 169
Coquiot, Gustave, 174
Counterfeiters, The
(Gide), 259
Courbet, Gustave, 61, 172
Cri de Paris, Le
, 229
Cubism, 163, 172, 180, 199
Cunard, Nancy, 54
Czech language, 17
Czechoslovakia, 255
Dante Alighieri, 38, 40, 42, 51, 95, 204â5
Darwin, Charles, 24, 53
(Michelangelo), 123
“Death of a Poet, The” (Rilke), 262
Debussy, Claude, 126, 224, 225
defense mechanisms, 236
Degas, Edgar, 53
Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Le
(Manet), 33, 176
Delacroix, Eugène, 13, 42, 61
Demoiselles d'Avignon, Les
(Picasso), 166â67
“Departure of the Prodigal Son, The” (Rilke), 159
Derain, André, 179
Desbois, Jules, 55
Descartes, René, 117
Diaghilev, Sergei, 64, 218, 225, 226
Diriks, Edvard, 178
Divine Comedy
(Dante), 38, 40, 205
Dôme café, 56
Dongen, Kees van, 80
Doolittle, Eliza (char.), 140
doppelgängers, 216
Dreyfus, Alfred, 53, 54
Duino Castle (Trieste, Italy), 204â5, 217, 223, 224, 236â39, 254
Duino Elegies
(Rilke), 236, 238, 239, 251, 258
Dujardin-Beaumetz, Henri, 141
Duncan, Isadora, 61, 147â48,
, 175, 194, 196
Dupuytren museum, 12
Dürer, Albrecht, 218
Düsseldorf Art Academy, 63
Echo and Narcissus
(Poussin), 260
Ãcole Impériale Spéciale de Dessin et de Mathématiques (Petite Ãcole), 6, 8, 9, 12
Egypt, 161â62, 165, 177, 220
Eiffel Tower, 60,
(feeling into), 22, 117, 164
(inseeing), 99â100, 218
Eliot, T. S., 102
Elsen, Albert, 167
empathy, art and, ix, 21â24, 100, 102, 117, 164
Enfants Terribles, Les
(Cocteau), 174
England, Rodin and, 54â55
Erdmann-Macke, Elizabeth, 166
Ernst, Paul, 165
eugenics movement, 154
Existentialism, 219
Exposition Universelle (Paris World's Fair) (1900), 58â62,
, 63, 86, 128, 153
Expressionist movement, 163, 165â66
Falguière, Alexandre, 38
Family of Saltimbanques
(Picasso), 251
Faure, Ãlie, 136
fauvists, 179
Fiedler, Fyodor, 28
Figaro, Le
, 225
Fleurs du Mal, Les
(Baudelaire), 4, 40, 176, 183
Florence, Italy, 36
Fourquet, Léon, 9
France, Anatole, 224
France, World War I and, 248â50,
Francesca, 40
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 247
French, Daniel Chester, 170â71
French Revolution, 4, 136
French Symbolists, 93
Freud, Anna, 234, 235
Freud, Ernst, 235, 237
Freud, Sigmund, 23, 59, 145
Andreas-Salomé and, 117, 233â35
Charcot and, 50
Rilke and, 233, 234â36, 237
Friends of the Louvre, 214
Fry, Roger, 151
Fuller, Loie, 194
Futurism, 163
Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, 176, 183â84
Gates of Hell
(Rodin), 38â42,
, 43, 51, 61, 87, 113
Gates of Paradise
(Ghiberti), 38
Gauguin, Paul, 191
Gebsattel, Viktor Emil von, 221
Geffroy, Gustave, 14, 44, 98
German Empire, World War I and, 248, 249â50
German Romanticism, 216
Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 38
Gide, André, 202â3, 214
North Africa and, 220
Rilke and, 218â19, 259
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 18
Gogh, Vincent Van, 176, 191
Goncourt, Edmond de, 14, 42
Gonne, Maud, 145
Gothic architecture, 3â4, 36, 41, 93, 119, 134â35, 195, 242â45
Göttingen, Germany, 115, 123, 124, 247
Goya, Francisco, 126
Grande Ãcole des Beaux-Arts, 6, 8, 9, 44, 55, 136, 172
Greco, El, 97, 126, 167, 238
Greece, ancient, 164, 244
Gregorian chants, Rodin and, 195
Hahn, Reynaldo, 196
Hattingberg, Magda von, 245
Hauptmann, Carl, 65, 66, 158
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 217
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 5â6, 34
Heidegger, Martin, 182
Helg, Ursula, 165
Heller, Hugo, 185
Heydt, Karl von der, 137
“History of the Thirty-Years War” (Rilke), 18
Hitler, Adolf, 154
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 216, 226
Horaek, Franz, 103, 108
Horse Fair, The
(Bonheur), 13
Hôtel Biron, 170â71, 172â75,
, 190, 191â208, 213â15, 217, 223â30, 237, 245, 248, 250, 252, 254
Hôtel du Quai Voltaire, 176â77
Hugo, Victor, 4, 8, 42, 45, 80, 128, 135, 201, 218