Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (29 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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looking for something new that would catch the eye in her designs,

that would enhance the quality of the energies of her clients’ living

and working spaces. Unless she was on the cutting edge of interior

design development, she got bored as conventional mainstream

design just did not do it for her. speaking her truth was always

important for her from a very young age. This tended to get her

into a lot of trouble as result, as most people are not conscious

enough to handle absolute truth in their lives, and it would send

them into an enormous emotional process. she used to uncon-

sciously fear that she would be persecuted somehow if she spoke

her truth. This, she discovered during a past life reading, was due

to being punished for saying the truth when no one else was pre-

pared to do so. The urge to speak the truth came from deep within

her soul, an unstoppable drive. These past life files and memories

can be cleared using tools like Divine Healing (appendix E) and

past life regression.

stephanie needs to assert her truth in the world cleanly

without using her voice and intuition to manipulate groups of

people and to clear any disempowering, abusive experiences she

initially manifested to suppress this truth. assertiveness training

and vocally expressive activities such as singing, public speaking,

teaching would help her open up her vocal channel.



Because of the hypersensitivity of the 5-5s, she could also tell

immediately if someone was not telling her the truth. When this

happened, it really made her feel angry as she regarded this person

as a liar, without integrity and not to be trusted, even if they were

not doing this consciously. This sensitivity also meant that she

found it hard to adjust to being in society as she was always getting

imprinted by the heavier, lower consciousness energies that sur-

rounded her. This can be addressed by ensuring that any physical

space she entered was energetically cleaned before she entered it,

to ensure that only the highest possible frequencies were present

when she arrived (appendix E: Quadruple grids). The sensitive,

etheric 5-5s also mean that she was ungrounded a lot, especially in

her early life. grounding exercises become important here, such

as regular exercise, gardening, cooking, walking in nature and

working in 3rd dimensional, conventional, non-spiritual environ-

ments for a while.

stephanie’s pioneering designs consisted of a synthesis of

vaastu and sacred geometry concepts for the layout of house and

building spaces to maximize the beneficial use of the spiritual

energies flowing into her clients’ lives. Vaastu (Ref 21) is a highly

conscious, ancient vedic science from india about how the layout

of a house or building and its positioning on a property affects

the five elements of Earth, Sky (space), Air, Water and Fire as they

come into the owner’s lives. Half of your life is created by your soul

contract. The other half is created by the layout of your primary

home and property, which is part of the manifestation of your soul

contract. stephanie developed this pioneering work, in conjunc-

tion with Michael William sampson, to create spaces that would

maximize their clients’ conscious development and success at all

levels in their lives. The ultimate purpose of an optimally vaastu

and Sacred Geometry (Ref 22) designed space and property is to

create an abundant, highly conscious life experience for those who

live in the space.

once stephanie had begun to master this spiritual design

process for her clients, she had a strong urge to start to teach this

work. This comes from the 4 of the 13-4 energies in her Physical



Karma, spiritual Talents and soul Destiny. she just felt that deep

inside her she wanted to duplicate and share this knowledge with

the rest of the world. as a result, she took a part-time position in

the same architectural school that Michael William sampson also

lectured at. Together they established a department for vaastu

and sacred geometry design. she became a teacher of teach-

ers like Michael, ensuring that this sacred knowledge was fully

revived and grounded into a western context so that it was acces-

sible to as many people as possible. Their ultimate purpose here

was to bring more of spirit into the western design ethos so as to

expand it beyond its current limitations into a much higher level

of consciousness.

Soul Destiny: 13-4

The overall purpose of stephanie’s life this time around was to

share the unconditional love of the Divine Feminine with those

around her who were ready to receive it. she started with a 13-4

in Physical Karma, the disconnection in consciousness from

the Divine Feminine aspect of god. This was so she could work

through the negative context of this pattern to eventually fully

reconnect to the Divine Feminine energy with her soul Destiny.

she was to ultimately share the unconditional love of the Divine

Feminine, christ consciousness energies with the world at large,

through her teaching of the sacred knowledge about living and

working spaces. The 13-4 in soul Destiny also greatly expands her

spiritual goal 5-5s, really getting her pioneering work out into

the world.

in order to achieve all of this, stephanie needs to focus on

consciously working through all of the other six aspects, so they

feed into the gradual manifestation of her soul Destiny. coming

into more of the soul Destiny is like working through the karmic

aspect of it for an entire lifetime.



Case study 4:

Maxine Charlotte Ethelle Sampson




6. Spiritual Goals

5-9-12-17 / 43 / 7-7

5. Physical Goals

1. Physical Karma

14-6-5-13 / 38 / 11-2

13-8-9-12-15 / 57 / 12-3

Soul Destiny


4. Spiritual Talents

2. Spiritual Karma

10-12-22-1 / 45 / 9-9

1-1-5-5-6 / 18 / 18-9

3. Physical Talents

Physical Karma


15-20-5-15-14 / 69 / 15-6

Physical Talents


Physical Goals


Spiritual Karma


Spiritual Talents


Spiritual Goals



72 36

Soul Destiny


Dominant Vibration


Figure 19: Chart for Maxine Charlotte Ethelle Sampson

Physical Karma: 12-3

Keywords for the 12
expansion and expression of

love and knowledge, unbalanced expansion in karma

Keywords for the 3
Worthiness, communication of deep inner

concepts into the world, wealth and poverty, unworthiness in




This is Michael William sampson and stephanie Margaret Megan

Taylor’s first child. Maxine Charlotte Ethelle Sampson is nine years

old and was always in a rush due to the 12 energy which was con-

tinuously driving her to expand in all areas of her life. she never

felt there was enough time to do everything, that if she did not

rush she would miss out on something in life. There was always

too much going on, and this threw her out of balance because she

would place too much emphasis on one thing and not enough

on the other parts of her life. For example, she ended up going to

three after-school sports clubs which exhausted her, and she did

not have enough quiet contemplative home time with her mother

and father. There was a severe imbalance between the physical and

spiritual aspects of her life. she felt like the physical limitations

of her body, in terms of how much it could cope with, were a real

obstacle to her expansion.

The best way for her parents to manage this is to ensure there

is a good balance between physical and spiritual activities in

Maxine’s life and that there is quiet, contemplative chill-out time.

They need to focus Maxine on working only on the priority things

and not to try to cram so much into the day. This would gradually

restore balance to her life. For by not pushing so hard to expand,

she would allow a more natural flow to occur for herself.

The 3 component of these energies carries a lot of unworthi-

ness to be loved due to her mother’s physical karmic 13-4s. This

was where Stephanie was initially being selfish with her time, as

Maxine was the first born, and it took Stephanie time to make the

massive adjustment to becoming a mother who had to be there

unconditionally for her child no matter what. as a result, Maxine’s

ego took on the imprint that she was not worthy of being loved.

This went deep into her subconscious. she was very shy as a child,

lost for words at times when people spoke to her as she wanted to

be invisible as she felt unworthy of being seen by others. Whenever

they put on the annual school play, she never stepped up to play a

lead role, preferring to shrink into the background at the back of

the stage within an ensemble of other children. she greatly under-

estimated her performance and expressive abilities.



Even though her parents gave her a weekly pocket money

allowance, she was always saying to them that it was not enough.

she wanted to spend their money on things to make her feel better

about herself. The unworthiness also created a constant need for

approval from others in order to get some form of love from them.

Because the karmic 3 program within the ego can take any

comment as criticism that confirms that it is inherently bad, it is

important for Maxine’s parents to boost her self-esteem at every

opportunity with genuine appreciation for what she manages

to achieve in life. Focusing her on all her positive qualities and

achievements is the key here as the karmic 3 ego program is a real

navel gazer, looking for all the bad things about itself. at a con-

scious level, Maxine did not even realize she was doing this as this

had always been the way it was from the time she was born. Her

parents need to avoid speaking to her in the symbolic organ of

her Right Ear, which carries this program at a cellular level. Her

ego would have a strong knee-jerk reaction and interrupt to block

the rising feeling of unworthiness that was triggered. By switching

to speaking in her left Ear, there was a much better chance she

would hear what they were really trying to say.

Maxine needs to communicate how she really feels. she was

into writing and produced some lovely stories during her literacy

classes, some of which won her headmasters awards. Her parents

need to encourage and help her with this. she also had a good

singing voice and was a natural tone: this is someone who can

pick up a tune and then just play or sing it very well soon after-

wards. Her parents sent her for keyboard and singing lessons to

their neighbours who were professional opera singers, and Maxine

flourished there in a safe, structured, creative environment that

allowed her to make mistakes as she learnt how to express the

great inner depth of her 3s.

on the poverty consciousness issue of wanting to spend

money all the time, her parents can manage this by teaching her

to pause before impulsively wanting to buy something and asking

whether it is essential. If it is, is there a more cost-effective way of

getting the same result? if there is not, what is the best deal/buy to



be had? is it necessary to buy it right now? can it wait? They can

also ask her to contribute something towards the things she thinks

she wants in order to keep her grounded with regard to money so

her money is on the line, not just theirs.

Physical Talents: 15-6

Keywords for the 15
Inner circular movement, a journey to feel

and accept God on the inside and the outside

Keywords for the 6
Creativity in action, taking a resonant truth

and converting it into manifest, completed form

The 15s are all about undertaking a gentle spiritual journey to

either feel god within yourself or outside yourself. They are

about inner or outer circular movement for Maxine. There is

a small negative element of each talent aspect to work through

before someone comes into the positive qualities of it. This ini-

tially manifested in her outer reality in the form of changing clubs

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