Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (24 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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KOF: K, Q: 19

Four arrows point to an Earthly existence rooted in materialism

with its negative and positive aspects. it looks like spirit is implant-

ing ideas into earth–mind. This is called intuition. These flashes of

light are instantaneously important or fade into the background

like candlelight disappears when extinguished.

RESCH: R: 20

Unrest and excitement flowing in two directions characterizes this

symbol. You can go either way. Unrest leads to disillusionment,

fear, worry, sealing off one’s self. Excitement is expansive, believ-

ing, trusting, going forth to greater and greater accomplishment

both in spirit and in the flesh. Choosing the wrong path could

lead to stagnation, indecision and poor health. Which way do you

choose to go?



SHIN: SH: 21

The darkest days. The darkness before the light. a cleansing must

occur before the final purification. The ram is slaughtered. The

christ emerges. Before the ‘son‘ can rise, you must be purged of

all negativity you have carried from lifetime to lifetime. once the

well is cleansed and purified, you can drink of the cup of life … the

cup that over-floweth.

TAU: TA: 22

Your triune self, the god within, your christed self and Universal

intelligence is reunited with eternal life … god, Pure love. The

wheel of life has stopped. You may step off and await your next

assignment. You have graduated with honours. Your karmic slate

is clean. all debts have been paid. The Kingdom, the Power and

the glory are yours. amen.

it is very rare to have a dominant vibration of 10 or higher. if

someone does, it indicates a very high soul, especially for 10, 18

and 22.



Chapter 10:

How to make your life happen

in this chapter, we go through all of the recommendations that

have been developed from 33 years of private session experience

for overcoming the effects of the numbers when they are in a

karmic, goal or soul Destiny aspect. This may also be applicable in

a talent aspect if you are still working on coming into the positive

qualities of your talents. sometimes talents can lay dormant for a

long time, even well into adult life, before properly activating. This

all depends on where your soul’s emphasis has been focussed on in

your consciousness awakening process.

Recommendations 1–1 to 22–4

1-1: Aleph: A

1. You need stability. Routine and a stable environment

will help create this.


2. counselling and healing to heal the power blockages,

abuse, addictions

3. Healing/exercises/processes to help you claim back

your power

4. anything that connects you to your spirit will also

help: for example, meditation, Tantra, dancing, yoga,

etc. Martial arts are especially suited.

5. Ultimately, you need love to unlock all the energies

inside you.

6. space clearing/Feng shui to clear any negative fre-

quencies in your space and personal energy fields

2-2: Beth: B

1. You need a gentle healing approach for the emotional

trauma that has resulted from being hypersensitive.

shock release treatments are excellent (appendix E:

Divine Healing).

2. Practices such as yoga, Tai chi, dance to unlock the

rigidity in the body

3. Body work such as massage, cranial sacral therapy,

Rolfing to unblock the physical blockages. It is best

to start with the physically more gentle therapies and

gradually progress to the more powerful ones when


4. You could possibly explore other belief systems, reli-

gions, philosophies through the medium of night

classes, groups, art.

5. Explore frequency tools such as flower essences, aura

soma, to deal with the hypersensitivity (Bach remedy:

Walnut; North american Flower Essence: Fawn lily).



3-3: Gimel: G

1. You need to express whatever feelings you have access

to. This will start movement in the internal canal and

draw out deeper and deeper layers of hidden feeling.

You literally need to express your way through the

communication blockage. At first, the expression

will be quite mental and emotionally disconnected,

but if you persist, more and more authentic emo-

tional content will become available to you. You will

begin to feel your emotions earlier rather than having

to sit with a strange feeling for quite a while and not

knowing what it is. The Non-violent communication

model (Ref 12) is excellent for giving structure to emo-

tional expression.

2. You need healing to overcome the emotional


3. You need to rebuild worthiness. This can be done

through healing work coupled with being loved. This

needs to be done in conjunction with you experi-

menting with expressing your self in the world so that

you gradually build worthiness and gain confidence

in your abilities. The key program that needs to be

accessed is usually a preverbal childhood program

that ‘mother and/or father never loved me’. They rep-

resent the primary separation archetype from god/

goddess that the ego is playing with in this lifetime.

as you gradually move into an increasing feeling of

being unconditionally loved by Mother/Father god,

you will move into more Wealth consciousness.

4. Ear candling to clear energy blockages to what is really

being said

5. activities like acting, drama, art, writing, public



speaking, singing and dancing are all helpful. This

is going to be challenging at first, but will gradually

address the shyness, unworthiness and difficulty in

expressing yourself.

6. Money issues can be addressed by becoming more con-

scious of what you are actually spending. Have a good

hard look at your bank and credit card statements to

see what is really going on. Find more cost-effective

ways of achieving what you are trying to do. This act

of becoming more conscious of your real expenditure

will improve cash flow (Ref 13). Work on releasing the

fear and struggle you have around money (Ref 14).

7. There are three criteria you need to apply to any pur-

chasing/investment decision.

7.1. is it essential? Because half the time it probably


7.2. If it is, is there a better, more cost-effective way of

getting the same result? Focus on the function and

benefit that you derive from the expenditure.

7.3. What is the best deal/buy? sit with the
of the

first thing that comes to you,
buying it,

while carefully examining the alternatives as the

unworthiness program wants to impulsively buy

things to make it feel better about itself. one of

the alternatives will meet your actual needs and be

better value for money. The money could be spent

on other essentials or paying off debt. Think about

if this best deal can be bought later to maintain

cash flow.

8. Tithing of 10% of your gross income before taxes and

expenses to that which supports you in your life, eg

children’s schools, charities, other organizations,

specific people, is very powerful. For when money is

given from the heart with love, because it just feels

like the right thing to do, it comes back to you in many



forms – things such as an increased inflow of money,

reduced expenses and life just flowing more easily and

gracefully. This is based on the principle that you are

giving to the one, the all That is, and it comes back to

you as you are all That is.

9. another form of tithing is to give away services and

products you offer when it feels right in your heart.

When this is done in love and unconditionally, without

any expectation of a return, this also works.

10. Have people speak in your left ear, especially partners,

so that what is said is absorbed a lot better rather than

using the energetically deaf right ear.

11. Tachyon sexual Tonic for Men (appendix E: 7)

4-4: Daled: D

1. counselling and healing for the feeling that some-

thing is wrong with you. group counselling or healing

workshops might be especially good as you will have

to share of yourself with others and will learn that it

is safe to do so.

2. any form of group/community work is good as it

involves the sharing element. You need some form of

spiritual practice that connects you to god so you start

feeling the flow of God through you, eg meditation,

shamanic journeying, Tantra.

3. if you have children, spend time with them, caring

for them and playing with them. as you open up to

sharing yourself unconditionally with them, more of

the flow of life will come to you.

4. Going with the flow of nature is very important, eg

having an organic garden, eating organic food, recy-

cling, living in a way which supports nature.



5. You need unconditional love to rebuild trust in the

flow of God. This comes in small increments. It is

about stepping out into the unknown and taking risks

in life, with things that feel right for you to do, and

having total trust that god will be there to support

you. But you must take the first step, only then will

god turn up for you, for you have demonstrated total

faith and trust in his/her flow of abundance. With

each step you make, you build more trust so you can

take the next step until you create a continuous flow

for yourself.

5-5: Heh: H

1. Healing for any abuse

2. You need physically grounding activities such as exer-

cise, gardening, cooking, walking in nature, working

in 3rd dimensional environments for a while.

3. Keeping a diary may be helpful in order to ground

your beliefs and intuitive perceptions and to assist in

their expression.

4. Expressive activities such as singing, public speaking,

teaching would help you open up your vocal channel.

5. Due to your sensitivity to negative frequencies, space

clearing is really important, as well as living in a har-

monious environment and clearing your personal

energy fields of others’ energies (Appendix E: 8).

6. attending an assertiveness course



6-6: Vuv: V, O, U, W

1. Healing for the blocked anger and power and asso-

ciated frustration and for any addictive patterns.

Processes to release blocked anger, eg pillow beating

(appendix E: 9), cathartic release, osho Dynamic

Meditation (Ref 15)

2. Kidney cleanses

3. Focus on what is really important for you.

4. Writing down all your ideas and plans is helpful.

Prioritize all these, choose only a few from the top of

the list and leave the rest for later.

5. You then need to break down the chosen projects into

manageable steps, which are relatively easy to achieve.

‘To do’ lists are helpful here.

6. as you complete each subtask of a project, you need

to cross it off your ‘to do’ list. This will give you a sense

of success and an incentive to undertake the next step.

7. it is important to review progress on each project in

order to help you stay focused, especially near the end

as you will be tempted by other distractions to not

complete it.

8. Engaging in creative activities will also unblock the

energies of the 6.

9. Because you feel so blocked in your soul expression,

keeping a diary would be helpful as a start to express-

ing your soul’s desires.



7-7: Zion: Z

1. You need healing for the fear of being seen and for

accepting the Dark side of yourself.

2. You need to be shown great love and sensitivity in

any counselling situation so that you feel safe to show


3. You need to create safe emotional spaces around your-

self with partners and friends so you can come out of

hiding and share of yourself.

4. all forms of counselling need to be grounding so that

you can start to see what is an illusion and what isn’t.

5. so, to that extent, all forms of grounding activities are

helpful (see 5s; page 188 above).

6. group healing processes may be especially good if you

feel ready to change as you will learn that it is safe to

expose yourself to a group of people.

7. Keeping a diary may also be useful to help you decide

what is real and what isn’t and thus make more objec-

tive decisions.

8. Exercises such as yoga and unstructured dancing will

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