Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (28 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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get imprinted with our parent’s unresolved emotional karmic

issues at birth, as we have a contract to process them. stephanie

took action to rectify this. she started to learn to share her self

unconditionally with her children, with her energy, love and time.

she also requires ongoing healing to release the heart trauma

(13) in order to allow the love of the Divine Feminine to come in.

Total immersion in initiated goddess energy in women’s work-

shops would really touch her soul, celebrating the goddess within.

This would break down the remains of the stone wall of heart pro-

tection so she can trust in her own Divine Feminine once more.

she needs to feel she has received enough love, knowledge

and abundance in order to have something to share (4). The core

program is the feeling of being unworthy to receive this flow.

abundance workshops would be good for addressing this and

to build trust that the flow will always come as well as a regular

spiritual practice to connect her to the flow of God/Higher

consciousness. sharing her unique capabilities unconditionally in

community activities would increase the sense of being connected

to people to overcome the feeling of isolation of the 4s.

overall, stephanie discovered that the more she opened her

heart (13), to receive the flow and duplicated and shared it uncon-

ditionally with those around her (4), especially her children, the

more she felt fulfilled in life. She had got the contextual lesson of

the karmic 13-4 and had turned into a soft, nurturing, uncondi-

tionally loving mother and woman.

Physical Talents: 6-6

stephanie was a creative artist at heart. she painted a lot when

she was younger and studied fine arts at University. She undertook

further study specializing in interior design as making a living

purely from painting was difficult as she lacked trust in the flow of

abundance (4 of the physical karmic 13-4). Her great strength was



to take an artistic idea that resonated with her and to develop that

seed into a fully-fledged artistic expression out in the world: true

creativity in action.

she could really see what a client needed in their house or

commercial office space and expanded and grew that idea into a

beautiful finished interior using her enormous focus. This enabled

her to plunge ahead with all her energies and step by step achieve

her objectives resulting in her own interior design practice becom-

ing very successful.

To maintain the external work-orientated creative flow,

stephanie needs to develop her inner creative reconnection

through her painting on an ongoing basis without the need to

deliver a specific result. This is all about having fun and just allow-

ing the creative pathways to open and develop within her, being in

the eternal ‘now’ moment of right-brain creative thinking. as she

opened her heart (physical karmic 13-4s), stephanie would then

be able to deeply feel which out of all the creative ideas she had

was the most important one to undertake first.

stephanie became good friends with Michael William

sampson at university, and they eventually formed a long-term

relationship. They set up separate practices which worked coop-

eratively. stephanie provided interior design services for Michael’s

architectural practice.

Fulcrum energies of the 6-6s:

Into the physical karmic 13-4s
: These help ground stephanie

into the flow of nature of the 4s.

Into the physical goal 10-1s
: These ground stephanie into feeling

her way through any blockages to coming into her spiritual power

and so people can relate to the expression of her service on Earth.



Physical Goals: 10-1

This is a high-frequency spiritual energy in the physical part of

stephanie’s chart. it is all about learning to manifest her spiritual

service on the Earth plane. There are no real Physical goals for

her, making it difficult to choose a career. There was no free will

for her here; she had to learn to use her spiritual abilities in service

to others, and to consciously reach out to them with her symbolic

left hand. in the end, it came down to working out how to use her

artistic creativity as the core of this service, which was to create

beautiful, life-enhancing spaces for them. Reconnecting to Spirit/

Higher consciousness through meditative processes and tools

such as lightbody integration (appendix E: 2) will really help here.

she had to work hard learning to use her spiritual power with

integrity in her service on Earth. occasionally, she manifested

disempowering situations where people, especially men at work,

would challenge her power so that she could claim it back. This

was particularly strong when she first started working. This all

started with her father who emotionally and mentally abused her

as child which suppressed her male energy and threw her overall

male/female energy out of balance.

claiming back her power requires accessing the deep subcon-

scious shadow program that prevents the true integrated power of

the 10-1 from expressing itself in service. as this shadow forms the

core of stephanie’s ego construct, it is quite challenging to decon-

struct it using mind/emotion-based healing tools such as EFT and

Divine Healing Master Key (appendix E: 1). This is because the

ego’s primary defence mechanisms are contained within the mind.

The key here is to initially bypass these by using physically based

healing tools (appendix E: Empowerment Protocol) to release the

shadow program up into conscious awareness. For once a program

can be felt, it can then be cleared using mind/emotion-based tools.

stephanie had very good intuition in terms of sensing what

was really going on energetically in work situations, This always

worked to her advantage: for example, in business meetings she

would be one step ahead of everyone else and could then steer the



meeting in the direction she wanted, to get the result that felt right

in her heart. it was like she was a mind reader. However, at times

she doubted her intuitive flow and at other times she felt very con-

nected to it.

Spiritual Karma: 11-2

When stephanie was a child, she felt lost in life and did not

understand how things worked. at school, it took her longer than

average to assimilate new ideas and concepts. she had to receive

the information in several different ways until the structure of

how to do new things fully assimilated into her consciousness

and became her truth. she could then use this new information

effectively. We have a primary and a secondary sense out of the

five physical senses that we use to take in information. These are

usually traumatized by life in order to shut down our conscious-

ness. she needs to heal these and bring them back online which

would enable her to fully engage with the joy of life once more and

make assimilation a lot easier.

stephanie was the emotional processing unit of her family.

When she was young, she took on all their unresolved dysfunc-

tional emotional issues, especially from her parents and ancestors

further up the line. she unconsciously tried to heal all these pat-

terns within herself. This is about developing the discernment (11)

of what to assimilate and what to discard. Underneath this enor-

mous family karmic load lay the real stephanie.

The key here is to clear out the imprint of all these family ener-

gies with tools such as colour light Therapy Male/Female Balance

(appendix E: 3) for our parents’ unresolved issues we receive at


Divine Healing (appendix E: 1) is also good for releasing

imprints and entanglements with family members.

The momentum of carrying this load pressed on stephanie’s

hypersensitive 2s and created a lot of emotional ups and downs

to the point of sending her into shock. This needs to be released



out of her system to unlock the symbolic resilient spring of the 2

so she can bounce back to life. Divine Healing (appendix E: 1) is

good for shock and trauma release. Physical practices such as yoga

and Tai chi are also helpful, along with cranial sacral therapy and


The Foolishness to Wisdom energies of the 2 led stephanie

to make a lot of emotionally impulsive foolish decisions when she

was younger which she later regretted later. This occurred a lot in

relationships with men. When she realized what she had done,

this often led her to breaking up with these men. This relationship

death that she experienced is part of the 11 Death to life Double

letter energy. as she grew older, she learnt to take her time when

choosing to engage with new relationships and situations. she

would observe the new situations to learn to bring her Right Eye

(2) into action to see the truth of what is really going on. she was

riding the resilient spring symbol of the 2 that is always moving up

and down, seeing a situation differently in each moment. When

this spring stabilized and she could observe and sense the same

truth continuously for several days or weeks, she would then act

from a place of Wisdom rather than Foolishness.

Spiritual Talents: 13-4

This is an amazing energy for stephanie. it is all about silently

transmitting the flow of unconditional love of the Divine Feminine

for all things – accepting them exactly as they are. letting go of

all judgements and any bad feelings about them. This then lets

the situation or people involved drop the role they were playing

for her and unlock and move to a higher state of consciousness.

as stephanie matured and came into this energy in her early 30s,

she was making the transition from the physical to the spiritual

triangle in her soul contract somewhat earlier than the normal

35-42 year time frame. People felt enormous love and acceptance

from her. They were unconsciously drawn by this energy to her

as it reminded them of home, the love, the Unity consciousness



of the higher dimensions – what they have been unconsciously

seeking for their entire lives.

stephanie would feel her heart expand with love when she

connected with her soul’s desired action in a given situation. Then

she set clear intent for this, let go of all attachment to the outcome

and had total trust that it would come to pass, which it usually did.

The 13-4 is about surrendering to the flow of Spirit. If something

was meant to happen in her life, she surrendered to it. if it was not

meant to happen, there was no point in trying to force it with the

ego mind. That was the pathway to pain and suffering.

The 4 energies were also about unconditionally accepting

the flow of God/the Universe that came to her, be it love, knowl-

edge, money and ideas. stephanie would take all these things

and expand and share them with others through her work and

home life. in her work she was always generous with her ideas and

shared them with other interior designers, helping them in their

practices. she did not hang on to things out of fear that people

would steal her ideas and make money from them. The result of

this generosity was that she created some important new design

trends and became well known for being the creator of them. she

shone in the design world which comes from the sun (4). This

attracted more flow to her in the form of some prestigious design

jobs from clients and architectural firms keen to be associated

with her high-quality, inspirational work.

in her home life the talent 13-4s meant she made extraordi-

nary efforts to create space for and to share quality time with her

children, Maxine and Joshua. For she was learning that this is very

precious time as they were growing up fast and that the more love

she shared with them, the more that would come to her in return.

Life was a continuous flow of all good things for Stephanie because

she had learnt to expect them to come. as she grew older, she had

an excellent sense of anticipation (Right Nostril) when something

new (East) was going to turn up.



Fulcrum energies of the 13-4s:

Into the spiritual karmic 11-2s
: They infuse the flow of knowl-

edge and the heart energies of love into the 11-2s, helping her cope

with the emotional ups and downs of the 2s.

Into the spiritual goal 5-5s
: The 4s, which are the flow of nature,

ground the etheric, ungrounded 5-5s.

Spiritual Goals: 5-5

stephanie was always a pioneer in her interior design work. she

was aries in nature, stepping out in the world with her symbolic

Right Foot and being courageous in her expression. She was always

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