Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (25 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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help unlock the control in the body. osho Dynamic

Meditation (Ref 15) is particularly good.

9. any form of meditation that brings awareness into the

body is helpful.

10. The Bach remedy scleranthus is particularly good for




8-8: Ches: CH

1. You need healing for emotional trauma, depression

and suicidal feelings.

2. Grounding processes (Ref 16) like yoga, spending time

in nature, gardening, cooking, exercise, Qi gong and

cleaning the house thoroughly are recommended.

3. You need a lot of love from people around you so you

feel safe to engage with your feelings.

4. Therapies/activities that increase body awareness,

such as self-massage, reflexology, yoga, walking medi-

tations and silent retreats are suitable.

5. Engage in socializing, taking it one step at a time in

order to learn to reach out and emotionally connect

to people.

6. Make commitments starting with little ones and grad-

ually increasing their size.

7. Throw things away and let them go.

8. learn to look after your body, deep breathing, con-

necting to the Body Consciousness (Ref 17) and taking

regular rest.

9-9: Tes: T

1. Healing for emotional, mental and physical abuse and


2. Kidney cleanses

3. You must express your feelings of disempower-

ment and through that healing will come. This will



commence the emotional thawing-out process.

cathartic processes are very good, eg osho Dynamic

Meditation (Ref 15).

4. Make small steps in gradually taking back your power

in everyday situations.

5. Grounding exercises as above in 8-8 (Ref 16) in order

to feel your emotions

6. Anger-release processes (Ref 18) to get your energy

moving, such as pillow beating and saying ‘No!’ during

the process. This helps rebuilding boundaries as well.

7. Practise trusting yourself through feeling body reac-

tions to situations. as you gain experience in this

technique, you will trust yourself more and more, and

you can start to apply this to the big things in life.

8. Learn to surrender to the flow of feelings from your

spirit no matter how scary it might seem. any form of

meditation is useful for connecting to these feelings.

9. lightbody integration work (appendix E: 2)

10-1: Yod: I, J – Aleph: A

1. The 10: Healing for all abuse you have experienced

2. You must truly engage with the process of healing

and awakening and work at it continuously. You will

probably meet many distractions as you do this, so it

is important to stay focused.

3. As you engage with the process, you will find greater

and greater inner peace as you reconnect to your true

nature as a spiritual being.

4. a meditative routine may help keep you focused.

5. learning compassion is very important for you, and

one way of doing it is to connect with angelic energies

because of your critical nature.



6. lightbody integration work to open consciousness

(appendix E: 2)

7. You need stability. Routine and a stable environment

will help you with this.

8. counselling and healing to heal the power blockages,

abuse and addictions

9. Exercises/Processes to help you claim back your

power. as you are healing and taking back your power,

anything which connects you to your spirit will also

help: for example, meditation, Tantra, dancing, yoga,

etc. Martial arts are especially suited.

10. Ultimately, you need love to unlock the energies inside


11. space clearing/Feng shui to clear any negative fre-

quencies in your space and personal energy fields

11-2: Caf: C – Beth: B

1. Healing to access and clear out the dysfunctional pat-

terns from others you have taken on. This needs to be

done at a gentle pace as you may be in deep shock as a

result of these patterns, to the point of being disabled


2. Exploration of different ways of learning/assimilat-

ing information and concepts so that you can find a

way to build your own structure of truth/concept. The

more you do this, the easier the learning pathway will

become for you. as a possible means of doing this,

healing and refining the five senses would give you

more doors for assimilating and learning new things.

3. learn to feel in your heart what is really going on in



the reality, seeing as your perception of the reality

changes by the minute (see 2-2, p 184 as well).

12-3: Lamed: L – Gimel: G

1. You have to slow down and stop doing, doing, doing

all the time. By taking a break and being still, you can

create space to feel what is really going on inside you.

This will enable you to access the deep unworthiness

that drives the doing.

2. You need healing to peel out the many layers of this


3. Being still and meditating will enable you to start

feeling the spiritual signature, so you will know the

right thing ‘to do’ next rather than being driven by the

compulsive ‘doing’. This will start to move you into a

better balance of the physical and spiritual.

4. You need to address issues that are blocking expansion.

5. anger release such as gall bladder/liver cleanse,

Dynamic Meditation (Ref 15), pillow beating (Ref 18)

6. see 3-3, p 185 as well.

13-4: Mem: M – Daled: D

1. Healing to open the heart so as to allow love in. The

nourishing of you within. This will enable you to begin

to share the Divine Feminine energies, which are ini-

tially latent within you with others.

2. spending time with children just being and playing

with them unconditionally

3. see 4-4, p 187 as well.



14-5: Nun: N – Heh: H, E

1. First become aware of the need to take a break from

the intensity of the relationships with all those around

you. once you start doing this, it will enable you to

recharge and take stock, to review how you feel about

yourself and who you really are in the moment.

otherwise, the intensity of the 14 can wear you out.

2. see 5-5, p 188 as well.

15-6: Samech: S, X – Vuv: V, O, U, W, L

1. slowing down is the key here. This will enable you

to feel the insecurity within, which is driving you to

explore all the different options in the outer world.

2. Healing to address the insecurity. as this occurs, you

can work on developing more trust of what feels right

within you (the spiritual signature, the god within),

and this will guide you on the correct path in life.

3. increasing body awareness so that you feel things in

your stomach. This will give you the barometer for

knowing what is god and what is not.

4. see 6-6, p 189 as well.



16-7: Ayen: Y – Zion: Z

1. Healing to address the heavy emotional involvements

with others

2. learn to trust the spiritual energies coming to you, to

take a risk by just starting to relate these energies to

others as best you can. initially, they may come out a

bit strangely. But the more you do this, the easier and

clearer the communication of these energies will be.

3. Meditation, spiritual practices

4. You need to open up to love.

5. see 7-7, p 190 as well.

17-8: Peh: P, F – Ches: CH

1. You need healing to overcome the emotional suppres-

sion of childhood.

2. Expressing any smidgen of feeling you have, no matter

how strangely it comes out. Talking your way through

all that has been suppressed inside you will open out

your expression in the world and get you more into

your emotions. You need to be listened to.

3. see 8-8, p 191 as well.



18-9: Tzaddi: TZ – Tes: T

1. Healing for the unworthiness and past life influences,

which drive this configuration

2. starting to trust what feels right inside to do next and

acting upon that. Do not dwell on the experiences of

all the so-called ‘mistakes‘ in the past. There is only

the Now moment in which you can act from. The trust

will come as you let go of the resistance of the 9 to the

flow of your Spirit.

3. Forgive yourself, let go of guilt.

4. Finish projects and make the hard decisions.

5. see 9-9, p 191 as well.

19-1: Kof: K, Q – Aleph: A

1. You need healing to overcome self-judgement so that

you start to accept yourself exactly as you are.

2. Taking your time to feel the spiritual energies coming

to you and becoming aware of how you are using them

as you manifest them into physical form in the reality.

You need to practise using them properly as this is the

main karmic lesson to overcome. Each time you repeat

this, it will get easier and easier.

3. learn to laugh, especially at yourself.

4. Grounding (Ref 16)

5. spiritual practices and meditation

6. see 1-1, p 183 as well.



20-2: Resch: R – Beth: B

1. Expose yourself to other ideas, concepts and philoso-

phies as much as possible to break down the narrow

belief systems you have been imprinted with from


2. You need to go out into the world and explore it, try

on new experiences, even if you get bounced around

emotionally as a result. Movement is the key to break-

ing through this karmic pattern.

3. If you are in conflict with someone for a prolonged

period of time, you need to ask yourself whether this

still really serves you and let it go. often this means

walking away from a relationship with that individual,

even if it is a family member. Ultimately, you need to

create peace within yourself so that the external mani-

festation of war no longer occurs.

4. You need healing to release any heavy, dogmatic, reli-

gious belief programming.

5. Past-life healing for the original cause of the conflict,

eg colour light Healing (appendix E: 3), Holographic

Healing series therapy is recommended.

6. see 2-2, p 184 above as well.

21-3: Shin: SH – Gimel: G

1. Focus on what you are trying to achieve. Become con-

scious of what the obstacles in your path are one at a

time. Focus on the obstacle immediately in front of



you and stay present with it to find a way through. It

is important not to back off as this is what causes the

blockage of energy. once this one is overcome, you

repeat this for the next obstacle until you achieve the

goal you are aiming for. This can be very satisfying

once done. You must take no short cuts. a challenge

is an angel call.

2. You need movement, physical activity, lymph massage,


3. You need healing for the disempowerment and block-

age of power.

4. see 3-3, p 185 as well.

22-4: Tau: TA – Daled: D

1. This is one of the toughest karmic patterns to


2. Healing is vital here to nourish you as you are usually

so aware that you come from the source/god, but also

feel strongly the complete disconnection from this.

3. Deep tissue massage, cranial sacral therapy and

Rolfing (when ready) to release the physical and ener-

getic rigidity in your body are recommended.

4. Meditation, the Unified Chakra (Appendix E: 10),

lightbody integration work (appendix E: 2), in fact

anything that helps rebuild your connection to your

spirit will help.

5. Learning to trust the flow of your Spirit. By taking

action based upon its prompting. initially, these will

be small steps, but as you gain confidence, you can

take bigger steps and the full expression of your spirit

will eventually flow through your consciousness.



6. Tachyon sexual Tonic for Men (appendix E: 7)

7. if you have had a particularly traumatic birth, eg a

forceps delivery, colour light Therapy (appendix E:

3) Prenatal series of treatments is recommended to

clear this.

8. You need a strong therapist to hold the space for you,

someone with 9s or 10s in their soul contract chart.

9. see 4-4, p 187 as well.

Living in the right place

one broad recommendation i would make which applies no matter

what numbers you have is to undertake an astrocartography

(Relocation Astrology) reading (Ref 19). This is to ensure you are

living in the right place on Earth that astrologically supports you

most in manifesting your soul Destiny. For even if you have become

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