Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (35 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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stopped working.

she was also now going to work in a private medical clinic

with general practitioners rather than in a traditional big hospi-

tal. in addition, there were her issues of low self-esteem with the

physical karmic 4-4s as to whether she would be up to doing the

job and learning new systems and ways of doing things. There

was a part of the unworthiness within the 3 of her soul Destiny

12-3s that did not feel good enough to apply for the job and be

paid a fair wage for it.

The other major challenge she faced was with the spiritual

karmic and goal 8-8s which are about learning to ground and

connect with society. she would be dealing with a wide range of

people from all walks of life in the medical clinic. This was a com-

plete shift away from raising two daughters in a protected home

environment and doing the school run. it took her ten attempts

to actually type out her letter of application for the job correctly

because she was so nervous.

However, despite all these new structures of relating to the

world and her job that she needed to put in place, Naomi managed

to have a successful interview, got the job and resumed her career

as a nurse. she found that she did have the emotional resilience

of the 2 of the Physical Talent 11-2 to cope with all the changes

and new structures (11) she had to put in place to get out into the

world of work again. in this medical practice, the doctors saw the

more complex cases, and the nurses looked after the routine ones.

This gave Naomi the opportunity to build a new body of knowl-

edge and experience as she learnt the latest medical procedures

and drugs. she particularly enjoyed working with children as this

had been one of the biggest challenges within her physical karmic



4-4s with her own children. a lot of her daily practice involved

working with pregnant women, preparing them as best as possible

for childbirth. Because she was so highly intelligent and was able

to bring all the new concepts into reality in her nursing practice,

Naomi became head nurse at the clinic after only four years. she

then proceeded to build up the strength and capabilities of the

rest of the nursing staff by putting them through comprehensive

ongoing external training courses to keep everyone abreast of the

latest developments.

Naomi worked closely with one of the partners in the gP

practice who also taught on the nursing program at the local

university. as she showed great aptitude as head nurse in the

development of the other nursing staff, he invited her to teach

part-time the student nurses he was working with. Naomi was

starting to come into her true passion in life which was teaching.

This is the 3 of the soul Destiny 12-3 wanting to bring inner con-

cepts into reality. There are also the physical karmic 4-4s where

she was learning to duplicate and share the knowledge and expe-

rience that came to her.

after several years back in a medical practice, Naomi began to

question the overall effectiveness of conventional medical prac-

tice. she saw that the short 10-minute patient appointments were

not really enough to fully understand and meet the real needs

of her patients, and she began to search for another way to help

them. Just prescribing drugs was not enough. she began to realize

that it was the underlying emotional issues that people carried

that really created the physical symptoms they were presenting

when they came to the clinic. as a result, she began to undertake

research into alternative/complimentary medicines and therapies

to see what they had to offer in terms of helping her patients work

through their emotional issues so they could get physically better.

out of this research and development process, Naomi built a

new structure of truth of combined complimentary and conven-

tional medicine that was uniquely hers. This involved bringing

in new complimentary health care professionals to work as an

integrated team with existing medical doctors. These included



chiropractors, cranial sacral therapists, massage therapists,

counsellors, healers, homoeopaths, soul contract readers, life

coaches and ayurvedic doctors, with the overall aim to create

a fully integrated, physical, emotional and mental health care

system that could diagnose the real cause of patients’ symptoms.

it could then apply the optimal combination of conventional/

complimentary treatments to get these people back into balance

and good health again.

Fulcrum energies of the 11-2s:

Into the physical karmic 4-4s
: The ability to assimilate new

structures helped Naomi overcome the inability to uncondition-

ally receive the flow of new ideas, love and abundance of the

Universe of the physical karmic 4-4s.

Into the physical goal 7-7s
: The 2 gives her symbolic height, the

objectivity to see the truth of situations about others and about

her self. This would enable her to start to become one person – to

merge the external façade of the 7 with the internal true nature of

who she really was.

Physical Goals: 7-7

Keywords for the 7
Working with and healing the heart

This is all about Naomi becoming one person by merging the public

and personal parts of herself. When she started teaching nursing

students at the university, she put on a professional public façade.

The lesson here was to learn to open her heart and express her real

feelings and thoughts. When she did this, her students opened up

to their deepest truth and made so much more progress in their

work. The magnetics of the soul emanating from her progressively

opening her heart built a network of key teachers and influen-

tial people in the healing and conventional medicine field. This

started to break down the barriers to an integrated complimentary



and conventional health care system. its focus developed into the

prevention, education and self-empowerment of the individual as

well as the raising of the consciousness of people to the emotional

issues that create disease in the first place. People in the network

realized that an investment in the education of the masses on how

to look after themselves emotionally was a much more cost-effec-

tive way to go.

This was rather better than having to go around trying to sort

out all the physical disease that results from people not having the

consciousness and tools to deal with their emotional issues. it was

the beginning of a major advance in emotional, mental and physi-

cal health care. Naomi was the primary facilitator of this network,

more so than being its leader, holding it all together and expand-

ing it out into the world. she eventually created a greater whole

out of all its parts.

Spiritual Karma: 8-8

Keywords for the 8

in this aspect, the 8-8s are very much about Naomi being aware

of her spiritual essence and having a strong desire to return to the

higher dimensions and not bother with human emotional society.

This was very challenging for her as her soul continuously mani-

fested things of a heavy human emotional nature for her to engage

with – the very thing she resisted, especially as she also has a spirit-

ual goal 8-8, making this even stronger. The soul wanted her to get

out of her head and the mental body models of emotions that her

ego had constructed and get into the truth of pure feeling within

her physical body. This was quite a journey for Naomi to under-

take. However, it was essential for grounding her spiritual energies

so that people in society could relate to them. she was here on a

mission to change the whole conventional health-care paradigm

by incorporating higher-consciousness spiritual modalities and




initially, Naomi wanted to avoid people when she was younger,

but her soul threw her into nursing which was all about people

and finding the best way to connect and engage with them. This

was the key to them getting better, Naomi realized, just having

someone who was present and listened to their story. in addition

to the patients, there were also the other nursing staff, doctors,

relatives, a whole health system to have to engage with all the time

in order to make things happen. This was in the hospital where

she first started nursing and again in the clinic where she resumed

her career after having given birth to her children. The seven-year

hiatus in raising stephanie and Jeri was a relief to her as she could

retreat into her home. This is important for someone with 8s, to

ground and establish a firm foundation from which to move out

into society. in the beginning, it was a good way of avoiding society

as far as Naomi was concerned.

When Naomi started to emotionally engage with people, she

felt trapped on the Earth plane and wished that they would go

away and leave her alone. There was a lot of suppressed childhood

trauma within her that had led her to emotionally freezing up in

order to numb out the pain and to stop it from driving her crazy.

she had formed a lot of mental body models of how she thought

emotions should be. Therefore, it was a real shock to her system

especially due the 2s of the physical talent 11-2s to see how intense,

changeable and unpredictable real emotions were when she ran

into the real thing.

The key for Naomi to work though these issues was to do her

best to engage with these very real emotions and to learn to be

present with them. The first response of her emotional body was

to get ungrounded and leave her body to avoid the pain of the emo-

tional intensity. Healing for what happened to her in childhood is

needed as well as grounding exercises (Ref 26) such as slow-mov-

ing meditative practices like yoga and Tai chi and spending lots

of time in nature. once she was able to engage with her feelings,

Naomi’s soul pushed her a bit harder and manifested her husband

to be John William Taylor. The love between the two souls was

so strong because of the many past lives of being together before



being transferred at a personality level to a wonderful, all-power-

ful magnetic connection. John had a strong grounding effect on

Naomi, which helped her overcome the desire to leave the Earth

plane. This helped reduce much of Naomi’s fear of committing

emotionally, and she ended up marrying him. We will examine the

deeper underlying dynamics of their relationship in a follow-up

book on name overlays and relationships.

Spiritual Talents: 19-1

Keywords for the 19
Spirit holding space

Keywords for the 1
Unity, power, stability

For Naomi, we are getting into the real reason she came into exist-

ence on the Earth plane. it is all about creating and holding a space

by bringing spiritual energies down to the Earth plane for others to

enter and learn about and achieve their goals. This is her develop-

ment of her philosophy of combining complimentary therapy and

conventional medicine to best meet the needs of her patients. it is

about letting go of the need to rigidly stick to one particular way

of doing things and focusing on using whatever tools are available

to bring people back into perfect health at all levels of their being

physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Naomi gradually brought in complimentary therapists to the

medical clinic and carefully managed their integration into the

existing practice structure and culture. she used the magnetic

open heartedness of her physical goal 7-7s, the symbolic link that

unites, to network and connect everyone together and managed to

synergize a greater whole of higher-quality, much more conscious

health care as a result. she grounded the more spiritually orien-

tated complimentary therapies and integrated them into physical

manifestation in the physical space of the clinic. The 7-7s drew

lots of like-minded and compatible people into this space. The

patients who were attracted by this space were looking for a more

integrated holistic approach to their healthcare. overall, this is all

about making a positive contribution to mankind.



Spiritual Goals: 8-8

Keywords for the 8

Having worked through the challenges of grounding herself and

reaching out to people with her spiritual karmic 8-8s, Naomi

could now apply what she had learnt and use her spiritual energies

to serve people in society. This is exactly what is happening as she

uses her spiritual Talent 19-1s to hold a space for the synergizing of

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