Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (36 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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complimentary and conventional medicine. The 8-8s take this out

into society to give people a greater choice in health care as they

ground the 19-1s.

Soul Destiny: 12-3

Keywords for the 12
Absorption, expansion, love

Keywords for the 3

The whole point of Naomi’s life was to become a master teacher,

and as a result, she was always in a rush, in her drive to absorb,

expand and share knowledge, cramming as much into life as possi-

ble due to the expansion energies of the 12. she felt there was never

enough time. Eventually, she became a post-graduate supervisor

for her nursing students at the university where she taught part-

time, helping mould the young minds who would be in charge

tomorrow. she became a real leader taking the initiative in the

field of blending complimentary medicine with conventional

medicine. overall, Naomi needs to learn to relax and allow life to

come to her rather than going out and chasing it all the time.



Case study 8: John william Taylor




6. Spiritual Goals

10-22 / 32 / 5-5

5. Physical Goals

1. Physical Karma

6-13 / 19-1

10-12-16 / 38 / 11-2

Soul Destiny


4. Spiritual Talents

2. Spiritual Karma

14-1-20 / 35 / 8-8

6-12-12 / 30 / 3-3

3. Physical Talents

Physical Karma


5-10-6 / 21-3

Physical Talents


Physical Goals


Spiritual Karma


Spiritual Talents


Spiritual Goals



67 22

Soul Destiny


Dominant Vibration

Figure 23: Chart for John William Taylor

Physical Karma: 11-2

Keywords for the 11
Discerning what to assimilate in terms of

concepts and ideas into his own unique structure of truth in life;

learning how to build physical structures

Keywords for the 2
Developing emotional
esiliency to shock and

learning to observe situations carefully in order to make objective,

wise decisions



John was Naomi Jemma Kelliher’s husband. When he was a young

boy, he loved working out how to build things. His favourite toys

were wooden building blocks. He was always trying to find ways

to put together new structures that reflected the strong vision

(generated by the spiritual goal 5-5s) he had in his mind of how

things should be. These were mostly houses and office buildings.

Meccano was another passion of his, especially for building cranes,

trucks and other construction vehicles.

He was a sensitive child, easily put off balance by emotional

shock as the lesson from the karmic 2s is to develop emotional

resiliency. There was a feeling within him of being lost in the

Earthly world. John was always seeking to find structure from

others of how things worked with the karmic 11’s. in school it took

him a little longer than average to assimilate the knowledge and

concepts he was being taught. He was intelligent, but his learning

process required hearing and experiencing new things in several

different ways for him to finally understand how they worked.

once he had mastered something, he was fast at applying it in

his everyday life. This led him to become dependent on others

at times until he had assimilated enough of the new structure.

Sifting through it to find what resonated as true for him, he then

proceeded to build his own unique structure from that and put it

into action.

This could take the form of a new set of truths in his life or

the latest construction with his building blocks. as he became a

teenager, he started building bigger things: first there were tree

houses in the backyard, then he moved on to makeshift huts in the

forest next to his parents’ house. He and his friends would spend

their afternoons after school and weekends hauling old materials

into the forest to build them. in the summer, they would camp out

in the huts to connect to nature, which comes from the spiritual

Talent 8-8s which need to ground, and the archetypal primeval

wild man (Ref 27) within each of them.

John developed this enthusiasm for building things into a car-

pentry and building apprenticeship with a local builder who was

a close friend of the family. He loved learning all the skills that



this entailed and had a great passion for constructing well-built,

honest homes for people in his community.

Once he had completed his apprenticeship, and after five

years of solid experience being in charge of major house builds,

John decided to strike out on his own and formed his own con-

struction business. He had a passion for creating communities

from the spiritual Talent 8-8s and for looking after people, which

comes from his soul Destiny 13-4s. This would form the core part

of his soul’s mission here on Earth.

John was an impulsive child due to the Wisdom and Foolishness

energies of the 2s and, as a result, got himself into lots of trouble

with all the foolish things he used to do and say. Because he was

so intelligent, from the 11s, he soon began to realize that this was

not a good idea. as an adult, he gradually disciplined himself to

stop acting on any impulse and learnt to wait. This is where he was

starting to move into the wisdom of the 2s. He figured out that if

he had the same positive perception about the truth of a situation

continuously for several days or weeks, then it was a wise decision

to engage with the situation. By coming at a situation from this

calm, centred space, he always manifested a great outcome. By the

time he hit his late 40s, he pretty much made wise decisions all the

time. This was important in the construction business he set up

as there were always complex decisions to be made, often without

all the information he would have liked to make the best possible


overall, John was a builder of structures of knowledge

and physical buildings themselves. The knowledge was a new

philosophy of a sustainable, ecologically friendly, connected,

community-centred way of living. it was about reinventing the

modern equivalent of the village community where people were

much more interdependently connected to each other.



Physical Talents: 21-3

Keywords for the 21
Having great endurance to overcome big

challenges and hardship

Keywords for the 3
Great communication from the depths of the

soul and being conscious with the use of money

The challenge of the 21 energy that he took on was to be a pioneer

in the construction of new ways of community living in the form

of co-housing communities (Ref 28, 29). This is described in much

more depth in the spiritual Talent 8-8 explanation below. Deep

down in his being, John felt that he was here to serve god in some

way. He had always been a spiritual person (spiritual goal 5-5s),

and now he was starting to find a way to express this in the outer

physical world. He took the co-housing community concept and

brought it into physical reality. He did this by buying up land

suitable for housing. Rather than build individual houses which,

from a co-housing viewpoint, were keeping families in isolation,

he built integrated, connected co-housing developments. it took

a lot of work to convince the local council planning departments

that this was a good idea.

However, John was a passionate, eloquent speaker and writer

(the 3s) and managed to communicate his vision (spiritual goal

5-5s) of how this worked in a very grounded (spiritual Talent 8-8s)

way so they would buy into the whole concept and give planning

permission to proceed. He is goal orientated with endless energy

and power to achieve his goals in order to make all of his ideas

come into reality.

When his daughter stephanie Margaret Megan Taylor (case

study 3) met Michael William sampson (case study 1), John got the

next major piece of the puzzle in his life. Michael’s architectural

firm was developing the use of Vaastu (Ref 21), Sacred Geometry

(Ref 22) and ecological design elements (Ref 30) in their building

concepts. The purpose of this was to create the best possible life

enhancing living and working spaces for their clients as well as

to help raise their consciousness. it needed to develop a strong,



synergistic working relationship with a construction company

that was aligned to these concepts and could turn them into phys-

ical reality. John realized that this was his next great challenge:

how to build cost-effective houses that incorporated all these

consciousness-raising design elements. He also took the design

concept within co-housing developments he was building and

incorporated the structure (physical karmic 11-2s) of the new ele-

ments that Michael had brought to his attention. in both cases he

managed to ensure that the overall cost of construction as well as

the ongoing running costs of this new form of housing over its life-

time was at least on a par with conventional housing. This is the 3

being conscious about the use of money. as he gained more expe-

rience, he managed to reduce the comparable costs, which was a

major achievement. This created a great incentive for people to

want to buy this sort of home, especially given the unpredictability

of energy costs in the future.

once he had enough experience and had created a good

reputation for himself, John eventually became a leader in the

co-housing and sustainable housing movement in the region, con-

tinuously promoting it to create better lives for everyone involved.

as other builders and developers started to become aware of the

social, economic and ecological benefits of this new way of doing

things, they sought out John and requested he train them in it.

This was the beginning of his teaching career (3), and John created

a series or workshops to meet this need, sharing the knowledge he

had acquired with others.

Fulcrum energies of the 21-3s:

Into the physical karmic 11-2s
: The 21 helped John with its

endurance energies to overcome the challenge of finding structure

in his life.

Into the physical goal 19-1s
: The 3s helped the 1 disseminate

knowledge in the form of the teaching John was undertaking.



Physical Goals: 19-1

Keywords for the 19
Spirit holding space for others to understand

and achieve their goals in life

Keywords for the 1
Unity, power, stability; the dissemination of


in a goal position, the 19-1 is all about holding space for others to

learn about and achieve their goals. For John, this is very much

about building houses using spiritual principles and energies with

vaastu, sacred geometry, ecologically sustainable and co-hous-

ing design concepts. as the 1 of the 19-1 is all about coming into

the integrity, unity, power and stability of the Divine Masculine

energy, building houses that were honest and affordable was of

utmost importance to him.

He worked closely with his son-in-law Michael William

Sampson’s architectural firm to provide a fully integrated turnkey

offering to clients and developers who were attracted by the revo-

lutionary sustainable and consciousness-raising concepts. as he

woke up spiritually, John’s overall aim with the spaces he built

evolved into helping more conscious, spiritually aware people to

understand and achieve their goals in life.

The other major thing that John did was to establish a centre

for the training of people in the construction and development

industry in all the higher consciousness tools he had integrated

into his building philosophy.

Spiritual Karma: 3-3

Keywords for the 3
Communication from the depths of the

soul coming into worthiness, moving from Poverty to Wealth


John was very shy as a child and always wanted to spend his pocket

money on impulsive purchases like new toys and sweets. He found



it hard to save. There were major issues of deep unworthiness to be

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