Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (42 page)

Read Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Online

Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

BOOK: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology
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6. Mouse over ‘soul contract readings’ …

7. … then ‘maximize success in business’ for more spir-

itually based businesses.


8. if you would like something more down to earth, but

still with a pioneering cutting edge, go to:

Fulfillment At Work:

The Center for Conscious Ascension offers a 10% discount on all of

the above services for readers of this book.

Email: [email protected]

The centre of love and Enlightenment run by Dr ahlmeirah ariel

Hallaire, the co-developer of this work, also offers this discount.

1. Go to:

2. Mouse over ‘soul contract readings’.

3. click on ‘personal’.

Email: [email protected]



Appendix D:

Workshops and practitioner


Manifest your Soul’s Contract

Ground your life purpose

This is an invitation to become empowered to work consciously

with your soul contract on a day-to-day basis in a fun and experi-

ential workshop to:

• achieve greater awareness of your lessons, talents, goals and

life Purpose

• open up to and activate more of your potential

• Learn to flow with each moment and extract the nectar

of life

go to, mouse over ‘workshops’,

click on ‘manifest your soul’s contract’.


Practitioner training levels 1-3

Level 1: Birth Name Readings: 4 days

as we move beyond 2012, spiritual seekers are feeling an increas-

ingly strong urge from within to:

• connect with and manifest their soul Destiny/life Purpose.

• seek out the tools and knowledge to awaken to this purpose.

• Do whatever it takes to achieve this.

Training as a Soul Contract Reader is the answer to that search and

enables you to:

• Decode the secrets of the blueprint of life for people hidden

within the sounds of their birth name, which creates their

reality in each moment.

• This spiritual Map of life empowers them:

➢ to overcome their karma/challenges.

➢ express more of their talents/strengths.

➢ achieve their goals/dreams.

➢ manifest their soul Destiny/life Purpose.

as a therapist/counsellor/coach/consultant or training/workshop

facilitator, this tool will give you an immediate, accurate and pro-

found understanding of your clients.

For more information, go to,

mouse over ‘soul contract readings’, then click on ‘training level 1’.

Level 2: Name and Relationship Overlays and Name

Optimization: 3 days

This includes:

• How to use overlay charts to understand the impact of name

changes and relationships throughout a client’s lifetime on

their birth chart.



The overlay effects of each of the 22 letters of Hebrew on

the seven aspects of a birth chart.

Energy pattern recognition through a series of overlays

Describing the flow of energy between the different

overlay energies so as to place past and present relation-

ship experience into perspective and to show a client

where they are heading in life.

as we have moved beyond 2012, people are feeling a

sense of great urgency to discover, connect with and

manifest their soul Destiny and deliver their gift of

service to the world. overlay readings can help you

guide/mentor them in their next steps so they are more

aligned with, and can more easily manifest, all of this.

How to deliver overlay readings, including client man-

agement skills.

• How to optimize a client’s name so they can more easily work

through their karmic issues, achieve their goals and activate

their talents, manifest their soul Destiny and gift of service

and thus achieve their maximum potential in life.

• Baby naming to give the new children the best possible start

in life by helping them create a more harmonious life aligned

to the flow of their soul and the family dynamic.

• Developing confidence in using your intuition/channel when

delivering a reading.

The course is not only a conscious sharing of the work, it is also

the second out of the three profound bodily transmissions of this

knowledge required to fully reawaken the memory of it in your


For more information, go to,

mouse over ‘soul contract readings’, click on ‘training level 1’, then

click on ‘level 2’.



Level 3: The Final Transmission and Business Names: 2 days

The course is not only a conscious sharing of how business names


It is also the third and final profound bodily transmission of

this knowledge required to fully reawaken the memory of it in

your DNa.

This moves you beyond the learning and remembering of the

work that occurred in levels 1 and 2 so you now start to become the

conscious embodiment of this work. This makes it much easier to

prepare and deliver more profound readings to your clients.

This two-day workshop will teach you how to assist your clients to:

• Understand their deeper purpose in their business or if

working for someone else through:

Examining the big picture of their work and life so as to

create a new order for themselves.

Developing a new strategy, focused on their work and

life Purpose, that allows them to live a life that is more

meaningful and fulfilled.

• Develop the best business, product, service and web names to

maximize success using the optimal attracting energy for their

market niche.

• Enhance business relationships through:

Finding the right person for a specific position.

Enhancing their staff’s performance and sense of job


Developing optimal people management strategies spe-

cifically tailored for each individual and for entire teams.

Achieving more efficient conflict resolution.

improving client, supplier, business partner and associ-

ate relationships.

For more information, go to,

mouse over ‘soul contract readings’, click on ‘training level 1’, then

click on ‘level 3’.



These training courses are available in person in the United

Kingdom and worldwide by web video conferencing. if there

are enough people interested in a country outside the United

Kingdom, i am available to travel to present the courses.

Email: [email protected]



Appendix: E:

Tools for awakening

The Mission of the center for conscious ascension is to support

you as you move through the process of ascension. This is the

awakening at a personality level to the vaster and higher levels of

awareness and consciousness that are embodying within you.

This process is usually accompanied by a series of life changes,

uncomfortable symptoms, intense healing and transformation.

This is because all the low-frequency beliefs and energies within

your body are being shaken out so that you can embody more of

your higher consciousness and align with your Divinity.

as the energies within you rise in frequency, your life changes

to embody more Grace, love, health, abundance, joy, fulfilment

and Divine Connection. This has a profound effect on the raising

of consciousness at the collective level that creates more peace,

abundance, a cleaner planet, healthier relationships and happier

lives at a global level.

conscious awakening tools are available in person and by

phone and skype at the:

Center for Conscious Ascension, run by Nicolas David Ngan

Centre of Love and Enlightenment, run by Dr Ahlmeirah Ariel

Hallaire, co-developer of the Soul Contract Reading work


There are three primary interconnected tools used here. The soul

Contract Reading work provides the Spiritual Map of your life

to guide you on your spiritual awakening and align much more

with the flow of your Spirit. Divine Healing is designed to help

you transform all the karmic separation programming prevent-

ing you from doing this. lightbody integration is for clearing the

programming and higher dimensional structures and beings pre-

venting the embodiment of more of your Higher consciousness. it

rebuilds your lightbody so you can eventually transform back into

a Being of light and love.

Divine Healing sessions
: This channelled method of healing

is based on the spiritual law ‘ask and you shall receive’. it

enables the quick and effective identification and clearing of

core patterns and thus frees your life force for greater health,

connection and wellbeing.

go to:

Mouse over ‘Healing services’ and click on ‘divine healing

master key sessions’.


Go to:

Mouse over ‘Multidimensional healing’ and click on ‘Divine

Healing Master Key sessions’.

Lightbody Integration
: The human experience of feeling

limited and separate from Divinity is an illusion. in reality,

human souls are extensions of the Divine. The purpose of

incarnating on Earth and experiencing this limited reality is

to expand god consciousness. This exploration of uncon-

sciousness reached its extreme limit during the Harmonic

convergence of 1989.

as a result of this, all the beings on Planet Earth, together

with the planet, are rising in frequency and consciousness.

This process creates uncomfortable symptoms as our bodies

absorb the light and release the separation energies.



it takes an enormous amount of energy to become uncon-

scious and forget that we are god. This illusion is partially

created by etheric structures, devices and programming in our

energy fields. The Lightbody Integration work removes these

structures and integrates the Higher light of our spirit with

grace and Ease.

• This Higher light activates dormant parts of our DNa to

eventually turn us into beings of light.

• New pathways are cut through our brains creating new

ways of thinking and psychic openings.

• our heart chakras open to merge with all the other

chakras to create our Merkabah (vehicle for ascension).

This allows connection with and integration of Higher

consciousness in our personalities and bodies.

go to:

Mouse over ‘lightbody integration’ and click on ‘introduction’.


Go to:

Mouse over ‘lightbody integration’ and click on ‘introduction’.

Colour Light Therapy

go to:

Mouse over ‘Healing services’ and click on ‘colour light


Empowerment Protocol

go to:

Mouse over ‘Healing services’ and click on ‘Empowerment




Quadruple grids spacial

go to:

Mouse over ‘Tools’ and click on ‘Quadruple grids spacial’.

Quadruple grids personal

go to:

Mouse over ‘Tools’ and click on ‘Quadruple grids personal’.

Tachyon products

go to:

Mouse over ‘shop’ and click on ‘Tachyon’.

Clearing other’s energies

go to:

Mouse over ‘Tools’ and click on ‘clearing other’s energy’.

Anger release

go to:

Mouse over ‘Tools’ and click on ‘anger release’.

Unified Chakra

go to:

Mouse over ‘Tools’ and click on ‘Unified chakra’.



Appendix F:

Web portal for readers

The purpose of this web portal is to support you in implement-

ing the self-knowledge you have gained from
Your Soul Contract

Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life with

. You will be able to join a community of readers, each

exploring the manifestation of their soul contract in their own

unique way, so you can learn from and support each other in this


You can access this by going to: centerforconsciousascension.

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