Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (38 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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meant he was out of tune with its needs. This manifested as being

physically hard on his body as he could not feel its limits and in

breaking things.



arnold had set his heart on becoming an architect. He

needed to work with real solid things like buildings in order to

get grounded. it is also important to relate well with people in the

managing of the building team of fellow architects, drafts people,

civil engineers, building contractors and tradesmen. His entire job

is the recommendation for working through his physical karmic

8-8 energies. He had to work out early on how to ground into his

body to become emotional present with his team members, for

if he was not, he would not pick up the cues of where they were

coming from emotionally, behind the words that were being said.

This would result in him misreading their true intention and cre-

ating mistakes in the building management process. The other

major issue that arose, as he started to ground, was that he had to

form clear emotional boundaries between himself and others and

not get overinvolved in their emotional issues and sacrifice himself

in the process. if he did not do this, the result was emotional over-

load for him. all of this took many years to work through. But by

the time he reached his late 40s, he was finally emotionally present

in his body for 80-90% of the time and did a good job at managing

his team.

on a personal relationship level, arnold found relating to

people very hard as he lacked the emotional structure for con-

necting and flowing in the to and fro of a relationship. He had a

few girlfriends when he was in his 20s, but the relationships did

not move far beyond the attraction phase. He was unable to emo-

tionally connect with them in the way they needed, resulting in a

lot of relationship break-ups. They saw the potential in him and

sought a deeper commitment, whereas arnold was having enough

trouble just staying present in the relationship, feeling his feelings

and being safe enough to share them. it was like he completely

lacked an emotional body, which was frustrating for him. a deep

connection with a woman was what he wanted above all things

in order to heal the wound of disconnection from the archetype

of the Divine Feminine aspect of god (soul Destiny 13-4), repre-

sented by his mother.

arnold still had emotional attachments to past girlfriends,



due to his lack of clear emotional boundaries, and they were still at

the forefront of his mind decades later. These made it hard for him

to be present in the ‘now’ moment, which is the key for arnold to

move forward in life. He needed to heal the trauma of never prop-

erly bonding with his mother through conscious healing processes

such as Divine Healing (appendix E: 1) and Tantric group train-

ing (Ref 33). This means having a facilitator hold the space so he

can bring conscious feeling awareness to as much of the trauma as

possible and transmute it that way.

slow-moving meditative practices such as yoga and Qigong to

become more present within his physical body would be helpful.

Joining groups of compatible people and building relationships

with them is important. it is better to emotionally engage and

have the visceral, ‘now’ moment experience of actually doing it,

rather than all the mental body model projections of what should

or could happen.

Physical Talents: 17-8

Keywords for the 17
Expression into society of the Word of God

Keywords for the 8
Grounding and connecting with society

This is all about arnold being on a path of spiritual initiation to

prepare him for his work for god. His soul was developing the

ability to express the Word of god (17) in society in a grounded,

confident way (8). This primarily took the form of the design and

construction of Vaastu (Ref 21), Sacred Geometry (Ref 22) and

ecologically (Ref 30) optimized buildings. Vaastu is based upon a

deep understanding of the five elements of Earth, Sky (space), Air,

Water and Fire. sacred geometry is the application of the universal

language of truth, harmony, beauty, proportion, rhythm and order

to connect the spiritual to the physical in building design. The

purpose of all this was to maximize the consciousness and quality

of life of their occupants. once arnold reached a threshold of con-

fidence in his vocal expression, he started to share the principles



of how his firm’s consciousness raising buildings worked through

public speaking at architectural conferences. He was well received

because he was able to ground the high spiritual concepts involved

into a language the majority of people could comprehend.

Becoming fully grounded with the 8s required a lot of work.

These indicate that arnold had a high-frequency soul that was

able to embody and ground in the dense Earth plane so as to relate

to the heaviness of it. as he did this, he created clear emotional

boundaries around himself. as he learnt how to relate (17) better

to society from this more grounded space, he overcame the initial

difficulty he encountered in running the architectural business

well. He became more clairvoyant with respect to the future (8),

where he could tune in to a work situation and just know which

way it was headed. This enabled him to run things a lot more


arnold built his own vaastu, sacred geometry and ecologi-

cally optimized home to have the direct experience of working

through and learning all that this involved. once he had created

a stable, grounded home environment for himself, he was able to

move out into the world and take his work to an even higher level.

This is the effect of the astrological sign Cancer within the 8.

as he came into the grounding of the 8s, arnold started to

express the feminine qualities of nurturing, relating to and sup-

porting those he was connected with. This was particularly useful

in keeping his architectural team together and in his personal and

social life. it was like an infusion of feminine emotional bonding

and connecting energies into the masculine-dominated working

environment which balanced things out nicely for everyone.

Fulcrum energies of the 17-8s:

Into the physical karmic 8-8s
: These enabled arnold to over-

come the negative expression of the physical karmic 8-8s and

eventually ground his soul properly into his physical body. He can

then relate to society and express his gift of service through the

transmission of his soul’s spiritual energies.



However, it took him many years of personal development

work to come into the positive aspects of these numbers, due to

the need to carefully peel the layers of the childhood trauma that

had frozen him emotionally.

Into the physical goal 18-9s
: The 8s enabled arnold to ground

the physical goal 9s so he could feel his way through the resist-

ance, layer by layer, to him coming into his power. as he started to

break through this, the 17-8s enabled him to begin to express that

power with his work in a grounded way out in society.

Physical Goals: 18-9

Keywords for the 18
Choosing to follow Spirit; completion;

making the best choice in each moment and not reviewing past


Keywords for the 9
Empowerment; letting go of resistance to the

full expression of soul power; trusting this power

The 18-9s in this aspect are all about arnold learning to come into

the positive aspects of these energies, learning to make the hard

decisions in life, especially at work, and to follow them through

to completion. There was always the risk of procrastinating about

80% of the way through a specific project, with the temptation

to get someone else to finish the job. He was learning to be goal

orientated and successful at business. The key here was for him to

come into and trust his power at a personal level (9), and to use it

to follow through and complete decisions (18).

arnold was learning to be a project manager, which was

his natural role in his architectural practice. Michael William

sampson was visionary for the business, with his Physical goal

5-5s and soul Destiny 14-5s – the front man the world would see

who could articulate what the practice was all about with his

Physical Talent 21-3s and spiritual Talent 8-8s which grounded his

communications so society could access them. Bart alan was the

problem solver for the big challenges they faced with his generic



goal 21-3s. as the project manager, arnold was learning to pull the

entire in-house team and external contractors together, chairing

project meetings, and making the hard decisions and completing

the projects milestones on time.

Spiritual Karma: 16-7

Keywords for the 16
Grounding Spirit into the Earth plane

Keywords for the 7
Working with and healing the heart

arnold is learning about accepting his spiritual energies, which

were coming down to the Earth plane (16) and how to relate these

to people (7). This created intense karmic relationship experi-

ences, with his ego rebelling and fighting these energies to stay in

control, producing a lot of anger. it believed it was still in charge of

the lifetime, more powerful than spirit/god, and it actually feared

annihilation by spirit. But this is not actually what happens: it is

more of a gradual surrender and re-assimilation of the ego into a

higher state of consciousness. This enables him to rise above the

lower-frequency ego programming that has been running his life.

Healing the heart wounding (7) from childhood will enable

him to access more of the spiritual signature, the expansive,

loving feeling that occurs when our soul communicates through

bodily sensations, feelings and emotions what is the next right

action. The mind is actually relieved to know that it does not have

to work everything out all by itself anymore and run the whole

show, as the spiritual signature becomes more available. arnold

gradually got out of his own way and moved into a more graceful,

flowing way of living.

His liver often got blocked up with the physical toxins asso-

ciated with the anger it carried as the karmic 16 energy fought

the incoming spiritual energies. arnold resorted to regular liver

cleanses to sort this out.

The heart closure of the 7 energy meant that arnold never felt

safe again to show the vulnerable inner child part of himself to



the world, especially in close relationships. He put on a protective

public façade. His greatest fear was of being seen as bad and being

rejected once again. This produced indecision at the deepest level

of his being as he asked himself, ‘shall i show my real self or not?’

Up until his early 30s, this manifested as an unconscious need to

control others by playing mind games, to hide his true self.

This indecision manifested in all areas in his life. choosing a

menu item at a restaurant was a challenge. The key here is to heal

the heart wounding, so as to feel in his heart which is the right

choice. in relationships, arnold was living in dreamland as to what

was real about people. His initial perception of them was not the

actual reality of who they were, so he engaged with them based on

a false perception. in love relationships, this got him into trouble

because as the dreamland filters started to dissolve, he would get a

shock when he discovered who the woman he was going out with

truly was. This often resulted in him leaving the relationship. He

learnt to regularly ask himself, ‘Is this real?’ and looked for firm

evidence as to whether it was.

a key part of the heart opening/healing process was for

arnold to share his true feelings and thoughts with others, even

though it felt unsafe at first. When someone walks into a group of

people and speaks absolute truth, everyone just accepts it and goes

really quiet. This is because Truth vibrates at a level of 600 (Ref 34)

on the David Hawkins logarithmic scale of consciousness from

20-1,000 in his book
Power Versus Force
(Ref 35). This is where 20

is shame and 1,000 is Enlightenment in the form of christ. Truth is

even higher than unconditional love at 540. if someone walks into

a room and tells a lie, the low level of consciousness of this which

is below 200, the level of integrity, means everyone is on to them

and gives them a hard time.

This is the mechanism for arnold to share the previously

hidden part of himself. By expressing his true feelings and

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