3 Hit the Road Jack (12 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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He pursed his lips
, glaring at me as if I were an
annoying pest he wanted to squash. “I resent that remark.” He tilted his chin up, realigning the buttons on his crisp white oxford before straightening the stack of papers in his lap.

“Sorry Will. I do appreciate you, but you’re an easy target too with how prim and proper you always are. It’s unnerving to us normal vamps.”

“I certainly wouldn’t place you in the normal category Lexi.” He offered me a small smile with the truce.

“I would hug you-“

“No!” he shouted, scooting further away. I was beginning to wonder how much more space he could squeeze out between himself and the door. As it was, his legs were nearly crossed and his right shoulder was forced forward.

“If you’d let me finish, I was going to say that I would hug you, but don’t want to mess up your
pristine attire
.” I said the last two words with a prissy English accent. He visibly relaxed at the knowledge.

“Oh, well, thank you.”

“Oh Will, I can’t wait to rough you up,” Gabi smirked, a calculated gleam in her eye. I frowned shaking my head. I didn’t even want to know what was going on in that mind of hers.

Chapter 11


“The hotel’s around the corner,” Rafi announced.

“Finally!” Gabi exclaimed, sitting up straighter in her seat.

“Holy sugar plums!” Aw, that made me think of Mel. I was dying to talk to her, but I knew she would need a few days to calm down given how she was left.

“What?!” Gabi jumped as Rafi slammed on the breaks and Will held onto his precious papers for dear life, tucking the pile against his chest.

“Sorry.” I felt my face scrunch with embarrassment. “The guys blew up my phone is all.”

“Lex, I swear we need a code or something. Never have an outburst like that under the current circumstances,” Gabi scolded. She was definitely in rare form tonight.

“I said sorry.”

“We’re here,” Rafi said, officially putting the SUV in park.

“We have eyes too you know.” She shook her head already opening the door.
“Rafi, change into something fancier. Will, go re-iron your shirt, and Lex, you’re coming with me so I can help you scrub off that crap.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me from the vehicle right as Kellan and Craig pulled in. I was surprised to see them driving a BMW over here. I didn’t even want to know where or how they got it.

Kellan was at my side in an instant, but Gabi kept dragging me towards my room.

“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” he said, easily keeping pace with Gabi.

“No questions Kellan. Can’t you see the girls’ been through hell?”

“I’d back off man,” Rafi added.

“Gabi stop.” I gave my
hand a swift tug, halting her. I turned back towards Kellan, wanting to comfort him.
“I’m fine babe. I had to kill Matteo though because he tried to kidnap me.”

“I never liked that sapling won
er,” Craig smiled. “You’ve done us a mandosimo favor love.”

“You ok?” Kellan asked, studying me closely. He took in my disarray before meeting my eyes. I saw the concern reflected in his, the stiffness of his muscles; the flare of his nostrils as he breathed me in.

“Yea,” I breathlessly replied, nodding to confirm my answer.

He shook his head. “Go shower. We’ll keep watch out here,” he offered.


Gabi resumed her mission. I couldn’t help but drink Kellan in though as she pulled me from him. His black jeans hugged him perfectly while his black polo solidified his advertisement of strength. I was dying to run my hands along the outline of his pecks. His black DCs and watch completed the ensemble. My mouth watered just looking at him. His hair was disheveled; I could tell he’d been yanking it and running his hands through it frequently. His hair proved his earlier angst. My heart melted when he winked at me.

Oh God I was in such a mess of trouble. I was still deeply attracted to Kellan, obviously; Kai had allure too, and now John was fresh to the mix. I was hoping to conceal the last one, but wasn’t sure how much the guys had seen and heard before the signal was cut. I sighed inwardly. I really hoped Imara was right when she said I was misinterpreting things. Well, except with Kellan.

“Usually I’m not a fan of bleach, but you may want to make it your friend.” Gabi wrinkled her nose as we entered the room. Kellan had handed her the key outside.

“Point taken. I’ll stick with
antibacterial and body wash though.”

“Whatever. Just hurry. I’ll pick out an outfit for you.”

“Can you hand me my antibacterial and body wash? They’re in the small front pouch of my luggage.” She retrieved it, dousing her left hand with a pile of the clear gel. The room instantly scented of rubbing alcohol supported by a linger
hospital-like scent. She handed me the bottles before rubbing the liquid all over her hands, wrists and forearms.

“A vamp germaphobe,” I smirked. “Who would have thought?” I chuckled lightly.

“It’s not like I’m OCD about it, but I do like to be clean and be in clean.”

“Ok. Well, I’m going to get clean.” She shooed me towards the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later I felt almost new. The memory of today would haunt me for a while, just like all the other deaths I’d witnessed, but at least I had no physical reminders.

I tried not to relate Matteo’s violent end to my parents’. It was just as abrupt for them though too. Perhaps the most traumatic was my mom’s though. I’ll never forget the scene I walked into: my mother lifeless on the bathroom floor, a dart in her chest and my father’s blood dripping all over her face and upper body. My dad hovered over her, offering her all the protection he humanly could, sacrificing his lifeline of blood in an effort to save her. The razor blade was shaking in his hand, lines criss-crossing up his underarm from his wrist to his elbow. His cries bellowed from him and echoed off the tile; his cry was soulful and haunting. All of him was in it, every ounce of despair released in either blood or tears.

I shook my head wiping the steam off the mirror. I looked at the girl reflecting back at me. My hair clung to my shoulders, back and chest. Despite a flawless complexion, I could still see the shadows beneath my eyes aging me.

“Lex!” Gabi banged on the door. “Did you drown in there?”

“I’ll be out in a sec.” I took a deep steadying breath and opened the door.

“The dogs, I mean guys, are nipping at me to check on you.” I smiled at the annoyance in her tone. She was sure to say it loud enough for their sensitive ears to hear even a few rooms down. “Anyways, so I picked out this super cute chocolate sweater dress and cream colored tights with your pearl necklace and earrings and your navy blue suede pumps. She laid out the outfit on the bed, accessories and all and was rechecking her decision. “God I envy your figure. I wish I could wear this outfit.”

“You could. I would just make the dress a little longer to hit just above your knees.”

“I love it, but this type of material adds bulk to my already bulky frame. It’s just all wrong. I love the idea of it though.” I heard the longing in her voice.

“If it makes you feel better, I know how you feel, or at least I did. I used to watch Mel dress in her size zero designer duds while I bummed around in oversized tees and hoodies with jeans.”

“No offense Lex, but I don’t give a crap about you understanding or not because right now I’m looking at a skinny you and a bloated me who will never receive the miracle you did.” She handed me the clothes and walked out the door.

I’d hit a nerve. I knew first-hand how sensitive
an issue weight was. I remember Mel offering me compliments, suggestions, encouragement and acceptance, but it didn’t change how I felt. In fact, it sometimes made it worse. Jealousy was my constant friend through all of middle school, despite her best intentions. And I did receive a miracle many would argue I didn’t deserve, but I couldn’t change that. I was grateful that my fat curse was over, but I paid
the price in other ways.

I got dressed and wrapped my hair in a bun atop my head. The second I opened the front door the guys were there staring at me. I began to fidget, their intense gazes making me feel like I was under a microscope. “Um, you guys ready to go?”

“Will you gentlemen please stop ogling the lady. I’m famished,” Will interjected. I grinned noticing that he did indeed re-iron his shirt.

“Great crikeely conchs mateys. Lavish the love with air,” Craig said, slapping Kellan and Kalel on the back. Kalel glared at Craig who quickly took his hand back.

“Let’s go guys,” Gabi called from down the hall.

The guys disbanded allowing me to leave. Kellan grabbed my left hand and kissed my ring. Luckily it wasn’t hit with blood since nearly every other item on me was.

“Oh Kalel.” He turned back towards me. “I’m really, really sorry, but the earrings and pin were sort of splattered with blood. I didn’t know how to clean them and not mess up the techy part of them.”

“It’s ok Leka. I’m glad you’re ok.” I smiled, nodding my head.

“Lex.” Gabi came and took me from Kellan looping her arm through mine. She had changed into a high-waisted black skirt, dark teal button up shirt with a ruffle detail lining the front center and collar, black tights and gorgeous red pumps. She’d straightened her hair and it was shining beautifully as it framed her face. Feather earrings ranging in color from dark red to burnt orange and dark yellow dangled from her ears and her black glitter clutch completed the envious ensemble.
“This’ll just take a sec K. Run along with the boys for now.”

“Si hefe,” he chuckled. He walked ahead of us, hands in his jean pockets pulling them tight over his rear. It made me want to squeeze it.

I unblocked my mind.
“Nice rear view

“Thanks. Yours is pretty damn sexy too.”
He turned slightly and winked.

“Close your mind and focus Lex,” Gabi interrupted our flirtations.

“Sorry.” I felt myself flush a
being caught. I quickly blocked my mind again.

“Listen Lex, I’m sorry about earlier. Mel showed me the pics; I know you understand my body issues. I guess in a way I’m jealous because you got thin and I’m stuck like this forever. I’m going to get strange looks, disgusted looks when I walk into stores for all of eternity.”

“I’ll admit your situation does suck, but you have to realize that you’re fierce in other ways Gabi. You have a collar and leash on
every one of
these men. When you walk into a room, you command attention for something much better than outward perfection: inward beauty, your personality, you! And I know how cliché that sounds, but you have a strong voice and a strong presence that I’ll never match.”

“Awe, I love you Lex. I hate you, but I love you,” she laughed, pulling me into a hug.

“Egh, you know you
have nothing but love for me.” I waved my hand down, emphasizing that I wasn’t concerned

“I’d like to eat something this century,” Kai grumbled, tapping his foot expectantly by a second SUV. Gabi and I looked at each other, rolled our eyes and burst into a fit of laughter.

“Girls ride shotgun!” she declared.

“Um, I’ll ride in the back Gab. I love you, but you’re a horrible driver. I think even the devil himself would sell his soul to get out of your car.”

“Well!” she scoffed, dropping my arm and hugging her hip with her hand.

“You know we love you mi amor, but your driving does scar the shit out of everyone,” Rafi attempted to pacify her. He pulled her into his chest and captured her lips so she couldn’t further protest.

Chapter 12


Ten minutes later we were seated on the outdoor patio of a steak and seafood restaurant right on the water.

“This is gorgeous,” I stated, taking in the serene view.

“Definitely,” Gabi agreed.

“I hate to damper dinner, but what are your plans in regards to Jack?” Will asked, dipping a chunk of bread into the special red sauce we brought with us.

“I was hoping to use your computer expertise Kalel and possibly tap into a few networks around here. Maybe we could pick up something.”

“Sure,” he replied, ripping off a chunk of bread as opposed to Will’s delicate slicing with a knife.

“Craig and Gabi, you’re great at socializing so maybe you both could visit the clubs. Listen in on the conversations; see if anyone has any info, especially vamps. Basically network with the locals. Are you ok with that?”

“You bet your dapply dops I am,” Craig said. He said beside Kellan, completely relaxed and looking the opposite of a very edgy Kellan.

“That works for me,” Gabi agreed.

“Thanks. Will, you worked in the vampire headquarters, so if you and Rafi could pay them a visit and listen out, maybe poke around a bit, that’d be great.”

“I will see what I can do,” Will replied noncommittally.

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