A Family of Their Own (17 page)

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Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin

BOOK: A Family of Their Own
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“You mean being like a mom?”

He nodded.

A worried look grew on her face. “Is that wrong? I still love Mom, but she’s—”

“No. No. It’s not wrong. I’m thrilled hearing you say you really care about her, and Mom would be so happy.”

She studied his face. “You think so?”

“I know it.”

A smile seeped from under her concern. “I’m finally feeling sort of like a family.”

He slipped around the table and sat beside her, his arm around her shoulders. “Me, too. A complete family.”


Kelsey paced the living room, her attention drawn to every noise she heard outside. The sound of a car caused her to veer for the window. When she looked out, her shoulders slumped, and she rubbed the taut cords in her neck. She’d gone over
and over her thoughts a thousand times, and she ended up back at the same place. With God all things were possible, but with her, they weren’t.

Another sound alerted her, and when she looked, her lungs failed her. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, not knowing what to pray for but needing guidance. Ross’s car door slammed, and she approached the front door. When she touched the knob, ice ran down through her veins. She’d never felt so alone.

Feeling the knob turn, she pulled open the door, but when she tried to speak, her throat constricted. She motioned him inside, and though he faltered, he charged in, then turned to face her. “What’s happened?” His hand dragged across his jaw, his eyes fraught with concern. “Please, tell me it’s not Lucy.”

The lump in her throat swelled as she shook her head. Finally, she grasped her wits. “Have a seat, Ross. This isn’t about Lucy. It’s about…us.”

“Us?” He jerked backward, bewilderment drenching his face. “What do you mean?”

“Please sit. I need to explain.” She wanted to clutch him to her to ease his pain. Her own anguish rattled her bones as she sank into the nearest chair.

Ross stood over her, his fists clenched. “Kelsey, have I done something? I thought we—”

“So did I. I wanted everything to be fine, but deep inside, I—I—”

“You have no feelings for me? Or is it Peyton?” His shoulders slumped.

Her heart ached seeing the expression on his face. “No, that’s not it. I care. I care about you both.” She cared too much. But… “Please sit, and I’ll try to make sense out of this.”

He crumpled onto the sofa, elbows on his thighs and his head hanging. “Please, make sense.” He lifted his gaze to
hers. “Since you called, I’ve been in a daze. I knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong, but I didn’t expect this.”

She gnawed the edge of her lip, searching for words, thoughts that made sense not long ago, but they’d fluttered away like frightened birds. “Do you remember a while back when you talked about taking Peyton on a Dreams Come True trip and—”

“Yes. I’d love to do that, but I wanted to wait until—”

“Until Lucy was out of danger. I know.”

His brows drew together, his eyes narrowing. “I thought that would please you.”

“But it didn’t. It reminded me of how I made Lucy slow down and play less strenuous games for Peyton’s sake. Lucy was unhappy, and it caused us stress.” She shifted to the edge of the chair, her courage rising. “And do you remember how upset you were when I told Peyton about her body and what was about to happen?”

“But I apologized for that, Kelsey. I was being stupid.”

“I know you said you were sorry, but that’s the problem. We get along great. We have a wonderful relationship, but I don’t think it will work, Ross. We’ll spend our lives resenting our motivation and behavior, trying to please each other and both girls. It’s an impossible situation.”

“Impossible? We’ve been doing it for months.” He pushed himself up from the sofa and crossed to her side. “Kelsey, it works. We don’t have to cater to the girls. They’re doing well now. Peyton’s out of my bedroom and in her own—”

“It has nothing to do with the bedroom.” Her stomach churned and nausea caught in her throat.

“Yes, it does. I coddled Peyton. Remember? But I’ve changed, and I’m happy I did. Peyton’s happier. She feels more normal, and she’s doing well. Lucy is, too. The girls are friends now. They’re like sisters, and Peyton told me you’re like a mother to her.” He knelt at her feet. “Do you hear what I’m saying?”

Tears churned in her eyes and clung to her lashes. “Yes, but—”

He grasped her hands. “I haven’t complained, have I?” He searched her face.


“We’ve talked about this before. Two are better than one. If one falls, the friend can help the other one up.” He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “Kelsey, we are a three-strand cord as the Bible says. It’s you, me and God. We’re not alone with our struggles, and look how blessed we are.”

His voice quaked, and Kelsey couldn’t hold back the tears. All the thoughts, the fears she’d had for the past weeks seemed so empty and weak when she viewed Ross’s strength. He understood God’s ways so much better than she did.

He touched her cheek. “Yes, we may have to deal with more illness—I pray we don’t—but we have the Lord and each other. We’re not easily broken.”

She felt broken. Every ounce of strength she’d garnered failed her. Her decisiveness failed as she looked in Ross’s eyes. “But I’m broken, Ross. I can’t let go of that fear. Doug walked out on me, and I thought we had a solid marriage. He abandoned us.” She searched his eyes. “I trust you, Ross, but I…”

“You’re afraid. Worried.” He drew her closer. “God is my witness, Kelsey. I love you and Lucy with all my heart. I would never hurt you.” He kissed the end of her nose. “You’re being the practical Kelsey I first met. I watched you struggle to look at life with your heart, but you’ve had a setback. Instead of your heart, you’re trying to reason everything out. Some things can’t be reasoned. They’re felt.”

Head and heart. She had struggled. Kelsey gazed into his eyes, realizing he knew her better than she knew herself. “But I don’t want you to be miserable with my idiosyncrasies.”

“I’ve grown to love them.” He tightened his embrace. “I think of them fondly as your idiot-syncrasies.”

The sweet sound of his voice lifted her spirit. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” He tilted her chin upward. “The Lord doesn’t promise we’ll have sunshine every day, but He promises that He’s with us every day—rain or shine.”

A ragged breath escaped her. “I know.”

“He also gave us a sense of humor. You put up with me and my idiot-syncrasies, too. We all have them, you know. But yours are part of you, and I love them.”

He loved them. The words washed over her. She’d never met a person who loved even her quirks, but Ross did. “I’m confused and so sorry. I feel lost without you, and I think that scares me. What happens if you can’t handle me after a while and decide to—?”

He pressed his index finger on her lips. “I will never walk out on you, Kelsey. Neither you nor Lucy. When I make a commitment, it’s from the heart, and that’s what counts.” Ross slipped his finger from her mouth and replaced it with his lips.

From the heart, and that’s what counts.
She melted against his frame, yielding to his kiss. In his arms she felt complete. That was another thing that couldn’t be reasoned.


“See you next week.” Kelsey stood near the door, glad that her year as moderator had come to a close. Voting in a new leader and a new name—Parents of Special Kids—had been her final task.

Ross slipped past her with one of the other fathers, a newer one he’d taken under his wing. “Meet you outside.”

She adored his compassionate way of listening and now his ability to share his real feelings. So many men had found their way to the meeting and were learning to reveal their emotions.

“Thanks for all your hard work.”

She turned from the hallway. “Thanks, Ava.” Ava had run
for moderator, but had been outvoted. One of the newer ladies was now the moderator. “I hope you’re okay with the vote.”

“The vote. I’m thrilled. After I agreed to run, I knew I’d made a mistake.”

“Really.” Kelsey found that hard to believe. Ava had always been their question lady. Nothing slipped past her without a multitude of questions that dug so deep into the topic that everyone longed to go home. But she’d been faithful to the group and a likeable woman otherwise.

“I don’t want to be in charge. I’d prefer to look at things from a different viewpoint and dig into it. I’d have to be unbiased as moderator. That’s hard for me to do.”

Amazed at her self-awareness, Kelsey gave her a hug. “Questions have always been your forte. We all know that.”

She chuckled. “Although I drive you all crazy sometimes.” She shook her finger. “Don’t think I don’t know.”

Her smile assured Kelsey that she had no hard feelings. “See you next week.”

She gave a wave and left.

Kelsey drew in a deep breath, relaxed her shoulders and turned off the light. The summer sun had reappeared from behind the morning clouds, and she longed to be outside. Home was more like it. They’d left the two girls at her house alone.

Ross gave her a wave when she stepped outside. He shook hands with the other father and strode her way. “Don’t tell me. You’re worried about the girls.”

She chuckled. “Not worried exactly. Just anxious to get home.”

Since they’d met, Ross could somehow read her mind. Maybe it was her face. But he seemed to know what she was thinking. She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.

He opened the car door for her and she slipped in. Their talk had grown easy in the past month, since she’d shaken the fear that had paralyzed her. Ross’s words often filled her
mind. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Both girls were doing great. Lucy had healed well from her surgery, and her hair had already begun to grow back. It was all more than she could have wished for, and she rejoiced with Ross that Peyton had made great strides, as well.

“I should never have listened to people’s fears about us.” She gazed into his beguiling eyes. “And my own irrational fears.”

“Huh?” He gave her a questioning look. “Where did that come from today?”

“I was thinking how well the girls are doing now. And they’re friends. Better friends than we had ever hoped.” He smiled, and her heart soared.

Ross squeezed her hand. “I’m going to drop you off at the house and then run a quick errand.”

“Errand? I’m going to make lunch. Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. I know you’re anxious to get home.”

She eyed him, her curiosity piqued. “Don’t do that. I can spare a—”

He swung down her street. “No, it’s fine. I’ll drop you off.”

She slipped from the minivan, wishing she had the knack he did for mind reading. Something was fishy. She waited as he drove down the street, stymied as to what his secret mission was all about.

The house sounded empty. “Lucy?”


She dropped her purse on the sofa and strode into the kitchen. No mess. That was odd. She snapped her fingers, walked to the breakfast nook and pushed back the curtains. She relaxed. The girls were sitting on the new glider Ross had bought for the backyard after Lucy complained that she had nowhere to sit and read. Kelsey wondered what was wrong
with a lawn chair, but Ross coddled her.
She shook her head and chuckled.

Lunch consisted of tuna and egg salad, bread, lettuce and homemade cookies for dessert. She didn’t plan to fuss. As she pulled the items from the refrigerator and grabbed plates from the cabinet, she heard Ross come through the door. He slipped to her side, drawing her into his arms.

Before she could speak, his lips met hers, and she indulged in his amazing kiss. His arms held her close, his mouth moved on hers as soft as a summer breeze.

He eased back and grinned. “How would you like to be greeted like that every day?”

“By you?”

He ruffled her hair. “Who else?”

She chuckled. “I’d love it.”


She paused, trying to dig into his thoughts, but failed. “Call the girls.” He stepped toward the bedrooms. “They’re in the back, languishing on the glider.”

He grinned and did what she asked.

The clomping footsteps told her the girls had come inside.

“Mom, this is the best book.” Lucy waved her novel in the air. “It’s about this girl who wins a contest and gets to have her dream-come-true vacation.”

“I’ll go for that.” Peyton waved her hand in the air. “When do we leave?”

“Not for a while yet,” Ross said.

All eyes turned to him. Kelsey’s heart felt ready to burst. “What does that mean?”

“Sit.” He waved to the island where she’d set out the food. “I want to show you something.” He walked into the living room.

The girls each jumped up on a stool, and Kelsey passed around the plates. As the girls began to build their sand
wiches, Ross came in carrying a white box and set it on the breakfast table.

Kelsey craned her neck. “What’s that?”

“That’s second. This is first.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a smaller box.

Her heart skipped, and she pressed her hand to her chest. “Don’t tell me…”

“I won’t have to if you open it.” He handed it to her.

The girls lost interest in their sandwiches. They both slid off the stools and drew closer, their eyes shifting from Ross to the box.

“Open it, Mom.”

Kelsey’s fingers shook as she lifted the lid, knowing what she would see. She held her breath and gazed inside at the small, velvet, blue ring box.

“What is it?” Peyton shifted to look over her shoulder. “I think it’s jewelry.”

Lucy clapped her hands. “It’s a ring, isn’t it?”

Kelsey grinned at Ross, his face beaming.

He arched his brows. “She’d know if she’d open the lid.”

She did and gazed at the magnificent diamond, the gold band adorned with diamond baguettes. “Ross, it’s beautiful.”

The girls’ eyes were as large as the saucers beneath their sandwiches. “It’s an engagement ring.” Their voices blended as one.

Ross applauded. “You’re right.” He moved closer to Kelsey and removed the ring from the velvet. “You’re pretty high up on that stool, but here goes.” He knelt on the kitchen tile, his gaze locked with hers. “Kelsey Rhodes, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Ross Salburg?”

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