A Mother's Love (18 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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“I was sleep,” she said.

“Aw get dressed I’m about to come get you I need to talk to you about something.” I headed towards Kane’s house.

I knew Violet was seeing Kane but Kane hadn’t told Shamar. I don’t know why not Shamar was cool he wouldn’t be mad. But I guess everybody think that Shamar is a hothead. I pulled up and blew. Violet came outside with some sweats and a hat on. Damn she usually looked so glamorous. She hopped in.

“Damn you could have fixed yourself up.” I said playing.

“Fuck you Jr. you know I just had woke up.” She said lighting a blunt.

I pulled away and headed to the restaurant. I wasn’t hungry but Violet looked like she was. Violet ordered almost everything on the damn menu; shit Kane wasn’t feeding her or something.

“Damn Kane starving you?” I asked.

“No he always want me to cook, shit I’m tired! He wants me to clean up do laundry, and now he talking about I need to go back to school. Woo the boy is getting on my nerves.” She said taking a sip from her soda. Violet was just lazy.

“Well he ain’t telling you nothing wrong shit. Grow up Violet, can’t sit on your ass your whole life.

“You right but shit I need to ease into the situation he got me going in head first.” She said laughing. “Shit I’m lazy!”

I had to laugh too at least she could admit her shortcomings most women couldn’t. But back to what I needed to discuss with her.

“What do you know about Lil Spank?” I asked.

“Lil Spank the pimp? Oh he a real loser! That’s why I robbed his ass.” She said her food had come.

“I know that but what do you know about his organization and shit?” I stole one of her fries.

“Well the nigga is a straight criminal, those girls who he have working for him are sex slaves.” She said. But I didn’t get what she was saying.

“What you mean sex slaves?”

“You know he do the sex trade thing. That’s where he buy young girls and force them into prostitution. Yeah he dirty. All those overseas ass bitches are sex slaves. Mook, Then, Chang, Beauty, Kia, Her, and Anna.”

So that was why Beauty was so unhappy she was forced to be in that business. I knew she was different. I told Violet about Beauty.

“Oh yeah she is nice Jr. She there because of her mother her mother sold her into the trade when she was sixteen. She had two kids Destiny and Jo-Jo both girls and her mother has them. She is trying to get some money to try and buy her kids from her mother. Yeah her mother is a dirty Asian bitch. She is going to try to sale Beauty’s daughters too once they get old enough.”

Damn that shit broke my heart. That girl was going through it and I knew it. I knew she was in need. I just hope she called m


Chapter Twenty Four


I was dog ass tired. I felt like ole boy in the Green Mile I am tired boss, dog tired. Kane was making me work like a slave. I understood a man brings home the bacon and the woman cooks it but shit I was tired. He made me a schedule and shit like I was child. Mondays were laundry day and although I wasn’t doing shit but watching television it took up most of my morning. And after that I would have to immediately start dinner. He would come home and everything would be good. I loved to spend time with him he was awesome he just wanted too much. Tuesdays I had to go pick up his clothes from the cleaners, iron, and hang them. Like what the fuck!

Wednesdays and Thursdays I was to go to school. I was going part time to do management. That seemed easy enough. Then Fridays was grocery shopping. Horrible! Those damn people with all that damn food and bullshit they were buying with those damn food stamps.  I hated the grocery store. Then Saturday was our day together. Which I absolutely loved, I talked to Daphne and Jr. and they both said the same thing I was just lazy. So what! I was used to being spoiled. I was about ready to leave Kane’s ass. He was nice and all he gave me money and took good care of me but he absolutely wanted too much.

I hadn’t talked to Chauncey in a while. He had gotten back with his girlfriend so I stayed away. Chauncey and I were cool but not on a serious level. He was cute but he had him somebody. But right now I was lonely and I needed someone to talk to. I called and he didn’t answer. And I thought ol stupid ass Chauncey. I decided to call Brian but didn’t get an answer either. I definitely needed to get out and meet more niggas. I called Cashmere up she knew where I could find some new men. She told me that it was going to be a hot little party for some nigga she knew and I could come. I grabbed my bag, packed it and left before Kane got home.

I kicked it with my girl all day and ignored all of Kane’s calls and texts. He had gotten on my nerves. I had skipped school today and wasn’t taking my ass grocery shopping tomorrow fuck that! We watched television and kicked it all day at her house. All her damn cousins and brothers and sisters were there so we were having a mini party. We had drinks and was smoking plenty of loud. Her cousin Red was coming with us and Unique. We got dressed and I was definitely looking good.

              I had on my red dress with my black heels with the red bottoms, yeah Kane bought me them. He kept calling and was texting me. He must have been worried. It was nine at night and I hadn’t talked to him since eight that morning. I was looking good and did not give a fuck about Kane right now. He had Jr. call me and I answered for my brother.

“Sis where you at?” he said.

“I’m not gone tell you.” I was tipsy and high.

“Kane wanna know if you alright.”

“Yeah tell him his maid okay; she just tired of being a damn slave.”

“C’ mon Violet you know it’s not even like that.” Kane said. Oh shit Jr. had set me up.

“Fuck you Kane, and Jr. since your ass wanna be on his side fuck you too!” I hung up and turned off my phone.

The club was definitely live that night. We was grooving in VIP with the niggas that Cashmere knew. But the fucked up thing about it was the nigga she was with that was giving me the eye. He kept watching me dance. He was fine too. I guess he got tired of pretending like he was interested in Cashmere and came by me while I was dancing. I was shaking my ass and he whispered in my ear.

“Let’s get out of here.”

“I thought you was with her.” I said really not giving a fuck.

Cashmere had fucked some of my niggas before she thought I didn’t know though. I had never done it to her but tonight I was feeling myself and he was definitely fine.

“Naw she ain’t my type.” He grabbed my arm.

We chatted on our way out and I told him we could take my car. I didn’t know how those bitches were getting home. We hopped in my car and headed to the lake. It was a nice breeze tonight for it to be summer. Earlier it was ninety-eight degrees. We parked and started talking.

“So what’s your name?” I asked.


He started kissing me and I was caught off guard. I didn’t know what he was on but shit I wasn’t giving up no ass I didn’t even know him.

“Slow down we need to get to know each other.” I pushed him away. He looked mad.

“Bitch you think I left with you to talk. I’m trying to fuck.” He said and grabbed my pussy.

“Well nigga I’m not so get the fuck off me!” I said and pushed him off me.

“Bitch is you crazy?” he asked as he pulled out his dick. “Suck my dick.” I don’t know what the fuck was wrong with him but I was not about to suck his dick.

“Nigga you got me fucked up.” I said and as soon as I did that he pulled out his gun. He smacked me with the other hand. I wanted to cry but I refuse to tear up.

“Die or suck this dick.” He said and pointed the gun at my head.

So I sucked his dick. It felt so nasty I wanted to throw up. I had tears in the back of my eye balls but I wouldn’t let them drop. He finally came.

He told me to drive. He called one of his guys and told them to come pick him up. We parked at Burger King parking lot until his friend got there. We listened to the radio and pretended like nothing happened. He got out the car and didn’t say anything else to me. I waited for them to pull out of the parking lot. I dialed Shamar; it took him a while to answer.

“Bro he just raped me.” I said crying in the phone.

“What? Who? Where the fuck you at?”

“In this parking lot.” I tried to calm down.

“Can you drive?” he asked.


“Come to me. Come to my house.” He said.

We hung up and I headed to my big brother. I wanted to call Kane but I was ashamed. I pulled up to Shamar’s building and called and told him I was downstairs. He buzzed me up. I got inside the house and was shocked to see Kane. He was sitting on the couch smoking a blunt. Shamar was behind me.

“What the fuck happened Violet?” Kane asked.

He got up and walked towards me. I guess he had told Shamar about us. I started crying. I was crying because I felt like a fool. Here I had a good man who was just trying to teach me how to be a woman and I wanted to run the streets like a hoe. Kane hugged me.

“I’m sorry Kane.” I said apologizing.

“You ain’t got to apologize. What happened?” I calmed down and told them what happened. You could see the anger in both their eyes.

“So the nigga name Mania?” Kane asked.


“I will handle it baby girl.” He held me.

It was five in the morning when we finally left Shamar’s house and I was dead ass tired. I got in the bed with my man and we went to sleep. I had it good what the fuck was I thinking.












Chapter Twenty-Five


Mike had just got back in town from New York. I couldn’t believe how things had changed for me in just two months. I was dating a wonderful man who I really did love and he loved me back. I was starting culinary school to become a chef in September I was just changing and it was for the best. Jr. had come home last night but he was gone early had to go to work I guess. I was glad that I wasn’t working I had a lot of free time to get myself some me time.

I had just got out the shower when the doorbell rang. I knew it had to be Mike. I went to answer in my towel. I opened the door expecting to see my love but it was a scumbag, Terrance. He looked rather nice in his suit. He always wore a suit and they always fit him so well. I hadn’t seen him in about two months now. Every since the day he told me I wasn’t good enough for him. Now here he was I wonder what he wanted.

“Yes,” I said.

“Hey Daphne can I come in?” he asked. He was looking at my body and it disgusted me.

“Hold on.” I slammed the door.

I went in my room and threw on a pair pants and shirt real quick. I went back to the door and was surprised he was still standing there.

“Come in.” I said allowing him to enter. We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island in my kitchen.

“Daphne honey I missed you.” I just stared at him. “I mean I know we had some rough times but you completely abandoned me.”

And he was right after he talked down on me and Jr. moved in I started ignoring Terance my brother helped me move on. “I love you so much and I just didn’t understand what I had done.”

“Oh so you don’t remember how you disrespected me by calling me names, or how you lied to me and didn’t tell me about your wife. Oh and the best part you got Sherri pregnant and you don’t understand well I do.” I said I felt like punching him in his face.

“Baby you knew I had a wife and Sherri she came on to me. I swear Daphne I love you.”

At that moment the doorbell rang. And I knew exactly who it was and I was glad he came. I excused myself and went to answer the door. Mike was looking good as ever carrying a teddy bear and flowers for me. See that was why I loved the man.  I gave him a kiss.

“Baby we have a guest.” I said leading him into the kitchen. “Mike honey this is Terance, Terance this is my boyfriend Mike.” I said with a smile.

Terance looked mad. But he wasn’t stupid enough to get hard with Mike.

“Nigga don’t be trying to flex she mine now.” Mike said hugging me from the back.

I knew Mike wouldn’t be mad I had told him all about Terance. Terance was a joke, a fucking loser. Terance left looking sad and embarrassed. He got up and walked past us like a dog with his tail between his legs.

The nigga actually thought I was supposed to be sad because he was sad. See that was what niggas main problem always expecting women to come to their demand. Like we were desperate like we needed them. For a long time I thought I need Terance but the truth was he needed me to feel like he was somebody. A woman don’t need a man for shit and when we as women figure that out we will get a real man that we deserve. We don’t need these niggas we want them and sometimes we can’t tell the difference between a want and a need. But a want is something you can live without while a need is something you can’t live without.

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