A Mother's Love

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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A Mother’s Love

The Body Dies but the Spirit Lives on




Miss Dee








Copyright © 2015 Miss Dee

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright holder.



















Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive right to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.


















This book is dedicated to my mother Kim Patterson

My brothers Kewan and Kesean Patterson, Demetrice and Durrell Ringo

To my children Shurya Orr and Cornelius Crigler Jr.

They make up the pieces to my heart.

And to all the Motherless Children out there please always remember that a mother’s love is forever.










Cover design: Miss Dee

Join me on Facebook @ MissDee Ringo

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Twitter: MissDee@Dericaringodee


Goodreads:MissDee Ringo




Part One: Denesha’s Story

Chapter One

              The day was beautiful. I had the perfect dress, the perfect man, the perfect place, but I had to think was this the right thing to do? I had been through a lot, so much in these years that I didn’t know if I even deserved to be happy. I thought about Quincy his handsome face. He was the perfect color of caramel with the biggest beautiful eyes I had ever seen. He had stolen my heart, changed my life, and accepted me. But was I good enough for this great man? Huh, I know I was wrong for thinking all of this on my wedding day. Hours before I was to marry the man I loved but I couldn’t help but think this way. I needed to call him. I was in the shop on Hampton getting my hair done for our big day. My long jet black hair was getting straighten to perfection. I called his cell he picked up immediately.

              “Hey baby.” His sexy voice flowed into the phone.

              “Hey sweetie,” I said with great apprehension.

              “What’s wrong D, everything alright?”

              “Yeah I am okay.” I said I was trying to keep my head straight so that the Nina who was doing my hair wouldn’t burn me. “I was just thinking, are you sure you ready for this?”

              He sighed “baby I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me if I wasn’t”

              He was right why was I tripping he knew who I was and he understood me and accepted me. I needed to get off the bullshit and accept that somebody loved me with no extra motives.              

              “You right baby I’m just tripping you know pre wedding jitters. I will be aight. Where you at anyway baby” I asked looking in the mirror. I had to hand it to Nina she was hooking my hair up.

              “Handling business matter of fact gotta go. Love you.”

              “Love you too.” I said even though he had hung up the phone. Ugh! I hated when he did that. As I finished getting my hair did for my big day my mind drifted off to my younger days.

              Nine years earlier…

              Bowling was our Saturday night ritual for Rick, me and my girls. It was me Denesha, my best friend Zaharra, Red, Yellow, and Rick he was gay. We had been kicking it and friends since Middle School. Zaharra was brown skinned with a big butt, her hair was in a short pixie cut as always. She had the loudest, ghetto mouth to match her ghetto booty. Red and Yellow the twins were some skinny redbones that were exactly the same size zero and were identical except the fact that Yellow had a bigger nose. Then we had Rick gay ass in our crew. He was cool one of those pretty niggas that was scared to break a nail. He looked like a dude and even talked like one but we knew better because sometimes he would act too sweet and he related to us to well. Now I was an average pretty girl I was brown skinned short, thick, and cute as a button. People say I reminded them of the actress Gabriel Union.

              We stepped in the Bowling alley and I tell you it was live, as usual. Every High School kid kicked it at the Bowling alley. It was bout three different bowling allies around the city so we liked to switch which one we went to every Saturday. We always tried to come early so that we could get a spot but when we entered it was thick. We were not the last people in line but we had ended up getting the last lane.

              The white guy that worked there yelled out to the crowd, “Alright there is going to be a two hour wait you all can either wait or come back.”

              The guys behind us were angry because we had gotten the last spot. They were about to leave when Red told them they could join us. Now Red is a real flirt she always up in a nigga face so when she saw that the guys were leaving she invited the guys to join us. We were used to her doing the shit but we were still mad because she didn’t discuss it with us. Honestly the guys were cute it was about seven of them. But we didn’t want any of the other potential guys at the Bowling alley to think they were with us.

              We decided not to sweat it and enjoy our night but we were definitely going to have a talk with her ass. The guys chipped in and paid for the games since we had let them join us. We each grabbed our shoes and went to our lane. We were the last lane at the end. It was so many fine guys in the building that I couldn’t help but put a little swivel in my hips. I had on my jeans that made my ass look like an apple so I know they were watching. I never been really good with gravity so here I was walking and slipped but I didn’t fall. The one guy we were with grabbed my hand.

              “You aight ma” He questioned.

              “Yeah I’m good” I said fixing my hair. He came up to me real close and whispered in my ear as he leaned in I could smell the scent of his breath it smelled sweet like peppermint, “Trust and believe they watching don’t try so hard.” I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear.

              We bowled for two hours and had so much fun. I was striking and showing out since I was trying to impress Lo that was his name. And I must admit he was fine. He was dark skinned with a low hair cut. He had the cutest big doe eyes I had ever seen. He wasn’t too tall. About 5’ 6 but that was okay I was only 5’ 0 myself. We exchanged numbers before we left and the entire bus ride home I was praying he called. When we got to my stop Zaharra and I got off. She was going to spend the night over my house, as always. We had to catch two buses so when we got off the 63 we waited for our last bus the 23.

              “You really feeling ole boy” Zaharra said as we waited in the shelter for the bus. It was cold as hell too.

              “Yes girl he not like those clowns at our school he is older and I know he more mature than them fools.” I said as a matter of fact.

              I felt like I was too mature for the High School boys. At the age of fifteen I wasn’t having sex because I had not met the right man. Why would I want some boy to take my virginity when he wouldn’t know what he was doing when I could have a man do it right. The bus came fifteen minutes later and it dropped us off at the corner by my house.

              No one was at my house anyways except for my little thirteen year old sister Tesha. My mom stayed gone over this and that nigga house. That was pretty much how she paid our bills. She was a professional hoe. And niggas paid her too. I didn’t know my father but I know he sent a fat check in the mail every month to help take care of us. My mom really wasn’t active in our lives I think she was glad we were old enough to watch ourselves now.

              The streets were dark and only lights that were on were the streetlights. I was happy I had Zaharra walking along side me because it was creepy quiet. Good thing the bus let us off at the corner and my house was in the middle of the block and good thing Zaharra kept a blade on her.

              My little sister Tesha was in the living room watching television with our little cousin Iona. They kept each other company all the time. My auntie Isyss was a hoe too. They hoed together my Mama and Aunt. They didn’t give a damn about us, we only had each other.

              “Hey sissy,” Tesha said to me.

              “Hey baby what yall doing still up?” I asked as I sat down next to my sister and gave her a hug.

              My little sister Tesha had the cutest eyes and she was light skinned. She looked more like my Mama then I did. Tesha’s father still came around and he still did things for her. Sometimes I got jealous of her but I still loved my little sister.

              “Watching Waiting to Exhale you know that’s my movie girl.” She said. “And by the way some nigga called for you.”

              I smiled awwww he had called already. I knew it had to be Lo because I didn’t talk to anyone else; I didn’t have any experience with any guys. I grabbed the phone and she showed me the number. I ran into my room and dialed the number. He answered on the first ring.

              “Hello,” he said sounding so sexy.

              “Hey this Lo” I asked taking my shirt off and putting on my Winnie the Pooh bear pajamas.

              “Yeah my bad about calling so late, I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.”

              “Oh it’s no problem my mom’s don’t be tripping.” Shit how could she when she is never here I thought.

              “Aw is that so, so when you gone come and see me?” He said in my ear.

              Zaharra walked in the room so that gave me an excuse to put down the phone. I was so nervous. This was the first guy I had ever talked to on the phone. Sure I flirted and talked to guys at school but I felt as if they were not on my level.

              “Could you hold on for a minute?” I asked I put the phone on mute before he could respond, “Zaharra he wants me to come see him what do I say?”

              “Oh gosh the virgin in you is so noticeable.” She said rolling her eyes. Zaharra had had sex before with many guys so she was no beginner. “Tell him you can come one day after school.”

              “Okay,” I said and got back on the phone, “Hello.”

              “Yeah ma so when you gone come see me”

              “Um maybe one day this week when I get out of school.”I said trying to sound cool. I was anxious at that moment to see him although I didn’t know when we would see each other.

              “Aw aight ma, yeah right get that education.” He said.

              We spoke for a little while longer then we got off the phone. By the time we got off the phone Zaharra was asleep on the floor in her sleeping bag. Ugh now I might be up all night listening to her snoring but that wasn’t a bad thing since I could think of Lo. I smiled to myself and before I knew it I was sleep.



Chapter Two


              It was that Thursday when I finally got a chance to see Lo. We talked on the phone everyday and everyday he asked the same question when I was coming to see him. Zaharra and I came up with a plan once my Mom left. She was leaving out to go to North Dakota so it would be Thursday when I came to see him. Although my Mother was a hoe she was really strict. The only time I could go out was if it was with my friends. She wouldn’t know anything because she was going to be gone out of town but I didn’t want to leave Tesha by herself.

              Zaharra told me she would stay with Tesha until I got home. I had to catch one bus to Lo’s house the 76. Lo met me on the bus stop like a gentlemen. It was freezing too! I had on little waist coat trying to look cute but this was not the look cute weather. I was so nervous when I saw him. His smooth caramel face so sexy and when he smiled I fell in love. He walked up to me and gave me a hug. He smelled good like fresh soap. We walked to his house it was right through the alley by the bus stop. Nobody was home so that made me even more nervous.

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