A Mother's Love (13 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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“Violet!” I said and she turned around. She smiled and walked up to the car.

“What up bro.” she hopped in the car. “Don’t be saying my damn name.”             


I don’t know what the fuck was wrong with her but she had me fucked up. No her little ass out here trying to sell her ass.

“Look little ass girl what the fuck is you doing out here walking these damn streets?” I said.

“Bro it’s none of your business.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Look here Violet you ain’t about to be out here selling your ass.”

“I ain’t out here prostituting what the fuck I look like.” She said and I was confused.

“Well what the fuck you doing?”I didn’t know if she was lying but she better have a good lie.

“I will tell you later but I gotta get back out here or Lil Spank gone get mad and I can’t fuck this up.”

“Naw fuck that you coming with me.” I said and started up the car. She opened the door and hopped out screaming.

“Help me, help me!”

The girl had lost her mind. I was about to get the fuck out of there my little sister was tripping. I pulled off and headed to my nigga Brandon’s house I had to smoke after that shit.

I got to Brandon’s house and was glad his girl was gone. The bitch kept giving me the eye. I had already fucked but I could tell she wanted some more of this dick. I fucked a lot of bitches but when I fucked his bitch I did feel bad. We sat down and started smoking a blunt. We played the PS3 and kicked it a bit. I was telling him about this new bitch I had pulled when I got a text from Daphne. She was telling me that she wasn’t going to be home tonight, I guess the nigga Mike was taking her somewhere. That nigga was pulling out all the stops on sis. He better had because Daphne was a good girl. As for that little hoe Violet I don’t know. Shamar always was the one close to her, him and Daphne. It wasn’t that I didn’t like my little sister she just never clung on to me like she did them. I guess we didn’t have anything in common and I see why she didn’t have any morals about herself.

              It was about nine at night. I decided to call up one of my little chicks. Since sissy was gone. I called Tyrika. She was a little young lady that I had just met, she was only nineteen. She was real cute she had natural beauty. I called her to see if she wanted to kick it she said yeah. I had missed the liquor store so all we had some bag but that would do. I went and scooped her up and we went to Daphne’s house.

              We were kicking it watching television. She was cool as fuck and sexy but I wasn’t even trying to fuck tonight. I got tired of sleeping with different women, I needed to settle down and get my shit right. Looking at Pops and he was the perfect example of what not to be. Shit I had seven fucking kids, I told Tyrika that I only had three shit if things worked out I would tell her about the other ones. I just didn’t want her to judge me without giving me a try.

              We were talking about those dumb ass broads on
Basketball Wives
when I got a text from Violet. “Whr u at bro?”

I wasn’t about to text her little ass back but I wanted to see what she had to say after she showed her ass today. “At the crib.”

She texted me back real quick. “Nigga don’t be vague whr at?” I texted her back before I cussed her out.

“Daphne’s” She didn’t text me back I didn’t know what she was on. About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. I went to answer and it was Violet with some tall light skin nigga.


I know I was wrong for the shit I pulled earlier with Jr. but shit he was out of line. Now if it was Shamar I would have had to explain. But Jr. never paid me any attention his concern was hoes. So now he wanna act like a big brother, humph. But I did feel bad. So after our plan went through I decided to go pay my big brother a visit. Chauncey and I stopped at his house and picked up some liquor he had there.

              I had been seeing Chauncey on and off since I was about fifteen. He was a nice nigga, ate the pussy real good I can tell you that. He was getting money too and I definitely needed him since Cash had tried to whoop my ass. I hadn’t heard from him either and that was good because the money was too good I probably wouldn’t have stayed away. Chauncey was small time he mostly robbed people and things like that. He had dreams though that is what I liked about Chauncey he wanted to be a businessman. After I made sure Jr. was at Daphne’s house we made our way up over there.

              He looked surprise when he opened the door and saw that it was me. “Damn can we come in?” I asked but pushed past him.

“Oh yeah who is this?” he asked looking at Chauncey.

“Oh this Chauncey, Chauncey this my brother Jr.”

“I thought you only had one brother.” Chauncey said.

“You don’t know everything about me.”Huh he was irritating me.

He always wanted to know every fucking thing. We went into the living room and I see Jr. had company. I went over to say hi and seen that it was my girl Tyrika I use to go to school with. We hugged and laughed I hadn’t seen her in a while.

“Shit Jr. let’s play some spades or something, a bitch didn’t come here to be bored.” Jr. went to the back and got the dominoes.

Aw shit even better I was gone beat they ass. Tyrika and I got on teams and Chauncey and bro was on teams. We tore they ass off. I was spanking they ass in bones. After another round them niggas got mad and didn’t wanna play. So we just chatted it up.

“Look Jr. I am not a prostitute.” I said to get it over with. I mean he was my brother and I didn’t want him to think the worst of me.

“So what the fuck were you doing?”he asked I could tell his was getting mad by just thinking about it.

“Me and Chauncey robbed Lil Spank,” I knew Tyrika wouldn’t say anything, “I was just acting like I wanted to be a part of his little hoe crew to see how much money he had so we could rob him.”

“Oh really so did you get him?”he asked.

“Hell yeah.” Chauncey said. Jr. started laughing.

“Aw shit my little sister a lil gangsta. I rather you do that then to be selling pussy.”

I was happy my brother understood. I thought he was going to be on some bullshit but he wasn’t. Shamar and Daphne did have a close relationship with him though. I just always thought of Jr. as a jerk really. I saw all the chicks he messed with and he wasn’t much of a father. But I guess if I got to know him better he would be a good big brother. Shit now I could tell everybody I got two big brothers instead of one.

              We talked and I showed him pictures in my camera of his kids. Although Jr. and I really didn’t talk I always went to see about my nieces and nephews. There was Esha’s kids Shawn, Eshawna, and Shamika. Then there was four year old Anna by Brittany and there was his baby boy Malik by Monique. His other baby mama who I loved the most Tameka she had Timothy and Kimmy. I liked Tameka she was pretty and she was on her shit, she wasn’t thinking about Jr. trifling ass.

              I was tired and ready to get some dick it was time to go to Chauncey’s house.

“Ay bro it was good chatting with you and the lady here but we gots to get going.”

“Aight sis we gotta do this again soon” he said as he walked us to the door. I turned around and gave my big brother a kiss on the cheek.

“Love you bro.” I said.

“Love you too girl.” He said.




Chapter Nineteen


I marveled at the shit that Mike knew. I couldn’t believe that he was so educated. I had known him through Jr. for years but I never took the time to stop and get to know him, but I was glad I did. He wanted to be a rapper and believe me he was good and I didn’t even like rap music a lot.

              We spent the whole night together and I finally gave it up. After all he had done and really getting to know him I had to say I liked the man who I saw. After I saw the killing with Shamar and Cam I really didn’t know what to think about my baby brother but when he came to spend time with me, I understood him. He was a street a nigga, that was the path he chose but although it wasn’t right it wasn’t my right to judge him. Plus it was that bitch ass nigga Cash that he killed anyway. Once he explained that Cash more than likely would have tried to retaliate against us then I knew he did it because he loved us.

              When we left our great hideaway and I went home and got dressed. I needed to go see Grandma Nancy. She had not been doing well and her liver was failing after all the years of drinking. She was in the hospital and she really hated it because not only was she dying but she couldn’t drink either. She gave those nurses hell. I came into the room and it smelled of death. My Grandma was small now. Her big pretty eyes now were sunken in she didn’t look good.

              I was surprised my father was there. He was sitting in the chair next to my Grandma. I really didn’t see what my mother saw in my father. He wasn’t very good looking even the pictures of him when he was younger were not cute. I guess he was her first love so she must have cared for him. Grandma Nancy told me a lot about Mama and Daddy and how he beat her. She was too young to be going through so much.

              I made myself known by clearing my throat. My Dad turned around and looked at me.

“Oh hey baby girl.” He got up and gave me a hug. I looked up and barely hugged him.

“Hey Dad, how long you been here?” I tried to hide my fear. I don’t know he hadn’t hit me in years but I still thought that he was going to.

“All night, they said she should be gone by tonight or tomorrow.” He said.

Damn I couldn’t believe it Grandma Nancy was going to die. She was just fine just a couple of days ago when I visited. She was up hollering and acting a damn fool. Tears started to fall out of my eyes. First Mama now Granny, what was next? Dad seen me crying and came to me. He started hugging me and holding me and I just released all of my emotions.

“Let’s get out of here baby girl we should get something to eat.” I shook my head yeah.

Although I didn’t really wanna go with my Dad I was vulnerable right now. We went to a little soul food restaurant. I picked over my food and I think Dad was hungry because he was tearing that food up.

“Look Daphne I know you might not think it but I do love you. I know I fucked up when I hit you but you remind me so much of your Mother. You have her beauty and her grace. She was a beautiful girl. I took her for granted because I wanted her all to myself. But what I wanted I already had but I just couldn’t see it.”

He took a drink from his cup and I didn’t say anything I just listened. “Your Mom would have been my wife had I not been doing so much fucked up shit.”

I just looked at him I had never heard him talk about Mama. He never really brought her up, but I knew that was why he beat me. He was guilty. But guilt could tear you up even if it really wasn’t your fault. I think my Mama and Dad were not meant to be anyway. I think Q was the best for her. I just wish my Mama could have finally been happy with her man.

We talked some more and parted ways after that. I loved my Daddy and I was glad he had finally apologized to me right. I called Mike and asked him to come over and see me. He came over and told me some great news. Some producers had heard his demo and wanted to meet with him. Yeah hopefully he would be getting in the rap game. We had to celebrate. He said we should wait until he knew what we were celebrating. That was cool with me. We spent the rest of the night together.

We woke up the next morning and I swear I loved waking up to this man. He was gorgeous to me. I got up and tried not to disturb him. My passion was cooking. I went to nursing school and was a nurse at a hospital but I loved to cook. And everybody loved to eat my food. Mama was a social worker so that’s why I think I chose to be nurse to help others. I got up to cook for my man. I checked to see if Jr. had came home and he did, so I would make enough for him. I made an omelet for Jr. and some French toast for me. Mike I made him sausage, eggs, and some hash browns.

I had to go to work where I knew I could see my best friend Sherri. We grew up together and had been friends every since my Mom had died. We went to school together Middle School, High School, and College. We had both gotten jobs at the same hospital. I loved working with Sherri she was definitely crazy. I remember when I lost my virginity in College to Terance.

It was freshman year in College and Terance was one of our professors. Sherri had blonde hair, green eyes, and a typical pretty white girl, although Sherri was a bleached blonde she was a true dumb blonde. I didn’t see how she even got into the same college with me, maybe with me helping on all her assignments during High School had really helped her out. Terance taught our Medical Terminology class. Now I knew all my terms and abbreviations but Sherri was fucking up bad. I couldn’t help her like I usually did because she had to learn on her own.

We were in class and Terance gave us back our papers. And although Terance was our teacher I must admit he was fine as hell. He was light skinned with a body out of this world, I could tell even with his regular clothes on. I don’t know but I kind of felt the connection between us then. He was well spoken and he always singled me out in class. Sherri would tell me all the time “that man wants to fuck”. And that really didn’t appeal to me. My Mama had four kids by the age of twenty-two and I was not heading in that direction. That’s why I think I never gave a guy a chance from all the things I witnessed with my Mom. She tried to protect us but when she got killed there was nothing much that I didn’t start finding out.

On this particular day I had my long hair down and I had on a cute little dress with my cowgirl boots. I was looking cute as ever but that day there must have been something about me that really caught Terance’s attention. He kept staring at me during his lecture and he had a little smile. And the entire time Sherri was whispering, “oh yeah bitch he wants you bad.” After class he grabbed my hand in a very sensual way. “Can I speak with real quick Ms. Harris?”

I was thinking yeah of course gorgeous. We waited until the entire class left and he began, “How old are you?”

“Eighteen.” I said with butterflies in my stomach.

“Do you like older men?” he said now standing real close to me.

I didn’t know what to say so I just stood there. “You shy Ms. Harris? No reason to be shy you to beautiful you need to have more confidence.”

And that was the beginning of our romance. I had been dating Terance since I was eighteen and here I was twenty four and was still putting up with his shit. Well not recently every since I started dating Mike. Terance was my first and I wanted him to be my husband but that was impossible since he was married. I was devastated when I found out the love of my life Terance Brown had a wife and two lovely kids. It was too late though I had given him my virginity and was in love.

It was one night at dinner and he answered his phone, “Hey honey,” he said right in front of me.

My whole heart dropped. We had been dating for three months and had never called anybody honey except me, was he serious? I could only hear his side of the conversation so when he got off the phone I started asking questions.

“So who was that?”I asked immediately after he got off the phone.

“My wife, my son is sick.” I couldn’t believe he just said it like it was nothing.

I had no idea he was married. He never mentioned this before but of course not he wanted to get in good with me first.

“What do you mean Terance? You never told me about a wife, a child.”

“Children actually two, but me and the wife were having problems when I met you but we good now,” he said and took a sip from his drink.

I was mad as hell he was acting like it was nothing. But I wasn’t like my brothers and sister I wasn’t going to raise hell, I didn’t have that fight in me I started crying.

“Look Daph calm down, I love you, I’m not ending this. Just calm down baby you my lady don’t worry.” And I didn’t ask any questions.

But it had come too much when he started belittling me and breaking up with me. Jr. said I told him too much of my business and that’s why he got the upper hand because I didn’t really know shit about him. I was happy that I had finally let that relationship go.

It was funny as hell when Shamar came over and was calling Terance and threatening him. It was hilarious. Fuck him he had broke my heart. I was excited to see Sherri but lately she had been acting weird, like when I told her about Shamar playing on Terance’s phone she sort of had an attitude. Actually she had been having an attitude with me lately and I didn’t know why. Every since Terance and I broke up she had been having an attitude I just didn’t understand, being my best friend she should want me to have the best and not settle.

When she walked into the nurse’s office I was happy to see her and it was a plus she had a smile on her face.

“Hey girl, how you been?” I asked. She gave me a hug.

“Alright my new man had me up all night.” She sat down.

She did look tired. I was kind of surprised that I hadn’t seen her new man since every guy she dated she made sure I seen him. She was keeping him a secret he must have been truly special.

“When am I going to meet this mystery man of yours?”

“I don’t know girl, give me a second I gotta run to the bathroom.” She said.

She headed to the bathroom and her phone started vibrating. I usually didn’t look at her phone but being her boss she wasn’t suppose to have it on the desk or on because it could interfere with the computers. So I picked it up to turn it off but when I looked at the screen it was a text from a familiar number, a very familiar number, Terance’s number to be exact. I started reading the thread of texts. My whole world was spinning this bitch had been fucking him for a year. She might be pregnant by my muthafucking man. What the fuck!

She came back from the bathroom and I still had her phone in my hand. She walked up and started talking but I didn’t hear shit I turned around and punched that bitch in her face. She didn’t know what to do but I did.

I punched her again and she fell. “What the hell Daph?” she said.

Fuck that I was in the zone and I was fucking that bitch up. Some of the other nurses tried to pull me off of her but I was hitting they ass too. They had to call security on me. They called the police on me and I didn’t realize what was going on until I was getting booked.

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