A Mother's Love (16 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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              I chatted for a minute with Brittany and she gave me a stack and then I left had to get back to work. I was working on this lady’s kitchen outlet. It was an easy job and the lady was fine as hell. I wanted to see was she feeling a brother or what. She was about 5’4 she was skinny with a big butt, but what she lacked in body she made up with looks. She had the prettiest face I had ever seen, plus she had hazel brown eyes they were hypnotizing. She left me in the kitchen where the outlet was broken. I was stalling trying to see if she was feeling me. Her house was big too. She lived in a nice part of town.

              She came from upstairs, now when I came she had on some jeans and a shirt but now she had on a robe. Oh yes she was definitely feeling me.

“Do you want some water?” she asked going into her frigerator. And I was thinking yeah I am thirsty but not for no damn water.

“Yes ma’am.” Trying to act like I had some damn manners.

She grabbed a glass and got some water out of the purified fountain. She walked up to me. She was real close and I could smell her Caress soap on her body. Man she was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail so that I could see her beautiful features.

“Aren’t you going to grab the cup?” she said I must of zoned out staring at her. I grabbed the glass and she walked away. I couldn’t resist I grabbed her arm.

“What are you doing?” she asked.             

And I couldn’t help it I kissed her on her lips. Now this was something new to me because all the women I fuck on the job I don’t get intimate with them. I tell them to bend over and I put it in just like that. But her she was something special. I thought she was going to resist but she kissed me back. We gave each other a breath.

“Damn girl you got me open.” I said.

“Stop it you don’t even know me. You see my looks and think that you know me but you don’t.” she was right.

I was just looking at her beauty. Then we heard a door open and she moved away from me. In walked an older man with a long ponytail. He had on an orange shirt and gold pants. I guess the nigga thought he was matching. But he had some fine ass women with him, both were Asian.

“Bitch who the fuck is this?” he asked speaking to the beautiful girl I had just kissed.

“Lil Spank this is the electrician you had me waiting for.” She said walking up to him.

“Aw nigga you done?”

Damn he was being rude. And I was shocked. This was the nigga my sister had hit off. This was the pimp. So that meant this beautiful woman was a hoe. And ugh I had just tongued her down. I had to go.

“Yeah everything is finished.”I grabbed my tools and headed to the door. The beautiful girl walked with me. When we made it to the door she stopped me.

“See I told you don’t judge me by my beauty.”

“What’s your name?” I asked I couldn’t help it.

“Beauty.” She closed the door.

I walked to my car. And I actually looked back. Although she was a hoe I was still intrigued. It was something about those eyes. She needed me; I had to get to her again. I knew where she lived and I also knew where she worked.



Chapter Twenty Two


Shit was popping on the streets. Fucking with Roberto was the best move I ever made. Thanks to Lorina she was like a God send. I think she thought that I was her man but she had me fucked up. She was connected, pretty, and had gave some bomb ass head but I had a good girl with Brittany and I wasn’t dumb enough to fuck that up. Brittany came first because when a nigga didn’t have nothing she held me down. Shit I had just began to pop. Brittany was going to school to become a doctor. She was smart as hell too and I knew my baby was going to make it. That’s why I needed to get this cash. She was working hard and going to school. She needed a break. I had to make it happen for her.

              I had just made it off the exit of the highway and my phone got to ringing. It was Kane. Now the nigga was dating my little sister Violet. He thought I didn’t know but I knew everything. He still hadn’t mentioned it to me.

“What up?”

“Nigga I need more where you at?” he asked.

Kane was popping he was my best worker. That’s why I really didn’t care about him dating Violet he was a good nigga but he still should have told me.

“I’m busy nigga I’ll be back tomorrow morning I will hit you then.”

“Aight.” We hung up.

I finally came to my destination and I dreaded it. Huh, even going to the prison makes you feel like you are in prison. I got checked in and waited for him to come out. I sat at a table and got us some snacks from the vending machine. They finally brought him about ten minutes later. He definitely had aged from the six months I had seen him. That’s what prison will do for you.

“What up Pops.” I said as he sat down.

“Aw shit nothing son. How you been?” he asked grabbing a bag of chips.

“Good real good. Did you get that money I sent?”

“Yeah how the kids doing? How Daphne, Violet, and Jr.?” he was sounding anxious.

“They doing good you know I’m making sure of that.” Quincy was like my father.

Although Shane, my real father took us in. I really didn’t remember him up into the point we came to live with him. But I did remember Quincy. I remember the twinkle in my Mother’s eyes whenever she was around him. I remember how he gave us whatever we wanted. But most importantly I remember why he is in jail. He is doing life on the strength of killing some fag ass nigga that killed my Mother.

              Quincy put in that work. And he waited for the cops he didn’t give a fuck. That faggot murdered my Mother on her wedding day. He deserved to die. Now Quincy was serving life in prison for protecting his woman, ain’t that a bitch. I don’t know how my brothers and sisters felt about it but I held much love and respect for the guy. We chatted and I told him about the street life. He didn’t agree with my choices but he wasn’t one to judge since he was a street nigga. We concluded our visit and I told him I would visit the next six months.

              I grabbed a hotel and got me some well needed sleep. But first I had to text my Brittany I let my baby know where I was at all times. I woke up feeling refreshed and alert. I dropped the rental car back off and took a cab to the bus station. I was going home. I really didn’t miss anything about home but Brittany and my siblings. I didn’t miss the streets they were too hectic, but this was the life I chose to live so back to the money I went. I had been getting calls from different muthafucka all day but I wasn’t about to talk business on the greyhound. They would just have to wait until I hit the streets. Brittany was at the bus station to pick me up. She was looking good as usual.

“Hey baby.” I said giving her a kiss.

“Hey,” she said kind of dryly. I looked at her and could see something was wrong with her.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“I haven’t got my period yet Mar.” she said.

“Shit alright more fucking for us.” I knew what she was trying to get at, but I wanted to joke around with her.

“Stop playing boy. For real I think it’s too early I just had the miscarriage two months ago.”

I knew she was right. We had just experienced a miscarriage with our baby so I don’t think we could handle another miscarriage. I wanted to be a father. I wanted to have someone to carry on my legacy.

“I know baby. But if you are we gone make it through this pregnancy.”

We drove through the city and I was going to get back to business but I decided against it. I hadn’t spent enough time with Brittany every since I got all that weight from Lorina’s pops. I needed to take care of home. I told Brittany to get dressed we was going out to eat. She was surprised yet happy. We really hadn’t been doing anything lately. When we got home she changed from her sweats and she put on some jeans and a tee shirt. My baby looked good. Some men would call her fat but she was thick to me. She had the biggest ass and some thick thighs. She didn’t have a gut and her titties weren’t that big, either. I showered and got dressed too. I needed my dreads done over but that would have to wait until tomorrow.

              Brittany said that she wanted to see a movie with Will Smith that had just came out so we went to check that out. We had a great time at the movies and I tell you my phone was blowing up. I put it on silent it was time I give my girl my undivided attention. She was my everything although I act like she wasn’t she really was. Lorina was just a jump off, the only reason I kept her around was because she had the connect on the weight.

              After the movie I still took Brittany out to eat. Shit I was hungry myself. I smoked a blunt while she drove to the restaurant. Brittany didn’t smoke I loved that about her she only drank on occasion to she was definitely a good girl. She kept me straight in the head. I had met her in High School. We were in the same class, same grade but Brittany was smart as hell. I was the known neighborhood thug who would get in fights and start shit. But I was smart too but I had been suspended so much from arguing with the teacher that I had been behind in school. So when I came back from a three day suspension my teachers had a surprise for my ass.

              I walked into the principal office to get reinstated. She made me sit there. She had the receptionist call down somebody and five minutes later walked in Brittany. Now Brittany was caramel, and she was always thick. She had long pretty hair, and she wore glasses. I had never really noticed her before so I just looked at her like what the fuck this nerd want?

“Mr. Odom, this here is your new teacher.”

She said pointing to Brittany. Now I wasn’t born yesterday and I know that weed was good I smoked earlier but I wasn’t that high this girl was a student.

“Brittany as you may know is an honor student who have more credits than she needs. So this last semester she will be helping you in every class. She will follow you everywhere you go so that she know what all the assignments you will have. After class you will have what we call detention where you will get your homework done with Brittany.”

I could not believe that shit. This was a bet I was going to make this geek do all my work. They thought this shit was a punishment they was crazy.

              But I was in for a rude awakening. Brittany did not play. The first day I tried her she let me have it. It was after school and time for me to do my homework.

“Hey Brit I don’t understand this stuff how about you do this assignment and I do the rest.” She took off her glasses and she didn’t look like a geek no more. She rolled her eyes and snapped her neck so hard.

“Nigga do you think I’m a fool. You not dumb you know how to this shit better than me. So what I advise you to do is hurry up and get this work done cause I don’t know about you but I got shit to do.”

I couldn’t even say nothing she had told me off. The nerd turned into this ghetto chick and I loved it. After that I respected Brittany she made me into a man. She made me do my work and stop getting in trouble.

She told me, “Shamar quit acting a damn fool everybody see you, but everybody don’t know you and they think you a damn fool.”

              After that I stop saying dumb shit in class and getting my act together. She was right I was cute, dressed fly, all the chickens wanted me, and all the niggas wanted to be me so why try so hard. Brittany taught me to humble myself. To this day I would have been one of those loud talking, know it all fools. We pulled up to the restaurant and I told her to go ahead while I sprayed myself down so the weed smoke wouldn’t be so loud. I checked my texts and saw that I had twenty messages from Lorina. She was saying how she was in town. Something I already knew. I didn’t give a fuck really. Then she was saying how I was a bitch ass nigga. She was mad because I wasn’t answering. I had a couple messages from Cam my right hand man telling me shit was going good. I was glad to hear that.

              I went in the restaurant and found Brittany. She had ordered our drinks. She was talking to me about school and my mind was drifting to Lorina. Lorina was fine as hell. She was Mexican fully, blond hair and a fat ass. I had met her at the club a couple of months ago. She kept trying to throw her ass at me. I took her number just because I never knew when she would come handy. But right away she came in hand. I mean from day one the bitch was telling me all her Pops business. So shit I started fucking with her the short way and not the long way. And she put me on within a week of fucking with her. She was dumb. I usually wouldn’t avoid her when she was in town but this time I was. The last time she was here she had lost her mind.

              From day one I had told her about Brittany. So the bitch knew but I guess since she had hooked me with the connect she thought she moved from sideline to main but that wasn’t how it worked. The girl was too much. She was an alcoholic who wanted to party and spend all Daddy’s money. She smoked like a damn chimney and I think the bitch sniffed coke. No way beauty is only skin deep she was definitely not the bitch for me. I snapped back to the present from my phone steady vibrating. I saw that it was Lorina the bitch was getting out of line. I answered,

“What up?” I said highly fucking irritated I hope she got the point.
“Why the fuck you haven’t been answering?” she said in her accent.

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