A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (14 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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Phillip paced the length of the tiny room deep in thought. He ignored the throbbing of the gash in his cheeks, as he pondered the situation. On the one hand, he was furious at being tricked into a forceful union but then, as his anger subsided, he had to admit he may have acted rashly in hurling accusations at Penelope Inglewood. Once more, he was inundated with the memory of how shocked and surprised she had looked when he'd hurled those words at her.

Reluctantly, he had to admit admiration for the lady. Not once had she turned hysterical or even had a fit of the vapors- she had faced him down and given as good as she got. Unbidden, a smile lit up his face as he thought of the way those green eyes of hers had stared at him defiantly. If they did marry, he would certainly have no cause for boredom.

He growled, and shook away the thought. There would be no such union. Miss Inglewood would not make a suitable duchess- he needed someone who had been bred in the ways of society- someone like Jane Rosebury. No there was no way he would be prevailed upon to marry Penelope.

"The very idea is preposterous." he muttered, staring into the fire.

The door opened but Phillip did not take his eyes from the fire. "Perhaps I should call you out after all." Henry had entered the room. He moved to stand beside his friend and regarded the tense set of Phillip's shoulders.

Henry sighed, raking back still damp hair that clung to his forehead. "For heaven's sakes Phillip, you owe Penny an apology. You were most ungentlemanly in speaking to her earlier."

Phillip shrugged. "I do not owe anyone an apology Hensley. I refuse to allow her trap me this way."

"For god's sake! You are quick to accuse the lady of deceit. You are hardly blameless in this, surely you must have known that spending any amount of time with a lady will result in this. You can not plead ignorance. You wounded the lady's pride and you should do the responsible thing and make amends."

"If I want your opinion Henry, rest assured I will not hesitate to ask for it. But I certainly do not recall asking."

"Very well. But know this Phillip, if you cause Penelope any more distress, I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your thick skull."

Phillip's mouth lifted in a sardonic smile. "My! How touching your support is. Tell me, since when did you become an advocate for lady's rights?"

Henry frowned and placed a firm hand on Phillip's shoulder, shrugging when Phillip stared at the hand in disdain. "Your antics do not scare me dear friend. I care about Penny's happiness because when she is happy, then my beloved is equally happy. Now tell me, why are you so against this marriage? It is obvious that had we not interrupted your little love scene, you were well on your way to seducing the lovely Miss Inglewood. And she appeared to be a most willing participant. You like her, you desire her and have shown more feeling for her than you have ever shown towards Jane."

"That is none of your business."

"Cease being such an idiot. If Jane is wed to Edward, what do you intend to do then?"

Phillip had had enough of this talk. He fixed his friend with a cold look and stepped away from the fireplace. "While I appreciate the insight into my personal life, we have two people who must be found at once. I want to leave this god forsaken place as soon as possible." Without waiting for a reply, he spun around and left the room.

Penny lay slumped over the uncomfortable chair, her thoughts in turmoil. Marriage to Phillip would be a torment if they were forced into it. She shuddered at the thought of spending the rest of her life with a man who did not love her...in fact if his actions were anything to go by, he despised and blamed her for trapping him into a forced offer for her hand. She sighed and shut her eyes, feeling the throb of a headache drum across her temple, fighting the urge to give in to the self pity that struggled to overwhelm her. It would be so simple to give in to those emotions, wallow in that self pity and allow it to sweep her into a maelstrom of darkness.

"Penelope...I must apologize for my prolonged absence." Sir Inglewood's voice floated into her thoughts. Her eyes fluttered open and she angled her body to face him. He looked weary and for the first time, she noticed fresh lines around his eyes and mouth..sighs of age and strain. Once those had been laughter lines, but after the death of her mother twelve years ago, Edward Inglewood had devoted his time in going on wild adventures, leaving his tender family behind.

"Are you all right Papa? You look tired."

He nodded, stroking the delicate stem of the wine glass he still clutched in his hand. "Aye. It is just the journey that takes its toll on me. A good night's rest will set me right. Do you forgive me? I realize leaving you to care for your brother and sister was more than foolish on my part. I want to set things to rights. Starting with your brother."

Penny sighed and rubbed swollen eyes, stealing a glance at the closed door to Phillip's room. Thankfully there was no sounds of a scuffle yet so she hoped the two men had managed to remain civil. "Papa..please do not force Phillip's hand in this, it will bring about nothing good. His affections are for another woman-the very lady whom Edward eloped with."

"I merely seek to protect you." He set down the wine glass, his expression as stubborn as she remembered it to be. "No matter how careful the two of you may have been, there is always the chance that someone will find out and I will not have my daughter labeled a loose woman."

"He does not want to marry me Papa. Will you force me into a loveless..."

Her words were cut off by the room door opening. Phillip strode out, still obviously in a black mood. Penny instinctively sat up straighter, not wanting him to think her weak in any way. She raised her chin and stared at him.

Phillip scowled down at her, his eyes dark with anger. "You should go to bed Miss Inglewood, or do you have plans to entice me further?"

"How dare you speak to my daughter in that way!" Sir Inglewood sprang up, glaring at the duke, "I will not stand for this continued insult young man."

"Papa...don't." Penny broke in, casting him a pleading look. "Please?"

Phillip sneered, but said nothing more. He snatched up his coat hanging off a chair and strode out. The minute the door shut Penny let her shoulders slump.

"Papa, I do not wish to marry him." she muttered, "You see how he treats me now, he will surely drive me to distraction if I have to put up with this for a longer length of time."

"He is a most ill-mannered young man, I admit, but it is to be expected. In time he will come to accept his fate."

"Are you even concerned about Eddie?" she cried out, close to pulling her hair out in frustration, "All you have talked about since arriving here is trying to put me together with that...distasteful man. Right now, I would choose to endure society's scorn than be joined in a miserable marriage."

"Of course I am concerned about your brother. What he has done is enough to bring irreparable ruin to this family. I merely seek to prevent yet another scandal for arising."

"May I suggest we get some rest and continue this discussion tomorrow?" Henry's voice broke into their argument. He placed a comforting hand on Penny's shoulder and smiled. "You must be fatigued Miss Inglewood. Sleep, I assure you things will start to look brighter in the morn."

She sighed and nodded, "Perhaps you are right. But where will Papa sleep?"

"I will go and make arrangements for that. Luckily, the inn is not so crowded. Perhaps a private room all to yourself. I however, will sleep here" Henry patted her shoulders once more and left the room.

Penny wondered how she would ever be able to go to sleep knowing that tomorrow her fate could be decided. She sighed and uttered a quick prayer for strength. She would never marry Phillip if he had to be forced into making a offer, she vowed within herself. She would live with being dabbed a light skirt, but she would not be married to a man who hated her.

The glare of the morning sun streaming through the window roused Penny from sleep. She sat up and shook her head to clear out the last vestiges of sleep, then slid out of bed, gasping as her bare feet came in contact with the cold floor. For a moment, she was tempted to return to the warmth of the bed, but she dismissed it. She would not lie about when Edward and Jane were still missing and heaven knew in what mood she would find Phillip in today.

Through the open window she could see the brilliant blue of the sky and the gentle slope of the surrounding hillside. The beauty before her lifted her spirits a little and she dressed hurriedly, grateful for the private room Henry had been fortunate to procure for her use. Her stomach rumbled loudly, reminding her that she had not had a full meal since the previous morning.

She left the room and made her way to the little parlor where the entire events of last night had unfolded. It had been agreed that her papa take the room she had vacated, while Henry had opted to sleep in the parlor itself. As she neared it, she realized the door was slightly ajar and she could hear excited voices emerging from within. Her heart skipped a beat when she identified a voice that was oh so familiar and she all but ran into the room.

"Eddie!" she gasped in pleased surprise, her eyes roving over him in delight, "Oh thank God you are safe...We have been so worried."

Edward had the good grace to appear guilt ridden and he cast her an apologetic glance. Beside him, Lady Jane stood tucked into his side, her arm through his, her face a mix of joy and fear.

"I do beg your forgiveness Penny." Edward replied, looking contrite. "it was cruel of us to leave like that without warning, how we must have worried you. We apologize."

"Yes indeed Miss Inglewood," Jane put in quietly, "Please do forgive us for being so selfish."

Penny smiled and moved to envelop the both of them in a hug. She noticed her father sitting on the very same chair as yesterday, his expression impassive. Henry looked immensely pleased with himself and shot her a grin when her eyes met his. Phillip was conspicuously absent from the little gathering. She wondered where he could be.

"I am just relieved to find you safe." she said, pulling away to gaze on their faces. They seemed healthy and none the worse for their long journey, in fact Jane appeared to be glowing with happiness. Her gaze then made its way to Jane's fingers, her heart racing at what she would find there. Her heart sank when she saw the plain silver band on Jane's wedding finger. Oh no!

Her gaze shot back up to look at them. "You are married?"

Jane blushed and ducked her head into Edward's shoulder. "Yes we are."

"Yesterday." Edward added proudly. He glanced at his wife and a soft smile lit his features. "We are completely happy, aren't we darling?"

"Yes, so happy.."

Penny stole another glance at the ring, then at her father. "Papa?"

He smiled at her, relief clearly written on his face. "I am just glad they decided to marry, my dear. Though there are issues that need to be addressed urgently. Lord Farnsworth found them in a nearby boarding house and brought them here."

Phillip had found them? She wondered what must have gone through his mind in discovering his betrothed already married to another man. Better yet, where was he? What did he intend to do now?

Henry cleared his throat, clapping his hands to gain attention. "I believe felicitations are in order, and perhaps some wine to celebrate the union."

Penny shook her head, her mind still on Phillip. "Lord Hensley, I do not think that is wise. We should hold off celebrating until certain things are sorted out."

Sir Inglewood nodded. "I agree with Penelope. This is most certainly a blow to Lord Farnsworth, we must know what he intends to do before celebrating."

"Oh I know what I am going to do." Phillip announced. As one they all turned to stare at him with varying expressions ranging from fear to surprise and apprehension. He grinned and strolled into the room, stopping before the newlyweds. His eyes glinted dangerously, and he sneered at them.

"Phillip..please..." Jane pleaded in a whisper, her eyes wide in fright. "Please.."

"Why are you pleading Lady Rosebury...ah no..my mistake..Mrs Inglewood? You have not heard what I want to do yet."

"Newbridge..." Henry cut in.

"Do shut up Hensley, I grow weary of your constant rambling." Phillip snapped. He turned back to Edward. "You have taken what belongs to me, and I will not let you go free. I challenge you to a duel."


The room fell dead silent as the occupants reeled from the duke's announcement. Penny's heart slammed in her chest as she stared at Phillip in shock.

"You cannot possibly be serious!" Henry's incredulous voice broke the stiff silence. He glared at Phillip who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself. "Are you joking?"

"I assure you I am deadly serious." Phillip leveled a cold look at his friend. "I never make light of issues regarding my honour, which this mere boy has turned into a joke. Surely you do not expect me to smile and pretend?"

Penny felt her jaw slip open. So this had been his plan all along, even though he had given her his word not to harm Edward. "You promised me you would not hurt him." she accused, pain and betrayal evident in her tone. "You gave me your word."

Those ice blue eyes settled on her filled with disdain and something she could not quite identify. "I changed my mind the minute I discovered your deception Miss Inglewood, I do not make promises to untrustworthy people."

"I am untrustworthy?" She exploded, unconsciously taking a step towards him. She glared up at him, her hands balled into fists at her side, fighting the urge to soundly box his ears. "Do not lie and say this was a spur of the moment decision Phillip, you have been planning this all along...you hinted as much several times."

Phillip shrugged. "Perhaps, perhaps not."

Edward finally found his voice. "Leave him be Penny, I will gladly fight him." Beside him, Jane cried out in dismay and grasped his arm.

"Edward! No please no.." she pleaded, eyes wide in fright. "You cannot do this."

He turned to his wife and took her hands in his, giving her a tender smile. "My love,I will not have you in constant fear of him. If I fight him and win, then our union will be free of his menacing shadow."

Jane drew herself up and cast a defiant glance at Phillip. "I am not afraid of him."

Phillip sneered in derision. "How quaint. It appears marriage has finally given you some courage. Or perhaps, you somehow foolishly harbor the notion that your husband will serve as protector?"

Extricating her hand from Edward's grasp, Jane took a step towards Phillip, her eyes flashing in anger. "The only reason I have not stood up to you beforehand is because of papa. I feared what you will do to him should I choose to break our engagement. It has been obvious right from the start that you have no affection for me whatsoever, so why do you seek revenge? I have freed you from a distasteful union. As distasteful to you as it has been to me. Surely you can admit this much?"

For the first time since meeting Jane Rosebury, Penny was filled with admiration for the girl. She knew it had required a great deal of courage to face down a man such as Phillip and she silently prayed those words would sway Phillip from his dreadful challenge. She glanced about the room, gauging the varying reactions of each occupant. Edward gazed at his bride in wonder and pride while Lord Henry was grinning from ear to ear in approval. Her father had a confused frown upon his brow as he watched the proceedings currently unfolding.

Slowly, Phillip brought his hands together in mocking applause, his lips twisted in a mocking smile. "Splendid performance, Mrs. Inglewood," he drawled. "I am suitably impressed at your new found bravery. Marriage certainly agrees with you."

"Come off it Phillip." Henry admonished, "There is no need for a challenge. They are already married and there is precious little that can be done to rectify that situation. You were wronged, I admit, but for that you must blame your own stubborn nature, if you had broken off the engagement earlier, it would not have led to this."

"Please Phillip, don't do this, I beg you." Jane's eyes turned pleading. "I am to blame for breaking our contract and I will gladly assume all repercussions. Just please, do not challenge my husband, I plead with you."

Phillip stared at her thoughtfully for a moment, then his gaze shifted to Penny who stood quietly. "Well Miss Inglewood?" he asked dryly, "Have you nothing to say?"

What more could he possibly want her to say? She wondered. Did he want her to plead for his mercy the way Jane was doing? Then he was dreaming for she would not so much as utter a plea to him in this matter. He had broken his promise to her and she had nothing further to say to him.

Keeping her voice cold and distant, she replied him. "No, I have nothing to say."

He frowned at her words, and she felt a stab of satisfaction that she had discomfited him at least. "How odd then, for in the last few days, you have always had something to say...an opinion or chastisement."

"You broke your word." she retorted, green eyes shooting daggers at him. "If you must have my opinion, that makes you less the man I thought you were."

An eyebrow rose in surprise at her vehemence. "Indeed? And what makes you say that, Miss Inglewood?"

"You dare ask me such a question? You lied to me Lord Farnsworth, do you recall that moment in your house when you promised you would not do any harm to my brother? Why then, pray tell, do you challenge him knowing fully well that some measure of harm will come to him if you two should fight?"

His jaw tightened in anger. "You dare accuse me of breaking my word? You have deceived me with your acts of innocence when in truth you are nothing but a seductress..."

The sound of flesh striking flesh reverberated throughout the room. The imprint of Penny's hand burned bright red where it had struck Phillip on the cheek. She took a step back, her palm hurting from the impact, but that ache was nothing compared to the pain in her heart.

"How dare you call me names when I have done nothing but try to protect someone dear to me?" Despite her fury, her voice was quiet though it carried quite well in the shocked silence that followed. The bright red imprint of her fingers stood out against his cheek and she felt a measure of satisfaction knowing she had caused him some pain.

"I will have you know that I would rather submit to the most excruciating agony than ever agree to marry you." She continued, her tone cold with barely controlled anger. "Each moment I have spent in your company has been nothing but the deepest agony and I am glad my torment has finally been put to an end. You sicken me Lord Farnsworth, and I want nothing to do with you. But know this my dear lord duke, I will not stand idly by and watch you kill my brother, for though I am but a woman, I will make your life miserable if you do anything to cause him harm."

Out of breath but triumphant, she spun on her heels and stalked from the room. Let him mull over that, she thought to herself in satisfaction.

Phillip watched her exit the room, the urge to go after her strong within him but he resisted and instead idly reached up to feel the spot she had struck him before soundly denouncing him. Oddly enough, rather than feel anger towards her, he felt something quite different, something he had no wish to put to real thought. For the first time that morning, he felt his resentment and anger dissipate into nothingness and he cursed himself for allowing her opinion to hold sway over him.

"Well." Henry chuckled merrily, filled with admiration for the slight woman who had just soundly put the duke in his rightful place. "If I wasn't madly in love with her sister, I would have proposed right this moment. What an admirable woman!"

Edward shook his head slowly, still staring at the door his sister had just exited. "I have never seen or heard her behave like this." he murmured, a grin spreading across his lips. "Wonderful!"

"She is just as strong willed as her mother," Sir Inglewood said gruffly, his chest puffed with pride for his eldest daughter. He turned to Phillip, "You sir, are nothing but a mere scoundrel and I was gravely mistaken in assuming you a man with any honor. You have called my daughter names and threatened harm upon my son. Granted, my son wrongfully went about wooing your betrothed, but to seek to rob him of his life is an action that is as abominable as it is cowardly."

Edward laid a hand on his father's shoulder. "No Father, Lord Farnsworth is not to blame. I would seek some form of revenge if I were in his shoes." He looked to Phillip, his expression contrite. "I have wronged you gravely Your grace, I accept full responsibility for any action you wish to take against me. Even if it is a duel you desire, I accept your challenge."

"No Edward!" Jane gasped in horror, "He will surely kill you."

"I forbid it!" Turning to face his son, Sir Inglewood grasped Edward by the shoulders and shook him. "I will not have you lose your life to him."

"No Father, I will not change my mind! Lord Farnsworth, name the day and the place. I will honor it."

Lord Henry cleared his throat to gain attention. "Newbridge, this is all quite unnecessary. The lad has admitted to being in the wrong, please accept his apology and be done with it?"

"The lad has also accepted my challenge." Phillip replied, his stance unshaken. He nodded at Edward in agreement. "Very well Inglewood, shall we say three days from today? That will be ample time to return to England and get your affairs in order. I will alert you as to the venue as soon as I arrive in London."

"You bastard!" Jane burst out in fury, "You utterly despicable bastard!"

He smiled at her outburst, "Of course I am."

Penny leaned against the tree for support and shut her eyes, taking in deep breaths of air in an effort to calm herself. After leaving the room, she had found herself walking past the now busy courtyard and out into the countryside, the fresh breeze and still atmosphere calming her down.. Damn Phillip for his arrogance and pig headed logic. He had no right to challenge Edward...dear God, what on earth could she do to stop him? A wave of helpless fury washed over her. For she realized that despite her brave threats, there was precious little she could do to stop him should he insist on fighting Edward.

There was a flurry of movement behind her and she opened her eyes. A tiny bird had landed on a branch right above her head and was regarding her curiously as though trying to decide if she was harmless or not.

"Appearances can be deceiving little bird." she muttered to the bird, wincing when it spread its wings and took to the air once more. As she watched it fly away, her gaze landed on a lone figure coming towards her, his great coat billowing out behind him in the breeze.

She groaned and shut her eyes again. What did Phillip want now and how had he known where to find her? She wondered wearily. She had grown tired of his constant insults and no doubt he had come to lash out at her for slapping him. She could hear the crunch of boots approaching and tensed up, ready to do battle once more.

"Excuse me, but are you all right Miss?" Her eyes shot open in surprise and she found herself staring at the tall stranger standing only a few feet away. He was tall, even much taller than Phillip and well-built with a full head of red hair and the most intense gray eyes she had ever seen.

"Miss?" he repeated, taking a step closer, his face furrowed in concern. Penny realized she was staring and blushed deeply.

"Yes..yes, I am all right. I was just getting some air, thank you."

He relaxed and smiled in return. "Good, I noticed you leaving in a hurry at the inn and I wondered if you were all right, you seemed upset"

"No, I am quite fine sir." A particularly cold breeze washed over her and she shivered, realizing she was not quite dressed for the outdoors. "I should be getting back though."

He noticed her shiver and nodded in agreement. "Aye, it is quite cold this morn. May I have the pleasure of seeing you safely back?"

A stab of apprehension filled her. Even though her reputation may be soundly ruined, she had no desire to compound matters by being alone in the company of a strange gentleman regardless of his good intentions. "Thank you, but I am certain I can find my way back easily."

"Of course." he bowed courteously, "Forgive my forwardness."

She smiled briefly and stepped around him, hurrying back the way she had come. Occasionally, she would steal a glance behind to see him still standing by the tree, watching her.

The minute she entered the inn, Jane accosted her, no doubt the girl had been waiting for her return. Jane grasped her arm, her face white with fear. "You have to stop him! Edward had agreed to duel with Lord Farnsworth. You must stop him before he gets himself killed. Please!"

Penny stared at Jane in astonishment. "Edward agreed to the duel? What on earth was he thinking?" She did not wait for a reply but hurried towards the room, her sister-in-law right on her heels. "Where is he now?"

"He is with your father. Sir Inglewood is trying to persuade him to rescind the agreement but Edward is being horribly stubborn. He says he has to do this but what happens if he is hurt? Phillip will surely kill him then. You have to do something!"

Edward had agreed to duel with Phillip? Penny thought in dismay, instinctively quickening her steps as horror threatened to overwhelm her. She had not considered that Edward would actually agree to the duel. "Where is Lord Farnsworth?"

"He left as soon as the agreement was concluded. Lord Henry went after him, I do not know where he has gone, but he can go to the devil for all I care."

The vehemence in her tone made Penny pause and she cast a thoughtful look at the young woman who stared back at her defiantly. She could hear raised voices coming from behind the closed door of the palour and lifting her skirts, she hurried inside.

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