A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (16 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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Sir Inglewood heaved a sign and sunk back in his chair, exhaustion and relief clearly visible on his face. "Thank the lord it is not something more serious, are you certain she will all right by morning Mr. Lachlan?"

"Aye. My herbs have yet to fail me, she will be all right. Excuse me gentlemen?" The doctor bowed and eased out the room. Phillip finally tore his gaze away from Penny's closed door.

"I will return in the morning as well." he murmured, striding after the man.

Penny opened her eyes to find herself staring into a pair of kind gray eyes. Her gaze traveled down to take in the rest of the face that hovered above her own, taking in features that were somehow not strange to her.

"Hello again!" the stranger's lips curved in a pleased smile and he gently brushed a strand of damp hair from her forehead. Penny stared at the man, trying hard to recall where she had met him. She opened her mouth to reply, but found her throat painfully parched and devoid of words. All that came out was a low groan.

"Here, drink this." he held a cup of water to her lips, raising her slightly so she could drink her fill. When she was satisfied, he set her back down gently, rearranging the covers over her, his motions tender and careful.

"I...I know you." she whispered, finding her voice at last though it came out hoarse.

He rewarded her with a smile. "Aye, but you should not exert yourself my lady."

Jane came in carrying a stack of clean sheets and beamed in delight when she saw Penny awake. "You're awake! Oh how marvelous, indeed Mr. Lachlan, those herbs are a miracle."

Mr. Lachlan? Was that his name? Penny wondered, watching as he straightened from the bed, bestowing a smile at Jane. "Aye they are, been handed down the family for generations."

Jane perched on the edge of the bed and took Penny's hand between hers. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, have I been ill?"

"Yes, you took ill quite suddenly last night, but Mr. Lachlan has been a most wonderful physician. I am so glad to see you awake again. I must inform Edward and your father, they have been most anxious for news." she rose and hurried out, leaving Penny once more in the company of Mr. Lachlan.

Penny watched her hurry away then turned to the stranger Jane had introduced as Mr. Lachlan. "I remember. We met yesterday...under the tree?"

He looked up from gathering his instruments back in the black bag. "Aye. Aladair Lachlan at your service Miss Inglewood."

The door opened once more admitting her family who hurried to her side with exclamations of pleasure. She noticed Alasdair slip away and idly wondered if she would meet him again.


"You are looking well Miss Inglewood." Startled, Penny's head jerked up. Lord Farnsworth stood at the doorway, his intense gaze leveled at her. His lips twisted in a smile as he stepped into the parlor, the room immediately shrinking under his impressive build. "It is almost hard to believe you were ill, but you should be resting."

Penny dropped her gaze to her folded hands resting on her laps, feeling her face heat under his scrutiny. She wondered that he had not yet returned to London, surely there was nothing keeping him here. "Thank you Your grace. Mr. Lachlan has worked a miracle indeed." she replied, careful to keep her tone quiet and demure.

He paused before the tiny window next to her chair, looking out at the lush green field beyond. "I can see that, quite a miracle indeed." His gaze shifted from the window and he studied the top of her dark head thoughtfully. "You still look a little pale though."

She shrugged. "It is nothing, I'm quite all right."

"Good, good." he murmured and fell silent, leaving Penny fidgeting uneasily wondering why he was even here in the first place when he had apparently declared his contempt for her. She studied her hands intently, wishing she had something to do that would distract her from his uncomfortable presence. She stole a glance at him to discover he had resumed his contemplation of the outdoors with a wistful look.

She used that opportunity to study him. Even in profile, his face was arresting, the strong jaw and patrician nose lending him an air of a danger yet he remained utterly handsome. Her gaze strayed to his mouth, and her heart quickened as she recalled the feel of those lips on hers, how easy it was to give in to the passion he once offered...that mouth promised ecstasy, but not for her...no, he thought her a light skirt.

"Miss Inglewood," Phillip began, turning from the window to face her once more. "There is something I..."

He trailed off abruptly and his gaze shifted to the doorway. Penny, who had leaned forward eager to hear what he had to say frowned at him when he broke off, then she followed his gaze to the doorway. Alasdair Lachlan stood there, hat in hand, grinning at the both of them.

"Mr Lachlan!" Penny exclaimed, breaking into a welcoming smile, "What brings you here?"

Alasdair executed a gallant bow, his gray eyes twinkling in good humor. "Good morning Miss Inglewood, Your grace. I wish to check on my patient's well-being today. I must say you are looking splendid."

Penny felt a blush spread across her cheeks at the compliment. Beside her, she heard Phillip utter a low growl, and a frown descend on his face. She wondered why he appeared so disgruntled, nevertheless, she returned her attention to Mr. Lachlan.

"Thank you Mr. Lachlan, though I owe my speedy recovery to you. Please do come in properly and have a seat."

Alasdair moved into the room and took the offered seat, his eyes straying to Phillip who stood there shooting him a glare then back to Penny. "It was a pleasure to be of help Miss Inglewood. Where are your family?"

"Oh, Father has gone for a walk, Edward and Jane have gone to get their things from the other inn. We'll be leaving tomorrow morn."

"Are you sure your health will allow you to make the journey?" Phillip cut in, his voice cold despite his words which gave guise to some care.

Penny nodded and opened her mouth to reply but Alasdair cut in, "Oh I can vouch for her safety Your grace, my remedies have never failed."

Phillip sneered, clasping his hands behind his back, his eyes mocking. "How fascinating."

Penny could feel the tension emanating from Phillip and sighed. What was the matter with him and why on earth was he so ill-mannered towards Mr. Lachlan? She suddenly felt stifled and in need of air. Her mind made up, she pulled her shawl closer around her shoulder and rose. Alasdair shot to his feet and looked at her askance.

She smiled at him reassuringly. "I wish to take a walk, it is lovely outside and I have been indoors for the last two days. I need some fresh air."

"Ah yes, that is a splendid idea Miss Inglewood." Alasdair nodded in approval, "May I have the pleasure of accompanying you perhaps?"

"Of course Sir, I would be most delighted."

Alasdair nodded. "I will go and fetch my coat and meet you below stairs in a few minutes." he spun about smartly and was gone, leaving Penny alone with a scowling Phillip. She could feel tension emanating from him in waves but chose to ignore him, making a move towards her room but his hand shot out and detained her.

"I do not think it is wise to go out." Phillip scowled down at her, his eyes smoldering with disapproval. "It has been a mere two days since your recovery and you might catch a chill. There is a snap to the air and besides his 'herbs' may not cure you quite as effectively this time."

Penny shot him a warning glare. "I will be quite all right. I'm sure Mr. Lachlan will not let me catch a chill in any case."

"You do not have a chaperone." Phillip retorted with a self satisfied smile, "Surely you do not wish to further tarnish your reputation by going out unaccompanied?"

Penny stared at him in astonishment. Now he dared care about her reputation? Good god! The man was impossible to fathom, but she would not allow him to deter her. She managed a frosty smile, and raised her chin. "I have no doubt I am already irrevocably ruined, Your grace. There is precious little that can be done about it now."

His eyes darkened and he took a step closer, causing her to scuttle backwards till she came up against the cold stone of the mantel piece. "Are you accusing me of ruining your reputation?"

She straightened her shoulders and glared back at him in defiance. "Why, of course not, my lord duke. I wouldn't dare accuse you of anything. Now step aside, I wish to be gone and back before dark."

He shook his head and planted both arms on the wall on either side of her head, effectively rendering her prisoner. "You foolish little girl. I am merely trying to keep you from harm. If your father were here, he would not approve of you going out with a man without a chaperone,"

Her eyes shot green fire. "Foolish? You call me foolish in addition to seductress and whore?"

"What in dam...I never called you a whore!"

"Oh you merely implied it, in front of my family no less. Step aside Phillip, Alasdair will be wondering where I am."

"No." He scoffed and moved even closer, his eyes glittering dangerously. "And that is why I sought you out. I wish to offer an apology, I was unnecessarily rude to you and I am sorry."

Her mouth slid open and she forgot how to breathe, only able to stare at him in shock. Had she heard correctly? He was actually apologizing for being beastly to her, or was this a ploy to stop her from going out with Mr. Lachlan? She narrowed her eyes at him, her suspicion flaring when he raised a rakish eyebrow, a grin playing at the corners of his mouth.

"I never thought I'd see the day you were rendered speechless." He chuckled, his breath fanning over her, her traitorous body responding instantly, even as a small shiver ran through her.

He must have noticed her reaction for his gaze dropped to her mouth, a speculative gleam in their depths. Another shiver ran through her and she could feel goosebumps creep over her skin. Angry with herself for being so susceptible to his wiles, she steeled herself and crossed her arms over her bosom, instantly realizing her mistake when his gaze dropped lower. Damn the man for doing this to her.

She cleared her throat to be sure her voice came out strong and steady. "Step aside Your grace."

He chuckled but complied, dropping his arms and taking several steps back, much to her relief. "Very well Miss Inglewood, but you have not accepted my apology yet."

"Ha!" she snorted in a most unladylike manner, and stalked past him. "I know what you are up to Your grace, that apology meant nothing to you, you simply wished to deter me from my intent." she paused by the door to her room, sparing him a quick glance. "I have not changed my mind, my lord duke. So you can keep your apology to yourself."

He let out a hearty laugh and raked a hand through his hair, shaking his head at her in dissent. "I meant every word, my dear lady." his laughter subsided and he became serious once more. "I am truly sorry for every word I uttered against you, they were said in anger."

She shot him a puzzled look and a ray of hope rose within her. "Does that mean you will call off the duel?"

His eyes darkened and he clenched his fists, jaw set stubbornly. "No. Why would I want to call it off?"

"But...I thought..." Penny's heart plummeted once more. She took a deep breath to ease the ache in her chest and continued more calmly. "I suppose it was too much to hope for. But I do owe you an apology in return, on behalf of my family."

"You should not make excuses for them."

"Not excuses, an apology. We have trodden down your honor by stealing your intended from you, it is only right you seek some way to restore your pride, I realize that now."

Phillip slowly unclenched his hands, broad shoulders losing some of their tension. "You should not apologize for your brother's mistakes. It was his poor judgment after all."

She nodded and dropped her gaze to her hands and sighed. "I should be going Your grace, Mr. Lachlan will be wondering where I am."

"You still won't change your mind?"

"No, of course not."

He shrugged and turned away, making his way to the door. "Whatever you wish then. I bid you farewell."

When the door shut behind her, Penny let out the breath she had not realized she was holding. "Such a strange man." she muttered to herself, hurrying to fetch her coat and hat.

Entering the inn's main parlor, Penny immediately spotted Mr. Lachlan seated at a private table close to the window which provided a splendid view of the Scottish countryside. He had a cup clasped between his hands, the china appearing tiny and fragile withing his large hands. He saw her the minute she entered and a smile spread over his face as he rose.

Penny returned the smile, having to admit to herself that Mr. Lachlan was quite a good looking man. She wove her way to his table, slipping between tightly packed tables. "I am so sorry for the delay Mr. Lachlan," she said, taking the seat he had offered.

His gray eyes twinkled merrily as he took his seat once more. "Not at all, it is no matter. I quite understand, my sisters always take their time getting ready for a simple walk too. May I offer you a beverage? The tea here is quite good."

She recalled the real reason for her delay and blushed. She pushed all thoughts of Phillip from her mind, determined to focus only on the present. "Thank you but I must decline, I had a cup a little while ago. You have sisters?"

He nodded, and raised his cup to take a sip of whatever liquid was in it. "Aye, I have seven of them."

Her eyes widened. "Seven sisters!"

"Is that so astonishing?" he chuckled, highly amused at her surprise. "I suppose, to you English folk, seven is quite a daunting number. But here it is quite commonplace."

Penny reddened in mortification. Dear god, did he think she was mocking him? She looked at him, but he was still grinning, showing no signs of having taken offense. "I did not mean to mock you Mr. Lachlan, forgive me."

"I took no offense, I assure you." he smiled at her, draining his cup and rose, offering her his hand. "Shall we be off?"

She gave him her hand and rose, smoothing skirts into place. "Of course."

The walk was quite pleasant and Penny found Alasdair's company highly entertaining. He seemed to have endless anecdotes to share and she found herself laughing heartily at his jokes. Dusk had just settled over the countryside by the time they entered the inn, her good humor vanishing when she saw Phillip standing at the front doors, glowering at Alasdair as though wishing to take a swing at him. His cold gaze settled on them then he turned and strode indoors, completely ignoring them. Penny sighed and turned to find Alasdair studying her with a puzzled expression.

"Is something the matter?" she asked.

He shook his head and grinned at her. "Not at all, I simply had a splendid time today. Thank you for walking with me."

"No, I should be thanking you Mr. Lachlan, I had a most pleasant time."

He reached for her hand and raised it to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss on it before releasing it to take a step back. "You return to Millcote tomorrow?"

"Yes, we leave early."

He nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, studying the door through which Phillip had disappeared. "The duke seems concerned about your whereabouts, I hope I have not encroache..."

Penny's eyes widened and she hastened to utter a denial. "Oh no no no, I assure you, there is nothing between us. He does not even like me."

Alasdair chuckled, shaking his head. "I would not say that exactly, he appears to be a stubborn man...still, I will be visiting England in a week or two...may I call on you then?"

Her heart soared and she nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

"Fare well my lady fair," he murmured, bowing to her once more. "I look forward to seeing you soon." he turned and walked away, leaving Penny staring after him in wonder. Finally, she entered the inn, making her way to her room. As she passed Phillip's door, she noticed it was slightly ajar and curiosity got the better of her. She paused and gripped the handle, pushing it open to peer into the dim interior.

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