A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (17 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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She gasped in shock as a hand clamped on her arm and tugged her in.

Penny lost her balance and toppled into a rock solid chest, getting the wind knocked out of her. An arm wrapped around her waist, setting her back on her feet. Her eyes finally adapted to the dim light and she found herself staring up at Lord Farnsworth. His eyes glittered dangerously, though he did not release her.

"How pleasant you sought my company Miss Inglewood." He chuckled, tightening his hold on her when she began to struggle against him. "Did your dear doctor fail to provide the passion you desire?"

"Let me go this instant!" she glared at him, "Let me go!"

He loosened his hold and took a step back, watching her impassively. "Why are you here?"

"I saw your door open...I should not have come in."

"Your father has been searching for you. You should go to him immediately."

She nodded. "Good night Your grace." When he did not reply, she turned to leave, then paused to steal another glance at him.

He moved swiftly, closing the space between them in a heartbeat to capture her mouth with his. She all but melted in his arms, kissing him back just as fiercely as he, her hands cupping his face to draw him even closer. He moaned and slipped an arm around her waist, deepening the kiss till they were both gasping for breath and drew apart.

"I've missed you." he murmured, resting his forehead against hers, stroking her face tenderly and Penny's heart soared in happiness. He missed her! Phillip missed her!

"I've missed you too." she whispered, shutting her eyes in bliss. He chuckled and kissed her once more then let her go.

"You should go to your father before he comes searching for you, we will talk more in the morning. Good night Penny."

Almost dazed, she stumbled away, her thoughts still focused on the man who watched her mount the stairs.


The wind blew fierce, whipping Penny's skirt and petticoats around her ankles. She stole a glance towards the main doors, her heart fluttering in anticipation. Phillip had said they would talk more in the morning and she hoped he would seek her out before they left. A wistful smile played across her lips as she recalled the kiss of last night. It had been different from the previous stolen kisses- this kiss had been gentle and filled with affection rather than lust- dare she hope Phillip had had a change of heart?

She glanced back at the carriage where Colin was tending to the horses, while Edward and Jane huddled together against the cold. Her father was already inside the vehicle, and in a little while they would be of. Her gaze shifted towards the inn once more, a worried frown marring her face. Where was he? She wondered, had he changed his mind or had the kiss meant nothing to him at all?

"Daughter, will you not come inside? It is too cold for your health. Come within." Penny sighed and turned to face her father, shoulders drooping in defeat. Once more Phillip had made a simpering idiot out of her and she could only blame herself for falling for his seduction yet again.

She climbed into the carriage, settling in next to Sir Inglewood and shut her eyes, fighting the pain and disappointment that threatened to spill out in the form of tears. She would not cry- even if he could not see her, she would not give him the satisfaction of her tears. He was a beast, a terrible beast, not worth her precious tears.

The carriage rocked and she opened her eyes again. Jane had climbed on, taking the seat opposite. Jane smoothed her skirts and glanced up to smile at Penny. "It is good to be on our way back home." she observed, "Scotland is beautiful, but I miss Papa."

"You do realize your father may not be so welcoming?" Sir Inglewood turned from his contemplation of the yard to point out drily. "And have you even considered how much of a scandal the two of you have brought about? You will be scorned and cut off from even those you previously thought friends, exiled from polite society and church. I would advice you to release yourself from those romantic notions and be prepared to face reality my dear. What you have done has brought shame to your father and he may not receive you with open arms."

Jane's smile fell and she cast an uncertain look at Penny for reassurance. "Is this true?" she whispered, her voice choked with fear.

Penny gaped at her in surprise. Was the girl jesting? How could she not know of the consequences of breaking her engagement with one the most esteemed member of the peerage to elope with another man. "Yes, father is right. How could you not know this?"

Jane raised a trembling hand to her lips and a tear spilled down a flawless porcelain cheek. "I..I never thought...I was only..."

Edward peered into the carriage. "Everything is set Father, I will follow behind on Bessie. With any luck..." his voice trailed off as he noticed his wife's tear stained cheeks. He frowned in puzzlement and took her hands in his own. "What is the matter my love? Why are you crying?" he cast a questioning look at Penny but she simply shrugged, unwilling to offer up any explanation.

Sir Inglewood harrumphed and tapped the floor of the carriage with his cane. "This is not the time to discuss this, we must be on our way at once."

Edward's jaw tightened in anger and he leveled a stern look at Jane. "Tell me." he commanded curtly.

Jane managed a tremulous smile and shook her head, freeing one of her hands to caress his cheeks fondly. "Your father is right, now is not the time. I am quite all right, I promise you."

Turning his head to place a fond kiss on her palm, he sighed and stepped back. "If you are sure. I really do love you, know that I do."

"Oh Eddie, I love you too!" was the soft reply. Edward kissed her palm once more and withdrew, shutting the door of the carriage. A moment later, they felt the carriage move away.

Penny watched the young woman's eyes light up with happiness and a pang ran through her. She looked down at her clasped hands, angry with herself for deceiving herself into believing the words of a lying, ruthless bastard. She leaned forward to peer out the window one last time, watching the buildings roll by slowly; there was still no sign of the duke. She shut her eyes and steeled her heart against the pain. She would not allow herself to think of him or feel anything. He could go rot in hell for all she cared.


Phillip jerked awake and turned swiftly, his senses alert. He grabbed the hand that laid on his shoulder, giving it a brutal twist. He sprung up and glared at his friend. "What the hell do you want Hensley?"

Henry scowled at him and withdrew his hand, settling into the armchair beside the bed. "You have been asleep for a long while Newbridge, I simply wished to ensure you were still alive."

Phillip raked a hand through his hair, reaching for his shirt. "What time is it?"

Henry consulted his pocket watch for a moment. "Almost eleven, I thought you wished to have an early start?"

"Bloodly hell!" Phillip shot from the bed, pulling on his clothes, movements jerky and furious. Eleven? How had he managed to sleep for so bloody long. He turned to glare at Henry, who was looking at him with a curious expression. "Why didn't you wake me earlier goddammit."

Henry raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Why? You did not ask me to wake you, that's why." he studied the tips of his boots for a moment, "The Inglewoods left before dawn though."

Phillip froze, save for a muscle working in his jaw. Penny was gone? He turned slowly towards Henry, hoping he had heard wrong. "The Inglewoods?"

"Aye, they set off before dawn, according to the inn keeper. We should take our leave as well, I wish to be in Millcote by tomorrow even."

"Penny is gone?" Phillip asked slowly, his mind working furiously. She must have waited for him, and when he did not show...God only knew what she could be thinking right at this moment. He sank down on the bed, ignoring Henry who was staring at him curiously.

"Why does this bother you?" Henry leaned forward, lacing his fingers together. "I thought you despised her for deceiving you?"

"I was wrong." Phillip ground out, resuming his dressing. "Are the horses saddled?"

Henry got to his feet, a puzzled look on his face. "What are you up to Newbridge? This is quite a stunning transformation of your affection."

"Need I remind you Hensley, this is none of your business. Are the horses saddled?"

"You know, I once thought the both of you would make a good match." Henry's gaze turned contemplative, "But now, I am not so sure. I do not like this change of heart Phillip, it certainly means you are up to something. Do not hurt her again."

Fully dressed, Phillip chose to ignore Henry, striding past him coldly. "If you choose to remain behind, that is your choice. I however, am leaving now."

Henry's hand shot out to grasp Phillip's arm. "This is about the doctor, isn't it?"

"Release my arm Hensley before I break it. You won't like that, I assure you."

Henry took a step closer, menace causing his eyes to glitter. "Hurt her Phillip, and that duel you intend to fight will not be the only one. Leave Miss Inglewood be, she does not deserve your selfishness. For heaven's sakes, you do not love her! This is the exact same thing you did with Jane..."

Phillip stared into his friend's eyes for a moment. "You are threading a fine line Henry, I suggest you keep your threats and opinions to yourself."

"Very well." Henry stepped back, his expression still intense. "I consider you sufficiently warned."

"How charming of you." Phillip sneered, straightening his jacket. "Now, can we be on our way?"


Penny looked up from her sewing as Jane stalked into the room in tears. She watched the girl throw herself on the couch and let loose a fit of tears. Alarmed, Penny set aside the cloth and rose to crouch before the weeping girl.

"Jane! What has happened?"

Jane turned to face her, eyes red and puffy from crying hard, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Y-y-ou w-ere right..." She choked, "F-father has refused to see me, he e-even o-rdered that I not be allowed into the house."

Penny's heart sank and she felt a wave of pity for her sister-in-law. "Oh Jane, I am so sorry to hear that. Does Edward know?"

Jane sniffed and nodded, wiping her face with the sleeve of her gown. "We went together, Edward hoped to offer an apology but Father would not even come out to speak to us. Oh Penny! What am I going to do? I knew father would be angry...but I'd hoped...thought he would forgive me...I don't know what to do..!"

"Give him time Jane, it is a scandal of the most grievous. He is angry now, but hopefully with time he will learn to forgive you and accept Edward."

"Y-you think so?" Jane's face brightened with hope and Penny fervently hoped Lord Rosebury would indeed forgive his daughter.

She nodded, smoothing a soothing hand over Jane's blonde curls. "I do think so. Just give it time and you must not cease to write him letters of apology."

Jane rose and wiped her cheeks in determination. "I shall write him a letter everyday until he softens his mind. Thank you Penny, I appreciate the advice." She turned and marched upstairs, possibly to compose a letter to Lord Rosebury.

Penny sighed, eying her sewing in distaste. After the excitement of the past week, sitting quietly and sewing seemed hopelessly mundane. She felt restless, itching to go out and do something exciting, something that would divert her thoughts from a certain gentleman. Instantly, she pushed him out of her thoughts and paced the room, a thoughtful frown on her face. It had been past three days since they had returned and everyone had been tense, waiting for Phillip's summons, praying that he had somehow changed his mind.

She sighed once more, resting her head against the cool glass of the window. She shut her eyes and conjured up an image of the rolling fields of Scotland. Those few hours roaming the field in Alasdair's company were the happiest moments and she had learned to escape into that fantasy more often of late.

She heard the thud of boots coming up the front steps and turned towards the front door in anticipation. It was probably Edward in a bad mood...and she braced herself for the onslaught of complaints that was soon to come. To her surprise, the footsteps paused at the closed door, and her frown deepened when a knock sounded at the door. She crossed the room, pulling the door open.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded the minute her shock wore off to be replaced by a cold fury. "I assumed you would send a footman, must you come to rub it in yourself?"

Phillip raised an eyebrow at her vehemence. "Good Afternoon Miss Inglewood. I have not come for the purpose of the duel. I simply wish to have a word with you."

He was not here for the duel? She gaped at him puzzled, trying to make sense of his words. Why would he wish to see her? His actions had made it explicitly clear that he did not care for her...so why did he wish to speak to her? She swept her gaze over him, noting the immaculate well tailored morning coat and tan breeches tucked into black hessian boots, the snowy white cravat and shirt that peeked out for the top of his jacket...those ice blue ices that made her insides melt when he leveled it at her the way he was doing now, and the well cut jet black hair that her fingers itched to run through, feel its silky smooth texture and...

She pulled herself from her fantasies with a shake of the head. It would not do to lust after a man who considered her a mere toy to be trifled with. She steeled her heart and stared at him impassively. "I have nothing personal to say to you Lord Farnsworth, if you wish to convey the date of the duel, please do so and leave."

Phillip's eyes darkened at her cold tone. "It is only polite to grant someone an audience when he wishes a private word with you."

She stared at him for a few seconds then stepped back to allow him entry. She watched him enter the room and cast a critical eye over the shoddy looking furniture. Her lips tightened. How dare he silently condemn her home?

"Won't you sit down?" she managed to grind out through clenched teeth, struggling to remember her manners. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yes and no...thank you." he chose the high backed seat her father favored and settled into it imperiously. She reluctantly resumed her previous seat, picking up her sewing, grateful to have something to distract her from his uncomfortable presence, intensely aware of his eyes studying her.

"How have you been?" He asked quietly, though there was something in his tone that caused her to look up sharply.

"I am well, thank you." she replied, letting her fingers weave the needle in and out of the cloth automatically. "And may I inquire as to your well-being?"

He shrugged, the moment drawing her gaze to his broad shoulders. "I am well, thank you Miss Inglewood. And your family?"

"Why are you here?" she cut in, setting aside the cloth to lean forward, clasping her hands together as she gazed earnestly at him. "What do you want if not to make good on your threat?"

He sighed and raked a hand through his hair, leaning forward also. Penny was stunned to see the uncertain look in his eyes and she wondered what he had to say that made him so nervous. "I have a proposition for you Miss Inglewood, a way of saving your brother and halting the scandal that is surely spreading like wildfire even as we speak."

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