A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (13 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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Even as a denial left her lips, Penny had to admit she was hungry. Hungry, tired, dusty and badly in need of a bath. She shuddered to think how disheveled she must appear.

Penny watched as Phillip's strong lean fingers curled around his wine glass, recalling how just hours before, those same hands had touched her face, and he had declared her enchanting. She tore her gaze away and focused on her nearly untouched food. Anxiety curled up and twisted inside her, robbing her of appetite as she thought of how close they actually were to finding Edward and Jane. Perhaps at this very moment, the two were having supper, just like she and Phillip were, cozily ensconced in a private parlor close to a cheery fire. She desperately hoped so, for it had occurred to her that the couple may have run out of funds and were currently facing some hardship.

She closed her eyes, fighting to stifle a yawn as exhaustion swept over her. Even with her eyes shut, she could still feel his burning gaze upon her, and knew he must be studying her as intently as she had been studying him earlier. Did he still think her enchanting or had his words been empty flattery? Why did this one man get under her skin, fill her thoughts constantly till every waking and sleeping moment did not pass that she was not plagued with a thought of him.

"You are not eating, is the meal not to your liking?" Phillip asked, "I can order something else brought up if you do not like this."

Penny shook her head. "No, no, don't bother please, I am quite satisfied."

He studied her for a moment. "You are worried then. That is why you will not eat, do not worry Penny, we will find them."

She smiled at him tentatively, setting down her plate. "I know Phillip. It's just..."

He set his wine glass down and rose, crossing to her in quick strides. Penny looked up at him in surprise, wondering what he was up to. His eyes had darkened and there was a determined glint in his them, something that excited her. "Penny.." he murmured, reaching out to pull her up and they stood so close there was not a hair's breath between them.

He cupped her face in his hands, thumbs tracing over her smooth cheeks, even as her eyes drifted shut as she waited for what she yearned to come.

"Look at me." he ordered, and she obeyed, immediately losing her senses in the pools of desire that were his eyes. His lips met hers, taking her mouth in the sweetest of kisses, the fires of their mutual desire rising into an all consuming flame that devoured them both. This kiss was gentle and exploratory, seeking to discover every hidden place in her mouth, taking and giving. As one, they both moaned and pressed even closer, sweetness turning into passion, a need for fulfillment.

He broke the kiss but only to trail soft tantalizing kisses down her neck and shoulders, and Penny willingly gave herself over to him, arching her neck to give him access to her skin, moaning each time he sucked at her soft flesh...

"I want to make love to you.." She heard him whisper through a haze of want, "I want to give you pleasure."

"Yes!" she breathed, feeling her knees weaken, clutching onto him to stay upright. "Yes!"

He growled and moved, suddenly sweeping her into his arms and striding towards the connecting door leading from the parlor to his room, laying her down upon the bed. He looked at her as she lay there, and felt his lust increase.

Just as he lowered his head to take her mouth once again, there was a frantic knocking coming from the main room. For a moment, he was tempted to ignore it but Penny gasped and rolled away from.

"There's someone..." she began but he cut her off.

"Yes." Furious at whoever had intruded upon their private moment, Phillip swore under his breath and strode to the door. He yanked it open, prepared to scour the fool with the force of his words.

"Newbridge!" Lord Henry strode into the room, an older white haired man in his wake. "Thank heavens we got the right room."


"Hensley!" Phillip looked startled for a moment as Henry walked into the parlor, looking immensely pleased with himself. "What the devil are you doing here?"

"Looking for you old chap." Henry replied, shooting Phillip a wide grin which only served to deepen Phillip's scowl. "I couldn't very well allow you to go after the couple on your own. God only knows what you plan to do to them and I brought..." He caught sight of Penny standing frozen in the doorway to the room. "Miss Inglewood!"

Phillip swore under his breath and moved quickly, placing himself between Henry and Penny. But it was too late. Henry's eyes narrowed as he took in her face still flush with desire and the tell tale swell of her mouth.

"What the hell!" Henry exclaimed and faced Phillip, his grin quickly replaced by an angry scowl. "I trust you have a reasonable explanation for the lady's state?"

"That is none of your damned business." Phillip growled, his eyes glinting dangerously. "And I do not care for your tone Hensley. I have no idea what you consider reasonable or not. Nor do I particularly care. At the moment you are intruding and Miss Inglewood is exhausted so you better start talking."

"Miss Inglewood is soon to be my responsibility, so it is damned well my business. I warned you about this beforehand Newbridge, but fool that you are..."

"What is going on here?" Sir Inglewood cut in, his tone hard and demanding. He took a step forward, his gaze fixed on his eldest daughter who stood transfixed in horror.

Penny's face drained of every ounce of color. She had not noticed her father's presence until now. A wave of dizziness hit her and she swayed on her feet. She was vaguely aware of Phillip's arm snaking around her waist to steady her, but she could not tear her eyes from her father. "Papa? W-what...how did you...?"

"I set sail the minute I received your letter. Now tell me what is going on here? Has this man...taken ad.."

"No!" Penny cried, with a desperate shake of her head. She looked quickly at Phillip, heart sinking at the look of cold fury he leveled upon her. "Phi...Lord Farnsworth has been the utmost gentleman, Father."

"I still do not like this. It is scandalous for an unmarried lady to have remained this long in the company of a man, however well behaved. If word gets out, your reputation will be severely compromised." Sir Inglewood folded his arms across his rather massive chest and frowned down at his daughter. "You must leave this place at once. Go get your things."

"Stay where you are Miss Inglewood." Phillip ground out. Penny had turned to do her father's bidding but his voice stopped her cold and a dreadful shiver ran down her spine.

"Phillip! What do you think you are doing?" Lord Henry exclaimed in astonishment. "Have you gone mad?"

"Penelope, do as I say at once!" Sir Inglewood repeated harshly.

Phillip stared coldly at the man."May I remind you sir, that you are in the presence of a duke. Barging in here and suggesting that I have dishonored your daughter is an insult I will not take lightly."

Penny gaped at Phillip in shock. What was trying to do? Her father had made no such accusation, all he was simply trying to savage what was left of her already ruined reputation. Unless...Phillip was actually insulted because of the assumption that he would ever have anything to do with a woman such as she. The thought burned her heart and she gasped as the real truth sank in. He was not doing it for her...how could she have been so stupid to assume he had any true feelings for her.

She choked back a sob. The passion they had presumably shared just a few minutes ago was nothing but a lie, his words had been false, simply a means to get her to consent to his lovemaking. What a fool she'd been to believe him..if they had not been interrupted...she cringed to think about what might have happened.

She could feel three pairs of eyes trained upon her person, but at that moment, she did not care, feeling the sting of hot tears but she blinked them back and turned hastily, going into her room to retrieve the box which had thankfully not been unpacked.

Sir Inglewood glared at Phillip defiantly. "She has been in your company for nigh on three days. There must have been witnesses, for heaven only knows what ruse the both of you have been traveling under. Whether you have dishonored her or not hardly matters now. Surely you know that."

"Are you asking that I marry her to save her damned reputation?" Phillip had never felt so furious in his life. Had this been her plan all along? To trap him into marriage by disobeying his orders to remain behind at Millcote and following him knowing full well the consequences. His mind was besieged by memories...the time in the maze...she must have known they would be missed and perhaps she had let him kiss her in hopes they would be discovered. And when that had failed...convinced the brother to run off with his betrothed, and Penny herself, had shown up at his house that day clad in nothing but her night gown. What a fool he had been. He swore out loud.

"If you care about what happens to her, you will do the proper thing." Sir Inglewood replied quietly.

Henry spoke up. "He is quite right Newbridge. No matter how well the two of you may have conducted yourselves, there are witness. Sooner or later someone will talk and once word gets out, Miss Inglewood will be ruined."

She had planned this all so well. Phillip thought, cursing himself for allowing a pair of green eyes to enchant him into an unwanted marriage. He had been deceived by a most clever Jezebel and like a fool he had reasoned with his loins and not his head. A rustle behind him signaled her reentry into the parlor and he turned to face her.

Penny returned to the parlor carrying her box, her face pale and drawn. Phillip stared at her dispassionately, despising her for tricking him thus. And to think he had even allowed himself to begin to care for her.

He laughed bitterly "Congratulations madam, your hand has been well played. Very well played indeed."

She looked up at him in confusion, then at her father who was standing there looking just as furious as Phillip, then back to the latter. "I do not understand why you offering felicitations Your grace."

"No?" he mocked her with his eyes. "Come now Miss Inglewood, there is no need to keep up with the pretense. The game is up. You have succeeded in your quest."

"Newbridge.." Henry murmured in warning but Phillip silenced him with a look.

Penny could only wonder what had brought on this change in Phillip. Why was he saying those words? What game did he refer to? She looked to Henry for answers but he merely shrugged and looked apologetic. She turned back to her father, her heart racing at the perturbed look he threw her way. "Papa? What is going on?"

"Don't you dare pretend innocence Miss Inglewood." Phillip cut in before her father could offer up an explanation. "It quite sickens me to realize all this while you have merely been playing a part. Tell me, your leg...is that injury real or something you fabricated like the rest of your lies?"

His words hit her heart and even though she still did not understand fully what was going on, it was quite obvious he despised her for something she had supposedly done. She schooled her face to betray none of the pain she felt and stared at him coldly. Her next words were pure ice.

"I do not know what has come over you Lord Farnsworth. You make accusations of which I know nothing about. In truth, I should be your accuser for you have deceived me with your words."

He looked incredulous and took a step towards her, eyes blazing. "I have deceived you Miss Inglewood? How dare you accuse me of deceit? Have you not planned this whole farce from the very beginning?"

"What are you talking about? I have not planned anything. It is you who had planned to take me to your bed by coating your lust with sweet honey and I almost fell for it."

"If you had not offered yourself up to me, I would never have considered bedding you!"

She heard her father utter a strangled oath and whirled around quickly, just in time to see him clutch at his chest, his skin completely drained of color. "Papa!" she cried out hurrying to him. She caught a glimpse of Lord Henry just before he launched himself at Phillip with a snarl. They both went down, crashing into the table, sending it and its contents to the floor.

"Stop it! Stop it now!" Penny heard the shrill words and realized she had spoken them.

They paid her no heed as they tumbled over each other like a pair of snarling dogs. She watched Phillip mount Henry and deliver a hard blow to the earl's face. The earl grunted and lashed out with his free hand catching Phillip on the cheeks, his heavy ruby ring tearing at the duke's skin. Penny screamed, terrified the two men would succeed in killing each other. They rolled into the chair Penny had been sitting on, Henry striking his head hard against its legs, and Phillip took advantage to wrap his hands around Henry's throat.

Penny whirled towards her father."Papa! Do something!" Sir Inglewood still pale with shock merely groaned. He was going to be of no help at all.

She cast her eyes about for something to use and her eyes fell on a jug of drinking water. She snatched it up and dumped its contents on the nearest man.

"Bloody Hell!" Phillip reared up in shock as the icy water soaked his shirt. His hands slackened their hold on Henry's neck and he glared up at Penny. "What the blazes do you think you are doing woman?"

"Stopping you two from behaving like imbeciles." she brandished the empty jug. "If you do not stop I swear I will hit you with this."

Henry had pulled himself to a sitting position and was taking deep gulps of air. Water dripped from his head and the front part of his shirt was soaked. Nevertheless, his mouth curved up in a delighted grin. "I like a resourceful woman. Do you really intend to hit us with that?"

Phillip snorted in derision. "I doubt that will be of much use. The water was quite effective though, you forget Henry, that she is quite the actress. To have carried this charade this far calls for some measure of resourcefulness." He reached up and gingerly touched the bleeding wound on his left cheek, grimacing as the wound stung. He pushed to his feet, raking away the wet locks of hair that fell over his forehead as he walked into his room, shutting the door firmly.

Henry rose too and went to Penny, gently prying the jug from her tight grip. He took in her white pinched face, pain and confusion clearly written there and slipped a comforting arm over her shoulders. "Come my dear, see to your father. I will go and fetch a physician. Come."

Penny heard his words but she could not make her frozen senses do as he wanted. Phillip's hurtful words reverberating in her skull. Why had he suddenly changed towards her? She wondered, every breath she took burning her insides with fire and pain. She felt Henry take her hand and allowed herself to be led to a chair, sinking down upon in a daze.

"Why does he hate me?" she asked in a whisper, the words sounding strangled even to her ears. "What could I have possibly done to him?"

"It is not your fault Miss Inglewood, Phillip should have known it would come to this the moment he allowed you to accompany him."

She shook her head in confusion. "Come to what? I do not understand."

Henry sighed and drew a low stool, settling himself in front of her. He gently took her cold hands in rubbed them gently. At that moment, he felt a surge of anger towards his friend for bringing hurt to Penny. Damn Phillip. If only he had heeded his warning in the garden. He looked towards her father, noting with relief that Sir Inglewood appeared to be recovering from the shock. Color had returned to the old man's cheeks and he had somehow found himself a glass of wine to sip on.

He returned his attention to Penny who had a haunted look in her eyes. Those eyes that reminded him so much of Lucy. "Your father asked him to do the proper thing to redeem your honor. Of course Phillip was none too pleased about it."

Her eyes widened in shock."Redeem my honor...surely you do not mean Papa insisted we...marry?" Without waiting for a reply, she was on her feet and standing before her father. "Papa! Lord Farnsworth is betrothed to another. That is the only reason he is here in the first place. You cannot be serious in suggesting he break off his engagement for the sake of redeeming my honor. We were careful to avoid scandal of any kind, please Papa, you must not do this."

Sir Inglewood stared up at his daughter thoughtfully. "And what if his betrothed is already wed to Edward? What then? Could you bear to be cast from polite society, eschewed by your friends? I will not have another scandal in the family. Lord Farnsworth must act honorably or I will have no choice but to call him out."

She whirled on Henry in despair. "Do something! He will despise me forever if his hand is forced."

Henry gently took her hand in his. "Your father means well, Miss Inglewood. However, I think we should first focus on what we came here for. If we find the couple unwed, then Lord Farnsworth must make a decision. If they are already man and wife..." he let his words trail off.

Penny could only pray that Edward and Jane had not wed. For she was certain Phillip would never choose her over the beauty that was Lady Jane Rosebury.

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