A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (21 page)

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He folded his arms across his chest with a satisfied smirk. "Then there should be no problem."

Penny debated on his words for a minute, torn between a need for self preservation and the need to prove him wrong. If she refused to go with him, it would only feed his ridiculous assumptions and he would be even more insufferable. Finally, she sighed, "I'll be ready in a few minutes."

"I took the liberty of procuring a chaperone for today." Phillip informed Penny as he helped her from the carriage. He studied the simple but elegant lavender gown that displayed her figure to perfection, the color setting off her ivory skin and green eyes and nodded in approval. "You look stunning."

Penny blushed in pleasure, grateful once more to the countess for giving her the dress. "Thank you." she replied. Her gaze swept over the busy London street, wondering what Phillip had in mind for the afternoon. She had assumed they would go for a walk, but it appeared he had different plans. And what was this about a chaperone? "You brought along a chaperone? Who?"

Phillip offered her his arm, and she slipped her gloved hand through his. "My aunt Elise. She will be waiting for us at the tea shop."

"I did not know you had an aunt." Penny replied, staring up at him in surprise. "We are going to a tea shop?"

"Yes and yes." Phillip grinned down at her, the action sending warm shivers down Penny's spine. "I told you we needed to talk and we might as well fill our stomach while we discuss." He let go of her arm for a moment to pull open the door to the tea shop, allowing her to precede him inside.

Penny's nostrils was hit with the pleasant aroma of pastries and tea, causing her mouth to water. She glanced around the room, taking in the elegant décor. There were a few customers having tea, as elegant as the establishment itself. Her eyes fell on a table at the far end of the room with only one occupant, a middle aged woman dressed in black who was smiling in their direction and Penny assumed her to be the aunt Phillip mentioned.

Her assumption was confirmed as Phillip gently steered her towards the table and made the introductions. "Miss Inglewood, may I present my dear aunt, Lady Elise Farnsworth, . Aunt Elise, meet Miss Penelope Inglewood, she is the one you will be chaperoning today."

Aunt Elise beamed up at them, blue eyes so like Phillip's twinkling merrily. "Phillip never mentioned how lovely you are my dear. Now I understand why he has been so bad-tempered of late."

Penny smiled in genuine delight and curtsied, already warming to her. "He is always bad-tempered. It is a pleasure to meet you My lady, thank you for being here."

"I am not bad-tempered." Phillip said, pulling out a chair for Penny to sit then taking his own, opening the monogrammed menu to study it. A waitress already hovered near, waiting to take their orders. "I merely choose to be blunt and speak my mind. What will you have Miss Inglewood?"

Penny picked up her own menu and studied it. Her eyes nearly popped as she noted the extravagant prices listed alongside the menu options. Who in their right mind paid fifteen shillings for a mere pot of tea? She glanced at Phillip then shrugged. Obviously he was mad.

Aunt Elise placed a wrinkled hand on her arm. Penny looked up from studying the menu and looked at her askance. "You should try the buttered rolls dear, they are simply marvelous."

"Oh. Then I'll have that and some tea." Penny said to the waitress. "Thank you My lady."

Phillip placed his own order and leaned back against his seat, studying Penny intently for a moment. "Did you get the flowers?" he asked, idly drumming his fingers on the lace tablecloth.

"Yes, I did. They are very lovely."

"I asked him to send them." Lady Elise pointed out. "A proper gentleman should be thoughtful enough to send a lady flowers. Especially when he seeks to court her, isn't that so?"

"I am not courting her." Phillip looked distinctly uncomfortable, and frowned at his aunt. "We are having polite conversation for once. That is all."

"Whatever you say dear." Lady Elise gave Penny a conspiratorial wink. "Isn't it delightful when gentlemen are too stubborn to admit their true feelings? His father was much the same way as well as my husband, his uncle. Ah yes, my husband practically kidnapped me and forced me to marry him- good thing I did too."

Phillip muttered something incomprehensible, glaring at his aunt in disapproval. "I have no plans to kidnap Miss Inglewood, stop putting romantic idea in her head."

Penny watched the banter between aunt and nephew, fascinated at the little insight into Phillip's history. She realized that she knew next to nothing about him, and it pleased her to see another side to him. Nevertheless, she felt obligated to clear his aunt's misconception that he was courting her. "He is not courting me, we are merely...two people having lunch."

Lady Elise snorted in disbelief. "If you believe that, then I'll eat my hat."

Their food arrived, much to Penny's relief. She liked Lady Elise, but she certainly had no wish to indulge in childish fantasies. After all, Phillip himself had refuted any claims to courtship. Thankfully, his aunt was content to let the matter drop, and engaged Penny in lively gossip about members of the ton, while Phillip listened only speaking when his aunt asked for his opinion, though his eyes remained fixed on Penny, keeping her highly aware of him.

He bought her flavored ice after lunch, a treat Penny savored in pure delight, never having had such before. By the time the carriage pulled up in front of the Hensley residence, the sun had begun to set and Penny felt a pang of regret that the outing was over. He remained courteous, helping her down from the carriage and walking with her to the front door.

"Thank you for a delightful day Your grace." she smiled up at him, her eyes glowing in pleasure. "I had a marvelous time, and please extend my gratitude to Lady Elise?"

He reached for her hand and placed a soft kiss on it, sending tingles running down her spine. "It is my pleasure, Miss Inglewood."

Without thinking, she reached up to caress his chin, feeling the rough texture of his jaw beneath her fingers. She heard him catch his breath in surprise, eyes darkening at the pleasure of her touch a moment before he abruptly took a step back. "Good night Penny, enjoy the rest of your evening."

She watched him go, a part of her longing to call him back, jump into his arms and let him kiss her senseless, but the more reasonable part of her held back. At the door to the carriage, he paused and turned around, flashing her a grin and a salute before jumping into the vehicle.


Penny studied the program intently, wondering what on earth she was doing here. Beside her Lucy, Bridget and Jane chattered about the other patrons, comparing gowns and jewels in an endless titter of excitement while Henry, her father, Edward and Alasdair listened with indulgent smiles. Fortunately, no one asked for her opinion so she allowed her attention to wander, sweeping over the empty stage, her vantage point at the Hensley private box giving her an unrestricted view of everything . Finally, she allowed her eyes to stray towards box Henry had pointed out as reserved for the Farnsworths, relief filling her to find it unoccupied.

A part of her was relieved he would not be present and another part was slightly disappointed. She had not heard from Phillip or laid eyes on him since that afternoon three days ago, and she caught herself wondering as she had over the past days if he was deliberately doing so to avoid her. The thought was unpleasant and caused a twinge of pain each time she thought about it.

Penny sighed and returned her attention to the chattering going on beside her. She had to put Phillip out of her mind. The man was an enigma, so difficult to understand and aggravating to the point of annoyance. Her eyes fell on Alasdair, and she returned the smile he gave her when their gaze met. Alasdair was a perfect gentleman, always considerate of her, thoughtful and sweet.

The warning bell sounded, signaling the start of the act and a hush fell over the audience as the lights on stage dimmed. Penny sighed once more and resigned herself to an hour of watching a play she did not understand. However, as the actors began performing, she found herself drawn in, her attention completely absorbed by the enchanting performance until the first act ended.

As soon as the lights became bright, Jane leaned over and nudged Penny. "Phillip is here." she said in a whisper.

Penny felt her spine stiffen and she forced herself to remain calm, even though her pulse raced. "Is he?"

Jane handed her a pair of flimsy ridiculous looking binoculars. "He came in when the play had already begun, look towards his box, I assume the lady he's with is his aunt?"

Penny peered through the binoculars and there he was, the glasses magnifying every inch of his features as though he was right next to her, the familiar angles of his face set her heart racing frantically. He was engaged in conversation with his aunt, an indulgent smile softening his face as he listened to something the elderly woman had said. Then he suddenly turned and stared straight in Penny's direction, his eyes seeming to bore into hers across the distance.

"Oh!" Penny gasped and lowered the glasses, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. Good lord, he had caught her watching him like a love struck débutante, whatever must he think of her.

Alasdair noticed her heightened color and leaned over in concern. "Are you all right Miss Inglewood?"

She nodded and gave him a reassuring smile even though she earnestly wished the ground would open up and swallow her into oblivion.

"Yes of course, the first act was just very moving." she lied, hating herself for the fabrication even as she wondered if Phillip was still looking in her direction. She dared not look for fear of him catching her spying on him again.

"Indeed, quite a splendid performance." Alasdair replied. He offered her a glass a lemonade from the refreshment stand close by and she took the beverage grateful to have something to cool her racing nerves. "I must confess, I thought it would be tedious but I am glad it turned out to be quite the opposite."

She was thankful to have something to distract her from the embarrassing situation and threw herself into conversing with Alasdair. Soon they were both engaged in a lively debate on the merits of the opera until the second act began.

This time, Penny found herself unable to keep her eyes from straying to where a certain duke sat, the dim lights providing enough cover for her to study him without giving herself away, surreptitiously peering through the magnifying glass to see him better. Once more she wondered if he was avoiding her, after all he knew she was here, but had not bothered to come over to their box.

The second and third acts passed in much the same way, but by the fourth intermission, Penny felt the need to visit the retiring room. She rose and made her excuses, hurrying along the nearly deserted hallway towards the ladies retiring room at the far end.

"Going somewhere?" She froze as Phillip's voice floated down the corridor. Penny whirled about in shock then cried out as she lost her footing, the heel of her slipper catching on the edge of the woven carpet.

Phillip was by her side in an instant. "Are you all right Penny?" His helped her to a nearby chair, stooping down to lift her foot and slide off the slipper, frowning at the bruised ankle in concern. "How much does it hurt you?"

Penny gasped at the stabbing pain emanating from her ankle. "A lot. Is it broken?"

Phillip's fingers tenderly probed the spot, eliciting a gasp of pain despite his gentleness. He looked at her face, white with pain and smiled reassuringly. "I don't think so, I cannot feel any broken bones." He gently set her foot down and rose. "I will fetch Mr. Lachlan to have a look at your leg."

"No!" Penny reached out and grasped his arm. He stopped and looked at her askance. "I do not want to trouble anyone, I can wait here till the play is over."

"Your ankle will have swollen impossibly by the time the play is over if something is not done."

"It will not be fair to cause undue worry and ruin his evening. I will be fine if I can get a cold cloth to put on the ankle while I wait." Penny certainly did not relish the thought of the scene
that would surely ensure if her family were alerted. There would too much fussing and she did not want that.

His forehead furrowed in displeasure. "You are being stubborn Miss Inglewood. You would bear the pain just to avoid your family worrying about you?"

"I am fine." She snapped at him, the throbbing in her ankle getting even worse. "I would not be in this position if you had not insisted on sneaking up on me. Why do you always do that?"

He shrugged and turned away from her. "I assure you I have much better things to do than to try to take you unawares."

"Then why did you follow me?"

"That is not important." he replied dismissively. "I am going to fetch Mr. Lachlan."

"I told you..."

"I know what you said. And I choose to ignore it because I think it is a foolish decision."

Penny glared at his retreating back in irritation. It was his fault she was in pain and he could not even deign to agree to her wishes. Why had he followed her in the first place? To make her life miserable? Well, he had certainly succeeded because the pain was indeed enough to make her miserable.

She studied her ankle, wincing at the angry red bruise already forming. In truth, the pain was nearly unbearable and all she wanted to do was to return back to the Hensley mansion so she could put her feet up and take some laudanum. Her other leg had begun to ache too, and she rubbed at the old wound in an effort to relieve the pain.

The music coming from the main stage poured into the hall, and she did not hear Phillip's footsteps until he was near. She frowned when she noticed he was still alone, but now carried his great coat and hat. "Where is Mr. Lachlan?" she asked him, checking down the hall expecting the doctor to appear at any moment.

He raised an eyebrow at her, his expression sardonic. "I thought you did not wish him disturbed?"

"You said you would call him anyway."

"I lied." He shoved his arms through the sleeves of his coat, and donned his hat. "I am taking you home instead."

Penny's mouth fell open in amazement. What was he talking about? "I cannot go home without the rest of my family." she protested. "It will raise scandalous questions were I to leave with you."

He bent to retrieve her discarded slipper, completely ignoring her protest. "I had no idea you cared much for your reputation." He moved towards her determinedly and before she could
utter another word of protest, slipped his hands under her, lifting her into his arms as though she weighed nothing.

Penny flushed in mortification, stifling a scream. Her hands clutched the lapels of his coat for dear life. "Put me down Phillip, this is preposterous. Put me down, for gods sakes."

He said nothing, merely tightening his hold on her and strode for the exit, ignoring the curious looks of the stewards as they passed the entrance. Penny finally gave up the struggle and buried her face in his coat, hoping to shield her identity from the curious onlookers they passed, praying none of the servants would be able to identify her. The warm male scent of him filled her nostrils, soothing her racing heart. She shut her eyes and inhaled deeply of the earthy fragrance.

Her face reddened as she imagined how her family would react when they found out she had left in the company of Lord Farnsworth. Her father would be livid, Lucy probably delighted at the scandal and dear god Alasdair... what would he make of her association with Phillip?

She heard Phillip speaking to a valet, ordering his carriage to be brought around. She lifted her face from his coat to see they were standing outside. "Put me down Phillip." she ordered once more, "This will completely ruin what little reputation I have left. This is kidnapping!"

"Cease struggling woman. I have no intentions of taking advantage of your honor. I will merely take you home and deposit you safe in the arms of the household staff with your virtue intact. Perfectly honorable."

She gaped at him. "Honorable? What do you think my family will think when they discover I left in your company?"

""I will explain to them that you so graciously did not wish to disturb them by forcing them to go leave a good play, and since I happened to be leaving anyway, I offered you a lift home."

"What about your aunt? Are you just going to leave her without a means to get home?"

"I will return for her."

Phillip's carriage pulled up and he set her gently against the plush seat. Penny would have flown out just as fast but her ankle prevented her from making a run for it. She glared as he took his seat next to her after giving the driver instructions as to their destination. Someone had placed a small lamp inside the carriage, lighting the interior with a soft golden glow.

"Let me out at once!" she ordered.

He merely gave her a chiding look and ignored her. The carriage set off and Penny resigned herself to seething in fury, glaring daggers at him. "You hate me. That can be the only reason you always choose to make me miserable."

He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. "I do not hate you Miss Inglewood."

"Then why are you trying to ruin me? What have I done to deserve this treatment from you?"

In the dim light, she saw Phillip grimace then he leaned close to her his eyes glittering in the lamplight. "I assure you Penny, I do not hate you...quite the contrary in fact. I want to take you in my arms and make love to you, make certain you reach heights of pleasure you have never reached before...I want to fill you with my seed, make you mine in every sense of the word."

Stunned into silence, Penny could only stare at him as his words sank in, each syllable igniting a rush of desire such as she had never felt before. His raw words aroused rather than shocked, quickened her need until she was gasping for breath. The atmosphere inside the carriage became charged with passion, the very air sparked with the need of the two people within. Phillip wanted her! She stared at him, remembering the intensity of his kisses, the feel of his heat against hers and suddenly realized the truth. She wanted him to make love to her...she needed him.

"You want me." It was a statement not a question. Penny felt the words leave her lips and in the closed carriage, she could hear the passion in her words.

Phillip had not moved since his confession, his eyes taking in her reaction, not missing a single thing. "Yes."

Penny moved to sit beside him, her eyes never leaving his. She was filled with a new sense of her power over him, the desire he felt for her eroding any hesitation she may have felt before. She placed a hand on his thigh, the hard muscles rippling beneath her touch. "Why did you tell me?" she whispered.

Phillip placed his hand over hers and lifted it, moving her hand away from his thigh. "I wanted to let you know I do not hate you." He studied her small hand for a moment then lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss on the palm. "You are so exquisite, it is hard to keep my head around you. Ah dammit..."

He tugged suddenly, causing her to fall against him, sliding a hand under her chin and capturing her mouth in a searing kiss, groaning at how soft and warm her mouth was against his own. He felt her gloved hand on his cheek, stroking him tenderly and he reached up and tugged off the glove, tossing it to the floor.

Phillip sighed when her warm bare flesh touched him again. Ah so sweet and he wanted more. How could this mere slip of a girl ignite such need in him to rip off her gown and petticoats and make sweet love to every inch of her delectable body? Phillip wondered even as he lifted her, careful to avoid jolting her sprained ankle and settled her over his thighs in a froth of petticoats, her breasts at level with his face...tempting him for a taste. Penny came willingly, any resistance dissolving in a cloud of overwhelming need.

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