A Russian Bear (14 page)

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Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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The front room had the bar, a small stage, and tables, and it was relatively quiet. Which meant that Tom had only seen one blowjob, a sub getting fingered by his Dom, and two little slaves kneeling at their masters’ table. The next room had a big stage, though, and in here there was every kind of kink known to man. Or at least to Tom.

Mischa’s hand was still resting firmly on Tom’s back. “I want to give you a tour, and then we’ll get something to drink.” Mischa was taking him through the big room to show him the private rooms in the back, but Tom kept seeing things that made him stop.

There were a lot of collars around, and yes, there were boys on leashes. In the far corner of the room, there was a whipping on the big stage, and in another corner a sub sounded like he was this close to coming, whimpering loudly and crying out. Tom couldn’t see him because of the crowd surrounding him. Another was being fucked against the wall right there, moaning and so hard, and the biggest man Tom’d ever seen passed him leading another, almost as big as himself, by a leash from the sub’s nipples. Tom could only stare at it all.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” Mischa sounded a little nervous. Tom turned, looking incredulously at his Dom.

“Sir? Look at my crotch.”

Mischa’s lips twitched, but he followed orders and let his eyes slide appreciatively over Tom’s body. Tom’s breathing got quicker; Mischa’s gaze felt like a physical caress. And, of course, Mischa’s eyes stopped at Tom’s hard dick that was threatening to rip the thin jockstrap. Then the Dom stepped in, kissing him until Tom didn’t even notice the room around them, entirely focused on Mischa.

“Mischa! So good to see you again. And this is your Tom, I take it?”

Mischa grumbled, but withdrew his lips from Tom’s and turned around. He kept an arm protectively around Tom, though.

“Toby. Nice to see you, too. The place is busy tonight, isn’t it?”

The man called Toby grinned. He wore leather and exuded the same alpha male-ness as Mischa. No doubt that he was a Dom.

“Yes, it’s the best party in ages.” He looked significantly at Tom.

Mischa sighed again. “Toby, this is Tom. Tom, Toby is the owner of the club and a friend of mine.”

Toby held out his hand, and Tom shook it. “So good to meet you, Tom. Is it your first visit to a club like this, Tom?”

Tom was a little confused at the way Toby kept using his name. Mischa looked annoyed and a little bit sheepish. Or at least as close as a big, bad Dom could get to sheepish.

“Nice to meet you, too. And yes, it’s my first night here.” Tom pushed a bit closer to Mischa, needing the contact. He was talking to a stranger with his ass naked, for God’s sake.

“I hope you’ll enjoy it, Tom. And Mischa, let’s have lunch next week.” They set up a date, and Toby went out to the bar.

“What was that about, sir? Did I do something wrong by not calling him sir? He kept saying my name.”

Mischa sighed. “No, he was just teasing me. Don’t worry about it.”

Tom didn’t. Because Mischa said he shouldn’t, and right now, he needed to just trust Mischa. Mischa comfortingly tightened his arm around Tom’s shoulder, and Tom relaxed into it.

The crowd in the corner had dispersed, and now another couple went there, people starting to gather around again.

“This is going to be good. Come on, let’s get closer.” Mischa led him to the edge of the small stage.

It wasn’t really a stage, just an area with a padded table raised ten inches or so above the rest of the floor. A big guy in his forties was helping a sub lie down. The sub was blond and young and looked really nervous while he was being restrained with heavy straps over his hips, legs and wrists. His Dom leaned down and kissed him before opening a case with some strange-looking, thin metal rods. The sub whimpered.

His Dom just smiled and started to stroke the little sub’s already half-hard cock, using lots of lube. Then he started pushing lube into the slit, making the sub gasp. Tom looked questioningly at Mischa.

“He’s preparing him for the sound. See, the metal rod there? It goes into Pete’s dick.”

Tom blinked, unable to take that in. Then he turned to get away.

Mischa caught him, held on. “What’s wrong?”

“I... I don’t want to watch that. He’s going to bleed. I don’t want to watch that.”

Mischa wrapped his arms around Tom. “No, it’s not like that.” He inched them closer, ensuring that Tom couldn’t turn away. Tom protested weakly and tried to hide against Mischa’s chest. Mischa held on, soothing, but still forced him to watch.

“I know Pete, and I know Andrew, too. This has been a fantasy of Pete’s for a long time, and now he’s finally gotten up the courage to do it.” The Dom had gotten out the metal thing and started lubing it up. Pete’s breathing was harsh, but his dick was still hard.

“The first inch or so can hurt, but after that it slides in almost by itself. The feeling is incredible.” It wasn’t so much the words as the tone in Mischa’s voice that made Tom stay.

“You... you’ve tried it, sir?”

“I have. And it was mind-blowing. Now, watch his face.”

Tom was oblivious to anything other than the scene. The Dom’s hands were steady, holding the sub’s hard cock firmly and forcing the slit open. Pete whimpered, sounding so scared. But he didn’t safeword, and Tom, fascinated, watched the sound disappear into him. The sub’s eyes went wide, and then he screamed while the sound slid into him. The Dom just held on and smiled, gently stroking his forehead. The sub started babbling, going on and on about how big it was, that he needed it out, in, more, less. The Dom pulled the sound back and let it fall. Pete screamed again.

“I need to come! Sir, please, please, please...” The Dom just did it again, driving the little sub out of his mind.

Mischa chuckled. “He can’t come while the sound is in him. It can be... quite frustrating.”

The little blond was frantic now, and his Dom finally took pity on him and pulled out the sound. He came immediately, spurting all over himself. The Dom loosened the straps and lifted him up, and the sub started crying, clinging to the big man. Andrew kissed Pete’s forehead and carried him away.

Tom didn’t know where to look, feeling shaken. He clung to Mischa. Mischa hugged him tightly. “Andrew is taking Pete to one of the rooms in the back where he can take care of his sub. A scene like that can be very emotional.” Tom held on, hiding his head in Mischa’s shoulder. This was too much for him to take in.

“Is he okay, sir? Do you need anything?” The voice sounded familiar, but Tom didn’t want to look up.

“He’ll be fine, Rob, but I’d like some water, please.” Mischa let his hands slide up and down Tom’s back in long, soothing strokes. It helped Tom to breathe a bit easier, and he took a deep lungful of air and let it out.

“I... Sorry for being like this, sir.” Tom suddenly felt so stupid. He should be able to handle this; he was a grown man.

Mischa kissed his hair. “Don’t apologize. You’re doing fine. It was an intense scene.”

“Why do they do things like that, sir? He was screaming!”

“Yes, he was. So are you when we’re playing -- all the time.”

“This was different.” It just was.

Mischa nodded. “It was intense. But did you see his eyes? And his dick?”

Tom nodded, too, mutely.

“And what did you see?”

Tom looked up. “He was so excited, sir.” The sub had been. Driven out of his mind with it.

“Yes. Do you see why we use safewords -- and bondage? There was no way Pete could have taken that if he had had to lie still of his own will. But he could get out of it at any time if he had wanted to.”

Tom had to acknowledge that. It wasn’t so much the actual actions in the scene as the emotional outlet that had shaken him. The sub had been so... naked.

Rob showed up with two bottles of water. “Do you feel better now?”

Tom nodded again, smiling a bit sheepishly.

“Don’t worry; it can be scary to see an intense scene like that. But Andrew is taking good care of Pete. He’s probably fucking the boy’s brains out by now.” Tom burst out laughing, couldn’t help it at Rob’s straightforwardness.

Mischa had opened one of the bottles and held it up to Tom’s mouth, cradling his head while Tom drank. Suddenly, there was nobody but the two of them there. Tom closed his eyes, sinking into the feeling of being cared for, thirstily drinking the water.

“I’ll just...” None of them paid any heed to Rob.

The water helped, or perhaps it was the close contact with Mischa.

“That was wild, sir.”

Mischa chuckled. “It was. Ready to see the rest of the club now?”

Tom nodded. He was.


Mischa was enjoying this immensely. Tom was wide-eyed and curious, asking questions and blushing at the answers. He got a lot of stares, and he was totally oblivious to them. It was very sweet.

Mischa let his hand glide down over Tom’s ass. The boy jumped a bit. “Still sore?” Mischa grabbed hard and didn’t let go. Tom went up on tip-toes.

“Ah! Yes, sir, still sore.” And still turned on by it. Mischa put his arms around Tom with a hand on each buttock. Tom sighed and rubbed against him.

Mischa marveled at the ease with which the boy surrendered. “You would let me take you right here if I wanted to, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes.” The answer came without any hesitation.

“Well, I won’t make you. Not on your first visit here.” Tom didn’t seem entirely convinced that he actually had to be forced to do it, but he obliged and looked around the room instead. They were still in the back room, near the large stage.

“What are those guys doing?” Mischa let his eyes follow Tom’s. Brad had Daniel in a corner, the sub giving his safewords with two big guys in leather pants and harnesses as witnesses.

“Daniel is telling his safewords to his Dom with two witnesses. Some people make a ritual out of it before a scene. Baby, I don’t think you should watch this.” Mischa started walking Tom out of the room. Tom resisted.

“Why not, sir?”

“They play hard. Very hard.” There was a very real chance that Tom would freak out if he saw this.

“Harder than the sound thing?”

“This is different. Daniel likes to fight back, to be forced, and to be whipped hard. It can look really brutal.”

“But he still has his safewords, doesn’t he?” God, Tom could be stubborn.

“He has.”

“Then I’d like to watch.” It was clear to Mischa that there was no talking Tom out of this. Well, Mischa would just have to do damage control if it became necessary.

They watched Brad kiss Daniel on the forehead. Then the Dom stepped back, and the two big guys came up on each side of him. Daniel crouched, looking ready to attack.

Brad leaped forward and slammed him into the wall. “No! Fuck you!” Daniel was shouting, kicking, and hitting as hard as he could. Futilely; he was no match for the two big guys who grabbed his arms while Brad held him pinned against the wall. He kept screaming and fighting while they half dragged, half carried him to the stage. Tom went to the edge of the stage, eyes glued to the scene.

Mischa stepped up behind Tom and hugged him. “Remember, it’s just a scene; he has his safewords.” Tom just nodded, too engrossed to pay attention.

The angry sub was dragged to a padded table that stood at an angle to the room and forced down on it. One guy leaned heavily on his back to hold him down while the other tied down his feet. Then they grabbed an arm each and forced it down along the legs of the table. Daniel could fight, but there wasn’t any chance of escaping.

Brad came up on stage, holding a heavy whip. Daniel went berserk when he saw his Dom.

“NO! I don’t want to do this! Get away from me, you fucker.” He fought and cursed. Brad didn’t pay any attention to his protests and gave him the first stroke. Daniel shouted, and the guys holding on to his arms had to struggle to hold him down.

Brad hit Daniel again, and again, keeping up a steady rhythm while he beat his sub’s back, ass and legs. He was relentless, paying no heed to the man’s screams and shouts.

Daniel was incoherent, yelling curses and insults, his body writhing and fighting every time the whip hit him. Brad did not let up but kept hitting him, now forcing an anguished cry out of the sub with every stroke. That just made Brad apply more force, hitting as hard as the Dom could. Daniel’s shouts turned into sobs, and during the last lashes he finally gave up fighting, lying limply over the table and crying.

His feet had been untied by the men holding him down, and Brad threw the whip on the floor and went around the table. The Dom kneeled down and lifted up Daniel’s head. At first, the sub refused to look at his Dom, trying to keep his sobs in. Then he gave in, hiding his head in Brad’s shoulder while he cried. Brad hugged him, rocking him gently. When the sub was calmer, Brad stood up and went around the table, trying to make Daniel stand. He couldn’t, his legs collapsing when he tried, and one of the helpers supported him under one arm while Brad took the other. They disappeared through a door at the back of the stage.

“Wow.” Tom blinked, looking as if he suddenly remembered where he was. The crowd had dispersed around them, leaving only Tom. “That was... Wow.”

Mischa rubbed his stomach, still holding on to him. “I think that was an accurate description. Not many people play that hard, but they seem to have found a balance. Daniel needs it, and Brad is not afraid to give it to him.”

Tom nodded, deep in thoughts. “Have you ever done anything like that?”

Mischa couldn’t tell whether Tom would find that a good thing or not. “I have, even if it’s usually not my style. I never do more than one scene with a boy, and a scene like that takes a lot of trust.”

Tom turned his head and looked at Mischa oddly. Oh. The one-scene thing. Mischa had to think very hard about the fact that he was not a man who blushed. Tom didn’t say anything, though.

Mischa let his hand glide down to Tom’s jock. His sub’s cock was hard and there was a wet spot on the fabric. Tom moaned a bit, leaning back into Mischa and letting him rub. The boy was blushing.

“Everybody can see us.” Tom kept pushing into Mischa’s hand, though.

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