Again and Again (13 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

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I sat in my office and stared at my computer screen. The desktop was a picture and Cassandra and I. Now I was a pussy like my brother and had pictures of my girl everywhere. I was pussy-whipped. Big time.

But I fucking loved it.

I was the happiest guy in the world. I had a woman who loved me, and I loved her just as much.

But things changed that week. Cassandra took a few days off work but never explained why. When I came to her apartment to check on her, she didn’t answer. When I called she said she was sick. But after a few days, she took more time off work. And when I came by her place to bring her soup and crackers, she refused to open the door.

I never had a serious relationship before, but that didn’t sound right. If she was sick, I should be taking care of her at my place. I’d cook for her and make sure she was relaxed and comfortable. Isn’t that what boyfriends do? Why wouldn’t she let me? Should I be worried?

Sean finally came back to work because Scarlet had recovered from her miscarriage. She was doing a lot better, but she had a depressed look on her face once in a while. I didn’t blame her. It was the hardest thing any impending mother had to go through.

Sean walked into my office and dropped a folder on my desk. “No free porn today?” he asked like a smartass. He walked in on me and Cassandra too many times.

“No.” I wasn’t in the mood.

“Why did you cancel dinner with Mom and Dad? Mom is anxious to meet Cassandra.”

“She’s sick—or something like that.”

My brother studied me. “Everything alright, man?”

“Yeah. No. I don’t know.”

“Which is it?”

I shrugged. “Cassandra is acting weird.”

“What do you mean?”

“She called in sick all week.”

He raised an eyebrow. “People get sick. It’s normal.”

I sighed. “Shut up, smartass. She won’t let me come over, she barely takes any of my calls, and she won
’t even open the door when I go to her apartment. She’s been weird all week. I’m starting to get freaked out.”

Sean sat in the chair in front of my desk. “That is weird.”

“Is she breaking up with me or something?” God, I couldn’t bare the thought. I’d finally fallen in love and she was about to ditch me.

“Don’t jump to conclusions,” Sean said calmly.

“What other explanation is there?” I snapped.

“She could be hiding something.”

“Oh,” I said sarcastically. “That’s so much better.”

“If she was going to dump you, wouldn’t she have done it already?” Sean asked. “Why draw it out?”

“I guess…”

“My guess is she has something personal going on in her life and she really doesn’t want you to know about it.”

“But we tell each other everything.” I couldn’t help but feel hurt. I thought I was her best friend.

“From what I’ve seen of you two, she seems like she really cares about you. In fact, she seems pretty damn perfect for you. Don’t jump the gun and accuse her of foul play when you aren’t sure. That’s my best advice. And I’m a married man.”

“Then what do I do?”

“Keep trying to talk to her. That’s all you can do.”

I sighed. “I really hope she isn’t leaving me.”

Sean shrugged. “I couldn’t say. I don’t know her the way you know her.”

“You better not,” I said under my breath.

Sean rolled his eyes. “I slept with your girlfriend like twelve years ago. Stop being a girl and get over it.”

I chuckled. “I just like to fuck with you. How’s Scarlet doing?”

The light left his eyes. “She’s better. But, I have a feeling she’ll always be scarred.”

I nodded.

“And I know it’s my fault.”

“Come on. Don’t do that, man.”

“I stressed her out so much. I made her break down and ask for a divorce—which she took back later. I’ll always fucking hate myself.”

I shook my head. “You have no possible way of knowing. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

“You didn’t see
her when she found out…” His eyes welled up.

“I can imagine,” I said quietly. “But when she’s pregnant again, you’ll put her on bed rest and that will solve a problem. I’ll be a body guard and keep Mom away from her.”

That made Sean smile. “I’m taking her to a cabin in the forest where no one can bother her.”

“That’s a little extreme…”

“I’m an extreme husband.”

“You know what you should do?” I said.


“Go to a clinic and get checked out. They offer services like that.  You know, to make sure everything is working properly.”

Sean nodded. “When she’s ready to try again we intend to do that. If she is barren, I really don’t want to put her through that again.”

“That would be best.”

Sean stood up. “Talk to Cassandra and let me know how it goes.”

“I will.”

He waved then walked out the door. “And get to work, lazy ass.”

I rolled my eyes and got to work.


I went to Cassandra with the fifth cup of soup I’ve brought her. I knocked on the door, but of course, she didn’t answer. I sighed then called her. It rang and she didn’t answer. I tried to hide how scared I was. I was fucking terrified. I put the soup down and texted her.

I don’t know what’s going on, Cassandra. But I don’t think you’re sick anymore. I’m not sure why you’re shutting me out. I just want to be there for you. Honestly, you are scaring me. If you want to end our relationship, you should just get it over with instead of drawing it out like this. You’re just hurting me more. Because I love you.
I knew that was a long message but I had to say everything I wanted to say. Then I added something.
I’m going to stand outside your door until ten every night until you talk to me. So I suggest you open the door.
I put my phone in my pocket and waited.

Finally, the door unlocked and cracked open. She didn’t open it all the way.

I grabbed the soup and walked inside. Her back was to me. She wouldn’t show her face. “Baby, what’s wrong?” I put the soup and the spoon down.

“I don’t want to break up,” she said. “I didn’t mean to make you think that.”

“Then talk to me, baby. You’re scaring me.”

She didn’t turn around.

“Are you really sick?”


“Then what is it?”

She didn’t speak.

“Whatever it is, we’ll get through it, alright? Please don’t hide anything from me.”

“I’m scared…”

Cassandra was never weak. She was always so strong all the time. I didn’t like hearing her voice shake. “Why?”

“I’m scared of you.”

“You never have to feel that way.” I never meant anything more in my life.

“You say that now…”

“Cassandra, please tell me. You’re really setting me on edge.” I came behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. My chin rested on her head. “I love you forever. I meant that when I said that. Now open up to me.”

She sighed then slowly turned around. When she met my gaze, I saw the scars covering her face. Her left eye was bruised and purple. Her lip had a noticeable cut.
Now it was a thick scab. Faint lines of scratches and bruises were scattered everywhere. I could tell they were old, but that scared me even more. I hated to imagine what they looked like when they were fresh.

I cupped her face, forcing the anger back. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I stayed home this week so you wouldn’t find out. I thought the bruises would be gone by now…”

I’ve never been so fucking angry in my life. “Who did this to you?” I kept my voice steady so I wouldn’t destroy all the furniture in her apartment in a bloody rage.

“This is why I didn’t want to tell you…”

“Answer me! I swear to fucking god, I will rip every limp from his body until he bleeds to death. I will cause him so much
pain, he’ll wish I just ripped his head off. Every knuckle will be broken. His spine will bend in half. I will tear his—”

“Stop,” she said firmly.

My mouth shut.

“I don’t need this right now.”

I controlled my breathing. “Cassandra, nobody touches my girl and gets away with it. If you don’t want me to hurt him, I will pay someone to assassinate him.”

“That’s not funny.”

“I’m not trying to be,” I snapped. “I’m being fucking serious. That sounds like the wisest investment I’ve ever made.”

“Mike, no. You’re one the most recognized people in this city. You could get in serious trouble.”

“You think I give a shit? I don’t care about my job. I care about you!”

She held her ground. “Mike, no.”

“Fine. Then let’s call the police.”

“I’m not doing that either.”

I grabbed the kitchen table and flipped it on its side. I wasn’t handling my anger well. I’d never been so pissed in my life. This was my lowest point. I wanted to snap someone’s neck. I could handle anything that came my way, but Cassandra was a different ballgame. I’d kill someone who touched her. Shit, I’d kill their whole family. That’s how crazy I was.

Cassandra didn’t flinch when I destroyed her furniture.

“You are calling the cops. It’s one or the other,” I said firmly. “Either I kill him, or you hand it over to the police.”

“I know what will happen if I call the cops. They’ll try him, and even if I win, he’ll only go to jail for like three years. And then he’ll be pissed and thirsty for revenge. It’s better if I just let it go.”

“Sorry,” I said sarcastically. “I didn’t realize you had a degree in law.”

“Shut the fuck up, Mike!”

“You shut the fuck up! You can’t just do nothing. I will not let him hurt you again. Call the cops then move in with me. I would love to see him try to lay a hand on you, not when this damn guard dog is on watch. Either that, or let me kill him and get rid of the problem altogether.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Just drop it.”

My eyes were about to pop because I was so pissed. “Tell me his name or I will figure it out. I promise you. And then I will kill him and not give you the courtesy of telling you beforehand.”

“You won’t do shit, Mike.”

“Excuse me?”

“If I tell you not to do something, you won’t.”

I laughed in her face. “In any other scenario, you would be right, baby. But in this situation, fuck no. Your wishes don’t mean shit to me.”

“You don’t even know who it is.”

“It wouldn’t be hard to figure out. It’s your ex, isn’t it?”

She didn’t look at me.


“Calm down! You aren’t helping.”

I paced the room so I wouldn’t pick up her couch and throw it over the balcony. “So, what happened?”

“I’m not telling you anything, not until you calm down.”

I glared at her. “I will never be calm—forever.”

She wouldn’t look at me.

“Now tell me.”

“I was out with my friends last weekend. I ran into him and we got into an argument. When I left to go home, he followed me and pulled me into an alley. He found out I was dating you, he was drunk, and it just got out of hand. He tried t
o rape me and it got chaotic.”

Now my fists were on fire because I clenched them so tightly.

“He didn’t succeed,” she said quickly. “And if you think I look bad, you should see him. I broke his nose, unhinged his jaw, dislocated his shoulder, and popped his kneecap. There’s no reason for you to hunt him down. I kicked his ass.”

For just a glimmer in time, I wasn’t so angry. “You did all that?”

“You think I go to the gym every day just because?” she asked incredulously. “I’ve been taking self-defense classes for years.”

I stood in front of her and smiled. Actually smiled. “That’s my girl.”

She smirked.

“And that’s so fucking hot. What happened after?”

“He passed out. I left and didn’t call an ambulance. I’m sure someone found him, but I couldn’t care less.”

I rubbed my nose against hers. “God, I love you.”

Her eyes softened. “I know you do.”

I cupped her face and kissed every bruise, treating her delicatel
y. “I’m sorry I screamed at you and broke your table.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered.

I pressed my head to hers. “I still need to kill him.”

“I already beat him up pretty badly. I suspect he’ll have permanent damage. And if he isn’t scared of me, he should be.”

“Fuck yeah,” I said with a smile.

“So ple
ase let it go, baby. I only hid it from you because I knew how you would act. And if we call the police, I might look worse because I did more damage. It could completely backfire on me.”

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