Again and Again (15 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Again and Again
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She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

I kissed her forehead. “You’re the most wonderful girl in the world.”

“I don’t know about that…”

“I do,” I said firmly. “Now let’s go to bed. I have to rest before we move all of Cortland’s shit.”

Scarlet laughed while we walked upstairs. “I’m so happy they are back together.”

“Me too. Cortland was a total

She hit my shoulder while she came behind me. “Don’t be a jerk.”

I pulled my clothes off when we were in my bedroom. “Even when we went to the strip club he was totally lame.”

“What?” she snapped, putting her hands on her

“Baby, I’m kidding. Why would I watch that trash when I have you at home?”

“That’s what I thought.” She undressed then pulled on one of my shirts.

“And I haven’t been since we moved here.”

“What?” she shrieked.

I laughed. “God, you’re so gullible.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Sean Preston, no strip clubs for you.”

I got into bed and pulled her to my chest. “I got my very own nasty, sexy, stripper right here.”


“It’s the best world to describe you.”

She shrugged. “I’m not going to argue with that one.”

“Good girl,” I said with a smile.

She snuggled beside me and wrapped her arm around my waist. Feeling her in my arms at night was my favorite part of the day. Nothing needed to be said. The silence was perfect.

Scarlet moved from my arms then leaned over me. Her lips found mine in the darkness and she kissed me gently. Her breasts pressed against my chest and aroused me. Then she reached down and grabbed my shaft with one hand, stroking me the way I liked. I was desperate to get laid, but I respected my wife’s feeling more.

“Scarlet, it’s okay.”

“I want to,” she said quietly.

“Are you sure?”

She pulled my fingers to her entrance, showing me how wet she was.

That was all the confirmation I needed. I rolled her to her back then moved between her legs. Her hands gripped my biceps like she was tense. I kissed her and got her comfortable again before I slowly moved inside her. I treated her like a virgin, taking her like I’d never been inside her before.

She moaned quietly as I made a smooth entrance. I
moved so slow, it was like we were barely moving. But I wanted to transition her back into our lovemaking. I wanted her to forget about all the pain we suffered through for the past few weeks.

Her moans became louder the longer we made love. I knew she liked the way I was moving by the increase in moisture. I didn’t want to go harder, but I wanted to make her climax, so I used my fingers and rubbed her clit in a circular motion.

Her hands moved to my back and she dug her nails in deep. The sex noises she was making were driving me crazy. I love listening to them. Being addicted to my wife’s pussy made me experience heavy withdrawals. Even this slow movement made me want to come. I rubbed her clitoris harder, enticing her to come to the edge.

“Sean…” Her head rolled back and
she stared at me.

Watching my wife crumble underneath me made me lose it. I held on for just a second longer until she was gone. Then I pulled out and squirted on her stomach. I would much rather rele
ase inside her, but she didn’t want that. When I was done, I caught my breath then cleaned myself up.

“Are you okay?” I asked when I cuddled with her.

“Hmm…” She lay her head on my chest and fell asleep.

I’ll take that as a yes.



Cassandra was nervous to meet my mom. And Scarlet didn’t help matters. After all the horror stories, it would make anyone scared shitless. But I made it clear that my mom’s opinion didn’t matter to me. I would love her forever and always.

we came to the house, Cassandra’s eyes widened. “This is where they live?”


“Is it a hotel?”

I laughed. “No.”

“Are you sure…?”

“Don’t be intimidated. Money doesn’t mean anything.”

“Maybe to you,” she said.

I took her hand and led her to the door. She
was wearing a gray dress with a black cardigan. The black stilettos and silver jewelry made her look classy and sexy as hell. I had Scarlet take her shopping for something nice.

“Here we go,” I said.

She sighed. “Okay.”

I opened the door then entered the entryway. The odd collection of art was still on the walls. When my parents traveled the world, they purchased the finest artwork and added it to their collection.

Cassandra’s eyes widened when she looked around. “Holy shit.”

I smirked. I loved it when she cursed. It reminded me how much of a badass she was. She was classy but not too classy.

“In here, darling,” my mom said from the other side of the house.

“Coming,” I said.

When we rounded the corner, Sean and Scarlet were already seated. Sean’s arm was over the back of her chair. They both smiled at us. Sean winked.

My dad hugged me, and then unexpectedly, hugged Cassandra. “It’s lovely to see you again.”

“Thank you. You too, sir,” she said politely.

“Andrew,” he said. “None of that sir crap.”

She laughed. “Okay.”

I led her toward my mother. “This is my mom, Diane.”

Cassandra extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. You’ve raised two fine men.”

“Awe, thank you.” She shook her hand. “It’s lovely to meet you as well.” She turned to me. “Mike, she’s beautiful.”

“Why do you think I picked her up?”  I winked.

My mom ignored my comment. She was used to the perverted shit I said.

“Thank you for coming,” my mom said. “I’ve been very excited to meet the woman that finally tamed my son.”

“Who said anything about tame?” I asked.

Again, my mother ignored me.

We sat down at the table, and I pulled out the chair for Cassandra.

“Wow,” my mom said. “Mike can be a gentleman after all.”

“She gives me sex,” I explained.

My dad chuckled and so did Scarlet. Cassandra’s cheeks reddened. I wanted her to loosen up around my family. I was proving to her I didn’t care what my mom thought of me so Cassandra shouldn’t care either.

“What do you do?” my mom asked.

“I’m an accountant.”

Where do you work?”

“At the company.”

“Oh.” My mom’s face changed. “Oh.”

Why was that I bad?

“So, that’s how you two met?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered. “I went into her office, took one look at her long legs and beautiful eyes, and immediately became smitten. And I made a total idiot of myself.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” my dad teased.

“I’m not a stud like you, Dad.”

“Well, not everyone can be,” he said with a shrug.

Scarlet chuckled again.

My mom rubbed her chin while she organized her thoughts. I never knew what this crazy woman was thinking. “Where did you go to school?”

“Mom,” I interrupted. “Stop interrogating her. Ask her normal people questions.”

Cassandra smirked and tried not to laugh.

Scarlet gave me
two thumbs-up.

“I’m just trying to get to know her,” my mom said defensively.

“Well, you’re horrible at it.” After seeing what Scarlet went through, I was on the offense.

My mom glared at me. “Just shut up and let me talk to Cassandra.”

“Be nice,” I warned.

“My god, you all think I’m the devil or something.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“In so many words…” Sean smiled.

My mom ignored the comment. “Dear, where did you go to school?”

Cassandra held her posture and didn’t appear intimidated. Outside, she lost her cool, but that was because it was just me. When she was around other people, she was an alpha. And I liked that about her. She was a hard ass. “I went to a community college, and when I saved enough money, I went to a state school in California.”

“Oh.” I could tell my mom was displeased by thi
s information. She preferred IV leagues students like Sean and Scarlet—which was a bunch of bullshit.

“That’s a smart way to go,” my dad said. “School is expensive. Save money where you can.”

Cassandra nodded. “I didn’t grow up with much money, so I had to work and put myself through school. But I don’t have any regrets. I appreciate everything I have and I’m proud of the independent woman I’ve become.”

I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. “That’s hot…independent woman.” That was something my mom would never understand.

Scarlet gave me the brightest smile. I knew she approved of the woman I chose to give my heart to. She was down-to-earth, sexy, and wicked cool. She didn’t talk about her past or her weaknesses to gain sympathy. And she never made excuses for her shortcomings. With her, there was no bullshit. I loved it.

“What do you do outside of work?” my mom asked.

“That’s a better question,” I added.

Cassandra spoke eloquently. “I enjoy working out and running marathons. Last year, I raised two thousand dollars for the Children’s Foundation at the Boston Marathon.”

To my parents, that was chump change. But to Cassandra, that was a lot of money. And I was extremely proud of her. “How do you keep getting sexier?” I asked.

She blushed at my words. I always complimented her in front of everyone. I didn’t give a shit
who listened to it.

“My son is over the moon in love,” my dad said with he sipped his coffee.

Sean smiled. “If you just realized that, you’re getting slow, Dad.”

“But I’m still good-looking,” he countered.

“No argument there,” Scarlet said.

Sean and Scarlet shared a look and they both smiled.

“How old are you?” my mom asked.

“Whoa…hold on.” I raised my hand. “ Inappropriate question.”

“What?” my mom asked. “She looks very young. I was just curious.”

Cassandra answered anyway. “Twenty-seven.”

“Oh.” My mom kept saying that. Fucking annoying.

“You didn’t have to answer her,” I said.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’m not ashamed of my age.”

My mom rubbed her chin again. “Forgive me, but that seems to be
an old age to be unmarried. And you’re so pretty.”

“Sean and I got married when we were twenty-seven,” Scarlet challenged.

“But that was an odd situation,” Diane said.

“Mom, knock it off,” I said. “W
ho says that to someone? Why is it big deal that she’s still single? I’m still single.”

Diane sighed. “Cassandra is a gorgeous woman. I’m only surprised she hasn’t been scooped up before.”

I didn’t want Cassandra to admit she used to be married. It was no one’s business but hers.

“Were you married?” my mom asked.


“What?” she asked. “It’s just a question.”

Cassandra opened her mouth, but I silenced her. “Don’t answer her.”

She ignored me. “Yes, I used to be married. I got divorced two years ago.”

“Why?” Diane asked.

“Diane,” Andrew said
. “Stop getting so personal.”

She glared at him. “If our son loves this woma
n, shouldn’t we get to know her?” She turned to Cassandra. “I don’t mean to be rude, but my sons mean everything to me. I’m just curious.”

“I understand,” Cassandra said gracefully.

“So…what happened?” my mom asked.

“Mom,” I snapped. “You should work for the CIA because you’re a fucking interrogator.”

Scarlet nodded.

Cassandra sighed. “He c
heated on me. The divorce was simple. We went out separate ways.”

There was no way in hell I was telling my parents what happened to Cassandra. My mom would freak.

My mom nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’m not,” I said bluntly. “Now she’s mine. And I’m not a cheater.”

“Get a room,” Sean said.

“So, you have your own apartment? Do you have roommates?”

Cassandra turned to me, asking me how to answer the question.

“I have great news,” I said. “Cassandra moved in with me a few days ago.”

“Great,” my dad said. “Now you’re finally growing up.”

I knew my dad would be supportive. All he ever wanted was
for me and Sean to be happy.

My mom didn’t look happy. “Well…wasn’t that a little fast? How long have you know this woman?”

“This woman?” I asked incredulously. “Her name is Cassandra, Mom. I know her well enough. I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions.”

“I know,” she said gently. “I just meant because she’s your first serious girlfriend.”

“I know what I’m doing,” I snapped. “Don’t give her shit about it. I asked her to move in with me.”

She held up her hands. “I’m just saying—”

“You treated Scarlet like shit and that’s not happening to my girl. Just accept it and get over it.”

“Wow.” My mom’s eyes widened. “Where is this disrespect coming from? We were just having a conversation and you’re getting so defensive, Michael

I hated it when she called me that.

“Let’s just calm down,” my dad said. He was always the moderator. “And have dinner.”

My mom put the food on the table and we ate quietly. I kept my hand on Cassandra’s thigh so she knew I was always there. The last thing I needed was for my mom to scare off my girl.

When we were done, my mom put my hand on her stomach. “I’m stuffed.”

“It was excellent, Mrs. Preston,” Cassandra said.

I was glad Cassandra was being such a good sport about the whole affair.

“So, how long have you two known each other?” my mom asked.

“About three months,” I answered. “So we know each other pretty well.”

“And have you always worked for the company, Cassandra?”

“No. I took a temporary position recently.”

My mom’s eyes flashed with something. What, I didn’t know. But I didn’t like it. “Mike, will you help me with the dishes?”

I knew I wasn’t going to like this.

As soon as we were alone in the kitchen, she turned on me. “Don’t you think it’s odd that you two start
ed dating a soon as she got a temp job at the company?”

God, this woman was paranoid. “No.”

“Well, I do. I realize I have two very handsome and rich sons. And a lot of women would do anything to be a wife to either one of you.”

“Just like you with Dad,” I snapped.

Her eyes lit up in flames. “Michael, I’m just trying to protect you. Cassandra seduced you and now she’s persuaded you to move in with her. Next, she’ll be pregnant.”

“Isn’t a possibility that someone could actually love me? I snapped. “Or is that completely preposterous?”

“No, dear. I just think she worked there just to bag a rich husband.”

“You’re unbelievable,” I snapped. “Cassandra loves me for me, not my money.”

“She’s a lovely and beautiful girl, but—”

“But what?” I snapped. “She’s too perfect to ever love a loser like me?”

“You aren’t a loser,” she said firmly. “Mike, you’re too good for her.”

“Now you just lost your marbles.”

“She went to a
community college
.” She said it like Cassandra had an incurable fungus living in her eyes.

“What’s wrong with
community college
?” I said. “She wasn’t given everything in life like Sean and I—and you.”

“It just follows the pattern,” she whispered. “She’s looking for her next way to move up.”

I couldn’t have this ridiculous argument anymore. “If that’s true, I’m fine with it. We don’t have a problem.” I turned to leave the kitchen.

“Michael, wait.”

“What?” I snapped.

“Just think about what I said…”

“Fuck you, Mom.”

She covered her face and gasped.

I barged into the dining room then grabbed Cassandra. “We’re leaving now.”

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