All I Want Is Everything (11 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

BOOK: All I Want Is Everything
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- Excuse me, miss, be interested in a copy of Vogue
brtânica? - Asked the flight attendant in first class. He seemed a Pierce Brosnan newest and
tallest, and if it were not using a uniform United Arlin, which could well be a cat.

Blair picked up the magazine. Realized that the flight
attendant was not going to review all the economy class, alone.

- I can serve you a drink? Champagne? - Offered him with a

Blair left the magazine on the floor. Was not for him to see
that she was busy?

- No, thanks, she replied.

Miles delivered the empty glass of vodka with orange juice
to the Commissioner.

- I'll have another such.

The flight attendant took the glass, looking angry because
Blair had specifically asked if she wanted something and would now have to pay the waiter
for the arrogant teenager sitting next to her.

Miles returned to move the tip of the hair of Blair.

- It will not read the magazine?

Blair wanted to tell him to put the magazine at the tail of
his Armani, but she knew that in this situation Audrey remain calm and continue to do what it
was doing in the hope that the impertinent understand the hint and left in peace.

She turned its attention to the test. What he meant was that
Audrey had all the qualities that Blair believed that a woman should have. Style, beauty,
grace, intelligence,

espirituosidade, courage and a certain mystery which formed
with the men fall for her. But Blair was not stupid. I could not say in its proposal for
Yale that the reason to admire Audrey Hepbrun was qe she was irresistible to men,
especially after Blair had kissed the interviewer.

The Miss. Glos said it was not to be too literary. Blair put
his fingers on the keyboard and began typing again, letting the words fluíssem, without
which the plan would mean.


Sometimes I dream that I am Audrey Hepburn. Snto me lighter
and more pure, and even talk to her elegant accent. Audrey made everything look easy. She
never had evidence of advanced studies, nor had to rewrite a test for a proposal for a
stupid university. Never had to leave on vacation with her mother and stepfather with the
fat and irritating, and with the annoying and excitadinho friend's half-brother. Her
boyfriend never switched to a girl of ten years. If they had problems, she kept the same for you
and dealt with them alone,

instead of counting everyone in the world, including the
interviewer from Yale. When I am in Audrey feel I can dominate the world.


Blair releu what he had written and then marked the entire
paragraph and delete. When I'm a psycho Audrey Eu was more appropriate.

“A beautiful day and ESA in the region, as we began our
descent to St. Barts,” the deep voice of the captain left the voice system of the plane.
“I want to thank all take for flying with us today. Especially want to thank the beautiful
brunette in 24B. Have great parties, and I hope they choose the United again when

Twenty-four B. Blair looked at the small label on the roof.
It was the place of it. She imagined that the pilot was on top of it or he did?

Miles was still afagando the hair of her. The flight
attendant returned with the drink of Miles and a glass of champagne for Blair, said that although
she had not wanted.

- With the compliments of the pilot, said the flight
attendant with a malicious smile.

Blair felt like Mia Farrow in Alice, the film by Woody Allen
that Mr. Beckham did not see the class once, but twice. In the film, Alice's
mother-obtusa that Park Avenue, it was a strange place in Chinatown, where they ate weeds interesting
Chinese men made it attracted flies.

As never refuse a drink when it is extended, Blair took a
glass of champagne and closed his laptop, put it in the Louis Vuitton folder and put under the
front seat. The plane was starting to fall, and outside of the window the warm Caribbean
Sea glowed promising. Blair turned the ruby ring on his finger repeatedly, anxious to
put the new Gucci black bikini and go to the beach, get away from everything and everyone.

Aaron opened his eyes and straight is the seat, blocking
your view. He smiled at her.

- Ended his essay?

- Fuck you, Blair replied.

d is ready or not - More curry! - Rufus Humphrey growl for tomato sauce after
you prove it .- More rum! - It was Friday afternoon and their annual holiday spree should
begin in an hour.

- But, Dad, the lasagna should not be Italian? - Argued Dan His father stressed the bastas gray eyebrows and cleaned
their hands in the sauce shirt SAVE THE COMMIES! white and dirty.

- When did you become miser? - He waved a spoon to stick his
head above the .- There are no rules, only possibilities!

Dan has to shoulder and put some dark glasses of rum in the
sauce. Not all that surprised when the delirious with lasagne father. After a few bites,
were a complete drunk.

- So, who is the guy who called his sister? - Rufus asked.
He used words such as face to mock the way Dan and Jenny spoke. It was totally annoying.

His name is Nate said Da-abstractedly .- It is very cool-he
added, but had great certainty that the father desprezaria Nate, who wore polo shirt and
had a haircut expensive. Wore leather shoes and belt, and in general was so stoned he
could not have a conversation without erupt in a giggle mules in the middle of it. But the
not bother to explain that if the father. I was too distracted by the fact that Vanessa
would come to qualuqer minute and he almost be convinced to say that she wanted sex.

- Well, let's hope that Nate likes of Lasagne
Punjabi-gracejou Rufus, chianti filling the giant mug of coffee Mets.

The doorbell rang and Rufus went to greet the old friend,
Lyle Gross, who he had met in the park twenty years before. Lyle was one of those guys who
does not get old, and when we see them sitting on a bench in park, listening to a Mets game in
the portable radio and a copy of weeks studying the Daily News that he had found in the
trash. He was a writer, he said,

but Dan has not seen any proof.

- Got grape-Lyle said. Had combed the gray hair on the bald
and wore a mustard-yellow sweater, brown wool trousers and a white Nike shoes. There
was injured in the neck, where he cut while shaving. It was difficult to look at it means .-
Hi, Danielson!

- Oi. - said Dan Lyle always add some flourishes to the name
of the people. Probably he thought it was hilarious, but Dan did not see any funny
about it.

Rufus took the grapes and threw to Dan - Put some of those in there too-ordered it.

- Fine .- suspicious, Dan got a few of the bag and placed in
the sauce. By this time he could play one of the Marx ccôs there that nobody would
notice. Marx was his obese cat,

which was now esparramado on the kitchen table, between a
blade and a huge disk of parmesan cheese.

While Rufus and Lyle were in the room choosing a vinyl
collation of Rufus, Dan mexou the sauce with the wobbly hand, wondering how exactly it should
refer the matter sex with Vanessa. He told her he wanted it to be organic, but who was
he kidding? Now just what was wanted it to end quickly, so that it could re-write, because
he was sick of watching the bloquinho with black and white head as empty as the sheet of

Dan moved the sauce ever faster, until the red tomato paste
overflowed the edge of the pot.

He would simply have to talk about crack and hoped that
Vanessa not Risse him.

v is in the right place at the wrong time  

Vanessa should already be in the home of Dan, but had all
the equipment loaded film comj her, and was a quarry - first in the L subway line in
Williamsburg for 14 and then west on the line and for the Central Park - and the afternoon was so
beautiful that it would be a shame not something while filming was in the street. Snowy
had the night before and the paths of the park were frozen and slippery. The path of the
frozen lake, Vanessa wanted to put the new Victoria's Secret underwear in the bag instead
be using the clothes underneath.

The rent seemed cold skin and was scratching everywhere

After the lake had a huge oak, the branches fall with
pendants of ice. Vanessa picked up the camera in the box. I could film the pendants and use them in
the opening credits of the film essay about New York. What nice way to introduce the film.
For a moment, people think that had been run in a serene rural area. Then it cut to
something distinctly urban, and shippers of beef carcasses bloody landing on West Street.

She lost time with the lens, trying to close one of the
pendants and then back to an overview. Seemed a little National Geographic do it
otherwise. Dan always said that she needed to take more action in films, but insisted that
Vanessa movie was exactly as poetry.

Nothing had to happen necessarily, just had to feel

And while Vanessa was standing in the snow on the shores of
the frozen lake, trying to capture the beauty of the perfect moment and pendants of
ice, she finally felt one thing: a black thong ass in the freezing of income.

That afternoon, Nate had led Jenny to see the matinee of The
nutcracker at Lincoln Center.

It was exactly as Nate remember, with the huge Christmas tree
and the amazing size fighting in mice. Jenny was sitting amazed, fascinated by the music,
the scenery, costumes and dancers - especially the Fairy Sugar. The heart of it was
about to explode in the end, when Clara and her nutcracker prince go to heaven in a sleigh
pulled by horses.

Then Jenny and Nate should follow straight to her house for
dinner to Rufus, but there was a more perfect to destroy an afternoon walk than go to the
home of the father, who, with his shirt that was pouring in the kitchen rum and a bottle of
ketchup economic size in a pan.

Nate was so perfect all day, holding her hand and pointing
to the preferred shares of the ballet. Until the appearance of it was perfect, of Cashmere
in gray jacket and blue shirt to winkle.

So, instead, Jenny decided to go home by the longest path
through Central Park.

When reached the path to the lake in boats, it took Nate's
hand and shook. Their black boots of suede soles had a smooth and She slipped in the ice. Now
that was no longer distracted by the ballet, she could not fail to understand the strange
sensation of irritation in the ass.

In silence she reminded herself to relax - not stuck with
the panties, I was just using the new thong.

The free hand of Nate was locked in the bag of weed in the
pocket of the jacket of wool,

keeping it warm. There was nothing worse than frozen grass.
It is all soaked and made a tremendous smoke when you light up. He wanted to turn so
they left the ballet, but there was something surreal and beautiful diving in the snow in the
sun and the heat of the hand of his that Jenny did not bother to tighten one. He just wanted
to talk.

- You have a bag to go to Maine tomorrow - he said. - But I
finished my proposal for the university, then you'll be good to go to a peaceful place.
My interviewer at Brown said they have a nice new course called Studies of Science and
Technology. I was thinking that, if there, I could draw boats as part of my graduation.

Jenny based, concentrated in the feet. She did not want Nate
travel tomorrow. I wanted to make it to college, too.

The lake was in sight now. In spring, Nate liked being in
the gazebo, hit one and look at the ducks swimming and filhotinhos there. The lake is now
completely frozen. Maybe they could walk up to him.

- It is strange - he continued. - At this time last year, I
knew exactly where would the next year: here, in the city, going to school and zanzando
with friends, as it always did.

But I have no idea where I will be next year. It is very

Jenny turned to look at Nate, asking himself as he react if
she told you right now that loved him. The face of the cold it was pink, and the tip of
the ears adorable and perfect.

He was so beautiful that Jenny was willing to scream when he
looked for.

- I'm using dental floss-Jenny dropped before it could
contain it. She started walking faster. Do not believe you said that!

- Wait. What? - Nate accelerated the step to accompany it.
Neither had heard what she said.

Jenny dropped his hand.

- I'm using dental floss! - She exclaimed, now a little
higher. Then she laughed and started running, slipping and sliding up the hill by the lake

Nate heard this time. He dropped the bag and began running
after her.

- Hey! Querro I see that thong! - He shouted with voice

Jenny winch and continued to run. Her eyes grow damp and the
cold breath was stuck in the throat.

Nate chased across the ice covered with snow, where the feet
of Jenny skulk underneath it,

falling estatelada under a large oak adorned with long
pendants of ice crystal. He threw it up as a pump and two rolled, breathless and laughing grudando snow in hair.

Nate Jenny turned face down and pulled the coat it.

- Let me see, let me see! - He shouted, holding a pair of
black velvet Jenny from behind and pulling them down to have a glimpse of butt naked.

- Wait! - Jenny yelled, laughing and winches. She closed his
eyes hard, unable to hold any longer. Hold on. Nate, I love you.

Nate was stopped for a moment, absorbing the information.

Then, instead of it will come, kiss her and say that I loved
her, he blew a loud and bonitinhas the pink cheeks of her ass and then turned back,
exhaled clouds of hot air to the cold blue sky.

Jenny was estatelada for a few seconds, catching my breath.
Then he put the foot and arranged the clothes.

I was happy to have finally spoken, but it would have been
more cool if Nate said the same thing. He should have said “I love you” and then
taken in a horse sleigh to the land of nuncca.

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