All I Want Is Everything (10 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

BOOK: All I Want Is Everything
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Your email  

Q: Dear GG,

So the health of the class of J and I know she is doing
therapy because of the obsession it has with navel. She, like so, you must go to the bathroom
all the time you make sure that it is still there, and when changed clothes for physical
education class when she looks at the entire world. Is it an aberration.

- Ronisays  

A: Hi, ronasays,

So, what is the problem? Umbilicus are sensual. At least
mine is.

- GG  

Q: Hi, GG,

I was just thinking that you would like to know that I think
I live in the same building of B you always talk, and sometimes I catch her correspondence
by mistake. Her mother receives tons of letters from New Beginnings, which is either a
clinic for fertility or a counseling center for drugs and alcohol. I looked in the phone book.

- Peekaboo  

A: Hi, peekaboo,

Let's hope that it will only give money to them and not
really use their services.

- GG Flagra  

S giving the doorman a snowman of solid chocolate with a
meter height of gold wrapped in paper Godiva. Flow is really exaggerating, unless S has
another admirer - she plays the cards out without even reading. D looking for water in 79 of
the pier, looking for inspiration. V in a bar in Billyburg, testing its new figure
improved by Victoria's Secret,

perhaps? B and S out of J. Sisters Salon, after making
waxing to St. Barts.


It seems that there will be amazing!


Have wonderful holiday and do not forget to have fun like
crazy. I know I am. See you there!

Isabel penteou the tail-of short and dark-horse with your
fingers and put the chin. Blair has always made when he spoke of the higher notes.

- I know it seems half of nerd, but I really did a review of
Mr. Noble's history yesterday,

and I think that helped a lot. I mean, I thought the
evidence certainly easy.

And you are a real boring, Blair noted. Isabel's father was
a TV actor who was mainly narration and had a fake British accent. Isabel tended to
imitate him, and it was why she was saying things like “certainly easy” instead of
“totally stupid”, which was that she seemed, well, totally stupid.

Kati agreed to the head.

- It was too short. But you saw Serena? She not ended. Was
still sitting there, so kind,

seeing the hair when we left.

Of course, it left out the part about giving Serena autographs. No way would allow the Blair asked that a to Serena.Most people are annoying, but for Dan was a moment of illumination.

Sex!, He thought. The sex was the final physical expression
of love, and it was so, although it was never done, he wanted to happen at the right time,
when the only way to tell what was really meant to make love.

Dan took the pen cap. He read much critical theory to know
that some of the biggest clichés to write about sex was to use images of flowers
desabrochando, the sunrise and fireworks. He also knew it was possible to do something that did not
appear sexual. But he wanted to write about the sex of new and unexpected ways.

He looked at the half eaten rolinho spring, brown coffee,

Any normal kid would have to think about sex immediately
thought of taking the clothes of the girl. However, Dan was not a normal boy. Instead of
thinking about taking the clothes of Vanessa, he thought in words old, unless they were used in a
sensual. And to do that you have to stop thinking about words and start thinking about
something or, even better,

someone. Preferably someone without clothes.

But Dan was arrested for words. The more agonizava on what
words to use, was more convinced that it could not write about sex because they had not yet
done. And if he did not write about sex, would not get to write about love. And if you can
not write about love, write more nõa would achieve nothing.

Is that sex was the cure for writer's block?

v discovers the Victoria 's Secret On Thursday after school, Vanessa walked by Broadway,

in Soho, filming a transvestite dressed in a overalls PVC boots and black PVC platform to jump 15, walking with a tiny chihuahua usually cooped up in a black orange fuzzy when he was stopped in front of Victoria's Secret by a woman who distributes promotional leaflets . Ipresentando the collection of Very Sexy lingerie.

Buy two sutiãs Sexy Véty and win a v-string panties or a matching thong!, said the leaflet.

Vanessa did not know well what was a v-string or a thong.
She bought cotton panties HANES Her Way and tops of Rite Aid, and had never entered the
Victoria's Secret She looked at the poster of Gisele Bündchen using the Angels
collection that filled the glass.

Lingerie seamless with a trim celestial, said the poster. Éclaro that anything would be
heavenly in Gisele, but does it look good?

Vanessa started to handle the camera on the shoulder and
opened the heavy glass door of the store, thinking it could be fun way out.

She was addressed as soon as the door is closed behind you.

- Welcome to Victoria's Secret - said a blonde mignon with a black terninho tight. - Can I help her to find something today?

Vanessa looked at her. I hated that hover sellers around the people.

- No - she replied, with his wife. - Only I'm giving a look.

The woman smiled graciously.

- Fine. Just so you know, my name is Vanessa.

Vanessa looked at her, surprised.

- It is my name too - she said, feeling means bad for being so rough with the woman. - We have the same name.

The radiant Vanessa Louro smiled at her.

- But what a coincidence! Well you do not forget my name. Call me if you need anything - then it turned to help another client.

Vanessa looked at the store. Perfume and chamber music
filled the air, and the carpet was a deep red velvet.

Round tables were covered with red satin d batteries varias and panties in solid colors, animals and padronagens Floral. In each wall had shelves of sutiãs of income,

stretch satin and cotton. There was corpetes, tango, and
v-strings shortinhos. Petticoat, bustiês, alloys and friction-alloys.

Vanessa had never seen so much space devoted to the type the vanity of woman she always loathe. But maybe, just maybe, a set of middle-income bra cup Very Sexy and a thong-income were the kind of thing that she
needed to be so irresistible to Dan,

he would have his moment organic poetic or what were you were expecting and decided it was ready for sex.

She was a shelf of red and sutiãs income vasulhou.

34b, 36C, 38D.

Not even knew what was the size her. Below the shelf of sutiãs had a shelf the panties of income, for more than strips of income for panties - extremely small strips. Vanessa examined the labels. So it was a thong. Well, did not seem so so bad. She looked around the room, looking for xará blonde.

- Decided whether to try something anyway? - Vanessa asked
the Bay, leaving a bar to the left of 'Vanessa, which was busy folding a stack of white
cotton varias.

Vanessa has to shoulder, rendered.

- Hmmm, is black? - It built a half-cup bra-income Very Sexy

- What size do you need? -asked the VanessaLoura.

Vanessa wrinkle the forehead. How could have reached the age
of 17 without knowing what was the size of your bra?

I do not know well - she muttered almost inaudible.

Vanessa Louro smiled a benevolent way.

- Go to a room of evidence, and here I measure you.

After the talk you are looking for. We will find something
in the style you like, it is well on his body and is comfortable too! What do you think?
Vanessa seats with reluctance. Not exactly like the idea of someone measure their breasts and
did not know what he wanted, but the Bay Vanessa seemed a professional and she had already
gone too far to quit.

- Since it is black - she insisted.

We know, we know. ___________________________________________________________________ themes / previous / next / do a question / answer  

warning: all the real names of places, people and events
were curtailed to protect the innocent. I mean, I do.


Hi, guys!



Drew my attention that we have not heard a peep on the
half-brother of skytech of B, the lovely A. You may be thinking that he is busy studying for
the tests and met with the new band. But no. He's hiding. And I'm almost convinced that the
reason why he is hiding because he is dealing with some serious problems. The latest of
these is that he called his friend drummer M to go with him to St. Barts, and I suspect that
the reason for him to do this is that M B keep busy and out of your sight.


Your email  

Q: Dear GG,

So the health of the class of J and I know she is doing
therapy because of the obsession it has with navel. She, like so, you must go to the bathroom
all the time you make sure that it is still there, and when changed clothes for physical
education class when she looks at the entire world. Is it an aberration.

- Ronisays  

A: Hi, ronasays,

So, what is the problem? Umbilicus are sensual. At least
mine is.

- GG  

Q: Hi, GG,

I was just thinking that you would like to know that I think
I live in the same building of B you always talk, and sometimes I catch her correspondence
by mistake. Her mother receives tons of letters from New Beginnings, which is either a
clinic for fertility or a counseling center for drugs and alcohol. I looked in the phone book.

- Peekaboo  

A: Hi, peekaboo,

Let's hope that it will only give money to them and not
really use their services.

- GG Flagra  

S giving the doorman a snowman of solid chocolate with a
meter height of gold wrapped in paper Godiva. Flow is really exaggerating, unless S has
another admirer - she plays the cards out without even reading. D looking for water in 79 of
the pier, looking for inspiration. V in a bar in Billyburg, testing its new figure
improved by Victoria's Secret,

perhaps? B and S out of J. Sisters Salon, after making
waxing to St. Barts.


It seems that there will be amazing!


Have wonderful holiday and do not forget to have fun like
crazy. I know I am. See you there!

For you who love me,


gossip girl b is stuck in economy class, attracting men like flies  

Blair Waldorf, the testing proposal to the University of
Yale, December 23  

What I most like in the film persona of Audrey Hepburn is
that she is proud and accessible at the same time. She hovers, but is down to earth. It is
mysterious, but open.


Blair stopped typing and pressed the backspace of your iBook
until all words were deleted.

Persona film? What the hell was that? It was with that she
looked like something unusual for the banking cineastra, as Vanessa Abrams, the head of
scraped knees and the class of fatty cinema. The case was that Blair had to write about Audrey
Hepburn as appeared in the movies,

and not as a real person, because Blair honestly did not
know much about the real Audrey,

unless it had stopped using Givenchy when she became older,
all cut only the hair and wore khakis and black rulê neck all the time. Blair had caught a
lot of books on Audrey Hepburn in the library, but not passed the first chapter. I do not
know the problems of colitis of Audrey, or from his work in UNICEF. It was much more
interesting was how the life of Audrey than reading about real life.

- What is writing? - Miles said, adding the orange juice
with a minigarrafa of Smirnoff vodka.

Aaron Miles had invited to spend the Christmas with him in
St. Barts and decided not to tell Blair that were in the check-in counter of United Airlines.
It was quite obvious that the only reason for Miles to go was because he thought it would
all the time of the trip with Blair. But Blair was determined to make it understand, even
before aterrisagem, he had made a sad mistake.

- Nothing - she said without looking at him.

They had to leave the apartment in very bad time of 7:45 in
the morning. Now it was a plane in the afternoon and was still an hour of St. Barts. Aaron
was asleep, or maybe I was only pretending not to have to see Miles on top of giving Blair.
Serena was listening to Coldplay in discman, relieved to be away from the constant flood of
gifts from Flow. Tyler playing chess in his Game Boy and was in a bad mood, Why at the last
minute the mother of his friend, the prince Rolf von Wurtzel, decided not to let Rolf
was St. Barts with Tyler because the young German prince had a problem embarrassing
to pee in bed. Blair moved the ice cubes in your drink with a brown plastic canudinho.
Thank God for small favors.

- I tried to talk to you all week - said Miles as a
reclining chair in an attempt to stretch your legs long. To great dismay of Blair, all were done
squeezed sardine in economy class. -

But I have written the wrong number or something.

Blair continued with eyes on the computer screen. No, she
answered quietly. Is that I gave you the wrong number.

Miles extended his arm and passed by the fingers tips of
hair from Blair.

- I missed you - he whispered.

She looked at him without smiling, eyes and departed again,
asking yourself what Audrey Hepburn would do in this situation unpleasant.

You know those religious fanatics who are in the car
stickers that say: “What would Jesus?”

Well, Blair had a look that said: “What would Audrey

Not that she had something wrong against Miles. He was not a
tallowy Armani and wore beautiful clothes. He was nice and was a friend of Aaron,
who was also a nice guy, but if she could choose, would not have any half-brother. Blair
should have felt flattered with the attention of Miles, and maybe you feel if you were in the
mood for shame on man. But the reality was that one of the afternoon, squeezed in the
economic class of a small plane and bum, with the computer in the neck and hair-tail of a
dirty-horse, she was not willing to paquerar anyone.

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