All I Want Is Everything (13 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

BOOK: All I Want Is Everything
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Serena is turned off. She and Blair were sitting in front of
the beach, and the sky above the water a seaplane made a loop and plunged. It soon became
clear that the plane wrote letters in the sky. How did that? And it would be fun if the
pilot was semi-illiterate?

Semicerrou her eyes when I read the word is drawing in the
sky, assuming that would be in French.


The hand of Serena flew to her mouth and cutucou Blair with
strength in elbow. Blair cutucou Serena with the same force. She took a folded white
cartãozinho, placed on the table, and handed to Serena.

Serena of the fingers were trembling as she read the
typology golden printed on card:

Please make your reservations for the Isle of Ia Paix Christmas Party featuring the 45 Eight-midnight Serena took Blair's hand and shook. The only thing that
would keep the two sound of Christmas was becoming drunk together.

- Oh, look! - Ping Eleanor, causing Serena and Blair jumping
on the chair. She pointed to the reception desk of the restaurant. - St. Bartholomew Bass
and Misty! She lowered the voice to a whisper. - I heard that Misty removed the liver
... she has a terrible problem with the drink ... but I think she is right. I wonder if
they came here by boat. What a clever way to stay dry. I mean, you can not drink a lot in a
boat is not taking any alcoholic beverage.

Misty and Bartholomew Bass, the parents of the infamous
Chuck Bass, were giving entry to the hotel, a pile of Louis Vuitton bags at the feet of them.
Blair and Chuck Serena waited that appear behind the parents - it would be very lucky - but
there was no sign of him.

- It was her appendix, mother - said Blair after a minute.
It seemed that Chuck had stayed at home, thank God. - She had appendicitis. It was no big

- Well, it was not what I knew - Eleanor insisted. -Anyway,
I do not know if they will spend the Christmas here. She looked around the restaurant,
afagando the coral and diamond brooch with your fingertips. - I heard that some celebrities
usually stay here too, although it has not seen any that I recognize.

Cyrus has been set to placing a potato chip in the mouth of

- Just to make sure you're consuming all the vitamins and
minerals, honey - he said lovingly.

Blair was sure that the mother did not need more of potato
chips and had also not sure that I would sit there watching the food Cyrus mother. That gave
him an even greater desire to vomit.

- Excuse me - and muttered Blair fired the table in search
of the women's restroom closer.

All were so accustomed to the sudden exit of Blair that no
one has the slightest to that,

but think of Serena hated Blair forcing the vomit in the
bathroom. She left the cloth napkin from the hamburger untouched.

- Thanks for lunch - she said with a weak voice. Then got up
and ran behind Blair to see if she was well, keeping the adorable blond hair down in the
case of Flow be there around,

spying behind a palm.


who really wants to know the victoria's secret?


- Wait just to see what I just bought - Vanessa told Dan
while he sat in the dining room table of his father.

Jenny Nate had not yet arrived, but Rufus had drunk too much
red wine and was eager to eat.

- It is completely crazy. Vai be very proud of me.

- You 'filmmaker, Vanessamonda? - Asked Lyle, The friend's
father, Dan, serving up a little lasagna.

- What kind of films you do?

Vanessa drank a sip of water.

- In black and white. You know, without much action.

Lyle filled the rest of the plate with baked beans,
monitoring that Rufus had chosen to serve with the lasagna.

- Movies of art, huh?

Vanessa seats.

- I guess.

- I am more to the films of adventure. Have you seen The

For me, it is a perfect movie.

But Vanessa was not listening. Nate and Jenny had just
arrived and were making the jacket in the vestibule.

- Sorry, Dad - Jenny was out of breath, taking his hat.
Vanessa immediately recognized the hat. It was red and fuzzy, like the girl in the park. And
Nate was wearing a long navy blue jacket, like the guy in the park. He also had the same way
to mauricinho and the same golden-brown hair. Vanessa down the fork.


- Dad, and that Nate - Jenny said, taking Nate to the table.
She seemed to be dancing around the table, kissing everyone there. Knew it was not possible
to be so happy. Nate said that he loved!

Nate shook the hand of her father.

- Nice to know him, Mr. Humphrey.

Rufus was full of mouth and used the wine to help swallow.

- Nate, my boy, you are the reason for my daughter to have
caught more than four hundred U.S. dollars loaned me last month is finally nice to meet
you - Rufus departed from the table next to his chair. - Come, sit down.

Jenny was so alvoroçada not matter if the father of her
embarrassed you. She just hoped it was nice to Nate.

- Well, tell me, Nate - became Rufus, serving the wine cup
in a gallon of Nate. - What is your?

Nate smiled. Jennifer's father seemed nice.

- Boats - he replied. - My parents have a house in Mount
Desert, in Maine. Me and my dad do it and sailing boats.

Dan Rufus hoped to begin devouring Nate alive, esbravejando
about the selfishness of the class of idle and useless things like sailing, but Rufus
seemed to be fascinated and continued asking questions to Nate.

Normally, such a hypocrisy ceased Dan crazy, but he also was
distrafdo other with what it meant to Vanessa to bother with his father talking to a
fucking stoned spoiled as Nate. He took his lasagna. Ten more minutes and would ask permission
for him and Vanessa could “talk”

in your room.

Suddenly, Rufus hit the table.

- One time, I spend all the dishes. I think this would have
a lasagne taste much better if flambada.

- Parent - Jenny gemeu. He would shame it completely.

It was inevitable.

Nate went to the plate Rufus, who lit a match and dropped in
for Nate lasagne. Both had the rum sauce that lasagne caught fire.

- Yeah! - Nate exclaimed.

Rufus and Jenny laughed happily passed the plate for him, a
broad smile on the face of excitement arrested. It seemed that they were engaged!

Dan could not endure more. Turned up and bent his head to Vanessa.

- Can I talk to you a minute? - He was very nervous, hands

- Okay - Vanessa retorted, suddenly nervous também.Será who
dare to go ahead with it and show it to the new costumes? Lyle took the plate and he
turned it on fire.

- Thank you - she muttered distracted.

Dan stood up.

- Come on.

Vanessa picked up the bag and followed by the long corridor
to the quarto.O department of Humphreys was one of those relics that were not leased
retired since the 1940s.

It was large and dirty, with the wooden floor cracked and
paint peeling on the walls, and smelled like old shoes and binding mofada. Dan once found a
deck which was printed in 1955, still sealed, on a shelf of the
office of her father. All kings seemed Elvis Presley. They were amazing.

- And then? - Dan began bluntly while closing the door of
the room. - I wanted to tell you something.

Vanessa sat on the ground and untied shoelaces of the boot
of the fight. If you would continue with what it had to make quick, before we stop and
consider the matter.

- Arrã - she took the half of it and put the boots. Two
nights ago, she left her sister,

Ruby, paint the nails of the feet of her chocolate-brown.
Were still very good. She stood up and undo the cardiga black.

Dan was up to the table and got the last block black,
thinking that perhaps, if the show Vanessa as his poetry was bad, she understand why he had to
sex. He browse the pages. They were full of beginnings of poems such as: you are my
Frankenstein, my Liechtenstein, my God.

None of them had end they were all too awful to be
completed. Read them left the red with shame.

- I can not write anything else of good - he said, still
browsing the block.

Vanessa has a black wool skirt and pulled the shirt collar
of rulê black head scraped by.

Then he raised his hands with the hips, hoping that if Dan

- I went thinking, perhaps the reason that I can not write
anything is because ... - Dan closed the block and turned. - I need ... - He stopped

Vanessa was standing near his bed, using a half-cup
bra-income black and short-income black thin and transparent so that Dan could see everything
through them.

Of course. And for that they serve.

She laughed and hit the eyelashes.

- What do you think?

Dan looked at her, terrified. It was the last thing I
expected to see.

- What are you doing?

Vanessa approached him, trying not to think about what were
their thighs and the lower back that supercurta thong. She became the hands on the shoulders
of Dan All his body shake. She did not know if that was good or bad.

Dan gave a look in the room.

- There is filming this, this? - He asked, suspicious.

In general Vanessa asked him first if he wanted to be one of
her films, but he had already seen Vanessa trying to shoot something quite rough without
saying anything to it first.

She shook her head.

- Kiss Me - she said.

Dan crossed his arms. He knew what was arming Vanessa.

So? They were in love. Why does not he simply attacked?

Any other guy atacaria.Mas Dan definitely was not any one
guy. He was Dan, the romantic sensitive. He does not want to be the first time by a
atravancada-income black lingerie. It was premeditated and other cliche too e. .. wrong. He wanted
it to be pure, espontaneo e. ..


Dan took a step back and turned his head to the side.

- Sorry - he said.

Vanessa felt she had pressed and maybe Dan was not being
fair, but was just trying to have fun a little. It was trying to do is irresistible to him,
but he obviously was able to resist well. She took the exit at the bed and quickly put on
his head, feeling completely humiliated.

Dan lit cigarette urn and took urn long shot.

- You show me what you filmed in the park? - He asked.

Hmmm. Maybe not.

Vanessa shook her head, unable to look at it. Pulled the
skirt and the button Cardigan.

Dan put the cigarette into an empty coffee cup.

- I think we should return the table, then.

Vanessa the boot and tied it up.

- Although I think I will - she said, voice shaking.

Not cried since that was about four years, but it seemed
that was about to cry now.

Dan based, is divided between feeling to ask her what was
the problem and want to leave it so that he could try to write again. What they say to each
other if it was, alias?

And strange as a relationship can change completely after
you see his girlfriend using a small lingerie.

Vanessa went to the door and opened it.

- Bye - she said little.

- Bye - Dan replied as the door closes.

He went to the table, sat up and opened the block, hoping
that his confusion about what had just happened the inspiration to write something brilliant.
But not happened, and then he was sitting there, smoking like a chimney.


the art of leaving j n scared  

- Can you give me leave, Dad? - Jenny asked. - I want to
show my room to Nate.

Rufus looked bad for her.

- Mais oui - he said in French urn terrfvel.-Bien sûr.

Jenny goggle. When the father drank much red wine, he tried
to take the personality of a beat poet cool, smoking cigarettes and talking in a French
coffee boemio.

Like father like son.

- Come on - she said to Nate, leading him by corridor to the
room. She opened the door and lit the lamp.

Nate did not expect to be surprised in the fourth Jenny.

the rest of the apartment was confortave1 middle and falling
to pieces, like a country house that was never cleaned, and he hoped that the room it was
more so. But Jenny hated the smooth walls of a grimy white, the ceiling cracked, the
surface of bare wood and the old white sheets, and it was a good artist. So, in recent
months, she began painting,

particularly portraits, and his favorite subject, of course,

Nate was. There were six of them in total, each made in the
style of a different artist.

There was the Nate of Monet, the impressionist style, and
Nate of Picasso, with eyes on the feet, and Nate of Dalí, dripping a puddle on the sidewalk,
and Nate of Warhol, with electric green eyes and hair in, gold, Nate of Pollock, with the ink
respingada in the form of a head, and Nate of Changall, with the head of Nate flying at
night sky.

- You like? - Jenny asked full of hope. _ I'm trying to copy
all the different styles. The Pollock is one of the most difficult.

Nate looked gaping the paintings on the wall. Pollock did not
know what was, not recognized any of the styles of other artists who use Jenny, but he
recognized six times and that was enough to make it stop.

-So it is that I spent most of the time-Jenny explained
cheerfully. Nate was so lovely talking to her father that she was even more in love with
him. Courageously, she stood tiptoe and put their hands on his shoulders. -I kind of
wanted to kiss you all night -

sussurou it with the voice rouxa; Nate was hard, but not the
way you think.

Yes normally such moves would make a beautiful erection, but
Nate had just had a very clear framework for moving Jenny hours alone in a room painting
those retartos good, but extremely strange, him.

The case was that he had said to Jenny that I loved her. And
that means he was sincere all the time. But is she now hoped that he, like, so deflorasse
or something?

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