All I Want Is Everything (22 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

BOOK: All I Want Is Everything
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- Happy New Year-- Aaron approached her and kissed the face.

Aaron embraced the. Abraço a normal, legal, the brother.

- Happy New Year-, Sis.

Blair is away to embrace Serena.

- Happy-New Year! - Shouted the two, tightening his face in
the hair of another. It was madness to think that if they wanted to kill most of the
year. Now no one knew what to do without the other.

- OK - if Blair departed. - Now you can kiss.

Letting them decide whether it went forward and kissed soon
or not, she went to the end of the deck and looked at the Hudson River and the port.
Watched the fireworks explode over the Statue of Liberty and sumirem in the deep dark water.

The penultimate stage of his tour ended with a kiss. Now all
that remained was to write the last scene, the end.

Would not really end, it has now. Not with some sort of
purpose. The best stories never ended. Maybe she just did for the following morning. Audrey
had a nice chat with the man's delicatessen where she bought a coffee. After she riria
alone, take a sip of coffee and get to the street, letting everybody guess.


Warning: all the real names of places, people and events
were curtailed to protect the innocent. I mean, I do.


Hi, guys!


Okay, so I finally realized my desire to have a year-new
processor. I think almost everyone who was party to that madly wonderful too. I mean, how many
of you really believed that appear Flow? Worse for him, the party was even better after
he's gone.


Your email  

Q: Hi, GG,

I heard that the whole party was paid for with money from
the drugs of S. I have not been,

but as she would have achieved that DJ?

- Underworld  

A: Dear underworld,

S has enough money to not need the money from drugs to a
feast of trash. Furthermore, if not there, why are you talking about that?

- GG  

Q: Dear GG,

I think I danced with you in Year-new. You blonde of hair
and has a corpão?

- Cliffs  

A: Hi Cliffs,

Maybe. Just what I will say.

- GG  


Dawn of the first day of the year: C sleeping with their
arms around K and I on a sofa in the lobby of the Tribeca Star Hotel. Imagine not having gone
to the family suite. N giving the pipe drinks with friends in Union Square Park. There is
no better way to end the night the way we started. V and D in-hand in the Strand. Only
those two to turn the year in a bookstore. The S and taking the breakfast at Florent,
looking tired but happy. B buying a huge cup of coffee in one of Madison Avenue deli before
running to your building. EJ panties in a burning metal trash from West End Avenue while trying
to learn to smoke alone. Now that she stress of time, must be school.


SOME QUESTIONS insistent  

Does B will lose the thing? And if you lose, with whom?


Does N will redeem, even if we go to worship is not redeem?


S will settle down and stick in A for more than a day?


D is ready for sex with V, which is now a published poet?


J will find true love?


Will any of us will overcome the hangover in time to finish
the proposals for the universities?


And more important, who of us will come, anyway?


I am not very worried. In the coming semester I will be at a
party after another, and I enjoy planning alone.


Until more.


For you who love me,

gossip girl  



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