All I Want Is Everything (20 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

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According to her, I mean.

Finally, she put the turquoise pendant that Nate and had a
pair of black high-heeled boots with which I could not walk right, but who care for it? They
were six hours, and the last two and a half hours she tried to distract seeing Osbournes
reprise of triggering off slowly and a bag of Pepperidge Farm whole of cheddar cheese, while
maintaining the cell-blue metallic nestled on the lap. But now they were eight and a
half of New Year's Eve, and Nate had not yet connected.

Jenny was so concerned with preparing the body for the night
and wait for the call from Nate not understand what the rest of the family was doing. She
turned off the TV and went to the hall.

The door was ajar for Dan and she opened it completely. The
computer was turned off and there was no fire lit cigarettes in the ashtray.

- Dan? - Called it, but there was no response.

She gave a half-turn and down the corridor to the office of
her father. The door was open.


- Dad? - But, again, no response.

Traditionally, on the eve of New Year-, Rufus went with some
friends for a marathon of reading poetry in a cafe in Greenwich Village. It seemed
that he had already left.

Jenny pressed some buttons on the mobile phone and
immediately dialed the number of Nate.

The messaging system responded again.

“If you're trying to talk to ...”, said the robot
voice of women.

“Nate,” said Nate with their voice.

“Please dial one and leave a message, or wait for the
signal,” continued the voice of robotised woman.

- I am again - piou Jenny, trying to lively opinion. - I
think you're stuck in traffic or something. I think for now the party of Serena. Maybe I can
to stop the taxi in his home,

and I intercom. Anyway, hope to see you before midnight! All
right. I love you. Bye.

Jenny hung up and went to the room to grab the bag and coat.
And if she was not officially released? Rufus and Dan had left her alone in the apartment.
What they expected of a princess who got stuck in the tower for so long?

Nate had thought about not smoking anything until the party
because he knew that Blair would prefer if he was not stoned. Ah, what was New-Year's Eve.

- Caracas - said Jeremy, to the great Nate based that had
just lit. Nate, Jeremy and Anthony were together near the Gandhi statue in Union Square.
Nearby, someone played Yesterday on a recorder. - Pull well - Jeremy advised. - Then it is better
we go to the fucking party. Here 's looking to Antarctica.

Nate led based on the mouth and pulled, closing his eyes.
There was nothing better than a long slap on a cold night. He spent the based on the
Charlie, holding the smoke in the lungs for another moment.

- And if the party is a bag? - Charlie asked before giving a

Nate reminded what Serena had said about Blair is locked in
a room all week to work on the proposal to Yale. Where spent much time alone doing work at
the school, Blair was extremely excited after.

- Man - he said, blowing a cloud of smoke in the air near
the head of Gandhi. - Believe me,

it will not be a bag.


n is still with the heart of its sleeve b  

Let Serena raise the standards of New-Year's celebrations,
or any party, indeed. Two minutes into the loft in Chelsea that she rented for the party was
enough to make it clear that this was definitely the best party that anyone could go. There
were torches burning in the corners and the dance floor was gram of truth. The
Bartenders wore tiny bikinis to crochet,

and the DJ was a famous cartoon of Iceland. At the end of
the loft had room with white leather sofas and baths, for those who needed some privacy
or just wanted to take a bath.

And there was a huge terrace overlooking the city in three
directions, when to start the fires.

Blair had slept only a few hours and not left the house
since coming back from St. Barts.

Has espresso, adrenaline, cigarettes and determination. His
tour would go right, she could feel - she went to Yale!

But the best least auteurs need to make a pausinha.

She came to the party using the microssaia Dior of purple
suede, a Chloé top of black satin and black stockings trawler. The hair was pulled up in a
tail-of-60 super high horse and superbalançante and she was wearing lipstick and eyelashes
postiços silver. Feet in the new pair of boots to jump 10 Christian Louboutin black suede of
the gay father had sent her to France, Christmas gift, with a card that said: “Merry
Christmas, Ursinha Blair. Warning: Do not leave unattended with these boots! ”But Blair not
followed him to the board - she was alone.

Did not take long to find Serena. She was the only girl
striped pink in hair, dancing barefoot and wearing a bra in a bikini Missoni, short black
velvet of short and long earrings of diamonds wobbly ears. The DJ had increased the
volume and the music was so loud that the walls train.

- My breasts hurt - Serena shouted for Blair, even dancing.

- My breasts hurt - Serena shouted for Blair, even dancing.

- My head hurts! - Blair shouted back. What she needed,
before even thinking about dance or talk to someone, was a strong drink.

Gossip Girl 03 - All I Want Is Everything
Or three, or four.

- I just see Nate! - Serena shouted, pointing to the crowd
at random. - I was looking for you!Of course it was.

Blair Serena went through, making his way in the crowd
toward the bar. She deserved a drink.

Almost ended the roadmap - just missing the end - and was
sure that was enough. Moreover, it was the fucking New Year's Eve, and if Nate wanted to talk
to her, she needed to take at least a drink before.

Kati and Isabel were stopped at the bar waiting for the
cosmos that had requested.

- Hi Blair - they coo in unison.

- Are you still tan - Isabel noted, poking the very boring
pale arm.

Both wore long black, exactly the same as that Blair and
Serena dressed in prom Black-and-White.

- Serena said you were working on the proposal to Yale -
said Kati, suckin his cosmos. - We still have a whole month before sending our proposals, you

Blair faced the bartender for taking so long to answer to
her request.

- I just want to get off perfect.

- I am sure you will get out - ensured a familiar voice
behind her.

Blair turned and found Nate - its protagonist - stopped in
front of her, using the green sweater from Cashmere V-neck with which she had on Easter.
Before you wrap it and give him,

she sew a heart of gold inside of one of the sleeves so that
Nate was always with her heart on the sleeve. She asked if the heart was still there.

Kati and Isabel left us alone, blade bone for a group of
girls who began to whisper.

- I knew that the thing she lost to Miles in St. Barts -
Tina Ford said.

- That was why she came back before - Rain Hoffstetter said.
- To take the morning-after pill that took the gynecologist.

- Has anyone seen the Flow? - Kati asked.

- Serena promised us he would come - gemeu Isabel.

Nicki Burton shook his head astutely.

- I heard Flow broke with Serena because he wants to stay
clean and she is a total junkie.


- Hey, where is your little girl, garden-of-childhood? -
Blair said, pulling a bag of Merit Ultra Light and hoping that Nate Lights to her.

Nate laughed. It was a start. At least she was talking to

- We finished - he said simply.

Since when?

The bartender finally went through there in the tiny crochet
bikini and Nate hit his hand on the bar.

- Ketel One with tonic and a Jack and Coke with ice too - he
said, asking for two.

Blair loved as Nate knew exactly what she wanted without it
had nothing to say, but she pretended not understand, smoking his cigarette and watching
the dancers roçando to butt each other.

- Hey, how was Christmas? - Nate asked, going to it
carefully with a vodka tonic.

He was not the hold up in a conversation.

Blair took a big gulp and then gave a shot over the

- Sucks.

Nate felt that she did not want to talk.

- Let there - he said. - Only six months for graduation.

They looked with a face of fear.

- Six months - said Blair, taking another big gulp.

- It is too long - Nate said, concluding the thought of her.

Blair risked almost a smile. That was another thing she loved
in Nate. He always knew exactly what she was thinking.

- It is crazy - Nate continued, stimulated by the suggestion
of a smile in it. - Next year,

by then, we will be with other guys that we know in college.
People do not know it exists.

Blair bite of the cherry cocktail, watching Serena hit the
bottom with two men of dark hair for twenty years that the sailor wore matching outfits and
seemed twins.

- I can not wait - she said. - After it is to Yale, I will
never return.

Nate smiled. He loved how Blair always thought that was
going to Yale.

- I have to go visit you, then.

The vodka was going up to the head of Blair. She could see
that Nate was trying to talk to her as if nothing had happened, as if he had not exchanged
for a pre-school and spent the last month avoiding it altogether. It was irritating way,
but it was also wonderful way, as part of its roadmap in which Colin Audrey realized that she
had acted with the same horrible way that she acted with him and therefore she decided to love
him even more. Blair sighed and closed the fund drink. I had forgotten how were the eyes
of Nate.

Charlie Dern toward them and was greeted Nate, beating the

- Hey, welcome back, man. I saw your ass on that Web site.
Nice move!

But that sense of opportunity.

- Thanks, man - Nate replied, trying to stay cool. - See you
later - he added, giving to understand the Charlie that he wanted to discuss the matter.

Charlie Blair went out and put another cigarette in the

- What he means, and sent in what?

Nate opened the Zippo and lit a cigarette it. If Blair had
not heard of him and Jennifer on that site that everyone commented, he definitely wanted
things continue like that.

- Nothing not - he replied.

A fuse of sand-brown hair fell on his forehead and the Blair
departed for Nate, so it is smiling at him while he return the smile.

Almost like old times.


to find a distraction  

Shortly after ten, the half-brother of Blair gone, Aaron,
left the elevator and entered the loft in a cloud of cigarette smoke of course, using one of
your shirts LEGALIZE HEMP surprisingly pale and looking for those who spent a week in
St. Barts.

Then his eyes swept away the crowd of drinkers, smokers and
dancers suados and fell on Blair and Nate talking next to the bar, eyes glued in the face of
each other. The heart of Aaron hit in the chest wall. Blair seemed like a person completely
different from Blair in St.

Barts. She was shining.

He wanted to go there to apologize and try to explain the
behavior in the village idiot, but then thought better not do that. It was a party and everyone
should have fun. He would wait until tomorrow if Blair was not quite hangover.

On the trail, Serena saw the skytech desarrumadas means of
Aaron and danced towards him, the hair bands with a pink rocking and fingers painted silver
shining. She threw his arms in the neck and shook him on the cheek colored ear of Aaron.

- I'm so glad you came! - She said, appears to be even

- I - gruniu Aaron, thinking that perhaps was being sincere.

- Where the Miles? He did not come with you?

Aaron shook his head.

- He is still in St. Barts. It means someone who met there.

Serena laughed.

- Ah, knew, huh?

Aaron put his hands in the pockets of the olive-green pants
and looked at Blair and Nate again.

Serena followed the look of it. Why Aaron Blair always
looked for anything with that so sad?

- It is nice to see the two together again, right? - She
dropped out of breath, hoping that he agreed.

Aaron is forced to approve. Blair was not his, and she
seemed happy.

- It is - he said. - Yeah.

Serena has the arm to it, taking it to the runway.

- Come on - she screamed -, let's dance!

She smelled like patchouli and sandalwood, barefoot and it
was exactly the same height of Aaron. Wow, saw Aaron while Serena prying golden arms and
agile on the head and gave a little spin, their hair flying in all directions. She is
really beautiful.

As everyone around the world already had not noticed that.

He could be a little peaked when he arrived, but someone was
about to have a very happy new-year.

not even in new york  

Vanessa did not like the idea of kissing a bunch of drunks
that did not like much and shout “Happy New Year-”. It was kind of the nightmare of
it. So instead of going to the festival of Serena, she got the filming equipment, put lots of
clothes and took the subway to Central Park. Everyone was cool that would be the party of Serena,
then why not see what would make people who were not antenadas? Only negative was seven
degrees outside and the temperature was dropping. I could not get anything more inappropriate
than the race's annual midnight in the park frozen. It was the perfect outcome for the film
about New York.

She began shooting as people were preparing for the race at
the entrance of the park, near the dam, the 89 East. Had started to snow, then it was a
challenge to keep the lens clean and lighting correct, but the park was incredibly pure and
beautiful in its thin layer of newly fallen snow, and all the runners were in full frenzy.
This would be even better than the head of the doll garbage truck.

- You are every year, or is the first time? - Vanessa asked
a man using only Bermuda emaciate of denim and basketball shoes without socks. She
has a zoom in your chest magrelo and haggard, looking for assaduras cold, but what is not
scared to see none.

- First time? - Exclaimed the man, pulling his hair gray
sticky in a tail-to-horse and smiling at her with the tobacco-stained teeth. - I look
blank for you?


Vanessa was happy to be his face hidden by the camera.

- All right - she said, retreating. - Good luck.

She returned to a woman who should have some seventy years
of using a mink coat, shoes and Chanel ears of mink, leading a white standard poodle who
also had a coat of mink.

- Hi, and who is this here? - Vanessa hum, lowering itself
to the pet dog.

- We love running in the snow. - The woman smiled happily,
shriveled lips with a thick layer of orange-pink lipstick. The white hair was pulled up in a
coke and cheeks were coarse Ruge of orange. - All my children are grown and my husband is in
the casinos of Nice, then Angel and I came here to have fun.

- I - said Vanessa, but obviously she had not children, nor
husband, nor dog. She smiled at the woman as conspirasse with her. - It is exciting, is not

The woman was taking something from the bag Hermès Kelly
green, and Vanessa has a zoom in that could see: botinhas red rubber.

- Once he gets balls of snow in feet - she explained, crouch
to close the botinhas feet with Velcro in the poodle.

- And they have much style - Vanessa completed.

Now she knew what people meant when saying “Just even
in New York.” Only in New York that you find a woman and her poodle with mink coats of combining
in a race at midnight with that creep of Bermuda. And now Vanessa had a title for your film:
Only even in New York. It was brilliant, even though she said it herself.

From boots, Angel trot in a circle, showing them.

- Good boy! - Vanessa said, following him closely with the

She was so delighted with the subject have not understood
that his hero, Ken Mogul, rode over there and it sat in a seat to observe the park.


Dan sought by Vanessa for hours. First was to her apartment,
which would have been the most obvious place to find it, but after touching the doorbell
some 14 times in the windows and shout, he finally gave up. Then he went to the Five and
Dime, the bar in Williamsburg where the band Ruby, the SugarDaddy, played. Ruby was busy
rehearsing with the band, but Dan said that Vanessa had said something about shooting people crazy
in a park at midnight.

That encouraging. As each city park was not full of crazy

Dan first tried in Madison Square Park, where Vanessa had
filmed a scene of war and peace.

But except for some people who walk with the dogs and a man
who slept on a bench with a paper bag on his head, the park was quiet. Then he tried to
Washington Square Park, which was full of hipsters skater and students of the University
of New York lighting Bombinhas illegal. Finally he returned to center and went to Central
Park, wandering aimlessly and xingando Vanessa for not believe in cell phones. He circumvented
the dam, watching the flakes of snow that are floating around and clashed, asking
where it had gone to the ducks.

Then he saw a crowd gathered near the entrance of the park
on 89th And, making his way by the crowd, talking to people while looking through his video
camera, was a pale girl in black above, a knitted hat and black combat boots to black.

Dan followed by steps of stone that led to the dam and it
sat on a bench near the park with a man about thirty years, short red hair and skin Freckled
who wore a face ski jacket with dark-gray hooded fur. The man was sitting on the bare hands
and seemed to be watching intensely Vanessa.

- See how she gets behind the people before they show and
talk with them? - Asked the man to Dan, pointing to Vanessa. - It is as if she wanted to know
what they do not know about themselves.

Dan seats. Who the hell was this guy, anyway?

- I love the way she mixes with the background at times,
being so quiet, letting people do what they are doing. She is beautiful.

Dan turned and faced the subject. I wanted to give him a

The man raised his hand.

- Hi, I'm Ken Mogul, filmmaker - he said. - You make movies?

Dan shook his head briefly.

- No - the breath of it floated to the sky in lufadas cold
and white. - I am a poet.

The two saw Vanessa is agachar for the poodle to sniff mink
coat from the lens of the camera. Dan is bent forward. She was so lovely behind the
camera and so comfortable with what I did that was difficult to believe that use of the
material inappropriate way. Maybe Jenny was right not to blame Vanessa, he concluded. Maybe
she has not had anything to do with that link. Somehow her work had fallen into the wrong

- I published anything? - Asked Ken Mogul.

- Not yet - Dan smiled to himself. - But a poem I will leave
the New Yorker in the coming months - he added with pride.

what she wants is not what she has  

They were almost 11 of the night when Jenny came to the
festival of Serena. His sympathetic taxi driver had become stuck in traffic in Times Square -
that everyone knows that is a place to be avoided in the new Year-crowded with tourists
because it is drunk and is a complete nightmare. Jenny and was then left on foot. It felt
cool and mature way, alone in the street at night, on the way to a party where they
finally see her boyfriend again, the love of his life.

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