All I Want Is Everything (21 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

BOOK: All I Want Is Everything
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When the elevator and out into the loft, Jenny unbutton your
coat and handed the girl at the entrance. The breasts estupendos inflated in black and gold
top with V neck in designing for the room.

Hi, hi!

Several men at the party immediately recognized the little
hair of the link on the Web that was a hot gossip holidays. They stopped what they were doing
and began to applaud.

- Hey, come here and show me your thong! - Screamed a drunk
man was wearing a hat that any black out of fashion.

- Want to get in my coat? - Shouted another.

Jenny froze in the doorway, holding onto the bag, feeling
much as Clara in the nutcracker when surrounded by the gang of evil mice. his eyes searched
the room looking desperately for Nate.

Where, oh, where the prince nutcracker her?

Across the room, near the bar, a boy with wavy hair and a
golden girl of long brown hair that fell in the back talking with his face so close that
they could be well be kissing.

They looked just like Jenny always wanted to be seen, as if
they forget that at a party full of people, too distracted by love.

The boys were still cheering for Jenny and uivando of hair
when the boy and girl of golden brown hair turned up to look.

Hi, hi again!

And in that moment, Jenny thought.

Nate was never in love with her, because he never stopped
loving Blair. And because he had lied and pretended to love her, he was not even a good
boyfriend, as Vanessa and Dan said.

Nate was not the nutcracker prince. Just another rotten

- Nate - arfou Jenny, the voice stuck in my throat. She
cambaleou to the bar where they were and Nate Blair, took off the turquoise pendant neck and shot
him with the greatest force that could.

- Jennifer, sorry ... - Nate began to falter, but his eyes
seemed not regret anything and Jenny was not interested. Blair to face, but it also does
not disturbed.

- Fuck you - it sussurou as hot tears began to roll for his
face. Then she turned to look for the bathroom, where it could play a man in cold water
and leave the party with some dignity.


Nate was lowered and put the turquoise pendant in my pocket.
Looked tired and clumsy. Blair put another cigarette between the lips and risk a match,
trying to light it. Continued trying without any luck and finally dropped the match with a
sigh mad.

Nate opened the Zippo and extended it to her, but the Blair

- What is the problem? - Asked him, although the absolute
certainty of the response.

Blair narrowed eyes at him, lit a cigarette still hanging in
the mouth. He was not the protagonist. He already was. And there were so many
promising stars - that you needed him?

- You are another reason why I was anxious to enter the

- I just want to light up your cigar - Nate replied without
much conviction.

- OK - Nate Blair lit a cigarette and inhale deeply. After a
torrent of smoke blew in his face. - Now you can fuck.

Nate wrinkle the forehead and closed his Zippo,
extinguishing the flame. Blair always exaggerated. Near them, people began to sing, “Ten!
Nine! Eight! ”

- Blair? - Nate took a step forward. All you had to do was
kiss it and make up, and everything back to normal again. Like old times.

But Blair broke, dropping the cigarette feet of Nate, the
tail-of-brown horse while swinging between omoplatas went to the sliding glass door that led to
the deck. It was nearly midnight and I had something better to do than kiss another


s win a serenade  

Serena had danced so much that he felt like he had run a
marathon. The mouth was dry, doíam legs and arms pendiam loose side. Someone had cuspido drink
in your hair, but she was not called. He had a cute butt is swinging pretty close to it,
and used a butt-olive green trousers and belonged to a cute skytech of short and dark.

- Seven! Six! Five!

Aaron took the hand of Serena.

- Come on out! - He shouted, pulling it to the room for the
glass doors.

- Serena! - Shouted a voice, holding them in the middle of
the road.

Serena turned the blue eyes arregalados of disbelief. Flow
was, leaving the elevator, using a caramel suede jacket and holding of the case of the
guitar. There were circles around their eyes and curly black hair was a little flat on the
side because of the long journey by plane from Los Angeles, but he was still beautiful. The
girls at the party stopped and approached, and so did most of the boys.

- Hi - Serena gave him a quick smile.

Flow Serena breathed like a breath of fresh air. With the
top, the short shorts and bare feet, she seemed a goddess of your dreams more crazy. He
kneels and opened the case of the guitar.

- I wrote a song for you when you were coming this way.

Serena dropped the hand of Aaron and his arms crossed. I did
not want to be rough, but how far would Flow before giving up and go home?

Beside her, Aaron put your hands in your pockets. He did not
care to hear what was playing Flow. Nor anyone else in the room.

- I called for My Kandy Girl - Flow muttered short. He spent
the guitar by shoulder, played some chords and then closed his eyes and began to sing


You stole my heart, now I paid the fine You robbed me, left me crazy and dry My love is like chocolate, melts in your hand If you prove it, you understand  

Eww. But remember, he had one man.

Was probably the worst song he had composed, but the guests
of the party still enxameavam around Flow, hypnotized by the music and the beauty of it.
All the girls that he expected the notice is improvised a song for them there, and all the
guys thought that, if they left with Flow, it would certainly be okay tonight.

Serena was tempted to throw a dollar in the guitar case of
Flow, but it probably already had hurt - did not have to insult him still on top.

- Come on - she whispered to Aaron, returning to the crowd
and getting his hand. - Come on out.


Blair was not surprised when Chuck Bass found a stop on
deck, eating olives furiously,

smoking, swallowed Veuve Clicquot and freezing your butt.
Lacked little to midnight and,

knowing Chuck, he looked for someone to make him a blowjob
while fireworks shot.

- Happy New Year-, Blair - he went straight to her and gave
her a kiss on the lips. He was like olives, but he seemed not to mind.

Blair moved away and spat on the floor.

- It better be.

Chuck put his arm around her and slide your hand slowly in
the back of Blair until the ass.

- You know what is the best way to enter the year-again?

She moved away and pointed to the glass doors Kati and
Isabel, near a table, hold hands and doing the countdown.

- Those two have always been totally in love with you -
Blair said, trying to keep a serious face. - If you want to “enter the year-new” with
someone, why not ask them?

Chuck laughed at her.

- Really?

She seats.

- Go ahead, I ... - But before he could finish the sentence,
Chuck had dipped into and picked up the two girls a hug.

- Four! Three! Two!

v and d have their own show  

At 11:45, the runners had started the slow track at the
park. Vanessa ran beside them with a video camera, trying to capture the mixture of
determination, pain and elation on the face of them. They were outdoors, and was running a cold to
freeze! It was the end of a year and the beginning of another - perhaps the beginning of a new

Although they ran so slowly that she could follow them
easily, Vanessa had left the bag in the snow on the camera back and fight for his boots were
giving him blisters, so she decided to return to the line of departure, imagining that the
pegaria on arrival .

Dan and Ken Mogul were still waiting for her in the bank.

- I indicated for some things - said Ken. - But never won
anything. Perhaps working with Vanessa change that. - He was monologando since Dan sit
beside him.

Dan does not matter. His bloc was open on the lap and he
looked fixedly to the halo of light in the snow produced by a pole, looking for the exact words
to describe how the flakes of snow passed by the light, so slowly it did not appear to be
falling, but floating.

Vanessa suddenly appeared in the halo of light, the red
cheeks to run and the huge brown eyes shining. She smiled with the vision of Dan ridiculous
and an older man with a sparse ski seated together at a bank, with a centimeter of fresh
snow on the shoulders. The brown eyes and moving of Dan looked at her from under the white
hat. He did not seem angry. My God, she was happy to see him.

- How long is sitting there?

The guy in partnership with ski arose.

- Enough to see that you definitely is the next great sense
of humor.

Vanessa laughed again. This guy was serious?

He approached and handed him a card. Ken Mogul, filmmaker,
was saying.

- I am going to Brazil to shoot each child prostitutes in
Rio - Ken explained. - But I hope you call me so that we can do something. I really could use

Vanessa went to the bag and kept the camera. Always admired
the work of Ken Mogul, but was not sure if I wanted to be “used” by any director,
regardless of their fame. She wanted to make movies alone.

- Will you call me? - Ken insisted.

- Excuse me - she heard Dan say little behind them.

Ken turned.

- This guy was waiting to talk to you almost as long as I
do. Who are you anyway, man?

Dan stood up, leaving the block fall into the snow. He went
to Vanessa, caught it and moved his arms around her.

- Her boyfriend - he said the Mogul by Ken on the shoulder.
And then he kissed with the maximum intensity that could, afraid that, if not humble enough,
it does not take seriously.

He was her boyfriend, for God's sake! And he was angry with
her, proud of her and proud of himself for kisses it and end this breach, once and for all.

Vanessa kissed with the same intensity. What if fodesse Ken
Mogul, the filmmaker. The movie he was doing was much nicer than any film that he had done.
Moreover, she did not want to talk about career now, anyway. I was too busy kissing Dan,
her boyfriend.

As they kiss, the fires began lighting the sky. It was kind of
a cliche that could ruin a movie or a poem, but was much better than a movie and much
better than a poem. It was the reality.


j flouting of a famous rock star  

At the last note of music, Flow opened his eyes and saw that
Serena was gone. The clock beat the midnight and everyone started to hug, kiss and to shoot
for the top hats of the role of the party, ignoring it entirely, which was the first time
this happened in his life.

Some people threw notes of one hundred dollars in case of
his guitar just for sacaneá it. He took the floor and played on the guitar before saving and
closing the case with a thud.

Then, half-back has to get the lift as soon as the doors
were closing, the case holding the doors until they open again.

A little girl of chest hair with a remarkably large wall was
supported in the back of the elevator.

- Hi - Flow was shy of his famous smile as entered.

The girl said nothing. It seemed that he had been crying.

- Vai to the center? - Flow asked. - My car is waiting outside.
Can I buy you a drink or something.

Jenny took no eyes to the ground. Flow, Nate, were all
equal. Just because he was famous and delicious not to say that she should talk to him, is not it?

No, certainly not.

The elevator's doors were opened.

- I - she replied.

She became the revolving doors of the building and came to
the sidewalk to call a taxi.

Year-new era in New York and the entire city was a party
only, but Jenny was going home, and follow the advice of his father at least once in life,
snuggle in bed with a good book.



Once Serena and Aaron were out, the fireworks exploded in
the sky around them. I was freezing and had only a few people on deck. All others were
in the loft, pouring champagne on the head of the gang and the rebolando ass while the DJ
sent the music even louder than before.

While watching the psychedelic landscape, Serena took that
feeling again - loved the feeling that - when was not sure what would happen, but I knew it
would be a good thing. Perhaps the best so far.

- Look - she pointed to as the blue sparks massive fireworks
started a buzz in the sky and then exploded in minifogos on the East River.

Aaron lit a cigarette natural. I was just a T-shirt, but
felt cold.

- Previously I did not like the fireworks - he said, blowing
the smoke in the air. - I thought they were noisy, bad for the environment and a waste
of money.

- But like now, right? - Serena asked, turning up to look at
it. She borrowed a jacket pegara sheep-of someone in a wheelchair, but her feet were
still barefoot, and she and Aaron were even the same time.

Aaron seats.

- I love it.

- I - Serena whispered. Whole body shake and she was not
sure if it was the cold or because they were about to kiss.

Aaron took her hand.

- Okay heated?

- Yes.

His dark-red lips has now in the corners.

- Just when we kiss the fires away, okay?

- Ta - Serena said, surprised. And there was nothing she
liked more than to be surprised. In Times Square, a new crescendo of fireworks had just started.
- But I think maybe I can not wait.

Now that the hummingbird was found in a flower that I wanted
to stick for some time, only what he would do was land.

- Why not kiss now? You can kiss someone else later - said a
girl behind them.

It was Blair, standing a short distance coat wrapped in blue
sky Marc Jacobs, but still trembling with cold.

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