All I Want Is Everything (3 page)

Read All I Want Is Everything Online

Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary

BOOK: All I Want Is Everything
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Alas they were not so cute?

Dan patou to tickle her and feels.

-You said the word prohibited.

Vanessa pulled down the neck of black blouse rulê on the
white belly and slightly chubby.

-Randolph, Randolph, Randolph. Who gives a child a middle
name that? It seems the name of condoms or porn star or something. Randolph the
Lubrificador! - Uivou it.

Dan was in complete silence suddenly, Franz enfiava the
forehead while the finger in a cigarette burn in the old green army blanket to your bed.

Vanessa feels.

-Sorry. Promeri would not sacanear your middle name and now
I am here, laughing at him like a fool. But it was not Dan that was boring -Clark has what, so kind, twenty-two? - He asked.

The brown eyes of Vanessa were even greater. Clark was the
oldest bartender who was with her before the plug of Dan finally dropped and he understood
that he and Vanessa should be more than friends.

-Yeah, so what?

It is-it bartender. Type stud?

-I guess. - She still did not understand where he wanted to

Dan shot out of bed and turn on the Camel millionth of the
day. Inhale deeply and breathed a bluish-gray vapor in the air over the head of Vanessa. She
knew he was trying to appear calm, but his eyes were nervous.

-So you ... hmmm .. trance, or what?

Vanessa first tried to suppress a smile. So that was it. She
thought the answer.


Type-well, that means you did or did not that means?

Type-done, but not that much - Vanessa replied slowly.

She and Clark transaram twice. The first time was in full
daylight. She was so ashamed of their bodies that not much attention paid to other things.
The second time she felt more relaxed, but still could not understand why this was so
good. For her, it was funny so prehistoric. Kind, was exactly the same as all those zebras
and hyenas were at the time of mating in those programs over nature. Still, it was legal
means have done. It was with that she felt she had more substance, as a story-I
was-there-and-done. -I - Dan gave another shot in the cigarette. And then another. He followed the seam of
travesserio stained coffee. He was a virgin and not Vanessa. He did not know how you feel
with regard to that.

Indeed, he knew. He felt nervous, stupid, low, gaunt, pale,
strange and completely inappropriate. For what Vanessa had to date and sex with
another man?

-Look, I know you virgin - Vanessa said abruptly. -But that
does not mean we have to continue. - She raised sugestivamente the thick black
eyebrows and smiled.

Dan looked at her and smiled, too, the lovely pink cheeks
acquiring a heavy constraint.


Vanessa seats and approached it a little.

Is. - She put their hands in the chest and pushed him
skeleton in bed. Then took the cigarette from his hand and stuck in the old coffee cup that
was on the table by half-to-head. -Do not worry - she said with his voice hoarse
from more experienced women. -I know what I'm doing.

She gently kissed the mouth and started to strip the two.
First it took the gray shirt, then took the black she dressed. Was wearing a black top
underneath. All that was Vanessa wore black.

Dan deep breath and closed his eyes. It was not how he
thought would happen. For him, sex was as important as birth and death, one of the most intense
poetic experience that a person could have. It was not something you do with a girlfriend
when I was bored one night before the evidence of Saturday's middle period. It was one thing
when the two had already explored all other ways - intellectual, spiritual and philosophical.
Dan came to play with the idea of waiting for sex when they were married ready to have
children. He wanted to have five children and give them the name of your favorite writers:
Kafka, Goethe, Sartre, Camus and Keats. Even if you do not have to wait until marriage, the
first time should be a process of discovery as the two learn to speak a new language.

But Vanessa had learned the language with another man.

- You have feet and close it - she noted, kneel down on the
floor while Dan took the half.

Dan felt her feet and departed.


Vanessa is dragged to bed and was sat next to him, his legs
crossed, with that black top and black panties.

-What is the problem?

-I do not want to do this - Dan crossed the thin arms bare
chest. A pair of corduroy was still in the body, but he felt very naked. - I mean, not

Vanessa extended the hand and arm afagou happily.

-I was nervous the first time too. Not so much - she said,
reassuring. I promise.

Dan swallowed in dry and looked at the ceiling. It was
looking upon a crack in the plaster above his head.

-I just wanted to wait until it is more ... organic.

-All right, said Vanessa slowly. But it is sex-only, save as
is. Not a poem.

Obviously she did not mean it. For Dan was even a poem.
Probably the most important poem he ever wrote.

He put the shirt.

-I just think better to wait, it's just that.

-Okay - Vanessa said, the point of losing patience.

Dan was always considering other things, writing about them
in his black hood of bloquinho until there was nothing else to write. She loved the way his
sensitive and romantic, but at least once in life he could be nice and stop thinking so
much on things and just follow the damn current. Still, Vanessa was the end of it since the day
they met and made friends,

three years before. She would not ruin things, now they were
finally together.

Dan lit another cigarette. Hands tremiam him as ever.

Vanessa the cutucou again.

-Hey, there is not so worried. For me, all right that has
not rolled. Okay?

He seats. Vanessa took his hand and put the arm of Dan
around his shoulders. They returned to lie in bed and Dan blew the smoke into the role of
Chinese red lantern while gently afagava the bald head of Vanessa with the thumb. I was
fortunate to not have to explain both. It was what was cool in dating the best friend. She
knew him almost better than he knew himself.

The two were lying there for some time, watching the smoke
of cigarette Dan float in the air. That was another thing to be legal with the best
friend. Not when you have to talk.

-Once you start the holidays, I run one more film.
Vanesa-broke the silence. - I think that my War and peace may be too dark to send to the University
of New York.

The latest film by Vanessa was adapted from a scene of war
and peace, Tolstoy, and brought as a princepe Dan Andrei addicted to crack. Vanessa had
applied to the University of New York and wanted to send one of his movies instead of writing
an essay, because it wanted to form in cinema. She could barely wait. Just one more time in
Constance Billard School for Girls Magrelas and neurotic, where (thank God) does not fit
into anything, and she was free,

free, free!

Dan released a long whiff. I did not know with what Vanessa
was concerned. The films were combrios it, but it was that made it bright. I had as
Univerdidad of New York did not accept it.

-If anyone has to worry, that somebody is me - he said, his
hands trembling with nervous again.

-How so? - Vanessa asked. - A university with a decent
program deliteratura means you have to kill.

-Yeah, but I speak of dombrio, My poems are even ... - Dan
stopped. The poems were his personal, were what they were. And it seemed weird to have a
lot of them an official admission in any of Columbia, or Brown, or Vassar, as if his
soul desnudando and a complete stranger could not have read the works of Goethe, Sartre and
Camus and not understand your references oblique to them.

-Did you know that you can even try to publish their stuff?
- Vanessa suggested. -That would leave the staff of the university's admission completely
convinced about you.

Dan put the cigarette end of empty cigarette in a can of

-Yeah, okay - he said. He liked to write, but no way is
ready to send your stuff to a publisher. Not even find your voice yet. He knew that. Each
new poem that I wrote seemed different from the older.

Vanessa is seated again.

-What? I'm talking sério.Você should do that.

Dan adunfou further in blankets.

-Whatever - he muttered without enthusiasm. I was not ready
for sex and not estavapronto to be published. Now she felt even more inadequate.

Vanessa knew that when I was back Horadada. She breathed
fund and channeled his inner kitten, one that just came out of his corner in hot heater
when Dan needed a strong kiss on his cute face.

She deslizou covered under the breast and kissed him.

-One more week and we can spend all the time so the holidays
- she muttered.

Unlike most members of the class at Constance Billard and
Riverside Prep, or Vanessa or Dan would have a glamorous travel holidays of Christmas. Vanessa
lived with older sister, a bassist, Ruby, in an apartment in Williamsburg, in Brooklyn.
Parents of them were artists of the future, always lived in Vermont and spent the Christmas
on a tour with his troupe perfotmática. Dan and sister Jenny, lived with her father,
Rufus, a communist writer and editor, beat poets known anything, not believed in
Christmas, Hanukkah or in, or in any other holy days, indeed.

-Daddy will make his annual lasagna on Thursday - and Dan
went back in the hands of Vanessa,

allowing them to relax again. He loved the softness and
firmness of her back, which were not full of ribs as him. - Are you coming, right?

She gave the shoulders.

-Sure. But tell your father that I will not eat like a pig
as did last year. It is another thing that I am giving a time. I lost three kilos.

Dan continued afagando the back of Vanessa.

-Why? - He asked. Vanessa did not need to diet. The body of
it was exactly as she described in one of his poems: as water.

-Because my clothes are better if I do fall. - Vanessa was
not interested in being magrela,

as the majority of colleagues in class, but not like when it
had to shrink the belly button to your pants.

-Well, I like you as you are - Dan said, and the nose in her

Vanessa turned her head to him and his lips met in a long,
sweet kiss. While kissing, she could not stop thinking about sex with Dan could be much
more significant than had been with Clark. At least Dan was ready.

-I love you - she whispered, closing the it. Vanessa thought
for some time to ask again if he wanted to try sex, but would not estegar the moment. Only
had to wait until he was ready,

but with Dan it could mean waiting until they were married
or something.

So it seems they no longer acted as if they were not married.
Excuse me, I will yawn.

J regret to participate if the party  

In the backseat of the limo Flow, Blair felt squeezed by
peituda of Jenny Humphrey desengoçado and the friend of Aaron, Miles, the drummer
spindly. On the other side of them was in the lap of Serena Flow - “To make room for
others,” she said - and Nate press in the window, getting stoned. He also was based for the past Kati,
Elizabeth and Chuck, which was even more irritating than stoned drunk. Aaron was sitting
cross-legged on the floor, between the two rear seats, smoking a cigarette of their Natural
playing PlayStation 2's limo.

- What is your real name indeed? - Serena asked the Flow,
but already knew, for a program of MTV, that his name was Julian prosper. Indeed it is a name
much better than Flow, but would not say it to him.

He gave his famous risinho of shy guy caught in the covers
Spins, Rolling Stone,

Entertainment Weekly and Interview and shook his head.

- It is not so important - Well, you is not so beautiful person - she said turning
her head to the other side with a wicked smile.

She was lying, of course. He was at least ten times more
beautiful than the pictures, if that is possible.

Serena knew he was flirting in a ridiculous, but she loved
how the dark-brown hair is wound in the Flow of temples, the skin a golden bronze and his
fingers seemed delicate. Why not get the guy? It was only for one night. Tomorrow Flow would
return to Los Angeles, or wherever they lived, and she finally begin to look for
evidence. All that she wanted was a little fun.

All that Serena wanted was a little fun all the time.

Flow back, pretending to be ashamed of their good looks.

- Sorry. I think I am not so high as well. He bent forward
and opened the Sub-Zero refrigerator bottom of your bank.

- Hey, you drink here. Someone there is headquartered?

- I please - Blair replied immediately. Getting drunk and
was the only way to support something like that.

- Hmmm, I try a little - is Jenny ventured timidly. The limo
was a shift in a sewage and cover their breasts quicaram without mercy. She looked at
Nate on whether he had noticed,

but he was looking through the window with one way air when
it took was extremely stoned.

Miles helped fill the Flow ten Cristal champagne flutes
with. He spent one to Blair.

- Tintim - he said, hitting the cup on her.

Blair took the cup, and was not seated near the window and
had nothing to look at, looked at the face of Miles. He had round eyes and brown-gold, half
similar to the eyes of Mookie, the dog of Aaron. The insolent nose and a half was dotted snub
of blond hair and freckles pequenininhas clear-spike straight up. Ajulgar the way the
jump from neck veins long, he probably knitting, playing basketball or something. In all,
he seemed a little drawing of a character in a body of athlete. But as Blair had nothing
better to do, and it was clear that he was to her, she thought it could be fun way paquerar

She put her hand on his leg.

- Thank you. - She took a sip of champagne.

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