Read All I Want Is Everything Online
Authors: Cecily von Ziegesar
Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Chick-Lit, #Contemporary
S and Flow - is that Flow, we have received the MTV Music
Award for best debut of disk -
dancing done some crazy monkeys in Gorgona on Saturday
night. After that, they were seen entering the Tribeca Star - to get a room, perhaps? Rascals,
Rascals. I'm sure that we know all about it in the tabloids amanhã.B and a new man, which
we call M, also in Gorgona,
sharing a romantic cigarette in canto.K, I and C seemed
confused as if they had stumbled out of the a limo parked just before dawn, when the driver
stopped to get gasoline somewhere near the Third Avenue Bridge. Fortunately the driver was
nice enough to take them back home,
who was walking by the place deles.A Fifth Avenue using your
tuxedo, looking sadder than deserves a cute skytech of rasta.
Your email Q: Hi, gg I know from reliable source that flow is gay. The only
reason to go with it s is for people who think he is straight.
A: Dear snoopy,
I noticed the ball Black-and-white shoes that it seemed half
of smoking in tight ass, then you may be right!
Q: Hey, GG,
I am the class of M in Bronxdale, and was to him and his car
by type so, about two years. It is so cute as he always batuca on the table during the
class, and he has an old orange Porsche. I do not know what he is doing with B. It is a
serious piranha, p capital.
Olive -
A: Dear Olive,
Tá seeing what happens when you give puerility? The p passed
him a trick. Ha! I am a poet and did not even know it. Seriously now, even if you never
come in M, can ask him for a ride in that sweet old Porsche him.
One last word on the evidence Do not shake. I know that is the last notes that count for
college, but you know it. And if you do not know, it is too late to learn. Take a bath with
Dead Sea salts, place your purple silk pajamas favorite Versace, drink a glass of Cristal,
paint your nails with the new color that got in the Chanel counter at Bendel's and take a sleep
of beauty. You're much better than if you fill up late reminder cards with notes idiots
who will never be able to read the morning.
Good luck. I'll cross our fingers for you!
For you who love me,
gossip girl.
by girlfriends of celebrities are proof Monday was the first day of the week of evidence of
mid-year, and the girls sitting in their portfolios in the classroom of the third floor, using the
gray wool skirts supercurtas the uniform, black TSE Cashmere sweaters from the neck rulê ,
black panties and mocassins Wolford of black suede Gucci, bent on the terms of proof
blue, scribbler madly. Blair was in the front row, close to the inspector, who by chance was the
jerk of a professor of cinema,
Mr. Beckham, it also by chance desprezava because he had a C
in the last article on cinema.
The article was about the films of Woody Allen and as they
do not identify with most American viewers because they were not in New York and were
not the neurotic who lived there. Now, despite being the Midwest, Mr. Beckham was
fanatic by Woody Allen. He called the article by Blair to''condescending''. That stupid.
The race began with a series of issues that had to be
answered in a brief descriptive paragraph. The first question was: Qu'est-ce que vous voulez
faire pendant votre temps libre? “What you do in your free time?”
That was beyond easy. Blair liked to buy shoes
extraordinarily well designed and expensive,
eating steak with fries, drinking Ketel One with tonic with
Serena and smoking too much. In the summers she liked tennis. Nate used to kiss in bed while
Jennifer luxury rolava DVD in the background, but now was not more so. She was too busy
doing all other things.
The next question was: Decrivez votre famille.
“Describe your family.”
Blair released a sigh of despair. It was almost fluent in
French, then she knew the words to “homosexual futile”, “crazy fool” and
“Mané fat and omega”, which was describe as the sincerity with father, mother and stepfather. But Madame
Rogers, his teacher of French, had no sense of humor, then it was unlikely that impressed with
the description of Blair.
Instead, Blair generously described his father as an “elegant
companion whose favorite hobby is the same as mine: buy shoes“, the mother as ”a good kind of
blonde who forgot the name if no one remembered for her“ and stepfather as ”a happy man
with a chuckle and an unusual taste for clothes, “The brother, Tyler, was easy:” It can be
very beautiful when growing, but the best friends it is the PlayStation 2 and the collection of discs of the
1980s. ”And Aaron remained. Blair made a break for a second. Elagostava of Aaron, although he
was acting in a quiet environment and taciturn lately. In the scale of half
brother he could have been much worse. Blair smiled and said with
herself, my new half-brother,
Aaron, you'll probably save the world. Ready. They were just
the coolest things I would say about someone.
The next question was: Imaginez qu'un djinn appears sur
votre épaule pour vous dire qu'il vous a accordera seul want. Quel serait votre want?
Blair batucou the number two pencils on the table of wood.
What would she ask? She wanted to get into Yale, is obvious. And wanted her mother and Cyrus
were on honeymoon forever for it to not have to live with them or see them if passionate
kissing in public all the time. She wanted Nate is changed to the Antarctic to never have to
touch him or that his girlfriend.
She also wanted a pair of very leather boots with caramel
jump 10 mosey; only had not yet found the right pair. And a sheep-jacket. And one of fox fur
hat with ears coverage.
She does not really care who the father was gay, but he
wanted to find a boyfriend to live in New York rather than in France, so that he could take her
to shop more often. And Serena wanted to be the class of advanced French to close that they
feel during the race tickets and go crazy on all the stories that newspapers today count
on Serena and Flow. It also means that he wanted her and Nate had followed in front and
back when they were together so it was not more virgin. And it means that I have not been
agreed to so late on Saturday with Miles, Flow and Serena, because it was still half of
hangover. Moreover, Miles had called her twice yesterday and left messages on the answering
machine, although she had given to him specifically a false number to never hear about it.
Until now was thinking about resuming the links.
Saturday night was fun, but the last thing they needed now
was a new boyfriend.
Mr. Beckham gave a noisy hawk, Blair raised his eyes and
sees the evidence. He had yellow hair. No yellow of blond, but yellow mucus as a serious
patient. The eyes of both were found and Mr. Beckham did something strange: it was red.
Blair distracted eyes, scared. Balançaram his feet nervously
as she looked the question.
Vous avez une desire. What desirez vous?
She wanted very professorzinho film that she hated the
thought of not the impression that it was in order. I wanted to be on the beach right now, instead
of freezing your butt in a classroom barely heated. I have taken the breakfast because
it was dead from hunger. I'd like a lot of things, but could only answer one.
Blair said he wanted to go to Yale, but seemed totally
redundant for a trainee secondary say that I go to a university, but it was better than reveal
some juicy personal details to Madame Rogers, anyway. So she designed a high-heeled botinha
margin in terms of evidence and looked for Mr. Beckham again. He was still looking for her,
his face a shade of thick reddish-purple. What he was doing? Up to the murder of her
or wonder how Blair would be of panties? She turned eyes, disgusted.
He looked at the clock Cartier platinum. Another hell of an
hour ahead. Next question.
Two floors below Blair, in the auditorium of the Constance
Billard School, Serena was ralando with proof of American history.
No. Serena was not exactly the type that ralava.
She had already counted the number of tips on his
tail-of-horse - nine - and had answered the question about the English involvement in the Second
World War with a very short essay about how during the war there were shortages of everything
and the British had to open hand of nylon socks because there was not available. Instead,
these courageous women, aware of the fashion industry and painting lines on the back of the
leg to give the impression that they were wearing stockings.
Serena sighed. Then a girl probably spent a night with a guy
and not have your picture filling all the gossip pages of the next day. Photos of Serena
and Flow in Gorgona appeared on the Post, in Entertainment Weekly, the People, the
Women's Wear Daily and on countless Web pages, all calling both "the new couple 'it'''.
That was ridiculous. She gave a kiss-off in Flow amanhecia
on the sidewalk when the bar of the Tribeca Star Hotel on Sunday, and he went out to catch a
private plane to Baja, where they would redo some of the scenes clip for the new music
from 45,
Life of Krim, before leaving for Christmas. He was
incredibly sweet and the two had a great night, but they definitely were not a couple. A couple meant
that the two see every day.
Meant that they were in love.
And while she and Flow could have been half in lust, they
definitely were not lovers,
despite the fact he has sent flowers to her.
Three dozen black tulips difficult-to-find, to be exact.
Serena was accustomed to winning in these guys, so the
flowers do not have, since Flow not begin to send him things every day. Sometimes a guy could
exaggerate a little. Consider Dan Humphrey, for example. He followed Serena as a puppy when
she returned to school in the fall, and even wrote poems that were so serious and sick of
love that came to scare. Serena like that of Dan, but he was way too intense. Lucky for her,
he fell in love with Vanessa,
who was also intense, and they formed a great couple. But
Serena was not interested in combining with anyone. She emphasized the independence,
their ability to follow the whims and do what it liked. She made a clean impulsive - form a
casalzinho only restrict his style.
Serena started the next question: When the U.S. armed forces
entered the Second World War and why?
A more pertinent question would be: Where is she would use
this knowledge? The answer was totally obvious: never!
Who to call what happened in the past when the future was in
front of you, with surprises and sensational loucuras inenarráveis hiding behind every
Someone gave her a pat on the shoulder and looked at Serena.
Mr. Hanson was the teacher of Latin and inspector of the evidence of history. He was tall,
thin and had a mustache who was always exactly the same size so that all the girls of
Constance were convinced that it was false.
- What? - Serena said, functioning. She knew that was
divagando, but could not be in trouble for it is written evidence could? - I did something wrong?
Then she realized that Mr. Hanson had a smile beneath the
He put a copy of the Post in her hands. I turned on page
six, the gossip page of the celebrities, where there was a huge picture of Serena and
Flow entering a taxi after leaving Gorgona on Saturday night.
- Sorry to interrupt, but I realized that you were finishing
the race and I was wondering if it would be possible to ask for autograph Flow this - he
whispered. - I am a big fan of him.
It would be great if you autograph.
Serena blinked. First, she did not even know that Mr. Hanson
was cool enough to know who was Flow. Second, she did not intend to ask nothing to Flow. And
third - If ligaaaa! She was nowhere near finishing the race!
- The Flow is in Baja - she whispered back. - OK if I only
autograph? - She gave a look at the room, embarrassed. Most of the other girls had stopped
writing and was looking for her and for Mr. Hanson or talking.
- I knew that Serena and Flow are engaged - Nicki Burton
said the friend Alicia Edwards. -
They will be married on the eve of New Year-in Vegas. In the
- The Post said they met in the Black-and-White on Saturday
- Isabel Coates said the Kati Farkas. - But it is not quite true.
- They met in the recovery last year, right? - Kati said. -
Flow was recovering, so kind, a dozen times. But it also.
Serena signed his name and returned the paper to Mr. Hanson,
hoping that he would not give him a bad note in Latin, now that she does not pegara
autograph of the Flow.
- Thanks - he whispered, looking to sign it. He smiled all
excited. - I am sure it will worth a fortune one day!
- Sure - Serena said, being lenient with him. The buzz in
the room was getting louder.
- Very good, girls. Back to work - roughly shouted Mr.
Hanson returned to his desk while in front of the room.
Serena looked at the evidence again. When the American
forces entered the Second World War and why?
But before he could begin to respond, came a swarm of dozens
of members of the class, all holding copies of the Post for her autograph. Mr. Hanson
could not tell them to stop when he was himself who started everything.
- Very well - he said, ignoring the pleading eyes of Serena.
- I will give the five minutes all the more in our evidence. Five minutes, then I want to
return to their portfolios.
- First I! - Rain Hoffstetter shouted, extending his copy of
the Post for Serena.
- No, me! - It was the turn of Laura Salmon shouting,
pushing Rain to the side.
Serena laughed to herself in amazement. When he returned to
school two months before, was considered a leper. And now everyone wanted his autograph.
She hesitated, the pen placed on top of the photo copy of
Laura. Then she wrote in her typical letter full of turns: For you who love me, Serena.