Alleyn, Fredrica (10 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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'Of course you can,
he soothed her. 'Very soon will come the ecstasy,' he added and she felt the terrible deep ache that this movement always produced in her. An increased engorgement of her pelvic area, an unwanted stimulation of the nerves of her bladder and a strange throbbing pulse right at the core of her combined to give her a pleasure that was almost impossible to deny.

Twice the baron released the pressure only to reapply it until Cassandra was frantic with need, and then at last he opened up her labia with his hands and whispered, 'Now you can come,' and lightly swirled his tongue around the entrance to her urethra before flick-
g it against the stem of her clitoris.

Cassandra screamed. Her head went back as her stomach arched forward and when he continued to
Pply his tongue to the same spot she suddenly jack-knifed forward until her hands were in his hair and she was sobbing with relief and satisfaction.

Carefully the baron helped her to the armchair and as she collapsed into it he took off his dinner jacket and draped it around her shoulders, which to the watching Nicola only seemed to emphasise the young woman's nakedness.

Cassandra closed her eyes and the baron smoothed a few loose strands of hair off her face before turning to Nicola. She watched him in silence, her eyes huge and fixed on his. 'You see how well Cassandra can control her body,' he said gently. 'We will teach you that before you leave us, but not yet. It is far too soon for that because first you must learn about some of the delightful and relatively undisciplined pleasures in store for you.'

Nicola felt hypnotised as he sat next to her on the narrow couch. She tried to move but he quickly placed an arm across her waist. 'Stay where you are. The door is locked. No one can hear us. You will only spoil things for yourself if you make a scene, and somehow I believe you are more than ready to commence your education now, yes?'

She shook her head. 'No! I couldn't do anything like, that... I mean, I've never . . .'

'Your father told me of your innocence. It is charming. You have no need to be ashamed of it.'

'But I don't want . . .'

'Of course you do,' he said with a reassuring smile. 'It is there on your face, in your eyes, in the very texture of your skin. We have aroused you, and now you can begin to learn the pleasure such arousal brings. Cassan-1 dra, come and join us. It is time.'

Cassandra quickly left her chair, discarding the baron's dinner jacket so that she was again naked
for her stockings, and hurried over to join him
Nicola's side.

The girl was sitting up against the raised head of the

and the baron slowly eased her shoulders for
so that he could unfasten the zip at the back of the carefully selected pink dress. He pulled it as low as her waist and then eased her back against the couch head again.

Cassandra moved behind Nicola's head and rested her long, slim fingers against the girl's damp shoulders. She could feel the heat coming off the skin and the slight dampness indicated only too well that whatever she might say, Nicola was indeed ready for what was about to happen.

'Just relax, Nicola,' said the baron softly. 'This is what life is all about, sensual pleasure and learning to both accept and give it.' As he spoke he very carefully peeled down the bodice of the dress, easing it forward until Nicola's breasts spilled out and then continuing to double it over on itself until her upper torso was totally bare.

Cassandra could feel the girl's shoulders shaking beneath her hands and she whispered reassuringly to her, but Nicola wasn't listening. She was watching the baron as he carefully licked the middle finger of his right hand and then drew it with exquisite tenderness along the red lines beneath her breasts where the bones of the bodice had pressed into her skin.

The light damp touch against the heated bands made her jump. 'Quietly,' he murmured, his eyes studying her breasts even as he continued to move his finger °ver the skin beneath them. 'Keep as still as you can.'

After a few moments he let his fingers brush up over her ribcage, just as he'd seen her do to herself on the Monitor, and the pupils of her eyes enlarged as she swallowed hard. His lips curved upwards in a slight
nule and then his fingers were on the undersides of the breasts themselves, stroking up over the lush flesh towards the exceptionally dark and unexpectedly large

For Nicola, even this light touch was like a searing


brand. Her breasts felt as though they were expanding with every second that passed and her whole body was churning with a kind of sick excitement that she felt she should subdue. She twisted her shoulders to try and free herself but Cassandra's fingers proved surprisingly strong and it was impossible to escape the baron's relentless progress.

At last he reached the nipples themselves. He studied them with the eye of a connoisseur. A little too large and dark for his taste, but still highly erotic, especially on such a small, pale body. He flicked at one of the nipples, his nail hard against the delicate and previously untouched tissue. Nicola gasped and pressed herself back against the end of the couch.

The baron allowed himself a small laugh. 'There's no need to be coy, Nicola. After all, this is why you're here. You should enjoy it.'

She knew that she should, and that she very easily could, but a part of her kept saying that it was wrong, that she shouldn't be responding to this man's touch, however skilled and experienced he might be, because it was so detached. In her mind she had imagined that one day she'd fall in love and then magical and totally mysterious things would happen to her body, but this man was making things happen despite the fact that he wasn't in love with her.

The baron could guess at the conflict going on in her mind. It didn't trouble him. The corruption of innocence, the destruction of outdated ideals, they were all part of the fun of the game. Within a few days she'd think nothing of this as her horizons expanded.

Softly he closed one hand around her left breast and squeezed it. At first the pressure was gentle and almost unsexual, but then the fingers began to tighten and her breast swelled until it felt too large for his grip but still he kept tightening his fingers and now it felt uncomfortable and she began to shift restlessly on the couch while small whimpering sounds came from her throat.

the sounds of protest the baron could feel how hard Nicola's nipple was against the palm of his hand. Abruptly, just as the girl felt that she couldn't stand the pressure any more, he released her and bending his head forward, he spread his mouth over the entire nipple and sucked steadily, drawing as much
possible into his mouth and at the same time easing his head back so that
hadn't kept
hold on Nicola's shoulders she would have moved with him.

As it was she was forced to remain immobile and she whimpered more loudly as her nipple, already sensitised by his grip, was extended to its limit. 'Please, don't do that!' she implored him as strange currents of heat coursed through her breasts. He ignored her.

Now he took the nipple into his mouth, twirled his tongue around its rigid hardness for several seconds while she squirmed with what she was certain was forbidden delight, and then he gazed deep into her eyes and nipped on the very tip of it, before letting his teeth graze along the entire length of the nipple and then finally releasing it.

He saw the change in her eyes. Saw the troubled, doubtful look vanish as his teeth sent sharp little darts of pain shooting through her. Her hips began to twist from side to side and she uttered tiny incomprehensible moans of sheer pleasure as the pain drew forth her first tiny climax of the evening.

The baron continued to hold her gaze, trying to look deep down into her soul to see exactly what kind of a
oman she was going to become. As she stared back at him, her normally innocent eyes suddenly appearing
ore knowing, he realised that without her being aware

it, he probably had her measure already.

She looked delicate, she was definitely naive and untouched, but she would adapt quickly to the darkly sensual pleasures that he so enjoyed. Her initial
esponse had been relatively muted until the mixture of pleasure and pain, then she had been totally at the mercy of her body. He was surprised, but it made the prospect of the forthcoming weeks far more exciting.

Now that he had elicited a positive response
Nicola the baron was encouraged to go further. He signalled for Cassandra to release the girl's shoulders then deftly turned her on her side and finished unfastening her zip so that he could slide the dress down over her hips and legs before letting it fall in a heap on the floor at the end of the couch.

A slightly dazed Nicola, heavy-headed from the wine and still acutely aware of her tender left breast and the strange sensations that had just engulfed her body, didn't even realise what was happening until she felt the air across her stomach and thighs, then she struggled to sit upright.

The baron watched her impassively. She glanced at him from beneath lowered lashes in what he assumed must be an unintentionally provocative manner and crossed her arms awkwardly over her bare breasts. Cassandra promptly drew the girl's arms away, down to her sides again. 'The baron likes to look,' she explained. 'There's nothing to be ashamed of, your breasts are lovely.'

'I want to go to my room,' protested Nicola. 'I'm not sure I want to . . .'

'Your father's instructions were clear. I am expected to teach you how to fulfil yourself sexually and this is only the beginning,' said the baron shortly. 'You, if you remember, are expected to obey me. Now, let me see just how much you liked our little exercise.'

He placed a hand between her thighs, and encountered a tell-tale damp patch on the white cotton panties. 'Quite a bit, it seems. Now spread your legs a little wider. Cassandra, fetch the pelvic pillows.'

These ribbed, inflated cushions had been placed on the chaise longue earlier and Cassandra slid one beneath Nicola's lower back and the second
her bottom so that it was easier both for the baron to explore her and for Cassandra to watch. It was also a simple matter for Cassandra to slip Nicola's panties off her, despite the girl's pleas for them to be left on.

'Do be quiet,' said the baron, irritated by this. 'You know perfectly well you have no choice, and are simply delaying your own pleasure.' He tweaked her right nipple as he spoke and to Nicola's shamed astonishment it sprang instantly erect.

From his trouser pocket the baron drew a tiny silver chain with a miniature handcuff charm on each end. He slipped the adjustable loops of the charms over each dark nipple, securing them tightly against the areola. Nicola felt the instant pressure and as her nipples swelled the baron licked each of the hard, pointed ends and waves of pleasure swept through her.

'There, it looks enchanting and increases your sensitivity,' said the baron with satisfaction. 'You will wear it beneath your nightgown tonight. Do not remove it yourself at any time. Cassandra will attend to it in the morning.'

At last it was time for him to explore, albeit very slowly, her most secret parts and he moved to the end of the couch, separating her knees and examining her upthrust vulva. The soft, downy hair was like a child's and he brushed it carefully upwards, revealing pale skin underneath and tightly closed outer sex lips. Nicola could hardly breathe as his fingers began to wander along the tops of her thighs, delicately stroking the highly sensitive skin.

Although he stroked behind her knees and across her tense stomach for a long time, Nicola's sex refused to °pen for him. At last he glanced up at Cassandra. 'Hold her lips apart for me.'

'No!' protested Nicola, trying to close her knees
gainst the pressure of his hands.

'In a moment,' he said with dangerous softness, 'I am going to get very annoyed with you. Your father assured me you were obedient. Was he wrong? Or worse still, lying to me?'

Silently, well aware of what her father's rage would be like if she offended his friend, Nicola let her knees part again. She didn't want to annoy the baron, all she wanted to do was to please him, but having Cassandra present was making it very hard for her, and her previously unawakened body was in such turmoil it no longer felt as though it belonged to her.

Very carefully Cassandra parted Nicola's outer sex lips, feeling the girl's body tremble as she did so. The baron studied the delicate soft pink inner lips, the intricate folds of her still unawakened womanhood and his right hand pressed upwards on the skin over her pubic bone so that her clitoral hood moved back to reveal the tiny pearl-like button that would give her so much delight in the weeks to come.

After a few moments he released the hood and using the middle finger of his right hand he lightly circled the entrance to her vagina, spreading some of the milky secretions that were leaking from it up along the insides of her inner lips. Nicola's hips shook and a strange tightness seemed to gather in her stomach. Then she felt the finger return to the entrance and move carefully against it.

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