Alleyn, Fredrica (14 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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'Keep her still!' hissed the baron. Cassandra quickly grabbed at Nicola's hips again. The girl's eyes were half closed and she was making deep moaning sounds in her throat as he continued to arouse her most tender tissue. When he let his fingers beat a sudden, unexpected tattoo just below where her clitoris was standing erect she thought she'd go mad with need and pushed her pelvis upwards so that he nearly touched the bud itself by mistake.

The baron was not pleased. He understood how she was feeling, could tell that her body was almost ready to burst with pent-up desire, but he still expected more obedience than that even from a new, untried girl. If it hadn't been her first time with him he would have punished her without hesitation, but that particular pleasure was something that would have to wait. For now he would simply have to give in to her body's demands before she brought about her own satisfaction with an unexpected movement.

He eased himself onto the bed and Cassandra quickly slid a pillow beneath Nicola's hips. Suddenly the girl stopped her moaning and her hips ceased to move as she stared up at the stern-looking man positioned above her. He was staring down at her face and for the first time his eyes didn't seem as soft and kind as she'd always imagined them. They were darker, filled with a strange excitement that she sensed had very little to do with her and her rising passion, and everything to do with some strange secret of his own.

His legs lay on the bed between hers and he supported himself on his arms as his penis nudged at the entrance to her vagina, already well lubricated with her juices. Nicola held her breath, her muscles tense, and her earlier excitement began to fade.

'Relax,' he murmured, looking down at her. 'Help me; draw me in using your muscles.' But she couldn't, she had no idea what muscles he meant or how to go about it, and so she simply lay there, tensed against him despite her need.

Cassandra swiftly went to the head of the bed and recommenced what the baron had begun with the powder puff, so that within seconds Nicola's breasts were once more sending signals of arousal to her brain and her hips moved a little, but still the baron couldn't penetrate her.

'Let your knees fall apart,' he said softly. 'Open up to me more fully.' She obeyed, he felt her vaginal opening expand and at last he could slide into the moist warmth of her. She was incredibly tight and it took all of his self-control to hold back as he angled his body more carefully to ensure that her clitoris was stimulated as he moved in and out of her. Once he was sure that would happen he let his hips move in the way he liked best, starting with slow thrusts and increasing the tempo as his climax built.

Beneath him Nicola started to cry out with excitement, lifting her pelvis so that the wonderful sensations she was getting increased even more and her hands reached up to touch his chest in a gesture that was half submission and half gratitude. Now the feelings were gathering pace, sweeping up and over her body in a way she'd never imagined possible and as the baron continued to thrust Cassandra lowered her head and let her teeth graze across those long, dark nipples that seemed to be the key to Nicola's pleasure.

As the quick sharpness of the graze made itself known to Nicola's already overexcited body she felt as though she was being gripped in the middle of her stomach by a giant hand that was pulling all her muscles and nerve endings tightly into one focal point and she rose up off the bed as the first orgasmic waves crashed over her, hearing herself crying out incoherently while the baron continued thrusting into her, feeling his own climax appoaching.

Nicola's sharp, keening cry at the moment when her climax peaked was sufficient to trigger the baron's release and he clenched his teeth, his breath expelling in a long slow hissing sound as his features contorted while his body spasmed in a violent climax that went on and on, surprising both him and Cassandra.

When it was finally over he carefully withdrew from Nicola and sat on the side of the bed, absentmindedly caressing her still trembling stomach. 'Now I think we'll see what a vibrator can do for her,' he said.

Cassandra looked at the baron in surprise. 'I think perhaps she needs some time to recover first,' she suggested tentatively.

He smiled at her. 'How considerate of you. In that case, maybe you would care to show her the best way to use one, and then she can do it herself while we watch.'

Cassandra wished she'd never spoken, but she could remember all too well how shattering the first climaxes with the baron had been for her, and knew that at this point in time the last thing Nicola would be wanting was the touch of a vibrator on her highly sensitive tissue.

'Well?' he asked impatiently. 'Which is it to be?'

Remembering her role in this new game, Cassandra began to slip off her bikini. 'I'll show her,' she agreed.

'Sit up Nicola,' said the baron, his hand stopping its casual caresses of her still tingling flesh. 'Come and sit beside me while Cassandra shows you how best to use a vibrator. Unless you're already skilled in that particular accomplishment of course?'

Nicola, her body still in a state of heightened sensitivity after losing her virginity, shook her head. 'No . . . that is, I've never used anything except . . .'

He nodded. It didn't surprise him. 'In that case, watch very carefully. As soon as Cassandra's finished I shall expect you to give us a demonstration.'

Nicola shook her head. 'I couldn't! Not now, and not with another woman in the room.'

Cassandra glanced at the girl in astonishment, and then at her lover whose face, as she'd expected, had darkened in annoyance. 'You have an unfortunate tendency to argue, Nicola. It irritates me. And since you seem to find Cassandra's presence disturbing, I think I should warn you that at the weekend three friends of mine will be joining us for the rest of your stay here. I
prefer to take my pleasure with friends. Do you understand my meaning?'

Nicola could scarcely believe what she was hearing. A few minutes earlier she'd been lost in the most wonderful sensations imaginable, all brought about by this compelling but stern-faced man now looking at her i as though she was some badly behaved child rather than a lover. As for the thought of taking part in any kind of group sex, she didn't dare consider it too closely. Instead, she moved to sit where he'd indicated on the bed and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes.

Cassandra could see how upset she was, but hard-
ened her heart. Nicola would learn, just as she had learnt, and if she couldn't adapt to the baron's rules and way of living then she'd go and the game would be

over. Already Cassandra had done more than most women in her position would have done to help her. From now on Nicola would have to cope on her own.

'Prop yourself up on the pillows, bend your knees and then let them fall apart to the sides, that will give us the best view,' the baron said casually. 'Which vibrator would you like to use?'

Cassandra thought quickly, considering what would be best for Nicola as well as for the way she herself was feeling. 'The small one with the golden tip,' she said at last. Silently the baron handed it to her from a small case his mistress had brought into the room earlier.

Next to him, Nicola's figure drooped slightly from weariness and disappointment at the lack of closeness and privacy she was getting from the baron. 'Sit up straight,' he said harshly. 'And watch everything that Cassandra does. Begin when you like,' he added to his mistress.

For Cassandra it was a strange experience. She'd been very aroused by titillating Nicola throughout the morning, half-satisfied by her encounter with Peter in the pavilion and then driven to heights of overwhelming need when she'd watched the baron play with Nicola's innocent, straining body as he'd finally shown her what sex with a man was like. Now, although longing for the feel of her lover inside her, Cassandra had to satisfy herself, and do it well, in front of the same girl who'd caused her longing for the baron to increase to such a pitch.

When she pulled her legs up and then let her knees fall apart she felt her outer sex lips sticking together, closed by her own lubrication from all she'd witnessed. She heard the baron give a low laugh as she used her left hand to gently ease the lips apart, revealing her inner lips that were slightly darker than Nicola's.

She turned the vibrator on to the lowest speed and let it travel slowly around the entire exposed area, lazily moving it round and round until slowly she felt her whole vulva beginning to swell and lubricate even more. She teased it round the entrance to her vagina, and heard the baron's breath catch as he watched her work so knowingly and without any trace of self-consciousness, while beside him Nicola sat frozen with dread at the prospect of having to do the same thing herself.

As Cassandra's excitement grew her lower stomach tightened as her pelvic area began to engorge due to the excitement it was experiencing. She moved the slim, pointed gold head of the vibrator very carefully up the inner channel of her sex lips and then circled it teasingly around the base of her clitoris just long enough for the first delicious tremors to start deep within her.

As soon as that began she moved it on, once more circling it in a general fashion until her level of arousal dipped a little and then it was safe for her to return nearer to the clitoris, now swollen and standing out from its protective hood. This time she let the vibrator move along the side of the stem of the tiny nub and gasped with delight as the hot tightness began to rise deep within the core of her and her legs trembled while her hips jerked and her nipples rose like delicate pink cones from her tightening breasts.

The baron watched her as if he were hypnotised. He adored to see her like this, revelling in her own sexual skill, enjoying her pleasure without any thought of the onlookers. She was a sensual woman and proud of it, and he suddenly wished that he could take her right there, just at the moment when she was about to let her pleasure spill over.

Nicola watched the other woman's trembling flesh, swollen sex lips and pulsating clitoris and felt certain she could never emulate Cassandra. Wracked by the orgasm the baron had induced in her she'd had no idea what she'd looked like or the changes that had been taking place in her body. Now that she knew, she felt horribly self-conscious and wished desperately for a chance to escape what lay ahead of her.

Cassandra couldn't wait any longer. She could feel her clitoris starting to retract beneath its hood as it always did when a climax was approaching and so she quickly skimmed the vibrator across the thin membrane of skin just below the opening of her urethra, felt the sharp jolts of pleasure shoot from her thighs up through her stomach and into her breasts and then increased the power of the vibrator and ran it along the side of the stem of the clitoris. This was her most sensitive spot, and the moment the vibrator touched her there her whole body jerked off the bed as though an electric current had been passed through her. Her head went back against the pillows as her muscles rippled in a fierce contraction of long-awaited release so that she heard herself crying out, 'Yes! Oh yes!' at the bliss of dissipated tension.

The baron reached across in front of Nicola, gripped Cassandra's hipbones with his thumbs and then used his long fingers to knead her stomach right across the centre, pressing down firmly around the small belly button and manipulating the entire engorged pelvic area so that even before the final spasms of her self-induced orgasm had died away Cassandra was lifted up on another wave of ecstasy. This time her legs went rigid and her moans of pleasure sounded to Nicola like groans of pain because the ecstasy was so great it almost hurt.

The baron was reluctant to release her. He watched her head twisting and turning from side to side, her stomach leaping and saw the way her breast tissue expanded until the skin was stretched so tightly round the normally small globes they seemed shiny.

For Cassandra the deep aching contractions went on and on as his diabolical fingers continued to play on her, and in the end she opened her eyes and silently beseeched him to stop, so intense were the feelings becoming. Although she was still in the throes of a climax he took pity on her and removed his hands, watching her final spasmodic movements as her body gradually quietened without his manipulations.

When it was over she lay back against the pillows, totally exhausted, her hair clinging damply to her forehead and smiled at him. The baron smiled back and then turned to the waiting girl.

'Right, Nicola, time for you to show us what you've learnt.'

Nicola stared at him. She stopped herself from saying that she couldn't possibly do it, that there was no way she could be as uninhibited as his mistress, but her eyes pleaded mutely for escape. Cassandra could have told her that once the baron was set on a course nothing would deflect him. You either went along with his ideas or he abandoned you.

'We're waiting,' he reminded her.

And then, as Nicola saw him glance at Cassandra with what looked like a genuinely approving smile, something new stirred within the girl. She wanted him to look at her like that. If he was capable of tenderness, or indeed affection, then she would be the one to receive it. There was a subservience about the other woman that Nicola found slightly distasteful, and she thought that the baron must find it so as well. She would show that she could be just as adventurous, just as sensual as Cassandra but without that suggestion of deference that tinged everything his mistress did.

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