Alleyn, Fredrica (12 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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Cassandra saw it too and with a laugh drew her hands across it, making Peter gasp and he bit on his lip to try and distract himself from the gentle caress on his already bursting manhood.

'See how you excite him, Nicola! Be careful, Peter, the baron wouldn't expect any accident from you, would he?'

Peter shook his head, but when Cassandra unfastened the zip at the front of his shorts his erection sprang out, purple-tipped and hard with desire. Nicola stared at it while Cassandra's slim, clever fingers closed round the shaft for a minute and then softly teased the acutely sensitive ridge of flesh beneath the glans so that he actually groaned as his testicles began to tighten in preparation for release.

'Do you want to touch him?' asked Cassandra, looking gently into Nicola's startled eyes. Peter hardly dared to breathe. If the girl's unpractised hands were to grasp him now his control would shatter.

Nicola, her gaze riveted on Peter's erection, swallowed and just managed to force a whispered 'No, thank you,' through her dry lips.

'No? Then he'd better put it away again! Shall I help you, Peter?'

The baron's manservant backed away from Cassandra, pushing at his painfully hard penis before his mistress forced a mistake from him. She was so beautiful and skilled in her manipulations that he often failed to last as expected in her presence. When his shorts were once more fastened he gave a sigh of relief and waited for further instructions.

Cassandra laughed. 'Well done! I think I'll just make certain all the soap's off Nicola and then you can help her dress. Nicola, stand up again please.'

Nicola's legs felt shaky after the scene she'd witnessed and she stood hesitantly, knee-deep in bath water. Cassandra unhooked the shower head, tested the temperature and then had Peter arrange Nicola sideways across the bath, her feet against the far wall tiles, her back on the side of the bath nearest to them and her head cradled in his hands. She struggled, but it was easy for him to overpower her.

'Spread your legs,' said Cassandra crisply. Nicola hesitated and Cassandra pushed them apart. 'You really must obey quicker you know. Now close your eyes and see how you enjoy this.'

Nicola's extended legs quivered as she waited for the spray to hit her on her most sensitive spot, and when the warm water finally sprayed against her vulva her body tightened with the increasingly familiar strange excitement and she felt herself opening there in a shameful way.

Cassandra murmured in approval and allowed the spray to move higher up the pubic mound and over the belly. Nicola uttered tiny mewing sounds of delight and her hips started to twist. Immediately Cassandra turned off the spray.

'There, that's all the soap gone. Peter can rub you down with this towel.'

Peter lifted the slight figure onto the bathmat and wrapped it in a carefully chosen rough cotton towel. When he rubbed it, Nicola's skin was stimulated rather than soothed and by the time she was dry her body was bright pink from neck to toe.

Back in the bedroom, Cassandra looked through Nicola's cupboards. 'All your swimming costumes are very old-fashioned,' she commented. 'I'll lend you one of mine.'

'We aren't the same size!' protested Nicola.

Cassandra stopped in the doorway. 'Nicola, you seem to find it very difficult to do as you're told. I can tell you from personal experience that is not the way to please the baron.'

'You mean he wants me in one of your swimming costumes all day?'

'He wants you in a suitable costume until he returns for his afternoon siesta,' responded Cassandra softly.

Peter stayed with the naked girl until Cassandra returned carrying a strange-looking two-piece costume. The top half consisted of two adjustable metal rings with material attached, and the bottom half was little more than a leather thong with a triangle of matching material at the front. 'This will do I think. I'll help you put it on,' said Cassandra.

Nicola stood quite still now as the rings were slipped over her breasts and then tightened until the fit was secure. There was a tiny piece of elastic between the two rings and so once the material had been straightened it looked like a conventional bikini top, except that it had no obvious way of keeping it on, but the tight cold metal rings lifted and pointed her breasts in a highly provocative way.

Even so, that was nothing compared to the shock Nicola got when she stepped into the bottom and Cassandra jerked the leather thong sharply upwards, splitting the young girl's sex lips and buttocks apart.

'No!' gasped Nicola. 'I can't wear this. It hurts, it's too tight.'

'It's meant to be tight. I've worn one myself and it doesn't hurt at all; quite the contrary in fact. Here, let me adjust it.'

Peter watched as Cassandra made certain the thong was pressing over Nicola's clitoris and she then pulled the top of the garment up higher still so that the pressure would be relentless.

Nicola hated the feeling of the thin strap between her buttocks, and her parted labia felt swollen and irritated already, but when she looked in one of the mirrors she could see how sexy the outfit was.

'Put a long-sleeved loose blouse over it and then come down to breakfast,' said Cassandra, suddenly anxious to get on with the morning's work. 'Peter will wait for you.'

After they'd eaten their croissants, thickly spread with apricot jam, and drunk yet more coffee, Cassandra, Peter and Nicola went through a side door and along a flagstoned path that wound its way past small areas of lawn full of carefully clipped bushes and thick clumps of pampas grass, until they reached the outdoor pool.

This had originally been an orangery and the rectangular pool, surrounded by concrete slabs, was protected by marble columns covered in sweet-smelling, multicoloured climbing roses. At one end of the pool sun loungers were already in place for them, while at the other a tiny white pavilion provided changing rooms for the more selfconscious of the baron's guests.

Nicola glanced towards it. 'That's really lovely,' she commented.

'It is pretty,' agreed Cassandra, 'but it's mostly used by the baron's small daughters when they're staying here.'

'I didn't know he had any children. Are they with their mother?' asked Nicola.

'Their mother's dead,' said Cassandra quietly. 'They spend most of their time in Austria with their grandparents. Dieter loves them of course, but there's nothing for them to do here.'

'I'd have thought it was perfect for children,' said Nicola. 'They could have ponies, a playground . . .'

'If you're sensible you won't mention either the girls or their mother to Dieter,' said Cassandra. 'He's a very private person in that respect.'

'I could help look after them,' said Nicola brightly, suddenly envisaging a permanent place for herself at the chateau.

'I look after them when they're here,' replied Cassandra shortly. 'We get on very well.'

Nicola decided to let the subject drop for the time being, although she stored the information away for possible further use. Lying down on one of the loungers she surreptitiously tried to ease the bottom half of her bikini down a little.

'Leave that alone,' said Cassandra swiftly. 'Peter, I think you'd better put some suncream on me. It's so easy to burn here.'

She herself was wearing a minute cerise bikini and when Nicola turned to look Cassandra was casually peeling off the top half and letting Peter massage the suntan lotion onto her shoulders and breasts. She sighed voluptuously as he worked and her tiny nipples began to stand up from the pale globes.

Nicola's throat tightened and she felt herself growing very damp around the thong of her bikini bottom. She shifted uneasily on her lounger.

Cassandra turned over to let Peter do her back and when he reached the base of her spine he let his hands move beneath the material, squeezing her buttocks and allowing one lubricated finger to slide into her back passage.

Cassandra squirmed with delight, and although Nicola couldn't see what was happening she could almost feel the waves of sexual arousal coming from Cassandra's body. Remembering his orders Peter then had to stop, and he now concentrated on Cassandra's long, shapely legs, letting his hands spend as long as possible at the top of her thighs.

'That's fine,' murmured Cassandra. 'You'd better do the same for Nicola, although she must keep her top on. The baron might be annoyed if she didn't.'

In her innocence, Nicola wondered why the baron wouldn't be annoyed to know what Peter had done to his mistress, but now she found the young man's attentions to the unprotected areas of flesh more than enough to cope with.

When he'd anointed both women, Peter took off his shorts to reveal a pair of minuscule swimming briefs that barely contained his erection. He then strode to the side of the pool and slipped into the water. 'Come on,' he called to the two young women who were lying watching him. 'It's lovely and warm.'

'You go, Nicola,' said Cassandra. 'I'm too tired to swim just yet.'

'But I . . .'

'It's time for your swim,' repeated Cassandra more firmly.

Nicola understood that this was another instruction and walked self-consciously to the side of the pool. She then sat on the edge and let her feet dangle in the water. As Peter had said, it was beautifully warm. He lifted his hands up and grasping her by the waist swung her into the air, off the side of the pool and then down into the water until she found herself standing waist-deep beside him.

The water lapped between her legs, surrounding her almost entirely exposed vulva and tightening the leather thong so that it pressed against her most sensitive parts, causing a strange throbbing tightness between her legs.

'You can swim, can't you?' asked Peter.

'Of course.'

'Then I'll race you to the other end.'

He set off in a powerful crawl while she swum more slowly after him, using a leisurely breast-stroke. Cassandra watched for a few minutes and then went down to sit at the side of the pool herself.

In the deep end, Nicola was hanging on to the side of the pool for support while Peter trod water. Suddenly his hands grasped Nicola's naked buttocks and he eased her up and down in the water while his fingers dug into the undersides of the tight cheeks of her bottom. She was facing him, and when he pulled her closer she could feel his erection nudging against her hip.

Peter stared into her dark blue eyes and saw the gleam of small white teeth between her parted lips. She looked incredibly desirable, so innocent and yet so clearly ready to learn, that he could hardly bear to be so close but not allowed to do more than brush against her and titillate her sufficiently for the baron's afternoon pleasures to give him and the girl maximum enjoyment.

Diving beneath the startled Nicola, Peter surfaced between her legs and then parted them, positioning one on each side of his head. When he rose up out of the water she was sitting on him, her wet hands clutching at his equally wet hair and her legs so widely parted that he and Cassandra knew that the thong must be arousing her clitoris and the surrounding flesh with increasing strength.

Certainly Nicola was very aware of the thong, and of the tight metal loops around her breasts and the clinging damp material that covered their surface. She seemed to be a mass of new sensations, none of them uncomfortable but all of them promising something that had never yet happened. Despite the water and the lovely surroundings she felt hot, irritable and disorientated, and wished that her body would quieten, allowing her to be less aware of it.

Laughing, Peter swam down the pool to the shallow end with Nicola still balanced on him, although for most of the journey she had to ease herself lower down his back in order to be carried along safely. Once at the shallow end she was tipped off and when she surfaced spluttering and with water in her eyes and ears, Peter was already climbing out of the pool.

'You didn't have to get that wet!' exclaimed Cassandra, a strange smile round her lips. 'You'd better go into the house and get yourself a towel. Bring a couple of spare ones too, would you? I forgot when we came out.'

Nicola pulled herself up onto the pool side, and immediately currents of electricity shot through her belly. She stopped, startled by the feeling and then wriggled her hips to try and move the thong that she realised was causing it.

'Hurry up!' said Cassandra, still smiling. 'Peter needs a towel nearly as badly as you do.'

Nicola padded back to the house. She found Monique in the first room she entered and asked her to go and fetch the towels. Monique hurried off to do the girl's bidding and within a few minutes Nicola was back by the pool, but to her astonishment no one was there. Cassandra and Peter had vanished.

She looked around the poolside, and then decided to see if they'd taken refuge from the overhead sun in the pavilion. As she climbed the steps she heard small sounds from behind the slightly open door and slowed her approach, sensing that it might be better not to warn them of her coming.

At first, peering into the gloomy interior from the bright sunlight outside, it was difficult for her to make out what was happening but slowly the two figures became clearer and now Nicola's already overheated body shook with disbelief and excitement as she saw exactly what they were doing.

Cassandra was lying face down on one of the slatted benches. Peter was holding her hips raised and his huge erection, the one that Nicola had seen earlier, was now sliding smoothly in and out of his mistress who was moaning and writhing beneath him. As if this wasn't startling enough there was something protruding from between Cassandra's buttocks, something long and slim that moved with every excited contraction of her muscles.

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