Alleyn, Fredrica (3 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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From the bed the baron watched in astonishment, his own breathing almost as rapid as his powerless lover's, as she struggled in front of his eyes to obey Sir James's wishes. He saw the painfully tight stomach muscles contracting and then being forced into submission so that her climax didn't spill over.

He watched the nipples pressing against the silk scarf so hard that this pressure alone must have nearly triggered the climax, but again Cassandra mastered her feelings and even when Lara stopped squeezing the douche bag and allowed herself to touch the tiny, still extended bud of ecstasy, Cassandra merely trembled violently while her eyes widened in a silent but frantic appeal for mercy.

Sir James knew that one more touch, one more piece of stimulation, would finish her, but he was a fair man and the game was over. Cassandra had done all that he'd demanded and succeeded in controlling her climax.

'Brilliant!' he said softly. 'You're every bit as good as Dieter says.'

Lara looked slightly put out, as though his praise of another woman disturbed her, but the baron knew that it was a compliment on Cassandra's sexual skill rather than on her charms as a woman and again his hand caressed her body. 'You must tell me what it felt like,' he whispered, before turning back to watch her as she was finally allowed her release.

Sir James unbound her hard, aching breasts and let his tongue lap at the small pink nipples that the baron loved so much. Released from bondage and aroused again by this, they sprang erect like small sea anemones opening up and Cassandra moaned with joy.

After that, Sir James took the scarf and let it play across her whole body. First he trailed it down her spine and beneath her buttocks, then he brought it round to the front of her and drew it along each of her quivering sides in turn, watching her flesh leap at its silken caress. Finally he drew it between her thighs and she was again instructed to bend her knees and bear down, only this time she did it with an eagerness that made the watching baron smile.

The scarf was now running from front to back, with Lara holding the end behind Cassandra and Sir James the front end. He gently sprinkled it with some of the cool water from the copper bowl and then knelt down so that he could clearly see where her pulsating nub was showing through the tight, wet silk. He felt his mouth go dry with excitement and then using the pad of his thumb he pressed up against the nub, hearing Cassandra's involuntary moan as he did so. Next he rotated the still swelling protrusion with gradually increasing speed until all that Cassandra could feel was an unimaginably glorious heat and tightening between her thighs that spread swiftly outwards, growing in intensity, and this time as the first stirrings of her climax began to release themselves throughout her straining belly she didn't have to fight against it but could let it rush onwards.

Sir James had never watched a woman take such pleasure in her final release. Cassandra's eyes closed, her head went back and her breasts arched outwards as the ripples of excitement turned into crashing waves that seemed to the still-fastened young woman to grow and grow in size without reaching the crescendo towards which she was straining.

Very carefully Sir James drew the scarf aside and with one long movement he let his tongue lap upwards from her vagina, along the smooth inner lips and then at last over the forced-out and straining clitoris. It was this that finally toppled Cassandra over the edge.

She gave a scream of triumph and relief as her body spasmed in a paroxysm of release. For a moment she lost all sense of time and place as she turned into nothing more than a mass of exquisite sensations that even reached to the tips of her toes.

Lara stood beside her fiance and watched the slim, lean lines of the baron's mistress as she twisted and turned as much as her bonds would allow, while small whimpers of excitement continued to issue from her mouth even after the most severe spasms had abated.

'You see what the baron means when he says that pleasure delayed is pleasure doubled,' commented Sir James casually to his fiancee. Lara nodded. She knew that as yet she couldn't possibly control herself as Cassandra had done, but hoped that perhaps one day, after she and Sir James were married, the baron would teach her himself. In this she was quite mistaken. He had no interest in teaching Lara anything, although she was a welcome addition to his circle of acquaintances.

When Cassandra was finally still, Lara released her from the pillars while Sir James removed the bar from between her ankles. 'Would you care to join us in a threesome now, my dear?' he asked politely.

This was a request, not an instruction, and Cassandra knew she was free to do as she liked. 'That's very kind of you, but I do have other guests to attend to,' she said politely.

The baron watched the screen as Cassandra picked up the tattered remains of her camisole and French knickers and then walked gracefully away from the other two, her head high and her posture as upright and perfect as he always insisted. With a soft sigh, he turned off the tape and turned to look at Cassandra. 'As Sir James said, you were brilliant. Why didn't you go on to join them?'

Cassandra shrugged. 'I don't like him very much. Besides, he'd had his chance and lost. If I'd climaxed too soon he could have insisted I join the pair of them. I wanted to make my victory clear to him.'

She sounded so cool and composed that for a moment the baron had difficulty in reconciling the fact that she was the same woman he'd just watched twisting and turning in the throes of a huge orgasm watched by two people, one of whom, on her own admission, she didn't even like.

'Was it good?' he asked quietly. 'How did it feel when you finally came?'

'Mind-blowing, as usual. None of your guests ever fails to deliver full satisfaction in the end,' she said lightly.

He made a small clicking sound of exasperation. Once more she'd avoided telling him what he really wanted to know. Did she feel humiliated by what had happened, or invigorated? Had she really seen it as a triumph, or simply something to be endured for his sake?

'So, you really enjoy the parties?' he persisted, staring directly into her clear dark eyes.

'You know I do. More than you at the moment!'

He wrapped his arms around her, always a prelude to making love, and began to lick along her shoulder blades. 'That's true, but fortunately Sir James has come up with a solution to my boredom. There'll be no more parties here for a while. At last I have a new game to play!'

game?' Cassandra's heart began to beat more rapidly. In the baron's games there was always a loser.

'Yes, and a very exciting game too, but we'll talk about it later. First, I want to make love to you,

Slowly his mouth and hands began to work their very special magic on her, and she gave herself up to him because these moments were rare, and therefore extra precious to her.

It was only much later, when they were both fully sated, their naked bodies lying entwined, and daylight was creeping between the cracks of the closed shutters of the bedroom window that she remembered his earlier remark.

Slowly she removed herself from his embrace and sat up in the bed. 'Tell me about the new game, Dieter,' she said.

Chapter Two

he baron rolled over onto his back and covered his eyes with his right forearm. Even the small amount of light that was coming into the room seemed like too much. What he really wanted was another hour's sleep, but since Cassandra had raised the subject herself he decided that it might be as well to tell her everything immediately.

'Ring for some coffee and then we'll talk,' he murmured.

Cassandra reached for the bell-pull and in a couple of minutes Sophie appeared in their room. She was a small, dark-haired French girl, sturdily built with large breasts that fascinated many of their guests and also Peter, the manservant who had accompanied them from England.

This morning, dressed in her regulation black outfit with the obligatory frilly white apron and mob cap she bore no resemblance to the moaning, over-stimulated figure Cassandra remembered from the first night of the party, when many of the guests had decided to use her at the same time.

'Coffee please, and croissants too I think,' requested Cassandra.

Sophie, who was tired, was relieved that she wasn't wanted by the couple for one of their more bizarre games. She bobbed a quick curtsy and hurried off to do Cassandra's bidding. 'A pity she wasn't the one to break the jug,' muttered the baron. 'I think I would enjoy punishing her today. She has such a delicious relationship with the punishment chair.'

Cassandra, remembering that she had to deal with Monique's transgression before the day was out, wondered if she should use the chair on the other maid. It was always effective, but had to be used sparingly. She tried to recall when Monique had last been forced to endure it, but her memory failed her and she made a mental note to look it up in her punishment book before she made her final decision.

Once Sophie had reappeared with the coffee and then had withdrawn, Cassandra broke a croissant in half, spread it liberally with the thick golden honey produced by their own bees and took a large bite. She was starving after the night's activity and watching her lick at the drips that escaped from her mouth, the baron delighted in her appetite. Since coming to the chateau he had taught her how to savour everything more fully, from the full-bodied red wines of the surrounding area to the light, crisp dry whites; from the sweet, sticky honey she was eating now to the local speciality of crayfish cooked in wine. Above all, he'd continued to teach her how to take increasing sexual stimulation, to discipline her body and control her reactions until she was now sensually the most finely tuned woman he'd ever possessed. Yes, he mused, they hadn't wasted their time in the Loire, but now was the moment for things to move on.

He propped himself up against the pillows and ran a hand down one of her bare arms. 'While you were talking to Lara early this morning, Sir James and I were having an interesting discussion about his daughter, Nicola,' he said slowly.

Cassandra turned to look at him. 'In what way, interesting?' she asked casually, but inside she was tense. The excited gleam in his eyes, and the way his mouth was turning upwards at the corners were all signs that at last he had found some intriguing new diversion. She sensed that it could well put her position in jeopardy.

'I'll explain more fully,' he murmured and as he recounted the conversation he had held with the Englishman Cassandra's mouth went dry and she discarded the croissant, turning instead to a huge cup of bitter coffee for comfort.

'So, you see,' he concluded, 'it will be a wonderful game!'

'I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean,' she said.

He smiled, and a dimple appeared in his cheek, making him look young and boyish again. 'I think you do, Cassandra! Imagine how exciting it will be to teach this innocent girl the unimaginable joys of the flesh. Just think of the pleasure to be obtained from tutoring an untried body until it learns not only how to take pleasure but also how to discipline itself in the process. Do you remember how you felt when you first joined my household?' Cassandra nodded, a lump filling her throat at the memory. 'Well, that is how it will be for Nicola, only more so because as I understand it she is completely untouched. Not even a clumsy husband has been near her!'

'But the game?'

'The game, my dear Cassandra, is that I expect you to assist me every step of the way. Together we will introduce her to everything we share here. She will learn to take pleasure from pain, the importance of discipline applied with affection and above all, we will show her how best to please me.'

'When does the game end?' asked Cassandra.

The baron's naturally arched eyebrows were raised even higher. 'It ends, my dear, when she has learnt all that there is to learn; when we have completed her sexual education and she is quite literally "finished", as her father wishes.'

'But that isn't a game, it's simply an entertainment, something to keep you - to keep both of us - busy. A game has a winner.'

He nodded and now the smile was gone, the dimple had disappeared. 'There will be that too. Once Nicola is fully trained, once I think that you have truly done your best to pass on all the knowledge I've taught you, then she will be exquisite, don't you think?'

Cassandra nodded, already guessing what was coming next.

'So exquisite,' he continued softly, 'that I may well have difficulty in choosing who the winner is, but choose I must. After all, I can't have two chatelaines here in the Loire, can I?'

'You mean that you expect me to help you train a girl who might then take my place?' asked Cassandra incredulously.

He shrugged. 'I imagined you would have too much confidence in yourself to let the prospect of defeat enter your mind. It seems I was wrong. You disappoint me, Cassandra. Where is your sense of adventure?'

Cassandra fought to quell her rising panic. After all, why should she be surprised. Hadn't the same thing been expected of Katya, her predecessor? So why had she imagined it would be different for her. And yet she had imagined it. Because she was involved emotionally with the baron she had made the mistake of thinking it was the same for him, despite the fact that he had always told her that he was incapable of love.

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